olivia11803 · 2 months
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My two favorite Barbie villains! ❤️
Here’s the link to the original post. Thank you to them for making these moodboards!
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olivia11803 · 3 months
Yes, thank you for writing this!
Dark!Halbrand (Sauron) x Elf!reader
Summary: The daughter of Gil-galad is seduced.
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: Dub-con/coercion + non-con. Toxic relationship. Possessiveness. Allusions to abduction. Mind & dream manipulation/control. Smut – unprotected p in v. Loss of virginity for both parties (trying to stay true to elf!reader, so sex = marriage). Minors DNI! 18+
Requested by Anon: “reader is the daughter of Gil Galad and Sauron seduces her with his beautiful words, but then Galadriel discovers Halbrand’s true identity and he becomes all dark, claiming reader and taking her with him to Mordor. Smut.”
I feel like I need to stress this because I’ve never posted smut before (especially for such a dark character). Please mind the warnings. If any of the things listed trigger you, don’t read any further. Halbrand is manipulative in this fic, to the point where the ‘reader’ cannot wholly differentiate their own thoughts from his. The sex is not consensual.
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Keep reading
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olivia11803 · 5 months
I love the color blue. 💙🦋🔵🔹🔷🟦🩵
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stained glass window. (via)
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olivia11803 · 5 months
chained shirtless Orm for your viewing pleasure under the cut
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olivia11803 · 8 months
My new crush ❤️🥰
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Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2 Anniversary.
Favorite character introduced in season 2: Sebastian Valtor
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olivia11803 · 8 months
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olivia11803 · 1 year
This is just funny to hear. Won’t be able watch that scene without thinking of this now! 😂
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Hannibal 2.13 Mizumono  
Hugh Dancy: In this scene […] Mads took it upon himself to heighten the tension by throwing the books as close to me as he could.
Bryan Fuller: (Laughs) Did any actually hit you?
Hugh Dancy: Uh, no, but there was a lot of - there was a lot of flinching.
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olivia11803 · 1 year
I have an obsession with Tyler
Tyler Galpin x reader: Bunny
Tyler had staked his claim on Y/n the moment he'd met her, decided she was his bunny, his innocent bunny to nurture and protect. When he was younger he'd thought it was because he saw her like a sister, but when he grew up he realised he didn't want her to be his sister, he didn't want her to be a friend, he wanted her to be his. His dad thought it was a cute crush, happy he had friends other than the trouble making boys he hung around with, a sweet girl who made him do his homework and helped out his mum aswell. Tyler changed quickly when his mum passed away, he became meaner for a while, bullying an outcast until Y/n found out. She'd threatened to stop being his friend and that had snapped something inside of him, wanting to slam her against the wall by her throat and demand she take it back, instead he fell to his knees and cried into her stomach. Y/n's heart breaking as she pet his hair, hugging him close and apologising for being so cruel to him, he's just lost his mum and then she threatened to leave? How cruel of her.
Then he met Laurel, and he realised what had snapped that night, the night Y/n threatened to leave him his hyde had claimed her, not as a master, but as his property. Laurel showed him he could have anything he wanted, showed him how to manipulate and how to kill, she thought it was all for her, and maybe at first it was but Tyler knew every kill made Y/n run into his arms. Afraid of the creature in the woods, and Tyler was more than happy to walk her home, cuddle her whilst she talked about her day, working at the police station with his dad meant she knew a little too much but he liked it. Liked how she told him everything, his dad's pretty little secretary, he'd gotten his bunny the job by manipulating his dad and why wouldn't his dad want his son to be happy? So he ignored all the warning signs, made a few jokes about Tyler's nickname for Y/n, bunny, an odd nickname since Y/n wasn't an innocent bunny, she was funny and sparky but to Tyler she would always be that innocent girl he'd met. Didn't say anything when Tyler pushed over a boy who asked Y/n out, told the kids parents Tyler hadn't meant to, covered up his sons behaviour.
Y/n sat on the counter top of the weathervane, Tyler wiping down a few tables and chatting to the patrons, his eyes always coming back to Y/n as she swung her legs. She'd finished work, the Sheriff letting her go early before it turned dark, knowing Tyler would walk her home or she'd stay the night if she worried about Tyler walking home alone. Tyler smiled as he walked towards Y/n, pushing her legs open to slot himself between them, Y/n smiling up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Do you want a new drink bunny?" Y/n hummed to herself for a moment, leaning back then nodding with a wide grin, Tyler's hands holding her upper thighs tightly as she moved, refusing to let her move an inch away from him. Tyler gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, slowly moving back so his hands grazed along her thighs, a tease he loved to do to her, watching as she tensed her thighs unable to press them together. He'd kept her his innocent bunny, any guy who came near her was quickly scared off by him or they tried to stop her being friends with Tyler which she didn't like either. Tyler flitted around behind her, typing away on her phone with her legs crossed on the counter, only a few customers left as it was almost closing, dark outside and everyone feeling the fear of whatever was in the woods creeping into their bodies. Tyler came round with her drink, Y/n uncrossing her legs allowing him to slot between them once more, her hands coming to grasp the drink, taking a quick sip before letting a small moan escape her lips. Tyler drinking in the noise, adjusting so he wouldn't be pressing against her thigh, not that she ever noticed when she cuddled up to him. 
"How was work?" Y/n placed down her cup, moving to play with Tyler's hair as she thought over his question before sighing.
"Long, another body was found out near Nevermore, i can't believe we've got some creature or animal or whatever attacking people. Your dad's really worried about it, and you, i know he's bad at showing it but he does worry about you working so late." Tyler wanted to sneer at the thought of his dad caring, he only said it to Y/n since he wanted to seem like a good guy, he'd hidden his whole past from him and then basically abandoned him when his mum died so why should his dad start caring now. Instead Tyler nodded, grasping Y/n's hips and pulling her into him so he could drop his head into her neck, her arms coming around him as he played into her sympathy.
"I can close up early if you're scared bunny, we can stay at yours and make a blanket fort?" Y/n smiled, kissing his shoulder with a nod, Tyler grinning into her neck, laying a kiss under her ear, hearing her breath stop. His hands tightening on her hips, he wanted to rock into her, mark her neck and make her cry out but he was patient, she was in the palm of his hand but he wanted her to beg for it. 
30 minutes later and Tyler was locking up, Y/n hugged close to him with his jacket around her shoulders, the cold chill setting in as well as the dark streets. Very few people walking home from work, and a police cruiser driving through the streets on patrol, Tyler placed the keys in his pocket and wrapped Y/n under his arm. The walk was quick, her apartment not far from his work and with the chilly air Y/n was lightly pulling him closer until she saw her door, parting from Tyler to open it quickly,  both of them rushing in to keep the heat inside the small apartment. Tyler helping Y/n out her coat, hanging it up with his as she flitted through the apartment checking all the heating and flicking the kettle on for a hot drink to warm them back up. Tyler followed behind her, both their shoes discarded at the door, her body leaning against the counter trying to reach her hot chocolate, Tyler pressing against her as he grasped it just above her hand. Y/n smiling as she turned in his arms, reaching for the box but Tyler held it out her way, a smirk on his face as he and Y/n fought for a moment before she gave up. Huffing Y/n crossed her arms, leaning against the counter allowing Tyler to hover over her. Patting his cheek he spoke.
"You know the price bunny." Y/n rolled her eyes, letting out a playful sigh, reaching up to kiss his cheek, Tyler turning his head so her lips met his instead. Y/n gasping and hitting his chest as he laughed, dropping the hot chocolate onto the counter as he caged her in laughing at her pout.
"Sorry bunny, too easy not to." Y/n rolled her eyes, grabbing the hot chocolate and turning back around and making two drinks, Tyler pressing against her back, arms around her waist and head in the crook of her neck. Placing a small kiss on her neck he parted from her, grabbing pillows and blankets before setting up the sofa to be extra comfy, Y/n joining with their hot chocolates and some crisps tucked under her arms. Tyler helping her as he settled into the sofa, his arms open for Y/n after she switched on the tv and dropping into his lap, protective arms around her, smothering her into his chest. When they'd finished their drinks Tyler pulled her to lay down, her head on his chest and blankets piled on top of them, half asleep Y/n kissed his chest mumbling a thank you for staying with her, Tyler smirking as he kissed his bunny on the head. 
