ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș SCARLETTE:
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      with a despondent expression scarlette was tight-lipped as she tried to hold back the small laughs that were threatening to emerge. ❝ i take it back. you’re the idiot. ❞ she teased thumbing strands of her hair against her to ear to calm herself with the sound. shoulders slumped, she  carefully picked the carrots out of her salad, not making eye contact with him, worried that her amusement would expose itself through her eyes. 
      ❝ my name should be sufficient enough for you. a nickname isn’t important, it just tells people that i let others dictate my identity. no one creates their own nicknames, at least that i know of. it’s something bestowed on you by someone else, unnecessarily. i’m content as i am—although i am still slightly perturbed that my cruel parents named me something so, ❞ she trailed off, scrunching her nose while searching for the right word to describe her annoyance, ❝ 
 apt. ❞ a readhead named scarlette. groundbreaking. pointing her finger at the boy, she lightly jabbed it into his shoulder.  ❝ i’m a delight, thank you very much. ❞ she smiled, purposefully being egregious. ❝ jacob ? i always pegged you as an edward since you too seem to be a slightly disheveled sad boy. ❞ she ignored the comments about her intelligence, inwardly smiling at the compliment. ❝ are you a fan ? ❞ she asked in regard to the novel, lighting up in hopes of getting to explain her essay’s thesis. 
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ»Â â€œthis is called bullying, and i will not stand for it.” he stuck his tongue out at her, despite her gaze being fixed on her salad. “you’ll be hearing from my lawyers very shortly.” for some kids at soap, that threat was very much real. for oliver, it was simply another attempt to get scarlette to give him at least a little smile. 
       the table vibrated as he tapped his fingers on the surface to an imaginary beat. “your regular name is also not a decision you made for yourself, it was thrust upon you by your parents. nicknames are small gestures of friendship. by rejecting my nickname, you are rejecting my friendship. i don’t think i could handle that much heartbreak!” oliver never penned himself as dramatic, but scarlette seemed to bring out that part of him. she liked logic, so it was his turn to argue his point of view. 
       “wait-wait-wait, i take it back, that  is the worst thing you’ve said to me today. jacob’s hot as hell and you compare me to whitey mcpale face sulky edward.” nevermind the fact that oliver himself was pretty pale and sulked probably just as much. his tongue clicked at her question, face scrunching up once more as he prepared to answer.“it’s a very... weird book. i had to read it for class and that’s about it. probably would never touch it again.” 
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș ALEX:
her eyes narrowed pointedly at his foolery - she didn’t appreciate mocking humour from anyone except herself. 
oliver’s next words make her jaw lock into place. oh dear lord give me strength, is her internal prayer as her face is lifted up momentarily to the sky. ‘if i was going to behead you,’ she begins stiffly as she opens her books out onto the table. ‘i would do so whenever i felt the slightest inclination to - pre, peri or post lunch. so my suggestion to you, if you want your precious spaghetti, is that you remain silent in my presence.’
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ» oliver grinned as he could practically read the emotions on her face. he lived a long and beautiful life, and wouldn’t mind dying today in the hands of this girl. seeing her prepare to do actual school work reminded him that that was the reason he was also in the courtyard, and he reached down to place his own notebook on the table. 
       “silence is practically my middle name, princesa. sometimes i forget the sound of my own voice because that’s how little i talk. it’s always hard to find the right words to say, so i don’t say anything. tragic, isn’t it? especially in your presence is that the case, so i don’t think you have anything to worry about.” his mini-monologue happened as he simultaneously searched in his bag for a calculator, letting his mind wander instead of thinking about the math problems he should be solving.
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș ASHBY:
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        it took all his willpower not to reply with ‘big mood,’ but luckily oliver continued to talk and it caught ashby’s focus. he shrugged at oliver’s question. ❝ i’m doin’ alright, i guess, ❞ he answered with a half-smile. ❝ i’m sure once we get out of the first-week-panic, things’ll level out. ❞
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ» "that’s good, man.” oliver nodded his head, pleased with the answer. he wasn’t sure he was ready to hear someone’s summer sob story or listen in-depth to a dramatic story, sometimes it was easier to just let it be chill. “god, if only that were the case. people get comfortable after the first week and that’s when shit really starts to hit the fan. especially with our roommates and homework— blech.”
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș ERIN:
“Look, if I didn’t love you, then you would be getting so much shit right now- no wait
rewind, I’m still going to give you shit. I’ve been walking around this damn campus for way too long looking for you. I tried texting
texting again. It’s best you don’t check your phone, your home screen will be filled with my name and a whole bunch of nonsense,” words sped out of Erin’s mouth before she could catch herself, thoughts leading to nowhere in particular as she tried to fill the silence. Was it nerves? Boredom? Had she really been that desperate to meet up with Oliver that she had to resort to idiotic behaviors? Arms crossed, she took a seat next to her friend, regaining composure ( to a sight degree ). 
