oliviamaes · 2 years
Olivia was thankful that someone replied back to her, hoping that she didn't look like a fool by talking aloud for anyone to hear. Not that she usually cared about what people thought, but she still didn't want to embarrass herself in her hometown. "It is, isn't it? I don't think I've heard a song like this before. The chorus is catchy, but the melody of the song is what is getting to me." Olivia had always been a music fan and getting to discover new songs made her feel more alive in a way, allowing her to soak in the joy of finding something to live for. "Oh, I think I've heard of that app! No, but I can download it before the song ends," she spoke as she grabbed her phone out of her pocket. Going to the app store, she hoped that she made it in time before the song got to its last note. "It's loading, so hopefully it won't be too much longer."
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——- It had been a hot minute since marianna had gotten a chance to go out and just browse for new music for her growing CD and vinyl collections . she was so sucked into doing her work and trying to make it herself she got lost in that for a while , but now here she was finally back at it all . glancing around , passing by someone til she heard their voice , chestnut brown eyes looking to the blonde with the question asked before offering her best soft and warm smile in her direction . ❝  i’m honestly not quite sure myself -- but it’s definitely very good , ❞  she commented , stopping to focus on the music she too was hearing before an idea came to mind . ❝  there’s an app for this ! it’s called like -- shazam or some shit and you let it listen to the song playing and it should tell you ! you got that app ? ❞ 
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oliviamaes · 2 years
"You're really making a good case about the book; I'm for sure going to have to get it now," Olivia chuckled with a laugh as she nodded. She made a mental note to herself to look up the author, knowing that they must be good if they were recommended. "Oh! It's a YA book about a girl who can kill people by touching them. It takes place in a dystopian world and you don't really find out about the world until you get really into the book, but I think it's worth it. It's a whole series, but I think I'm going to wait to finish the series until I have a palate cleanser."
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Listening along, Isabelle smirked. "Oh it's amazing. That twist at the end. I swear, you'll never see it coming," she told the blonde. "Oh, I'm sure. I don't think E. Lockhart ever misses," she mused. "Oh I've never heard of it. What's it about?" she questioned. She was interested. Maybe that could be the second book she grabbed.
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oliviamaes · 2 years
"I think this was before she had to have surgery on her vocal chords," Olivia mused with a laugh after she told him that fun fact. Olivia nodded her head with an 'ah' when he told her that he was looking for a Beatles album. "Maybe. I know if it's a popular record, someone might've snatched it up. That, or it might've been moved into a different section. I know people do that sometimes," she spoke. "Have you asked the cashier? They might know."
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"Yeah she sounds a bit different in this song too." He barely recognized her either. "I'm looking for a Beatles album." He hummed and sighed." An older one but it doesn't seem to be here." He raised an eyebrow." I swore they had t here a couple of weeks ago, Must of sold out or somethin."
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oliviamaes · 2 years
It was a calm day at Pulling Strings as Olivia hadn't seen too many people stroll through the doors of the shop during her shift. Between making sure the guitars were displayed neatly and going through her schedule for her lessons of the week, she was mindlessly humming to herself and in her own little world until she heard a familiar voice coming towards her. "Hey there," she looked over at the other with a smile now on her features, "I think I can help you out in that department. My knowledge of the ukulele isn't as extensive as it is with the acoustic guitar, but I can still show you a few things about it." Olivia played it here and there, but she was fairly confident that she could give Kyla some tips about it. "Yeah, I am, actually! My student just called to say that they couldn't come in today, so you're just in time. You can go over there and pick one from the shelf, and we'll get started," she spoke, pointing to the area before moving to get some beginner's notes for the instrument.
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closed starter for @oliviamaes
location: pulling strings
Music had always been something that interested Kyla. As a child, she was forced into violin lessons, which never really was her cup of tea. By the time she reached her teens, she had dabbled with learning a few guitar chords. It had been quite a while since she had picked up and practiced an instrument, yet she had the urge to learn the ukulele. She walked into the music shop and wandered around a bit until she ran into an employee. A wide smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she recognized the familiar face of Olivia. "Just the person I was looking for," she greeted her with a smile. "What do you know about ukuleles and are you available for lessons?"