Wednesday Taglist:
@celibacy-or-death @sarcastic-sourwolf @snips-501 @lilithskywalker @parkersmyth @hey-im-bored504 @1horrormoviewhore1 @peachycupotea @moonmaiden1996 @bebopsworld @betray-jaes@o-the-o-grim-o-reaper-o @ilovedeadguys @kaz-2y567 @darling-twh @90sgothik@thematicallythalia @cheezybread @arivh @kaz-2y567 @akinatrix @just-sana @manuosorioh@alohastitch0626 @snips-501 @lovesanimals0000 @trashmouthsahra @whatinthefreshhellisthis@elle4404 @pasta88love @sourbiscuit @sl-t4ym1r @whatinthefreshhellisthis @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @bringontheweirdworld @laneyspaulding19 @torirosalie @nushy @sophiexoxsblog@here4thefanfic @clevercreatornight @@here4thefanfic @runrabbitrun3 @bi-narystars@doingurmom69 @hanmashujisfuturewife @maystecc @hannaeditzs @yeehawbitchs @living-breathing-bibliophile @kissmebakugou @yunoguns @iovaki @paulina15 @hotgirlsshareaccounts@wonderlandco @kylobensgirl @tobylikesfire @cazza2009 @formulaangel55 @mxxny-lupin @nerd-queen14313 @let-love-bleeds-red @gloriousgam3r @venusandvirtue @emma-andrea1 @nega-omega@herejustforjj @moony-artemis @brittney69 @saltybeanp0le @wonwooen-reads @fanficfanatic204@jolenie @fl0r4f4wn @sidekickforlife @omgmywonderwall-blog @2234world @herejustforjj@serrinaisdying @cherryflavoureds-blog @qardasngan @b-tchymoon @potatosaladsunset@smileykiddie08 @sanguinesaint-kaleidoscopeeyes @spenglerslime @
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olivia11803 · 1 year
The Monster Inside (Tyler Galpin x Addams!reader)
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The Monster Inside (Tyler Galpin x Addams!reader)
Sequel to Monster Like Me
Word Count: 5170 Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Warnings: mentions of prison treatment, self-hate, a gun, hanging, active murder scene, and (obviously) SPOILERS for Tim Burton's Wednesday tv show on Netflix. Note: NOT A TYPICAL HAPPY ENDING
Since their first encounter, (y/n) has found herself visiting Tyler more often than she would like to admit. The past twelve months have seen the two draw closer as they try to heal old wounds. But just when there seems to be a light at the very dark tunnel they both crawl through, a threat on Tyler's life forces (y/n) to choose whether to let justice reign... or embrace the monster inside.
Welp... guess I have to eat my own words because we're here now. That being said, thanks for the support on the first piece, people. I do appreciate all the love and nice comments and so this is for you since I can't get this story out of my head!
The snow crunches underfoot as they walk their daily route around the prison exterior.
It became regular every time she came to visit for them to go on walks. They had picked up the routine six months ago when the prison stopped putting him in straight jackets and the resident therapist suggested gentle exercise would do him some good.
When (y/n) had first heard the news, she hadn't hesitated to drag him outside to feel the summer sun on his skin. She would never forget the look that had blossomed on Tyler's face when he had stepped outside for the first time in who knew how long. It wasn't exact joy, more of an awestruck disbelief. Like a dream he never thought would come true.
Perhaps it was that very look that had been engrained in her brain from that day on that drew her back more often. Six months after her first visit she only returned twice: the first time was two months after, being her scheduled check-in with the boy for clinical reasons, the second a special request from Sheriff Galpin himself. But after six months, after that summer day, she found herself visiting more and more until she came by the prison once a week.
Every Thursday she booked off to visit. Although, (y/n) couldn't exactly deny it was just for professional reasons anymore.
'I think the weather has finally had enough of seeing our faces,' he says, his breathy laugh floating like a ghost past his flushed lips. His cheeks bleed a demure scarlet.
'On the contrary,' she counters, her eyes wandering across the white landscape surrounding them, 'I think it's rewarding us.'
'How so?'
'Don't you see it?' She gestures with her arms to the snow that blankets the ground, that nestles in the tree tops, that glistens in individual flecks off the remaining leaves. 'It's beautiful.'
Tyler huffs, only sparing the view a moment of his warm gaze before it returns to her, charming smile stretching his lips. 'Guess I hadn't noticed with you being beside me.'
Her cheeks flush. He's still got it.
The flirting wasn't a new concept to either of them. Between their snarky banter and clinical catch ups, they always managed to sneak in a comment or two that had the other blushing. It was like some sort of competition: who could rile the other up so much that they get turned on first?
But it was always something that appealed to their dark humour. Recently, though, the comments had become... sweet, nice even.
The worst part, however - the part that had her truly sick to the stomach - was how genuine he sounded. How she sounded in return.
Her gaze locks with his. Hell help her, no wonder even Wednesday fell for him for just a moment. His eyes, his hair, his voice...
He was intoxicating.
The sudden sneeze shatters the bubble the two had formed, forcing them to stop in their tracks and drawing their attention to the accompanying guard that walks twenty-odd metres behind them. It is the same guard that has accompanied them since they insisted on walking outside the prison yard. He looks elsewhere, rubbing his nose with the sleeve of his coat casually. Despite his relaxed demeanour, (y/n) knows a gun hides within the giant pocket of his coat, ready to draw if Tyler tries anything.
There once was a time I was willing to pull a gun on him. In some sense, she still is. A gun (approved by the prison) lays in her own coat pocket right now. But things have changed. She is not so certain that she would be able to do it with as little hesitation as she once had, with as little guilt and regret.
Tyler pulls at the collar of his orange jumpsuit that is tucked under a tattered trench coat lent by the prison. More specifically, he pulls at the black shock collar strapped to his neck - the new substitute to the constant gene-repressant drugs since he has been on 'good behaviour' according to the prison warden and therapist.
'Might as well be summer with this thing on,' he says, his tone betraying a bitterness (y/n) had come to associate with the boy. 'Darn thing gives a whole new meaning to being hot under the collar.'
'Oh, don't lie,' she scolds. 'You're practically a Smurf you're that blue.'
'It's called the Prison Look, where orange and blue are the new black.'
Despite the dark meaning, an amused smirk twitches at her lips at the joke. But his shivering form prompts her to unravel the white scarf that warms her neck without a second thought.
'Here,' she says gently, raising herself onto her tippy toes to reach behind Tyler once, twice, then tug and tuck the reminder of the scarf into the top of his jumpsuit. For good measure, she tugs the tattered jacket as much as possible over the jumpsuit, as if to trap as much warmth as she could inside.
'There,' she breathes out, looking up at him once more. 'Now you won't freeze to death before they declare you fit to return to society.'
His eyes glow under the winter sun much like a fireplace. She senes his awe, his wonder as he scans her with those eyes. But she also senses uncertainty, doubt.
'I wouldn't waste your breath,' he mutters. 'I've spent six years here now, and not once have they indicated at potentially releasing me.'
'Because up until now you haven't given them a reason to consider it.'
'Well maybe that's because I never had a reason to consider it.'
The way he looks at her now, she swears he can hear her erratic heartbeat with his heightened hearing thanks to his Hyde heritage. His sadness and pain threatens to consume her, and she is oh so tempted to take it all away like he had begged for almost every time she visited.
Another emotion stops her, though. Between the sadness and pain, she senses a glimmer of light. And as she looks in his eyes now, she sees it.
(Y/n) forces herself to breathe, to steady herself before she speaks again, not knowing where this conversation is heading. 'So you have a reason now?'
He doesn't reply straight away. Instead, his gaze flickers down to her lips then back up. It was only a second, but the movement has her breath hitching as he some steps closer to her.
Chest to chest. Heart to heart.
'Maybe,' he whispers, his words taking shape in the form of warm mist that grazes her lips. Like the first time she got this close to him, back in the interrogation room with only a gun between them, she finds herself wanting to lean in more to him, desperate to feel warmth, but more importantly his warmth.
'You really think I can ever go back?' he asks, and the desperate plea in his voice is so genuine and hopeful it threatens to break her heart.
Based on his past actions alone, absolutely not. Nothing would ever be the same as it was back then. But many nights (y/n) had dreamed of Tyler, of him being released and starting over somewhere else.
Some nights she dreamed he would take her with him.