“So I guess what I’m trying to say here is
want to get drunk?”
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ»yeah, he deserved every chastising word. as erin continued, oliver slowly reached into his back pocket and tried to inconspicuously glance at his phone. he held it up to reveal a dead battery screen. “oops?” was all the boy offered, a sheepish smile following. “erin, have i ever told you how much i absolutely adore having you as a friend?” he reached to grab her hand, completely avoiding the fact that he made her go on a wild goose chase while he was snoring away. 
       “we have class in the morning, i have three assignments, and underage drinking is illegal.” oliver let a few beats pass. “sounds like a great idea, your room or mine?” he began stuffing the few notebooks scattered on the table into his backpack, prepared to leave in a moment’s notice. leave it to erin to convince him to get off his ass and live like a teenager.
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș SERENA:
the blonde  glared at her darling roommate, irritation oozing from every pore. she wasn’t sure what it was about oliver garcia that got under skin  —  BUT to her horror, he knew e x a c t l y what buttons to push. ‘’ MAYBE you shouldn’t eat my ice cream if you don’t want me to wake you up !  ‘
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ» his sleep-deprived eyes instantly rolled when serena’s big mouth opened. "did you just see me, sleeping peacefully like a beautiful angelic baby, and beeline the fuck over here because i ate your ice cream? maybe don’t leave it in the freezer if you don’t want someone to eat it next time.” he didn’t even like ice cream, but knowing that it was serena’s made it taste even sweeter. 
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș ALEX:
‘you’re forgiven,’ alex allowed coldly, but it was evident from the piercing glare she gave off that she wasn’t going to forget the incident anytime soon.
the expression on her face shifted from an almost cold indifference to increasing frustration. ‘it’s alexandra to you,’ she manages to clarify through gritted teeth. her eyes flit from oliver to the spot across from him. with a huff, the young redhead acquiesces and seats herself. ‘you know, life becomes even easier when you stop getting on people’s nerves. you should try it sometime, hobo joe.’
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ»Â he mouthed a smartass ‘thank you’, placing a hand on his chest as if her forgiveness was a present sent from above. in some ways he was actually a bit intimidated in the girl and her harsh demeanor, but he was seeing how far he could press his luck.
       “alexandra! a fitting name for a princess!" he felt like he won at least a small battle when she begrudgingly sat down across from him. oliver half-expected the girl to push him out of his seat. with a sigh he bit his lips, taking a moment to stare off into the distance. “is little ol’ me getting on your nerves? behead me now! wait, actually, can you behead me after lunch because i was really excited for the spaghetti i was going to have.”
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș CORAL:
coral was taking a walk throughout the campus to become familiar with her surroundings, and as she was doing so she noticed a familiar face taking a tiny little nap at the courtyard table. the brunette wasn’t sure how long he had been sleeping and was hoping he wasn’t missing anything important, so she decided to tap him on the shoulder to wake him up. as soon as his hand hit her face, she yelped, “ow!” and took a couple steps back. she then chuckled quietly at his apology, now rubbing her nose slightly. “it’s fine. i don’t think it’s broken.” she said with a shrug, now sitting down next to him. “i just woke you up to make sure you’re not missing anything important. it’s 11:30, in case you were wondering.”
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ» his suddenly felt wide awake as his eyes shot open to the girl’s familiar voice. oliver became more concerned and earnest in his words. “ahhh! i’m sorry, i’m sorry. you better be fine, do you need ice? i have heavy hands.” he stood up quickly to examine her face, placing a hand on her shoulder and eyeing her nose. the boy sat back down with his friend, letting out a sigh of relief.
       “oh, thanks. i probably do have something important, but what that is... beats me. i can’t be expected to remember everything i have to do, i just wait until someone yells at me.” he gave her a sheepish smile. “don’t let me distract you if you’re heading somewhere or need to do something.”
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș ERIN:
“You’re awake my ass,” hazel eyes crinkled, a smirk painted across the girl’s face. Maybe it was in her defense mechanism to immediately turn to a harsh tone, but with Oliver it was easy, because at least he wouldn’t judge her for it. “Let’s cut the shit. I need you up and alert. We’ve got things to talk about.”