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oliviamaes · 2 years
Olivia scrunched up her nose a bit as she heard the other's response, trying to place that name. Surely, she was convinced that she had heard of that artist before but was coming up with a blank. "I've heard of Mikky Ekko before. Maybe he's a one hit wonder?" Olivia spoke with a small chuckle before she finally placed the name, turning quickly at the other with a gasp. "Oh! I remember. He did Stay with Rihanna. I think that's the only song I've heard from him. Besides the one that is on now."
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Main Street Records had become Tamara's home away from home in many ways. She enjoyed browsing through the selection of used vinyl. There was something magical about finding a treasure that was once so well loved, just waiting for you to take it home with you. Her fingers skimmed over the stacks of records, just waiting for one to jump out at her. She almost didn't notice the presence of someone else nearby. Tamara froze for a moment and tilted her head towards the speaker to better hear what song was playing. "The song is called Kids but I can't remember the name of the artist." She reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone. After a few taps on her screen, she spoke again, "It's by Mikky Ekko. whoever that is."
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oliviamaes · 2 years
Olivia listened to the other speak with a nod of her head, feeling her bangs run into her vision before she moved them away. "Oh, I've heard that was a good book. I haven't had the chance to dive into it yet," Olivia spoke with a smile. "I'll have to be sure to check it out. Hopefully that book there is as good as the first one you read. I've just finished reading Shatter Me, and I'm looking for something to keep me as entertained as that one did."
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With her mind made up, Isabelle let out a content hum before she began to eye a few more options. This store had quite a selection and she was pleasantly surprised and impressed. As someone spoke to her, she looked over slowly, then down at the book in her hand. "Yeah," she nodded slightly, "just finished We Were Liars and needed something new," she informed. "This looks pretty promising," she said holding the book up. "Same amazing author."
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oliviamaes · 2 years
Olivia nodded her head with an 'ah' at his response, realizing that she did indeed know the voice that was coming through the store's speakers. "I know that the voice was familiar. I don't think I've heard this song in forever, actually." Olivia went back to sifting through the records that were in front of her before she spoke up again. "What are you looking for? You look like you're determined to find it," she added with a small smile.
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Jaxson was looking for a Beatles record album when he heard someone talking.” The song is chasing pavements by Adele.” He said as he looked to see who it was once more the blonde looking familiar. He went through the cds and picked the cd he wanted.
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oliviamaes · 2 years
record store findings!
where: main street records
with who: anyone
Currently, Olivia was between the aisles at Main Street Records, unsure of which section she was in specifically. It didn't matter, though, she was here to discover new artists and to take a look around their selection of CD's and vinyls. She bopped her head to the song that was playing over the speakers, losing herself in the lyrics and melody. She loved that about record stores, always consisting of little-known, incredible music. The current song made her feel like she was being transported somewhere else in the most incredible way, it felt like a comfortable warmth seeped through her veins. With a contented sigh, she spoke, loud enough for anyone near her to hear her, "what's this song? It's quite good."
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oliviamaes · 2 years
Whenever Olivia stepped inside Bookmarked, she felt like she was cheating on her own workplace, The Book Nook. However, it was nice to go to a different setting every once in awhile. And she thought it'd be fun to check out what the other bookstore had to offer. No matter what bookstore it was, Olivia always felt a sense of comfort she could only get at a shop filled with books. There was something comforting about the smell of books as she walked through the aisles. Olivia was browsing the shelves, looking at the selection of books that were on sale. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the other and what book was in their hands. "Oh, that looks like a good book. Are looking for your next read?"
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who: open to all location: Bookmarked
The more Isabelle got acquainted with her new surroundings, the more confident she felt in venturing out into the world and today was no different as she walked into the bookstore. In her downtime, she was a bit of a reader, and she had just finished We Were Liars and needed something new to sink her teeth into. Inhaling the faint vanilla scent from the books, she let out a deep sigh as she found her way to the fiction section. She was a romance, mystery, sci-fi kind of girl, though she didn't mind the occasional celebrity biography as well. Studying the selection, she pulled out what looked to be promising, Genuine Fraud.
