olgeeeta-blog · 7 years
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olgeeeta-blog · 7 years
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olgeeeta-blog · 7 years
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olgeeeta-blog · 7 years
So it’s been a while…
It’s been a while since I simply thought of this website, but I’m back. Or at least I am right now.
It’s easily been two or three years since I last wrote on this website. Clearly, my last entry was on another blog since this one is fresh. I could have easily picked up where I left off on my last one but there was just way too many memories (good and bad) that were tethered to that specific blog, so I started fresh. Which has, coincidentally, been the main high light of these past few years.
Starting fresh. Letting go.
It hasn’t been easy by any means. Letting go of my old life and all that came with it (friends, old flames, boyfriends, bad habits I thought were good, good habits I thought were bad, etc, etc) and was made brand new by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You can say what you will. You can call it corny. You can call it stupid but it’s my life now. It changed and shook my world up. It hasn’t been easy at all but I sure as hell wouldn’t have it any other way.
So, BASICALLY, this is my safe haven. This is the place where I can come when things are getting tough and just type my little heart out. A place where myself and whoever it is that would ever read this can just be transparent and real. A place where I can keep track of my walk in Christ, keep track of my mountain highs and my valley lows. A personal account which I can look back at to help keep my faith when things are not looking too well and when it is running thin.
Welcome to the start of something messy, beautiful, painful, and real.
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