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ»â€œyour ass is lovely, and i’m totally awake.” oliver mumbled, his yawn betraying any authenticity that may have come with that statement. he wasn’t sensitive at all to hazel’s words, having grown used to being called out . “ooh, are we sharing our deepest and darkest secrets right now? is this an impromptu slumber party?” he was being a little shit, and his dimpled smirk proved that he knew it. 
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș FLORENCE:
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       ☆ · ˚ . ✩ . ˚  ❛ you missed the punchline , sleepy . ❜  she groans , feigning indignation , though her amusement betrays her.  ❛ you started snoring as soon as i got to the climax ,  and while that ‘ s very typical of your kind  ,  it completely ruined the flow of the story  . so —  ❜ she sighs  , unlocking her phone ,  ❛ i ‘m going to have to start from the beginning .   ❜
      ultimately  , the story wasn ‘t that important  . but after spending an entire summer away  , flor desired to share everything he ‘d missed  .   everything  . ❛ so , like i said before , i started online dating this summer 
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ»Â â€œi’m sorry, i’m sorry! you should’ve stopped me when i put my head down.” oliver stretched his arms above his head, the bottom of his shirt riding up as he yawned. “wow, how could i ever not let you get to your climax? how incredibly rude of me.” he grinned at flor, his bedhead as messy as ever. he felt bad sleeping during her story, and sat up straight to listen to the second reiteration. 
        oliver let out a snort, amused by his own joke before he even said it. “wait-wait-wait, please tell me you used farmersonly.com, because that would be hilarious.” he bit his lip to prevent any more laughter from escaping, his smug grin still on his face. “but seriously, did you have any luck?”
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș CELINE:
her chest tightened in a way that made her wholly uncomfortable when he spoke. her relationship with oliver was tentative, always a tightrope act between hatred and passion. she stiffened, attempting to seem larger than she really was. at times like this she wavered, one foul word and she could feel herself tipping over the hill into insecurity. celine inhaled sharply, attempting to look straight at him, but only managing a small glance. “i-i don’t know what you want from me oliver.” she said. “we slept together, now it’s over. we’re still dancing together so just suck it up and act professional.” her words though well intentioned devolved into quieted mumbling. 
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ» she could barely manage to look at him, and for some strange reason, oliver liked that. it’s true that he didn’t get along with everybody, but celine was the only one who seemed like she never had a fast remark to quip back at him. 
       “thanks for the recap, i was there.” he huffed, a scowl occupying his features. sometimes he wished he could forget that ever happened. not because it wasn’t good... but for so many other reasons. “professionalism only matters when it’s for a grade or an audience. correct me if I’m wrong, but neither of those apply right now. nobody’s gonna want to baby you when you graduate, you know.”
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș ASHBY:
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        ashby couldn’t help but snort and shake his head. ❝ no fire, unless of course someone decides to start barbecuing little blond kids. ❞ he ran a hand through his dark locks, eyeing the boy. ❝ you good ?? ❞
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ» “god, i wish someone would barbecue me.” he yawned and propped his head up with a hand. “it seems like a better alternative than doing homework during the first week.” oliver was always such a complainer. “as good as i’ll ever be. what about you — how are you holding up this fine week?”
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș ALEX:
WITH a momentary desire to study outdoors, alex led herself gracefully into the courtyard, only to be met with the less than graceful sight of someone slumped over on the table either crying about something or asleep. to be frank, alex didn’t know which one made her more uncomfortable. nevertheless, she needed to study, so she placed a reluctant hand on the boy’s shoulder.
her face quickly sours when the person’s arm hits out at her and if looks could kill, oliver would be six feet under. ‘don’t be daft,’ she snaps at him. ‘you fell asleep on this table and i want to study on this table. get up and go find a bed. sleeping here makes you look like a hobo.’
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ»as his brain became less fuzzy and his eyes focused, he was greeted with a less-than-pleasant scowl from the girl in front of him. “sorry.” oliver repeated, this time much clearer. the single word was genuine, and he did feel bad if he hurt her. he eventually assumed that he didn’t now that he was being chastised.  
        “oh my apologies, princess. i didn’t realize this table only sat one person— there’s another seat.” oliver lifted one finger to point at the spot directly across from him. “you know, life becomes a lot easier when you stop worrying about what other people think. call me hobo joe. i don’t go to the school, i just come here to sleep.”