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oliviamaes · 2 years
gatekeeping my soul. I am for myself and the ones I love exclusively.
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oliviamaes · 2 years
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And I wake with your memory over me, that’s a real fucking legacy to leave.
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oliviamaes · 2 years
Olivia was no stranger to having a glass of wine after a long day. Hell, she didn't even need that excuse to come down to the place that served her favorite rosé. Plus, the atmosphere here was was fun and relaxed. And she could feel the stress of the last few months melt away as she nursed her glass of wine. "Can't blame you for doing that, really. I do it too." Olivia sputtered with a laugh before she grabbed a menu off of the table they were sat at and scanned the offerings. "Let's see... what kind of flavors are you feeling? Besides the cabernet?"
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open to: anyone! assume connections if you'd like where: downtown, petit pitcher
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"I'm at a loss for which holiday brew to try. My 2022 New Year's Resolution was to try new things and... I honestly have stuck with the same cabernet at this place since January." Emerald gestures to the half-empty glass of wine sitting in front of her. "Tell me you have a recommendation or else I'll have deal with two unfinished resolutions."
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oliviamaes · 2 years
Olivia glanced over at the other when she heard the question, wiping away stray crumbs that were stuck to her face after she took a bite of a s'mores bar cookie. It wasn't uncommon to find her at Cookie Crumbles, her sweet tooth always called her to the little shop whenever she was in need of a major sugar rush. Her brows knitted together for a second, a pensive look etching itself on her features as she took a moment to think about it. "Shit, I haven't even thought of a resolution for the next year." Olivia laughed before taking another bite of her cookie, trying to chew through her words. "Maybe it's to figure out a way to be less emotionally attached to people. Or if we're looking to do something more doable, I'd say I'm going to try to learn how to make my own cocktails. That sounds fun, right?"
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open to: anyone!
where: anywhere that works homie, go wild with it, the possibilities are endless
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"Go on then, are you going to do the whole New Years resolution thing this year? And if so, can I be nosy as hell and ask what yours is?"
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oliviamaes · 2 years
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* — ✺ 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧' 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ; an introduction to olivia mae andrews.
ESTABLISHED in 1990; Olivia is a pretty nice girl all things considered. She can be brash and uncouth when she feels backed into a corner, but that's a side of her that's more or less exclusively reserved for her mother. She's loyal and the type of person who'll answer your 3 AM phone calls. In all honesty, she's just a very genuine, pleasant person to be around. She's always trying to see the best in everyone and she likes to believe that people are good.
nickname(s): ollie, liv, livie age: thirty-two date of birth: august 31, 1990 zodiac sign: leo gender/pronouns: cis woman sexual orientation: bisexual romantic orientation: biromantic residence: fairford, washingston (mountainside) occupation: bookseller at the book nook
Trigger warning(s): mentions of having a toxic parent, cheating, parental death
Olivia was born into a wealthy family of charming hospitality and picture perfect smiles, the little princess in the small family of five until her little sister came into the world. Demoted to the dreaded middle child, Olivia quickly learned the ropes when it came to getting her parents' attention: all she had to do was to scream the loudest and push their buttons until they acknowledged her, a less than flattering behavior that never really went away as she grew up and matured.
As a kid, she was constantly on her feet - her sociability and curiosity to try new things meant she went through activities like guys go through Kleenex; she tried dancing (the poor girl had two left feet), softball (you're supposed to hit the ball with the bat?) and even enjoyed a brief stunt as an equestrian before she experienced a traumatizing encounter with horse ordure. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the blonde's strive to find something that she could call hers repeatedly ended in frustration and disappointment; by the time she'd entered her teens, she'd stopped trying in light of the never ending feeble attempts.
High school was an interesting period in her life. Coming from money and having looks on her side was a winning concept as far as popularity went, and she was a part of the upper tier of the Fairford High School hierarchy. However, 'always the bridesmaid, never the bride' was a self-fulfilling prophecy as she was second or third to the Queen B and lost out on the cheer captain title three years in a row (not to mention the prom queen nomination that almost landed her the title). She had more than many others could even dream of but that was never enough - not to herself nor her mother, who'd been reduced to a devil on her shoulder with her thinly veiled criticism.
