oliviabrooks · 2 years
“A guy can dream,” he said with a hopeless sigh before laughing. The kiss brought on a small but sincere smile. He knew it wasn’t good how much he still loved receiving those small acts of affection from her. How sometimes he craved it. “I feel like if bringing you your favorite food in the middle of the day doesn’t put me on the top, then this is going to tough.”
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“You’re not the only one dreaming of that specific visit.” Olivia joked. His smile in respond to the little kiss on his cheek made her feel slightly guilty. If she hadn’t been such a coward, maybe this could’ve been their normal. “You do have a point, but when have I ever been easy in giving out rewards like that?” 
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“I guess when your chances of running into Ryan Reynolds lessen on a production lot it does take away some of the excitement,” he nodded a small smile peaking out. “Tipping isn’t necessary but I would appreciate a nice review. You can just talk nicely about me on Twitter.”
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“Yeah, I don’t really think we’ll be seeing much from him any time soon.” Olivia chuckled. She moved a little closer to him and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. “Tipping is always necessary, so I do hope you accept this as a tip. As for a review on Twitter, those I quite rarely give out. You’ll really have to earn that one.”
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“You know, I always imagined behind the scenes to be a lot cooler looking,” he admitted handing her the lunch he had brought for her.
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“Studios in Hollywood are definitely more impressive than sets like these. But I haven’t even shown you most of the sets yet, this is just storage mostly.” Olivia offered him a grateful smile as she took the lunch from him. “You’re a lifesaver. Thank you.”
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
Cohen: Okay well I think you being the braver one between us isn't exactly shocking news here but you get a strong enough guy and a hit could do some damage.
Cohen: Was just watching a scary movie in honor of spooky season and you never know. It could happen.
Olivia: Sure, but it's not like it's anything I haven't seen before. I practically grew up with men who took a liking to hitting kids for fun. All I'm saying is, I could endure that part of the torture if the information was important enough. But again, pulling nails out of my fingers is where I draw a line.
Olivia: Fair. Though I don't feel like I have any information worth a torture session... Have any recommendations for scary movies?
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
Cohen: Do you think that if you got tortured how long could you withstand it before giving them info? Because I don't think they would even have to touch me before I gave a tell all.
Olivia: Definitely longer than you would. Probably depends on how important the information is, and how bad the torture is. If it's just hitting and kicking, yeah, I can take that. But I'd definitely give in before the whole pulling nails out and shit.
Olivia: What exactly brought you to seriously consider this?
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
Jolie: I actually got a good time slot this Friday for my set. Tell me that you can come??
Olivia: That entirely depends on what time slot you consider to be good. But of course, I'll try to be there!
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“Fuck, that is what I had tonight?” Nolan sighed running a hand through his hair. “Can we make sure a check goes to whatever organization it’s supposed to be about? When you say morning just how early?”
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"I’ll take care of it.” Olivia nodded as she made a mental note. “I’m pretty sure it’s around eight, so I can imagine that might be a little too early after a night of fun.” 
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“I can hardly believe it myself but my boss just told me this afternoon. I knew that I could count on you to share in this with me.”
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“That’s amazing! Is the client someone cool, or just someone to get you started?” Olivia wondered. “Of course, any reason to go out and celebrate sounds good to me.”
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“Any plans you had I’m going to need you to cancel and I need you to come and celebrate with me. Guess who is getting their very own client?”
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“Wait -- for real? We’re definitely celebrating. Congratulations!”
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“Thanks for the offer but my only plan is to go home and get drunk on the vodka waiting for me.”
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“Okay, fair. That does sound a whole lot better than attending a charity gala with a bunch of rich assholes. I’ll make sure to cancel it. Do you want me to postpone the morning meeting while I’m at it?” 