Wednesday scolded her any time she brought up Tyler in casual conversation, saying, 'You'll surely regret ever involving yourself with him.'
She knows he is trouble, that he still doesn't regret what he did no matter how sick it was. But that same sick, twisted part inside her couldn't find it in herself to care.
'Maybe,' she finds herself repeating, because she doesn't want to see his hope die in his all-consuming eyes. 'You're a good person, Tyler. It would be a shame to see you waste away because of someone else's choices.'
'A waste for who exactly ? Society? Or you?'
Before she can answer, an alarm pings inside her coat pocket. She waits a breath, thinking it is just her imagination. But when it goes off again, she forces herself to step away from Tyler - to let go of Tyler - and retrieve her phone from her pocket.
It is the timer she sets for an hour every time she comes. Time truly does fly when you're... occupied, I guess.
'Time's up?' Tyler asks, though he knows what the alarm means by now.
She nods, turning around to call to the guard. 'Ready when you are.'
He nods in reply, silently walking up to them to lead them back to the prison. Before he reaches them though, Tyler flashes (y/n) a sad smile.
'Guess I'll see you next week?' he asks, his voice a mixture of light amusement and hope.
The moment between them has passed, and who knows if she'll ever get it back. But (y/n) finds herself smiling in reply. 'Aw, you going to miss me or something?'
'You know I will. You're the only monster like me I know.'
(Y/n) cannot drive to the prison fast enough.
A week has passed since their walk in the snow and she can no longer deny her excitement she feels with every impending visit. But this morning she received a call from a certain Sheriff Galpin that melted her mind into irrationality.
She doesn't bother correcting her park as she pulls up to the entrance of the door, nor does she bother locking the car, for she is already racing into the foyer.
'Where is he?' she declares as she enters.
A guard immediately stops her as she attempts to pass through the declaration zone. 'Ma'am, you need to go through standard procedures before you are allowed through.'
'You have no right to do this to him. No right!'
'What is going on?' It is the warden. He's a tough and burly-looking fellow, his stature emphasised more so by the petite figure of the prison therapist that follows behind him, her heels clacking against the tiled floor.
(Y/n) turns to him, fury coursing through her like wildfire. 'That's a question I should be asking you. What is going on with Tyler?'
He releases an exhausted sigh, but she senses no regret or guilt from him as he says, 'So you heard. Sheriff Galpin, no doubt.'
She nods, and it takes all her self control to not punch his pudgy face in. 'He's so close, sir. I respectfully ask that you rethink this course of action.'
'I'm sorry Miss Addams, but it's not my call. The higher ups still consider him a danger that needs to be stopped.'
'He hasn't turned, let alone hurt anyone, in six years! He hasn't done anything to warrant your distrust.'
'And in those six years he also hasn't done anything to warrant our trust, either.' It is the therapist this time, her clipped words clinical and heartless. 'I'm sorry, but his lack in progress is unsettling, and I'm afraid he cannot be saved.'
(Y/n) cannot believe what she is hearing. Each word they speak breaks her heart a little bit more than she liked to admit. 'So you would subject a 22-year-old boy to be executed like some medieval criminal?'
When Sheriff Galpin called her saying Tyler was to be hanged today, she never could've expected the panic and terror that floods her entire being now, that turned her veins icy and halted her heart for only a moment.
She knew from the start that this would always be Tyler's end. Even as they drew closer and she hoped beyond hope that it wouldn't happen. But she should've known better, even as her judgement had been clouded by emotions.
She should've known that monsters don't get happy endings.
(Y/n) turns her blazing gaze upon the therapist. 'And you're one to talk. Isn't it your job to help people like him? To fight for every life?'
The therapist smiles sadly at her, her calm demeanour angering (y/n) more. 'You don't need to feel guilty for him, (y/n). We both did our best. Some people just don't want to be saved.'
'Miss Addams,' the warden stepped back in, 'it is not our decision to make. I am simply following orders.'
Furious tears threaten to sizzle down her cheeks as she looks between the two. Logically, morally, what they are talking about doing is right. The clinical, factual side of her is partial to those demise.
And who doesn't love a good hanging?
The hollowness behind the clinical facade, however, is so strong that she feels as if she is being torn in two. But she is surrounded, she is the minority in this majorly wrong operation.
She sucks in a deep breath, blinking rapidly to force the tears away. 'Of course. But... can you show me to him? Perhaps the thought of death row will make him see some sense. I'm sure his dad would appreciate that closure.'
The warden contemplates her for a moment. She doesn't look away from his scrutinising gaze. She doesn't even blink. My sister and I are more alike than I thought.
A moment later, the warden sighs in defeat. 'Of course, Miss Addams. If you'd care to follow me...'
The walk to the yard is blurry, (y/n)'s mind numb with defeat. When they finally reach the open area, the sight of the huge hanging platform doesn't bring her the joy she thought her first official hanging would bring.
The ones she and Wednesday subjected their dolls to as children don't count.
Instead, she resists calling his name when she sees Tyler being lead towards the stairs that will lead him to the platform. Which will lead him to his imminent death.
'Hey!' The warden holds a hand that tells the guards to stop. When they do, he turns back to (y/n). 'You have two minutes.'
She nods her thanks before jogging over to Tyler, the guards escorting him taking a few steps away to give them some privacy.
'Hey,' she says.
'Hey,' he replies, lips twitching with the itch of a smile though his eyes don't reflect such casualness. They are almost as dead as the day she first visited him a year ago. No fireplace warmth to take away the sting of Winter's cool breath blowing through the yard, through her clothes.
She doesn't know where to begin. For a year, she has stood by this boy. For a year, he has shown that he is still the kind and loving boy she first met all those years ago. For a year, she has spent her time and attention and - dare she say it - heart to heal this boy, only to realise somewhere along the way he was helping her heal too.
And now he will be slaughtered like some farm animal.
For a girl who prides herself on her eloquent and succinct way of speaking - how her tongue was more like a rapier, and wielded words with deathly precision - she now finds herself in the most discombobulating situation where she cannot speak her mind.
'I just heard this morning,' she says, the words coming out strained like she just ran a marathon. 'I came as quickly as I could. I... I...'
'It's okay,' he offers, noting her struggle for the right words. 'Honestly, I didn't expect you would come.'
Her brows scrunch with confusion. 'Why wouldn't I come? It's the day I always come.'
He shrugs, causing the chains on his wrists to rattle ever so slightly. 'Don't know. I guess... If my own dad wasn't going to come to my hanging, then why would you?'
It is the genuine tone of his inquiry that makes the statement all the more heart breaking. He is almost nonchalant about it all, his face a rigid portrait of nothing. Void of emotion, his exterior is the perfect deflection of the deeply hurtful emotions that lurk in the shadowed parts of his heart.
(Y/n) tries to remain relaxed in the face, cool and collected in her stature. But when she speaks, her words are tighter than she intends. 'But I am here,' she finds herself saying, stepping closer to him and placing her hands on his. As if her presence alone isn't enough to convince him of the reality that she truly is there, standing by him.
His hands are ice under hers. Perhaps that is why he takes in a sharp breath before huffing out a quiet chuckle. It isn't joyous, nor sad. It is a melancholic sound that echoes in her heart in a way she doesn't appreciate.
'You are certainly one of a kind, (y/n) Addams,' he says, and it relieves her to see some life return to his chestnut eyes. 'And seeing as I'm now on death row, I see it only fitting that I tell you my one regret in this miserable, horrible, bleak life.
She cannot help but roll her eyes. 'Oh don't be so dramatic. Don't tell me now, of all times, you have grown a conscience.'
'Come on, I'm trying to be serious for once, Addams. Can't you let me have this one?'
She wants to playfully argue more, wanting to draw out these two minutes as much as possible, but can't find the words to do just that. So instead, she breathes out a shaky laugh and concedes her loss with a nod.
'Fine. What is it?'
The chains rattle again as he reaches into one of the pockets in his jumpsuit, his hands rifling around for a second before pulling back out. As one hand clenches tightly around something when he is finished, he uses the other one to pull her own hands out in front of her. A conglomeration of emotions shoot through her every fibre as his fingers brush her palms, gently open and letting the small object float softly into her awaiting hands.
It's a small square piece of paper, with white on one side and on the other side-
No. Not a piece of paper.
(Y/n) recognises the object now. It's a photograph. Of the two of them. Well, sort of.
