damn, i still miss you guys so much. i haven’t like logged out of this account on my phone cause it’s still all surreal. but i added a bunch of you on discord so hopefully we all stay in touch. and i’m hoping to maybe stick around in the small closed group for a bit, but i’m still not really sure. i’ve never done a closed group before so i’m a little nervous.
on another note, i saw some people asking for rpg recs. so, if anyone is looking for a new rpg to join you should really check out ukofcalisotahq. if it’s not really your thing that’s completely okay, and i completely understand. but i would love to keep writing with all of you, even if it’s not in the closed group.
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this is such an unfortunate situation and i’m so angry. i don’t understand how people can be so cruel. it’s not fair to the admins who have worked so hard. they’ve been wonderful to us, and i’m going to miss this rp so much! i wish you all the best. i loved writing with you, and being able to write with you. if you’d like to keep in touch dm on oli and i will gladly give you my discord (emilliondreams#5517), skype, snapchat, whatever. love you guys so much and thank you for being such a great rp. feel free to follow my indie here, if you wanna continue writing together. 
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“No worries, mate, I just hope I didn’t mess it up. Did I step on it? Is it okay? It’s really good mate.” 
CHarlie was seated on the ground outside of the scoop drawing an elaborate flower scene in chalk. Looking up, he squinted at the person to keep the sun out from his eyes. “I see the judgement in your eyes, but these kids brought some chalk, so I came to colour on my lunch break.”
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It was nice that Parker had invited him over. Oliver had hung out with them a few times, and they both always seemed to have fun. “You know I’m not really sure. Maybe it’s cause my schedule’s so unpredictable.” He almost caught the remote, sending it flying to the floor. “Oh sorry mate, it’s not broken. Promise.” Oli said picking the remote back up. “I don’t really watch a lot of TV, so I’m not even sure what my options are.” 
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Grabbing a bowl of popcorn, Parker makes their way over to their couch, plopping down beside Oliverwith a smile. “You know, I can’t believe we don’t hang out more.” They muse, reaching for the remote to turn on Netflix, tossing it over to Oli after. “You can pick, I’m not picky. I’ll watch anything. What sounds good to you?”
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sorry for the lack of gifs rn, i’m house sitting at my aunt’s and her wifi is shit. so nothing will load. 
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“i thought i recognized you,” finley said with a smile evident in his tone, warming up to the familiar face and feeling far less guilty about soiling product in front of a customer. “maybe i just did this place a favor!”
The recognition for just being around felt nicer than any recognition he’d gotten for being an author. “Oliver Fawkes. Nice to formally meet you. And if I’m not mistaken you’re Finley? Did I get that right?” Oliver smiled back. “Between you and me, you have definitely made this place more respectable.” 
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“sounds good. one thing at a time, right?” she said with a wide smile, and then followed him to where the elevators were and pressed the button; standing there with him until eventually, the doors opened for the two of them to step in. after doing so, remington pressed the small, circular button with her floor number on it.  “I definitely wouldn’t object to your help,” she spoke softly, thinking then about what he had suggested for them to do later. It sounded to her like he was asking her out for lunch as a date outing, but she figured there was no way that he could have meant it that way. so she thought it would be wise of her not to make a big deal out of it, not to mention what had been running through her mind during her thought process. “does the grape vine sound good to you? If not, we can go somewhere else, I just have a craving for vegan food today. hooked also sounds like a nice option,” she said as the doors opened up again after they arrived on the second floor, her stepping out first to show him the way to where her apartment was located. 
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Remi’s smile was incredible, and Oliver was just starting to really be aware of that fact. Actually, the longer he looked at her as she spoke, the more he realized that all of Remi was incredible. As they rode the elevator up, Oli started to notice the little things. The way her nose scrunched with certain words. The way her voice inflected when she talked about certain things. It was completely adorable. He was so lost in her that he didn’t answer right away. “Oh, uh. Either was is fine. I’m not very picky when it comes to food. So wherever you’d like to go love.” He followed her out of the elevator, not entirely sure where her apartment was, but once they reached the door, Oli asked. “So where do you want me to put this?” 