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“High school or not it was still a relationship. And I don’t know with you being so young I feel like that can be pretty impactful with how you view future relationships.” He wasn’t trying to argue as much as just let her know that she didn’t have to minimize the things in her life. His only relationship was a fake one when he was a teen and even that impacted how he allowed himself to be with people he liked. “There are some things that don’t need to be spread around even further. You could have just kept that little nugget to yourself,” he scrunched up his nose, shaking his head. “Yes you are such a sweetheart for taking it back,” Nolan laughed. “But I do very much need you and I don’t see that changing.” He was aware of all the work she did for him but it wasn’t just that. He liked having someone that he meshed with. He didn’t know if he’d get that with the next one.
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“Yeah, maybe. I wasn’t really in love though -- more in love with the idea of having a boyfriend. As most people have at that age I guess.” Olivia shrugged. Even though the boyfriend was made up, there’d definitely been crushes that were that -- just crushes. It hadn’t been until Cohen that she realized what love actually was. And even then, it scared her more so than she actually enjoyed it. It had been so foreign, something she’d never experienced before, and that made her vulnerable. Something she never ever wanted to be. “Alright, I’ll shut up about it then. Just know I’ll never share these random tidbits of trivia with you ever again.” Olivia teased. “That’s good to hear.” It was, but it wasn’t at the same time. If he’d grow too attached to having her as a PA, he’d never feel the need to help her on her way up. He’d never consider her more as that, his perfect PA that he could never do without. 
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“It’s official. I’m in love with you. Is  spring wedding too soon?”
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“Too soon? I’d say a spring wedding would be way too far away. Unless you really want to go for a spring wedding. I can be patient if I have to be.”
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
These games had never been Cohen’s thing. He had forced himself tonight to try and get into the spirit of the evening. He wasn’t the guy who went out looking to make out with someone. He wanted to be the guy that had the same date every time that he was excited to start and end his nights with. Like with what he used to have with Olivia. “I think all that I did was read between the very distinct and clear lines with what you were saying. Which was obviously that I am the best kiss you ever had,” he teased, the cockiness nothing more than an act.
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She couldn’t help but laugh at his comment. “Fair enough, you’re more than a decent kisser.” He definitely was the best kiss she ever had, but there was no need to say that out loud. He knew. “Sloppy, terrible kiss aside, are you at least having fun?” Olivia wondered. She still felt bad for pretty much being responsible for him packing up his entire life to move to Rockford to be with her. Especially for how she’d reacted to the news. After all, because of her, he was now stuck in a lame town with no one but some colleagues apparently. 
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“No really that it’s a scandal. More jst that most people our age nowadays barely last long enough with someone to consider them an ex as more than a failed talking stage,” he admitted with a laugh. “The basics,” he nodded but there was some surprise in his voice as she mentioned it so casually. “Asshole seems like an awfully generous term for him. Shit. That would fuck anyone up. Sorry that you had to deal with that. A guy would be crazy to risk you.” His sentiment was genuine. Of course he always flirted with her for fun but it wasn’t like he didn’t see how great she was too. “I can’t say that I have never thought of Robert Pattison’s dick, but it was a completely different context than science relating to fantasy. Well different kind of fantasy,” he added on with a smile. “It would if you actually meant it. You’re not tricking me into firing you.”
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“That’s definitely true. To be fair this really wasn’t much of a relationship, more of a high school relationship, you know?” Part of her felt bad for lying, especially with how sweet he was being about it, but another part figured this was so much better than the truth. She didn’t want him to look at her differently, for him to feel like she was so much less than how he saw her now. Olivia let out a soft laugh at his words. “I think I heard it on a podcast somewhere and I haven’t been able to properly process it, so now you can ponder about it too.” She joked. “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood today. You’re not a prick, I was being mean. It matched well with arrogant, you have to agree with me on that one.” While it was hard at times, not fully being able to be herself, having to keep up the ‘perfect’ appearance in the hopes that maybe one day he’d be able to help her out, or even just see her as more than his PA. But conversation with Nolan was definitely easier than with most people, especially in the industry they worked in. “I’m not saying I want to be fired, I’m just saying, if you feel like you need me less, you wouldn’t put up a year’s notice.”