The image itself is blurry, like the photo had been taken while in motion. Usually an image like this would make her cringe, having spent countless hours researching and practicing and taking notes on taking the perfect shot. This photo disregards all the rules and formats of proper photography.
Despite the poor quality of it, the smiles both her and Tyler wear are clear as day. She remembers the day it was taken. It was about six months ago back at the beginning of summer when she had brought in her camera because why not, and Tyler had managed to steal it from her bag without her looking.
The picture captures the moment she had realised and had tried to tackle the camera from his grasp but he would not relent. Somewhere in the chaos of it all the picture had been taken. After taking her camera home and looking through her photos, seeing that one in particular brought an unfamiliar yet familiar feeling into her heart. She didn't know what it was, but she knew she wanted Tyler to have the photo. So the next visit came, and she gave Tyler the photo.
She hates how her throat constricts at the sight of the photo once more, how she feels herself slightly shaking at the thought that he kept it all these months, right there with him.
'That I couldn't give you more moments like this,' he mutters so deathly quiet (y/n) thinks for a moment she imagined it. 'After all, there are not many monsters like us in this world. Perhaps if I hadn't been so pre-occupied with Wednesday, with all that drama back then... perhaps things would've been different for us.'
It confuses her when a water droplet plonks onto the picture in her hands. Until she raises a hand to her face and feels a wet trail from her eye run down her cheek and chin and realises that it is a tear.
She is crying.
The last time she cried was six years ago when Wednesday battled Crackstone at Nevermore and somehow came out of it alive.
(Y/n) finally looks up at Tyler to find a similar mixture of shock and confusion on his own face, probably also not expecting her sudden reaction.
She's aware they have no time left, so she swallows the threat of more tears and nods in agreement. 'Yes. Yes, I believe they would've.'
Footsteps draw closer to them, and suddenly Tyler is being taken up the stairs of the platform to be fitted with the noose. (Y/n) looks up but isn't really watching, her mind racing with thoughts, her heart thumping too loudly and with too many emotions. What she wouldn't give to feel someone else's emotions right now.
It is true what they say: the quiet ones usually are the ones that feel the most.
She watches as the noose is fitted around Tyler's neck, how the executioner hides behind a black cloth so he remains an unnameable murderer who kills in the name of justice.
Justice. She used to believe in justice. It is why she agreed to help Tyler in the first place. It is why she didn't argue about Tyler's treatment at the prison for so long. But where had it gotten him? No trial, and an unfair execution of life.
'I truly am sorry, Miss Addams.' (Y/n) hadn't noticed the warden come up beside her, the therapist in tow. 'But people like him... well, people like him just can't be saved.' They look up at the platform too, but now she looks at them, irritation morphing her features.
'He didn't even get a fair trial,' she mutters, because that is all she can manage without screaming. 'Sounds like you didn't want to save him rather than the other way around.'
The warden huffs but doesn't spare her another look. 'Look, if you think a psychotic monster with no regrets about killing can be saved, then you're just as crazy as he is.'
His words aren't meant to mean much; a simple, blanket statement at best. But there rings a bell of truth in them that flips a switch inside (y/n). Like when one turns off the lights of their house to go to sleep, all thought and feeling disappeared, leaving a void of darkness of hollowness.
With the light gone, there's nothing stopping the monster inside from coming out to play.
She turns her head with a cool grace to look upon the platform. The executioner is ready to pull the lever, Tyler is set to fall. On the warden's call, it will all go to hell.
(Y/n)'s hand slips into her coat pocket, fingers folding around the desired item like it was made for her hands alone. 'You know what, warden?' she says, voice as steady as her grip.
'I think you might be right.'
A gunshot rings through the yard before he can say the word, and another follows close behind. The warden and executioner both hit the ground simultaneously, identical shots in their heads.
The therapist screams but is cut off as (y/n) fires another bullet and finds its target too. The surrounding guards of the yard run towards her, their stunned hands fumbling with the guns they never thought they would have to use that are stuck in their holsters. But she clocked them all the moment she stepped into the space, and she is pulling the trigger faster than they can call for help.
Fifteen seconds. That is all it takes before the yard is quiet once more.
The void suddenly closes up, and the lights inside her turn back on. A tightness constricts her chest like a python constricts its prey. Ever so slowly, her heart aches more and more at the horror around her, the horror she brought upon them all.
I turned it off. The realisation is both terrifying and exhilarating, fuelling her with a kick of adrenaline that spurs her towards the platform stairs and up them. She finds Tyler's face in front of hers before she can fully comprehend what she is doing.
'(Y/n),' Tyler says, his eyes wild and cloudy - a reflection of the confusion and shock she senses from him. 'What are you-'
'We don't have much time,' she says, bending down to the executioner to fish through his pockets. She eventually finds a set of keys and returns to Tyler to work on his wrist and ankle shackles. By a miracle, the key fit the key hole of the shock collar around his neck, too. It makes a heavy thudding noise as it hits the wooden platform. Once he is free, she throws the noose off his neck and pulls him off the trap door. 'Other guards will have heard the gunshots by now. We've got to move.'
'Wait.' Tyler's grip on her forearm is both strong but gentle, firm but comforting. His eyes search hers, however, much like a bloodhound, his gaze insistent and headstrong. 'Care to explain what happened just now?'
'Tyler, we don't have time for this.'
'Fine, let me rephrase: Tell me what in the hell just happened, Addams.'
She looks frantically around. No guards yet, but she knows they will be there soon. But when she looks back at Tyler, she cannot find it in her to deny his eyes.
'I turned it off,' she says so quietly it is almost a whisper. 'I turned my humanity off... and on again.'
Tyler looks her up and down, his face relaxing with shock and surprise and something else she can't quite put her finger on. 'I thought you said you couldn't do that.'
'I couldn't... until now.'
'How, then? Why?'
'Seriously, Tyler? Can't we talk when I get you out of the prison?'
'Wait, slow down. You're breaking me out?'
She rolls her eyes. Her patience is wearing thin. And so is their time. 'Damn, I would've thought me killing a bunch of people then breaking you out of chains would've been a big enough sign, but I guess not.'
'But why, Addams? Why didn't you let me d-'
'Because I love you, damnit!'
The silence that stretches between them is weighted with the echo of her words, bouncing off the walls and tiles of the yard and coming straight back to them. Only their heavy breaths from their heaving chests breaks up its monotony.
Tyler swallows thickly, his voice tight with an invisible restraint. 'You what?'
She clenches her jaw with a force so strong she might've broken her teeth had she not opened her mouth to reply. 'I know I shouldn't... but I couldn't let you die, Tyler. Not when I know you're good deep, deep inside. Not when you've worked so hard for a second chance. Not when I still needed to say that I love you.'
Her gaze falls from Tyler's prying eyes over the edge of the platform. Pools of blood bloom around each corpse's head, and from the angle and height she stands from, the whole thing looks like a painting.
It is a sick and twisted outlook, but one that she cannot help but relish in knowing this is all wrong wrong wrong. She knows her humanity is back on because she can feel. Tyler's shock, the confusion and panic of close by prisoners. She even senses the emptiness where emotions should've been in the corpses, their hearts still and their souls long gone.
But among all the emotions she feels, cannot find it in herself to feel sorry for any of it.
'I never thought I'd fall for anyone,' she continues, turning back to Tyler. 'Let alone you of all people.'
Something shifts in Tyler's demeanour as they lock eyes. His gaze darkens as he steps closer, and she senses another emotion festering inside him. This time, however, she knows what it is. It is the same emotion she's been feeling for a while now unknowingly. But she recognises it all the same.
Want. All-consuming and disorienting and intoxicating want.
'And who am I? To you?' His breath fans her face he is so close, his voice sultry and promising danger. But despite the lights, the monster is inside the house now. And it lives for danger.
'A monster like me,' she breathes out before Tyler grabs the back of her head and slants their lips over one another.
A primal hunger courses through her every nerve as she grabs at him, her hands not seeming to pull him close enough despite how their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. The taste of mint and fresh air taints her lips as she tries to devour him, her hunger for him insatiable. She senses the feeling is mutual as he kisses her with just as much fervour and want.
His hands in her hair and down her back, his lips on hers, the groans and growls that escape him when she bites his lips. It is simply delectable.
But underneath the hunger and desire, there is a genuine passion that burns so intensely it pulls a squeak from (y/n). What they feel is true and raw and overwhelming right despite the wrong circumstances. A sense of relief and joy overwhelms her at the thought.