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text || oli & minji
minji: may i just ask,
minji: because i'm just a curious person,
minji: what were you doing anyway? like, something artsy?
oli: no worries love
oli: i was typing up some new things for my novel, but i ran out of ink in my typewriter.
oli: when i tried to add more ink, it slipped out of my fingers and the bottle broke, spilling everywhere
oli: it's a bloody mess
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text || oli & emma
oli: normally it would be, but i've been drafting things
oli: i didn't want to waste the proper paper on drafts
Emma: smart and it's less expensive for me
Emma: i'm heading to starbucks too tho, want something?
oli: well, i still insist on paying you back
oli: oh, you don't have to. i feel bad enough that you're already getting me paper
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text || oli & boris
boris: joke's on you, i hate the damn beach
boris: i think i'd rather die than go to the fucking beach, i'm literally from fucking Russia, so
boris: beaches ain't for me
boris: maybe you changed some of the digits. how the fuck should i know?
oli: then who the fuck gave me this number
oli: and if you're not julian, than who is?
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hello lovebugs !!! im so sorry for being MIA. i’m working a lot this week. and my family is going out town tonight so i’ve been trying to help them pack. but i will be on after work today. so expect some reply spam.
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Madeline bit her lip, sucking in a breath. “It’s fi-” she started but stopped just as he did. She licked her lips, composing herself, and then walked over. She sat on the armchair that faced the sofa. It was odd for them to be sitting on opposite chairs. They used to be all over each other and now they could barely speak. “Wh-what did you want to talk about?” She asked. Maddie obviously knew the answer, she just didn’t know where to begin.
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Oliver definitely noticed that she chose to sit opposite of him, as opposed to next to him, like she used to. But, he couldn’t blame her. He wouldn’t want to sit anywhere near himself if he was her. “I want to explain. Everything. I just don’t know exactly where to begin.” Oli replied, looking down at his feet instead of her eyes. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to control his emotions if he looked into those eyes. “I didn’t want to leave. And . . . and i wanted you to come with me if I had to go, but my manager made it clear that I was to come alone.” Oliver began, still looking at his feet. “I tried to make time every day to call or text, or even write a letter, but my manager, he kept me so busy. Half of the time i didn’t know what day it was, what time it was, or even where my phone was. Editing took up my days and my nights. I barely had time to sleep.” He finally looked up at Madeline. “And then you stopped texting. You stopped trying to call. I just stopped hearing from you, and I figured you had moved on. So, I let you.” He started to feel the tears form at the corners of his eyes, so he looked away. “It was wrong. I should’ve kept trying, but I thought you were better off without me. You are better off without me. You deserve better than someone who isn’t here half of the time. You deserve someone who’s not me.” 
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text: open
addi: that's such a sweet offer, but all i can think is that you just invited me over to have taron spit up all over yours as well haha
oli: don't worry about that. if he does i'll just clean it up
oli: why don't you come over, i'll watch taron, and you can do whatever it is you need to do
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text || oli & minji
minji: i do. there's no mess i can't take care of, trust me.
minji: i was a maid on halloween for 3 years straight when i was a kid. that's how you know i'm the real deal.
minji: will do, peach!
oli: that's so dedication
oli: you are such a life savor
oli: i was so worried that i was going to stain everything
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text || oli & emma
emma: oh okay.
Emma: perfect, coming right up.
Emma: i thought it was those fancy paper.. never mind
oli: normally it would be, but i've been drafting things
oli: i didn't want to waste the proper paper on drafts
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text || oli & open
boris: nope, don't know any
boris: therefore i owe you jack shit
oli: you definitely know me
oli: we met the other day
oli: at the beach
oli: if it wasn't you then i don't how i got this number
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