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“Another ex? I have not spent enough time diving into your dating history.” He had a long list of dating history but none of that really involved anything damaging or impactful. It was all just a string of flings. Some holding a little meaning, most not. “So can I ask what happened?” He didn’t always push for information but they had known each other long enough. “We were kids that fed off the idea that true love is real and forever,” he said with a dramatic flare before a light chuckle followed. “Arrogant? Alright. But prick feels a little harsh here,” he pointed to himself. “Not like I expected you to stay around forever, but I’m going to need at least a years notice to emotionally prepare for your departure.”
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“As if two exes at my age is such a scandal.” Olivia chuckled. Truth was that there’d only been one, before Cohen it had just been little flings, a few dates, but not much more. There had been enough men in her life already and she’d seen how all of that worked out for her mother. But then there’d been Cohen who was just... Well, Cohen. And as he slowly teared down her walls, she’d realized there weren’t just the assholes she’d known her entire life. “Just the basics, cheating, jealousy, just being an asshole and all that bullshit.” Olivia shook her head with a soft laugh. “I guess so, yeah. But still -- it’s such a weird story with weird characters and tropes. I mean, Edward was too scared to have sex with Bella, because he was scared he’d kill her. But like, with what? Vampires are dead, aren’t they? How is he getting it up in the first place?” A soft chuckle slipped her lips, after all these years it was the little things that made no sense about fantasy stories like Twilight. “Fine, I’ll retract the prick statement if it makes you feel better... I feel like I should probably stop working as hard if you’re going to need a notice of a year.”
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
“The ex,” he repeated back like he was hearing something juicy. He just wanted to keep it lighter feeling while getting to know her. “So who was it that fucked up the trust to make it stupid to do it in the first place?” He asked curiously. “Bella was just as creepy. They were meant for each other,” he laughed it off. “Oh please. I’m not worried about that. If you left me, you would miss me and you know it wouldn’t be the same with anyone else.” He didn’t want to lose her at least. Sure he knew eventually it would happen but he liked having someone steady in his life.
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She’d expected him to dig a little further when it came to her ex, but he surprisingly moved on to the obvious follow-up. One Olivia would’ve much rather avoided. “Another ex.” She lied, as she’d done so many times before. The obvious ‘an ex broke my trust, so that’s why I don’t open up easy’ was much easier to explain than the cocktail of a verbally abusive mother, absent father, endless stream of abusive addicts to replace said absent father, mixed with a little trailer park and no money to top it off. “That’s fair, yeah -- what was it that we all liked so much about it? All characters are weird as fuck, looking back.” Olivia wondered as she tried to figure out what characters actually weren’t weird. “Who says I would work for someone else? I do happen to have larger ambitions than being a PA to arrogant pricks for the rest of my life.” 
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oliviabrooks · 2 years
At her nod he debated on asking, but pushed any way. “What about you? Is there anyone you trust like that?” There is was almost no one else that he spent more time with than Olivia because of work. But all their conversations didn’t give him much insight to a lot of personal things and he craved that with people. To at least have some illusion of being close. “The face? That just makes it worse. Edward had the better jawline. I don’t know, I’m beginning to think that being attracted to me is just an exception to it all.”
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She wasn’t sure whether honesty was the best move here, but to lie and say there wasn’t would probably sound even worse. “My ex-boyfriend, stupidly enough.” Olivia admitted. It felt strange to say it out loud, but Cohen was definitely the one person in her life she felt she could open up to. Still. Even after everything she’d put him through. “I mean, sure he’s got a good jaw, but Edward as a character always bugged me, he’s creepy as fuck. In the end, turns out Jacob is as well -- but little me didn’t know that much at that point. Keep insulting my taste and you might need to find yourself a new assistent soon.” 
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