The door to her home has finally been opened to guests and she is just so happy to have a friend.
A monster like her no less.
When they pull apart, all she wants is to pull him back in for more. It doesn't help that his eyes burn with life again despite the lustful darkness that surrounds them. 'You are... full of surprises, (y/n).'
She can't help the small smile that twitches at her lips at the tone of surprise. 'As usual, you underestimate me, Tyler.'
'Something I will never do again.' He pulls her back in for another mind-numbing kiss, but this one is backed by relief and a gratitude that threatens to break (y/n)'s heart. When he pulls away, he keeps their foreheads touching, his panting breath hot against her cold skin. 'I never thought I'd find someone like me, someone with a monster inside them.'
'I guess fate works in mysterious ways.' Distant, muffled shouting echoes down the hallways that lead into the yard. (Y/n) pulls away from Tyler, her mind racing with plans on how to escape this place. Well, there is no going back now. 'Come on, lets get out of here.'
Soon enough the news will get out: Prison staff killed in monster breakout. She knows Wednesday will never forgive her. Her family will never forgive her. But she has never felt quite right playing the role of the good guy.
Perhaps she was always meant to play the villain. And with Tyler by her side, she finally feels at home.
The monster inside has been unleashed, and she has no plans on locking it up ever again.
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olivia11803 · 1 year
got me by my neck
tyler galpin x reader
the dead kept piling up, and it was my fault. the nightmares aren't making life any easier, with their constant hammering in the back of my mind. it would be easier to have just ignored him, I'm starting to realize. to have never fallen for his boyish charm. because that's all it was, boyish charm to hide the literal beast underneath.
he likes it when there are tears streaming down my face. likes to lick them up, taste the fear in them. that sounded like bullshit until I tried it myself. turns out, fear tastes quite nice. a little salty and coopery like blood.
"hey, don't go soft on me now pretty girl. you're in just as deep as I am" he whispered down my neck as we waited with bated breath for his dad to arrive on the scene.
"i'm fine, stop worrying about me." anything to get him off my back.
"you trust me right?" god i can't tell whether the question is pathetic or not.
"course i trust you baby" i reply back. fuck how am I going to get myself out of this one? his grip is everywhere, gripping the back of my neck while he snakes his way to look into my eyes. i can tell how much he loves standing over me, knowing he has the upper hand.
and then as if on cue his grip becomes too much. too tight, too aggressive. "tyler, what are you doing?" I rasp out.
"whatever thoughts you're having about backing out on me better stop. it's us or nothing, got it?"
"yes- god yes please, ty, you're hurting me"
should have never gotten that stupid coffee...
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olivia11803 · 1 year
The chokehold dark Tyler fanfics have on me.
run, little rabbit, run | part 1 (dark!tyler galpin x gn!reader)
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warnings: predator & prey aspects, some violence, just the dark!tyler we all love and adore
notes: i know i might have let the chase scene run on a bit too long, but i am a sucker for a dark chase. anyways, welcome to my new series! i’m curious to know what you all think so far. i am not sure how far i want to take this series, but i do know i want to continue it a bit more.
You had always been told you were too curious for your own good. People would warn you about how the cat fell prey to its own curiosity, but they always failed to remember how many lives the cat had to spare. It was hard to keep track of how many remained for you, but you knew the supply was nearing its end.
Mud squelched beneath your panicked footfalls and sprayed up onto your legs as you kicked it up in your haste to escape. Rain continued to shower you in all directions as it fell from the thunderous sky and flew in harmony with the wind.
All sense of direction had long since become muddled, blurred and turned around by the churning storm. Everything looked the same under the moonlight, especially with the fog that was starting to roll in and cover the underbrush. It was a scene out of a horror movie, and while normally you would have thought it fun to participate, running for your life dampened the experience.
Tyler sang your name from somewhere behind you. “You can’t run forever, little rabbit.”
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olivia11803 · 1 year
Thank you Mindtrcks for writing this!
oh, dilute me
Pairing: Tyler Galpin/Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: AFAB reader, manipulation, light d/s
Summary: Tyler can’t have Wednesday, but he might still be able to have you
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olivia11803 · 1 year
Such a good story! Thank you so much for writing this, you are amazing! ❤️
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Wednesday Masterlist
Tyler Galpin
Nowhere to Hyde 1 2 3 4
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olivia11803 · 1 year
No where to Hyde 4 Dark!Tyler Galpin x reader
Previous part -> Here
Masterlist -> Here
Type: series
Summary: Unknowingly you complete the bond with the Hyde.
Warnings: 18+ only, mature, pure smut, fingering(fem receiving), oral (fem receiving), penetrative sex, slight dun con, yandere themes, dark themes
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You hands ghosted over Tyler’s chest. After cleaning the scratches with antiseptic wipes, you started sticking butterfly stitches along the cuts. All the while Tyler watches you, as you gingerly acted as his nurse.
Your cheeks warmed when Tyler insisted you cleaned his wounds in his room. His father wasn’t home, but if he did come back Tyler was convinced you’d get in trouble. One for breaking curfew and two for being at his house. The thought of getting in trouble with principle Weems was enough for you to agree quickly.
They warmed a second time when he removed his shirt. You sat next to him on his bed, or more over him. You sat on your knees with your thighs spread as you reached over to work on him.
For the duration of your work you kept your eyes downcast. Avoiding making eye contact with Tyler. You knew that if you did you’d start to feel hot again. The wrong sort of hot.
It was hard though as you felt his gaze on you. It felt piercing on your skin. So piercing in fact, you toyed with the idea of getting the bandages ready for yourself.
You placed the last butterfly stitch on his chest, rubbing it over with your thumb.
“I think I’m done,” you told him as you rubbed over the rest of his stitches. “How does it feel?”
He swallowed, “it feels good. I’m lucky I had you to play nurse.”
You snickered, “Well I kind of had to when you said you didn’t want to go to the hospital.”
You moved off the bed. Packing all the supplies you’d used back into the green box. Tyler stood as well. He buttoned his flannel up half way.
You closed the first aid kit, pausing. “I should probably get back to Nevermore.”
Tyler had to stop himself. He needed to be careful how he phrased his next few words. Of course he didn’t want you to go. This was a good an opportunity as ever for him to make his move. But he needed to appear flippant about the situation. He needed to bring up you staying offhandedly, not desperately.
“It’s a bit late, I’m sure you’re roommate would notice you coming back at this time.” He mentioned. Walking down the stairs with you to put the first aid kit back.
“I don’t actually have a roommate, so I’m all good there.” You didn’t want to overstay you’re welcome, yet there was something tickling underneath your skin. Something that had started since you’d been alone with the Hyde. For the time you were touching Tyler it went away, almost. It felt nice, like a the warm sun. When you stopped touching him it felt like an itch, a burn.
You got to the kitchen, handing the box to Tyler so he could reach up and put it away.
“Well my dad could be back any minute, he’d see my car was gone and wonder where I was.”
You thought it over, you didn’t want Tyler to get in trouble.
“It sounds like you want me to stay.” You teased.
Tyler’s eyes moved to yours, his tongue darting across his lips. “And if I did?”
He reached a hand around you, trapping you against the counter. You face felt hot again and you stumbled to find the right words. His face got closer to yours. You could feel his breath against your cheek.
“I don’t have anything to wear here, so I can’t stay.”
Tyler pulled back, letting out a laugh. He held back from suggesting you sleep nude. Instead he got you two a glass of water each and started going back upstairs.
“But Tyler,” you called, almost having to jog to keep up with him. “I need something to wear.”
When the two of you got back to his room he put the glasses down then moved to his dresser. He searched the drawers for a minute then pulled out a T-shirt. An old one. One he knew was too small for him. He’s been meaning to get rid of it, now he was glad he hadn’t. He was hoping it would be small on you too.
“But, what about bottoms?”
In response he pulled out a pair of his boxer shorts. Unhappy with the situation, but unable to change it, you took them off him begrudgingly.
Tyler told you were the bathroom was and you went to change. You washed your face with water and used your fingers to comb through your hair.
You changed into the clothes he had given you. Finding that the shirt hugged your figure and came to your mid thigh. So you decided against wearing the boxers and kept your panties on.