Attention and positive reinforcement was her kryptonite, and when boys and girls started to hit on her with shitty pick-up lines and disgustingly confident grins plastered on their faces, Olivia fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Eventually the only time she felt genuinely appreciated was between the sheets or in the backseat of a car, and she kept chasing the high it gave her. Before long, her sexuality had become her main attraction and the only thing she thought she had to offer to the world. Not to say that she didn't enjoy the sex part of it, but it was very clear that the main catalyst behind her promiscuity were the sweet words and compliments that came along with it.
After high school, she moved to New York City to attend NYU. She needed to get away from Fairford, if only for a while, and college was her ticket out of the town she called home for so long, despite having little to no interest in pursuing a higher education. It didn't come as a huge surprise when she dropped out after the first semester and instead set her sights on becoming a star. She attended acting classes and did test shoots for several agencies which lead to a short-lived acting career, consisting mostly of "girl #3" credits and only the occasional speaking role until she landed a recurring guest role on a popular sitcom. At that point, she thought it'd be the start of something great, but beyond a few episodes here and there of various television series and a few roles in minor indie horror movies (where she almost always died within the first 30 minutes), the job offers were sparse. Four years of minor work took its toll on her interest in acting. When the enthusiasm and passion dissipated, she packed her bags and moved back to Fairford with a bruised ego and no immediate plans for the future.
Her dad set her up with an internship at his office to make sure that she didn't remain unemployed for long. During this time, she hit it off with his personal assistant and their instant chemistry turned into torturous sexual tension, hindered only by the ring on the other woman's finger. Getting involved with someone who was taken had never been her style; she was not a homewrecker, but the other woman made it difficult to resist the tension that haunted them every time they were in a room together. When it become too hard to resist temptation, they both let their guards down and fell into a habit of sleeping together, Olivia's conscience ridden with guilt every time she thought about the marriage she was most definitely putting cracks into. Because of their close proximity to each other, Olivia decided to quit her internship and picked up a part-time job at The Book Nook, selling books as her source of income.
The recent death of her father has sent her into a downward spiral. He was the solid foundation in her life and the only person that made Fairford feel like home; the struggles between her mother and her had been alleviated by his presence and now that he's gone, Olivia is finding it difficult to cope. Meanwhile, the person she seeks comfort from is the woman who worked the closest with her dad, and slowly but surely she's starting to realize that it's more than just sex that makes her come back.
ELLIOT ANDREWS, FATHER - They were very close. He made Olivia feel safe and secure. Olivia’s father was her rock. Without him now, she feels like she has nothing. Olivia was a daddy’s girl at heart and would have done anything for the man.
LILLIANE ANDREWS, MOTHER - Her least favorite person in the world. I touched on it briefly in Olivia's bio, but she doesn't have the greatest relationship with her mother. Lilliane expected Olivia to be the perfect-picture daughter she always wanted. Everything in her mother's perfect little life, and when Olivia couldn’t reach the standards her mother set, she was criticized and belittled. She no longer speaks to her mother due to the fact that the pressure she put her under caused her to suffer from anxiety attacks. Olivia’s currently looking for a good therapist since she’s still dealing with the impact of her words and the expectations she set for her. 
SIBLINGS - Her brothers and sister are one of the best things to ever happen to her. She’s much older than her sister, ten years, at least. But her brothers are only a couple of years older than her. She looks back fondly on the all the memories and drama that came with having siblings as a child. With her sister, she loves spilling out advice and spending time with her as her sister gets older. Her siblings are her favorite people.
CLOSE FRIEND - Something very fluffy! They meet and hit it off right away, or not. Maybe it takes them a little longer to get comfortable around each other. They play stupid board games, cook/bake together (even if it may turn out terrible). Laugh at each others stupid and corny jokes.
BOOK CLUB BUDS - As an employee of a bookstore, she wants to start a book club. She's currently looking for members so if you've got a muse that reads, sends them my way!