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș  SCARLETTE:
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             rolling    her    eyes ,  she   pulled   a   tattered   copy   of   wuthering   heights   out   of   her   backpack ,  setting   it   next   to   her   salad .  the   pages   were   yellowing ,  and   the   spine   had   been  cracked   by   many    previous    readers ,  but   she   opened   the   pages   carefully   anyways ,   giving   oliver   a   judgmental   glance   in   the   process .  ❝ poor    eduardo ,  having   to   live   an   imaginary   existence   where   you’re   his   only   friend .  tragic ,  really . ❞  scarlette   was   never   quite   apt   at   capturing   the   right   tone ,  tending   to   come   off   harsher   than   intended .  in   an   attempt   to   thwart   any   confusion  ,   she   smiled ,  a  rarity   for   the   girl ,  and   put  her   book   face   down ,  still   open   to   her   section .  most   of   the   time   she   would   ignore   any   attempts   at   conversation ,  but   oliver   seemed   to   always   understand   her   chaotic   aura .  ❝ i   reiterate ,  don’t   call   me   lettie ,  ollie . ❞   truthfully ,   she   didn’t   really   mind   the   nickname ,   but   she   had   a   reputation   to   uphold   and   she   didn’t   want   people   at   school   becoming   too   chummy .  ❝  my   day ?  well ,   for starters ,   i’m  an   idiot .  and   to   top   it   all   off ,  my   college   essays   read   like   a   stephanie   meyer   novel — garbage . ❞
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ» oliver observed her movements with his eyes, taking note the condition of her book.  “my heart, how you wound it. eduardo would never treat me this way. we respect each other.” he placed a hand to his heart, a deadpan expression on his face. his eyebrow quirked at her smile, a grin of his own escaping his lips. he was pretty used to scarlette’s energy and could quickly adapt. 
        “duly noted, scar...lie.” his nose wrinkled at his attempt of a new nickname, shaking his head. “i’ll think of a good one, just you wait. what’s wrong with lettie? i think it suits you.” perhaps it really didn’t, especially considering her general disposition. he toyed around with the cord of his earbuds, repeatedly wrapping them around his finger. “you are dealing me bullet after bullet today — first insulting eduardo and now my homeboy jacob? but seriously, if you’re an idiot, then what does that make the rest of us? everything you write sounds like it can rival emily brontĂ« herself.” oliver gestured to the worn book she was holding. 
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș JUDE:
“you fell asleep, again. this is the third time it has happened and i’m tired of writing down homework for you. get your shit together, man.” he said bluntly as he shoved the notebook towards oliver’s chest and ran his fingers through his hair. he hadn’t been getting much sleep either, but to be fair jude never slept. it was almost like he was nocturnal most of the time. 
the boy’s eyes probably looked just as tired as oliver’s but he didn’t want the other to struggle academically just because he was falling asleep in class. sometimes jude cared about people. it was rare when he did. but he still did. “seriously, do you need like a queen mattress with fluffy blankets or something? i could ask my mom if you could use the bed in the mansion that she has here in paris.” 
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Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ» “but it so much easier this way.” oliver groaned as the notebook hit his chest, his head slowly falling back into his arms. “you take the notes, and i get to sleep. it’s a deal that works for both of us.” he flashed jude a sly grin, fully knowing that the other boy would never let him off the hook. never that easily. 
       “trying to get me into your mom’s bed? you truly are the ultimate wingman.” he was not making things any better. “that sounds like such a dream versus the beds they have here. you’d think a fancy shmancy school like SOAP would have more comfortable beds. i feel like they’ve been worn down because everyone here is doing more than just sleeping on them.” when oliver was tired, he began to ramble. typically he let the other person take the reigns, yet here was letting his mouth run. 
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
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Cashmere Cat Ft Ariana Grande - Quit
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ollivcr-blog · 6 years
✶ — â€ș CELINE:
his presence boils her blood in a way science can’t explain. if she were logical she’d call it a disease and say it’s physically impossible for him to get within ten feet of her without an insult, but her logic dies with passion, whether in anger or in lust. the comment stings a little, mostly because it’s coming from him (and she knows it’s true). she stands, withdrawn, her hair masking an angry visage. “did you want something?” she mutters. “or did you just jump at the opportunity to antagonize me?” she shifts uncomfortably. his reasons are beyond her, she’s not the asshole. it takes two people to sleep together. 
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      Â â˜…ăƒ»ăƒ» "i want a lot of things. just nothing you could give me.” he retorted, eyes gazing out at the view. despite the obvious tension, oliver’s feet never moved towards the exit and he remained where he was even when she stoof. a part of him wanted to pretend celine wasn’t there, but it was impossible now that he said something. it seemed this conversation was going in exactly the direction it always does. 
       he ran a hand through his hair, searching for the right words. it was was too early (late?) to be fighting now. he came up here to escape, not to fall into another problem. “contrary to your belief, my sole purpose in life is not to attack you. i can’t help it that you make it so easy.”
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