Thoughts of the Hyde were frequent in your mind before. Now they seemed never ending. The main thought that consumed you was the Hydes sense of smell. If it could find you in the middle of the woods, it could certainly find you here. Only this time it could do worse than a few scratches.
You felt incredibly guilty for Tyler’s injury. You’d reasoned with yourself that it was your fault he was hurt. The beast had followed you and in the process Tyler had been hurt.
While you didn’t want to go and be some sort of sex doll for this Hyde, your mother was right. It came down to duty at the end of the day. If the Hyde stopped hurting people that was good. If you were the one needed to be sacrificed then so be it.
You would do it, you finalised. You’d do it to save your friends, Nevermore, the town and Tyler. No one deserved to be hurt if you could put a stop to the terror.
You didn’t realise you’d started to cry. You wiped your eyes and left the bathroom. Hoping to just go to sleep.
The lighting was dim, due to the small lamp tyler had put on instead of his main light. The lighting was calming and gave you more of a chance to hide your face.
“Hey so I was thinking that for tonight we shared - oh, what’s wrong?”
He’d seen your face. A few stray tears running down it with your eyes puffy and red.
You shrugged, “it’s nothing”.
He raised and eyebrow, suggesting he didn’t believe your obvious lie.
You sighed and moved to sit on the bed. He did too. He angled himself to sit against the headboard. Finding it easier to see pull you in to him from there.
You cried into his shoulder. You cried for your lost life. Lost future romances, lost first kissed, lost first time.
Without looking at Tyler you start to explain. You told him about your blood heritage and what it means. You tell him about the book and the hidden pages. You tell him about how the Hyde is attracted to your scent and it’s your duty to stop it.
He stroked your hair, comforting you as you faced his chest. He smiled to himself at the irony of it all. Here you were crying to him, the Hyde, about having to have sex with the Hyde.
It all seemed too good to be true. In your emotional state it would be easy to persuade you into doing anything, even letting him fuck you. Making it seem like one last time before committing yourself to the Hyde for the rest of your life, would be a good idea.
“What happens if you have sex before that?”
The air changed. It dawned on you now if it didn’t before, that you were alone with Tyler, in his bed, in his shirt, and in your panties. Tyler himself was wearing a different shirt and sweatpants.
You swallowed, “I don’t think it changed things. The Hyde will still want me.”
“So it won’t matter if you do or don’t.”
You sighed listening to the beat of Tyler’s heart, “No I suppose it won’t”
His hand came down from your back to the curve of your ass, just above where the shirt had ridden. His hand stroked your cheek, hand dancing along the hem of the shirt.
“Well then it won’t matter if we-”, he didn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t need to. The offer if you accepted it meant nothing. It would be one night before an eternity with someone else.
You moved to straddle his lap. Your hands on his sides, eyes looking at the faded design on his shirt.
“I’ve never,” he knew what you meant. He had, months ago. With some girl from school. It had happened once and the two never spoke of it again.
You felt hands cup the backs of your thighs, thumbs rubbing up and down your ass.
“It’s okay, just give yourself to me.”
The words seemed strange, but you did as he said. You let the tension from your shoulders dissipate as you relaxed into his touch.
His hands moved high, now under the shirt you wore. They stopped at your hips. You felt him moving you further up his lap. The gasp from your lips fell into a moan when his undeniable erection ground against your pantie covered core.
“Look at me baby”
The command brought your eyes up to his. Slowly, he made his lips met yours. Taking your breathe away in the kiss. It was passionate and slow. You’d definitely remember this as your first kiss.
Somewhere along the kisses, they become more desperate, faster and a little rougher. Your intoxicating scent was nothing compared to your taste. The Hyde he hid was pounding in his mind to get out.
You were flipped on to your back, with Tyler above you. He released you from the kiss so you could breath. But resumed as soon as he was sure you’d had the minimum amount of oxygen needed.
His hands found your hip once again. Now trailing up to your nipples. He rolled them in between his fingers causing you to let out the prettiest moan he’d ever heard.
Your borrowed T-shirt had been pushed up and was now just below your boobs. Leaving your panties on display to him. He continued toying with your nipple as one hand drifted to your panties.
You could feel his fingers running along the hem, making you whine at his teasing. He let out a breathy laugh. He couldn’t believe it. After all the planning in his head, it became obsolete. You handed yourself to him on a silver plate.
He let his index finger trail down the middle of your panties. Continuing their search for you bud. When the search was over he used his thumb to roll circles into your your clit, making you writher and try to buck your hips off the bed.
“Hey now, just relax. Stop moving”
And so you ceased to move. Making an effort to stay still, with your hips planted firmly into the mattress.
While his thumb rubbed your clit, he brought two fingers down to rub between your clothed clit. Feeling a wet patch start to form.
“Please,” you begged, unsure of what you wanted. “Please Tyler.”
“You sound so pretty begging for my touch. What do you want baby?”
You whined, not wanting to have to say anything. You wished he would pick up on your frustration and stop his teasing.
“Please Tyler, take them off.”
This time he listened. With your help he peeled your panties down from your crotch and off the ends of your toes. Before going back down he kissed you once more.
“You’re so pretty.” You cheeks warmed. Never having this sort of attention ever.
You felt his fingers trail down to your seeping hole, collecting some of the wet to spread around your lips. In the meantime he kept his thumb at your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves slow enough to make you cry.
His lips moved to kiss the inside of your thigh as his thumbs pace in your clit increased. You lost your breath, feeling light headed. Pleasure built at the back of your skull, starting to spread all over your body. Your stomach tightened with need.
You felt your orgasm approaching, but Tyler never stopped, instead he sucked hickies into existing along your inner thigh. He didn’t stop when you let out a porn worthy moan, or when your hips started bucking. He didn’t stop when you came on his bed or when your thighs started to shake.
Instead he moved his mouth over to your pussy. His tongue trailing up your slit to your clit. He used his thumb to pull back your hood, sweeping his tongue over your bundle of nerves, making you scream.
His finger found your hole as his tongue danced over your clit, licking and sucking as he went. He felt you squeeze against his finger as he pushed it in. It made his already hard cock, sore with need.
Your moaning never stopped. His touch brought stars to your vision. It made your head go light with ecstasy. You weren’t sure you’d be able to string a sentence together you were riding such a high.
Slowly he worked your hole, adding another finger to the mix. With the dual stimulation your next orgasm followed his work quickly. You tried to catch your breath as he pulled away.
He moved to kiss you again. Staring into your eyes. Unknowingly, you’d awoken something in Tyler. Something animalistic, that wasn’t going to stop now until you were his. He’s kissed you, tasted you, fingered you.
Now he planned to complete the bond.
Now he planned to fuck you.
“Tyler, that was. That was wow.” Words failed you. Still lightheaded and riding your high.
“That’s just the start.”
He pulled his T-shirt off and went to shrug off his sweatpants.
“Tyler wait, I’m not sure.”
No, you couldn’t pull out now.
“When are you going to have this chance again?”
You played with your hands. You knew he was right. You just wondered if in a haste to enjoy an experience that you were never going to enjoy again, you’d rushed into things.
“Have you liked it so far?”
Of course you had. Nothing he did compared to anything you’d done before.
You nodded.
“Just sit back and relax. You can trust me”
No you couldn’t. But he didn’t need you to know that.
Now completely naked he wrapped a hand around himself, slowly pumping his already hard and throbbing cock.
You could only stare in terror. He was well endowed, if that was the was to describe it. He was at least six inches with a couple more to spare. You were surprised at how hard he was, but undoubtedly turned on.
He moved to kneel on the bed above you. Gently he moved your legs apart and helped you to bend them at the knees. When he was satisfied he pushed two fingers in you once again. Working your hole. Curling them every other thrust to try and get your tight little pussy to relax.
With the way you were squeezing his fingers, he wasn’t sure he was going to last long.
He leaned over to kiss your forehead, whispering sweet nothings as he lined up with your entrance. Slowly pushing himself in. He captured your moan with a kiss. Now rocking in gradually, inch by inch.
Your eyes welled with tears. The pain fresh and sharp, getting duller with his every thrust.
“You okay?”
You nodded. He took it as his signal to start rocking faster. Relishing in the way your walls squeezed his cock. Each thrust he was able to put more power behind, getting faster.
Soon he was at a steadier pace. Your mouth open as moans flew out. His breathe laboured as he continued his thrusts. His thrusts started to pound as your walls relaxed further. By the way you were moaning he could tell you were close to your next orgasm. Begging him for something you didn’t know.