LEFT BRAIN, RIGHT BRAIN - Olivia's other half. The two couldn’t be more different regarding their behavior and interests, but they somehow make it work. They don’t fight often, either, even if they aren’t the same in the slightest. The one thing they have in common is how much they adore the other’s existence.
TRIO - Like a troublesome trio. The three are always seen with at least one another. You can call them Charlie’s Angels, Destiny’s Child, or Phoebe, Rachel, and Monica from Friends. Something that resembles the friendships of the bold type and someone great.
BAD BLOOD - Olivia doesn’t have many enemies, but there is always someone out there in the world that will get on her nerves. This person makes her want to gouge her eyes out with a fork. Right off the bat, these two bumped heads, arguing about petty things like favorite TV shows and favorite foods. Perhaps it’s because they’re both natural born leaders and can’t seem to reach an agreement, or perhaps it’s because they remind each other a little too much of themselves. Either way, nobody understands their dislike of one another. 
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS - They’ve been best friends since childhood and know everything about the other. They have a sibling bond, are overprotective of one another and almost attached at the hip. This person is the reason Olivia even came back to Fairford.
FAMILY FRIENDS - Their parents are really close so they spend quite a lot of time with the other. They used to be much closer, one is trying to rekindle their friendship and the other does not care.
FRIENDS THAT DRIFTED APART - Sadly, this person is no longer in Olivia’s life as much as she’d like them to. The two were once very close, but as their lives began to change their friendship no longer remained as strong as it once was.
THE OTHER WOMAN - Once Olivia started working in her father's office, she met his personal assistant and they hit it off. These two had a mutual agreement to just sleep with each other just to ease the tension, but eventually, they started to indulge in the perks of being friends with benefits by having rendezvous a little more than once. The other woman never made it clear about where they stood, until she mentioned having a spouse. It should've stopped then and there, but Olivia got too attached to them and now wants more than just sex. Olivia knows she should end it, but this person and Olivia talk day in and day out, tell each other everything, and trust one another more than they trust anyone else. They simply think they’re best friends, but as time grows on they slowly realize that the “protective” feeling they feel when one of them talks about another person, isn’t protectiveness at all. It’s jealousy. This is just the beginning of a whirlwind of feelings, and if you’re interested in this, I promise you we’ll have buckets of fun.
I'm honestly open to any kind of connections, whether it's friends, exes, etc.! Hit me up and we'll start something!
Olivia can play the piano, the electric guitar, the acoustic guitar and the drums. She’s currently learning how to play a bass guitar from one of her friends.
She can’t pick a favorite movie to save her life, but when it comes to television shows it’s definitely Grey’s Anatomy. It’s been her favorite show since it first aired, and she watches it every single day - even when the latest season is over, she will binge watch from season one until the new season comes out.
Unless she’s really in the zone, she can get distracted rather easily and by pretty much anything. Whether she’s with someone or alone, she’ll find something to entertain herself and get sidetracked if she’s really not in it.
Olivia loves taking pictures and capturing the essence of a moment in a snapshot. She prints out her favorites to hang up around her room.
Olivia's favorite thing to cook is breakfast foods. She and her father used to do breakfast for dinner whenever they needed a pick-me-up, or had something to celebrate, so breakfast foods have a special place in her heart. 
it doesn’t take much for Olivia to get attached to people. Although she has been more careful about wearing her heart on her sleeve, she still does get attached way too easily. She gets invested in her friends’ emotions, treats them like family, and worries about them even if they aren’t thinking of her.
Olivia bites her nails, always. Whenever she doesn’t have acrylic nails on, she’s always biting her nails out of habit. She doesn’t mean to bite them; however, she can seem to stop the bad habit.
Olivia absolutely must read. She has so many books that she wants to finish but she never finds the time to sometimes - so working a shift that's slow definitely gives her time to read.
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oliviamaes · 2 years
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From Reputation Vol. 2
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oliviamaes · 2 years
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oliviamaes · 2 years
“Oh, you’re in my blood like holy wine. You taste so bitter and so sweet. Oh, I could drink a case of you, darling, and I would still be on my feet.”
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