Your pussy fluttered around him, causing any self preservation to leave him as he let his own load coat your walls. Thrusts became sloppy, then finally stopping as he pulled out of you.
He kissed your head once more before collapsing next to you.
A sense of clarity filled his head. The Hyde no longer pounding to get out. He was the Hyde. There was no two sides of him anymore. It was just him, Tyler. No just the Hyde or just him. Now they were one.
And it was all thanks to you.
Taglist -> @moonmaiden1996 , @capricorn-anon, @respectmyprivacys-blog, @cometfrost18, @sahvlren, @nightfurya
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olivia11803 · 1 year
New Purpose
Halbrand x elf!reader
Words: 4k
Request: by anon – “I have a Halbrand x reader request/idea. Where the reader is an elf and she and Sauron fell in love in the really early days of middle earth. Because of this Morgoth killed her because she made Sauron soft. She then goes through the whole elf reincarnation thing and reincarnated to be alive during the rings of power. She’s now Galadriel’s friend and jumps off the ship to Valinor with her, meaning she ends up on the raft and numenor with Halbrand and Galadriel. She doesn’t remember her previous life but falls for Halbrand still. The rest is up to you 👀”
Thanks for the request, anon! ❤️
Warnings: Mentions of death. Injury and blood (nothing major). Lots of pining. Maybe a little ooc, but he’s in love, and she makes him soft.
I have almost finished the second (and final) part of this. This one was getting too long, and it felt right to split them. Been a while since I���ve done this much writing, so hopefully it’s not completely awful. Also, not my gif – credit to the creator!
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You do not anticipate returning to Aman so soon. Námo had been clear when you awoke in his Halls – you have a greater role to play in the shaping of Middle Earth. For whatever reason, the fate of the one they call Sauron is inextricably tied to your own, and it is that fact that brings you and Galadriel together in the beginning and keeps you together long afterwards.
Galadriel herself is a guiding light in this unfamiliar world. Beleriand, you learn, now rests beneath the sea, and your home along with it. Your memories of the place have yet to return – after all this time, you doubt they ever will – but the thought brings with it a sense of longing for all you have lost. Even if you don’t remember what that is, you know it is much.
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olivia11803 · 2 years
My new and current fictional crush is Halbrand.
Halbrand x Reader
Warning: SMUT (wrap it before you tap it), oral (f & m receiving), dirty talk (not my forte forgive me), some fluff
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I felt borderline insane for volunteering to go with Elendil to help Lady Galadriel and Lord Halbrand, who I heard was supposedly the lost King of the Southlands. I had spoken to both of them briefly when they arrived as one of the lead Healers of the island.
Lady Galadriel was kind but had a fierce nature about her, I had little knowledge about how to treat an Elf but I held nothing against her. Truth be told, I didn’t understand why most people hated them but if you voiced that opinion out loud, you were likely to get a less that pleasant visit from rough people in a alley.
Halbrand on the other hand was rough and rugged and handsome, there was something about him I couldn’t put my finger on. He was polite, didn’t want to cause a fuss, and obviously had eyes for Lady Galadriel. On the surface, he was a typical man.
But in his eyes, there was something lurking.
After I volunteered, I was helping pack some things in the infirmary when Halbrand came to see me.
We had a lovely chat if I’m honest, we sat on one of the beds and he told about Middle Earth and some of the herbs I’d find useful and he asked about some of the ones from the island. After a few hours, we walked to outside together as most of the trunks were being loaded onto the ships.
“Thank you for telling me about where we’re going, that knowledge is worth more than gold.” I said. “How can I repay you?”
“There’s no need.” He replied, waving his hand nonchalantly. “Call it a gift.”
“Thank you, my lord.” I curtsied and smiled up at him, he was so tall compared to others.
“Thank you for accompanying us, my lady.” He bowed and winked at me, it made me blush.
I watched him walk away and I felt even more excited about the trip.
Once we arrived in Middle Earth, we found a small abandoned port to dock our ships. We set up camp and I sighed as I set my small tent up. Once I had it the way I wanted, I stepped inside and laid down on a thick blanket.
I just laid down and closed my eyes for a second, but when I opened my eyes the light was gone and it was pitch black outside. I peeked through the flap and saw the moon high in the sky, at this season meaning it was around midnight.
I felt groggy and stood up. I changed out of my day dress into a thick nightgown and tried to go back to sleep but it eluded me.
I was hungry and instead of trying to find the kitchens which were probably empty, I went down to the ships. There were probably still stores of fruits and salted meats that I could sneak away a few things that wouldn’t be missed.
I was down in the galley looking at the barrels for apples when I heard someone walking on deck.
I wasn’t doing anything wrong but I still felt like a child that was sneaking sweets after bedtime.
“Good evening, my lady.”
I turned and saw Halbrand smirking at me from the doorway. I smiled and bowed my head.
“My Lord.”
“What are you doing here so late?” He asked as he walked downstairs towards me.
“I fell asleep and missed dinner.” I shrugged and turned back to look for some food. “I figured I could take a few apples that wouldn’t be missed.”
I felt him step up right behind me and I froze. He reached around me and plucked a red apple from the barrel and gently turned me to face him.
“Like this one?” He smirked and held it out for me, but when I reached for it he pulled it back.
“Ah ah,” he chuckled and held it in front of my mouth. “Take a bite.”
I felt a shiver rush up my spine as he took a hold of my hip to hold me in place and step as close to me as he could.
“Go on.” He whispered. “I promise it tastes just as sweet as it looks.”
I blushed as his green eyes sparkled with mischief and lust, he lips ticked up in the corners as he waited for me to take his bait.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find him attractive, he was mysterious and charming, a dangerous combination.
I might never see him again after the battle, I thought to myself, it pulled at my very soul to think that.
So without waiting another second, I leaned forward and smirked at him playfully as I took a bite of his apple. Completely aware of the euphemism he was insinuating with his act, although he seemed surprised I played along with him.
I pulled my head back and swallowed the sweet bite.
I licked my lips of the juice and he watched my tongue run along my upper lip.
Feeling suddenly bold, I pushed the apple away and stepped closer to him and pushed my body against his and smiled.
“I’m hungry for something else now.” I whispered.
“What would that be?” He asked as he tossed the apple aside and held onto my hips to pull me as close as he could.
“You’ll see.” I whispered as I leaned forward and kissed him.
He moaned and teased my bottom lip with his tongue as he kissed me fiercely back.
I traced my hands down his body as he led the kiss and began untying his belt, once I did I pulled my head away and he started kissing and nipping down my neck as I fumbled a little with trying to undo the belt. He laughed softly against my neck and one of his hands wandered over my ass and began kneading the flesh there as he suckled on my pulse. I moaned and my fingers shook as I fought against the urge to let him do as he pleased to me.
I groaned and finally pushed his trousers down. I reached up and pushed at his shoulders and he looked stunned that I pushed him away. His back hit a vertical beam and I supposed he thought for a second that I changed my mind.
But only for a moment, as I got down on my knees and started to stroke his thick cock with my hand.
He moaned louder and threw his head back against the beam.
“You don’t have to d-Ah!”
He cried out as I leaned forward and took the tip in my mouth. I felt his begin to shake and his hands trembled as they threaded through my hair.
I closed my eyes and gently suckled on the tip while his fingers found purchase in my hair.
I twisted my fist while sucking him and every once in awhile I’d massage under the tip with my tongue which made his moan and pant.
“That’s it.” He whispered as he thrusted his hips a little. “Good girl.”
I shivered and moved my hands to hood onto his hips while he helped me bob my head back and forth along his length.
“S’pretty on your knees for me,” he moaned as he jerked his hips a little when I swirled my tongue around the tip. “You’re so beautiful.”
I blushed and kept moving my head when he pulled me off of him. I looked up and must’ve looked a mess with swollen lips and my eyes welling up with tears from trying not to gag.
He leaned down and pulled me to my feet and started kissing me like his life depended on it.
He turned me toward the beam and grabbed my hands and placed them on the soft wood. He pulled my hips back and kissed across my bared shoulder.
“Don’t move.” He grunted as he lifted my skirt up and felt up my backside.
I felt his fingers glide over my wet entrance and I moaned, then I felt his tongue.
“Ohhh, my lord.” I groaned softly as he began licking thick, hot stripes up my center and then his long fingers began pumping inside me.
I grinded my hips as much as I could and tilted my head back, moaning like a wanton courtesan.
He moaned against my skin and drew quick small circles around my clit with his tongue and I felt a tingle slowly move up my spine.
“I’m gonna come!” I cried out, I gripped the wooden beam as tightly as I could and arch my back like a cat. I was right there, transfixed on a precipice of a fall and he pulled away.
I whimpered and leaned my forehead against the beam.
“Noooo.” I whimpered and almost stomped my foot.
“Patience, luv.” Halbrand whispered as he kissed my shoulder and bit gently at my skin as his rough fingers felt up my thighs and grasped my hips firmly.
“I’ll give you what you want.” He promised and when I was about to answer him, he thrusted his full length inside me.
I opened my mouth to scream but he covered my mouth.
“Shhh, only I get to hear the sounds you make.” He chuckled and I felt it as he pushed his chest along my back. “The guards are going to come back soon. You don’t want them to hear you, do you?”
I moaned and grew a little embarrassed by the wetness that now surrounded his cock inside me. He shuddered and nipped at the back of my neck.
“Oh you naughty girl.” He pulled my chest up so I was almost standing and his front was completely flush against my backside.
He felt so deep, it was like I could feel him in my chest. I could barely breathe let alone speak if he moved his hand away.
He began a slow deliberate pace where he’d pull out halfway then push back inside me. My eyes rolled into my head, it felt like every single nerve ending on my body was on fire. It felt so primal and feral yet intimate. He hand over my mouth was determined not to move but he wasn’t putting any pressure that would make it uncomfortable. His thick, hot cock was burning me from the inside out but I could’ve lived with that deep passionate burn forever.
I moaned and let him use my body as he wanted.
“Oh, that’s my good girl.” He whispered in my ear, his breathing was trembling and the way his voice cracked made me feel powerful.
“You want to come on my cock, don’t you?” He asked. “You want to finish inside you?”
I nodded and moaned again circling my hips as he thrusted into me as a sign of my willingness. He groaned into my hair and snapped his hips up. I cried out at the sudden movement and I feel his chest begin to rise and fall quickly as he panted and his pace quickened.
“Yes, you feel so perfect around me.” He moaned louder than before and sped up. “I can feel you’re close, that’s it.”
I held onto the beam and leaned my head back against his shoulder and my vision went white as I came, my pussy pulsating around his cock. I screamed into his hand and felt my body seize up with overstimulation. It was all too much.
The heat from his body, the burning pleasure from my own, the way he sped up and gripped my hip so hard I knew it’d leave a bruise.
He shouted as he came inside me and leaned his head against the back of my shoulder. He was panting and shivering, his hand left my mouth and I licked my lips to try and stave off the dryness I immediately felt.
For a minute we stayed still, trying to catch our breath and he stayed inside me as deep as he could go. He thrusted a little deeper and we both winced. I gasped and tried to push his hips away but he held my hand instead.
“No, luv.” He whispered against my skin. “Not yet, I want to feel you for as long as I can.”
I leaned fully against the beam and shivered when I finally managed to catch my breath.
He started kissing the back of my neck and chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” I whispered.
“A few weeks ago I was stranded and didn’t think I’d find salvation.” He finally pulled out of me and I gasped and groaned as my legs began to buckle. I heard him buckle his trousers back up and while I tried to gain some footing, he bent over and put his arms under my knees and back and picked me up.
He looked into my eyes and gripped me tight as he smiled.
“And now, I hold the sun in my arms.”
I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his chest.
“Let’s go back to my tent.” He whispered. “I have apples there you might like.”
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olivia11803 · 2 years
Dreams - Halbrand (smut)
THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE LAST EPISODE! Please reblog and like if you enjoyed reading this drabble. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Halbrand tries to convince the reader to join him.
Warnings: a mixture of all genres, 18+, smut, oral (m receiving), emotional manipulation, open end
Pairing: Halbrand x fem!reader (1k words)
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“Look at me, (y/n).” She shook her head, not daring to meet his eyes, scared that he’d realise how much power he truly held over her. Her mind was racing, caught in a loop, with Galadriel's voice ringing in her ears. Perhaps she was oblivious, perhaps she was stuck in an obsession, but perhaps she was simply in love. 
In love with a man who had lied to her from the moment their paths had crossed. 
“Don’t you want to be with me? Don’t you want to be by my side? Through it all?” Halbrand stepped closer, one step after another that brought him towards the trembling woman. “No? Are you sure about that?” Once again she shook her head, gasping as she felt him push her body, tumbling as her vision grew blurry.  
“My darling, so perfect for me.” Her heart was racing, eyes meeting his darkening ones. (Y/n) was kneeling before the naked man, hands wandering up his thighs to reach his twitching cock. Halbrand’s moans filled the dark room, the only sound her mind could focus on as she parted her lips for him. 
“Everything for you, my lord.” No further words were spoken, body and mind working without holding back, not listening to the uneasy feeling simmering inside of her. His cock rested heavy on her tongue, the taste of him stuck to the muscle, a taste she was all too used to by now. 
Halbrand’s hand found her head, guiding her bobbing motion. His cock disappeared down her throat, forcing (y/n) to gag around him. A sound so raw, so pure, the man felt his every conscious thought slipping. 
“I knew you’d be perfect for me, smart enough to embrace the darkness taking over your heart.” 
A gasp left (y/n) as she rose from the ground, tear-stained features turned from him. Halbrand was crouching next to her, hand tilting her head, cupping her warm cheek. A sob rumbled through her, filling the air as he tightened his grip. 
“There’s no life you can lead without me by your side. You need me, as much as I need you. You were destined to rule by my side.” It was just above a whisper, nothing more than the words the breeze of Valinor would murmur, nothing more than the gentle wind stroking through the trees found in the western parts of Middle Earth. And yet it dripped with something she couldn’t put her finger on.
Was he lying to her once again? 
“Let me go.” (Y/n)‘s voice trembled, shaking with every further word she spoke. Even though deep down she knew that there was no escaping him, tied to the man by the love she fostered in her still racing heart, she tried to escape, fingers buried in the soil. Halbrand didn’t let her move from him, keeping her close to relish in the heat that radiated off her. 
“You will come with me. You won’t leave me.” And with another push she was once again caught in a past moment. 
“Oh god, don’t stop, please. I love you.” (Y/n) cried the words, fingernails leaving crescent shapes in the flesh of his shoulder. Halbrand fucked her with ferocious thrusts, hips meeting hers over and over again. 
He fucked her with no mercy lingering in his body, set on claiming her, set on reminding her who she belonged to. 
“Fuck, feels like you were made for me.” His words left her moaning, eyes fluttering close, set on holding onto the feeling he pushed through her. A feeling she’d never get used to. Her mind was caught in a trance, focusing on his every touch, the marks he kept leaving on her body. 
The body he had started to call his many moons ago. 
“You can’t tell me that you want to let this go.” Her body was burning up, fighting against the exhaustion pushed through her system. Halbrand had her trapped, chained to him with a silent threat spoken into the afternoon air. 
“Why? Why did you lie to me?” Tears kept rolling down her cheeks, tears of exhaustion, tears of confusion and tears of anger. Tears he caught with his thumb stroking her skin, set on drying them one by one. 
“I had to. We wouldn’t have this, if you had known of my identity, would we? Oh, darling.” Her eyes fell shut as he pulled her into his chest, lips pressed against her forehead. Her tears soaked through his shirt, staining the fabric that had carefully been crafted by skilled fingers. 
“Do you remember what I told you the first night you gave into my calling?” 
“Let me love you, till the last star on Middle Earth’s sky burns out. Let me, please.” Slow thrusts pushed her further to the edge. Halbrand had his arm slung around her, slowly fucking her as if they had all time this life was offering them. 
“Please, don’t ever stop loving me.” (Y/n) moaned against his lips, teeth grazing his lower lip. Whatever had tied them together as their eyes had crossed for the first time, still had its grasp on them. 
She felt her high arise, burning through her veins like the fires that would alight the sky whenever celebrations were held. And yet this moment was by far more intimate, more loving, more thrilling. 
One last thrust gave her the final push her body needed, forcing (y/n) to cum on his cock. Her walls clamped down on him, keeping him close as the feeling filled every vein of hers. 
“Join me, like you were destined to, (y/n).”
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