moving / archiving
I am going to be working on moving Zeus to a side blog. I will be starting school soon and with work on the side, I feel it will be easier for me to keep track of every thing and to keep every thing running smoothly with the fewer emails I have to remember. I will not be deleting this blog; I will be archiving it. I will be using the same url and eventually will display the url for you all to see. Following me again from there at your own discretion as I will not be able to follow back, of course. It will be a side blog off my fatherofpride account. I currently have ten drafts and I will reply to each draft from the side blog. I apologise ahead of time for any inconvenience this can and may bring. Thank you to those that understand and the best of luck to those less willing. I will not be upset or angry at all. - mun behind Zeus
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That moment when you really realize that Zeus can't always be patient with those he would just rather back hand. A few siblings to be more exact.
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Zeus was silent for a moment. Lips pursed, hands clasped behind him. She should know his reasons for being here. It was the same reason for every dawn before a full moon.
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"Demeter, you know why I am here." Why must he repeat himself every time?
{ olympianplayboy }
"Zeus….You come here why?" The goddess asked her brother and gazed him with her blue hues.
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You think I’m not a  g o d d e s s ?
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❝I have become aware that my tag is tainted. Once full of nothing but me; it now has something in there that has nothing do with me. Curse the Olympics. I plan to send various greeting starters to my several new followers. /bows/ I was rather surprised ( in a good way, mind you ) that I logged off one night only to come back the next to see that my followers had doubled. Also, I realize that I may or may not role play Zeus how everyone is familiar with. I have developed a very original way of writing Zeus. I understand that can irritate some and actually lure others. All I have to say is that if you don't like it, unfollow or ignore. This is because of a group I helped create years ago and where I first began role playing Zeus. It was plotted in modern day ( which for the group at the time was the 1920's). But now that I've bored you all possibly and most likely filled our dash with complete nonsense, I am going to get to those starters I previously promised. Oh, and headcanons soon! Woo. /random, scurries off./
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       "Persephone." Lips pursed before a sigh was released.   "I wish you wouldn't look at me like that."
olympianplayboy stands at your alter
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  Very busy, yes. Every once in a while Zeus earned enough free time to spend what he could with his children that still cared to acknowledge him as their sire. Very few, unfortunately, and luckily the twins as well Athena were among those few that still did. At least they understood  that even gods, like man, make mistakes and are prone to fall short every once in a while.   "Good, good. Your mother? How is she?" This was surely not some- thing the Olympian was great at but hell, at least he tried. "How about you, Artemis. Are you well?"
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"To be honest, yes, I’m surprised. You’re usually very busy, but that aside. I’m really happy to see you here." Artemis says, smiling widely. 
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Demeter had to turn her head away so he would see her eye roll. Fight as he may over this, he didn’t raise Kore. It takes more than planting a seed inside a woman to be called a father. 
“Yes, of course. Don’t raise a child and yet get the glory of being called a father.”
She turned her back to Zeus, wanting nothing more than this talk to be over. Fight as he will, he was lucky that she even recognized him as Kore’s sire. If she would have known what he would do with her daughter, she would have claimed the child as someone else’s. At least then, he wouldn’t care or turn his eye to them.
Of course Demeter would believe that. Fine. "Then would you prefer I call Kore a bastard child? That is what they are called, Demeter, if they do not have a father." He was angry though the Olympian maintained a false  calm about him.
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Zeus expected such a question to irritate the harvest goddess even more but he was not going to be pushed into being told what was his and what was not. Persephone, or Kore, was his daughter as much as Demeter was her mother.  Yes, he didn't assist Demeter with raising Kore but that still made him her father. He did not care for the company of Demeter and would much rather spend as less time as he could with the woman but that still made her his sister. "Kore is my daughter, Demeter. You would do best as not to argue with me."
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Zeus looked at Lilith. He planted a light kiss on her forehead before turning to the papers in front of him. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.    "I was preoccupied." A light hearted response.
The blonde comes around  and lightly snakes an  arm around his neck and leans in close to only brush her lips against his cheek. “Aw..no hug or kiss?” She says playfully.
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A small smile would grace the lips of the god.
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"Is it that much of a surprise I would come to see you?" A light hearted inquiry.
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"Father, what brings you here to Delos?"
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+ regitmortua
"Hades. I was not expecting you."
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His visit was truly unexpected. Normally there was always a warning or at least a small heads up given.
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oMG iTs SooO cute.
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When it had happened Zeus could not believe that Hera was killed. Of all people to kill her, as well, he was even more shocked that it had been the countess. Hearing what transpired that night after his own life slipped from his fingers was literally almost enough to confuse him. Zeus was quick to make sense out of it. Granted he hadn't looked at Elizabeth any differently but a part of him was in a hurry to get Hera back into her rightful place. Word had spread quickly starting with Hades that the souls had been set free. Damn near every last one of them was scattered across the planet. That was surely an unfortunate thing, and even not a good thing, but that had given Zeus the opportunity to look for Hera. Against his luck at the time it had been in the body of a woman. Such feat into helping your wife, your sister, remember who she was as a woman when last you were a man was both frustrating and difficult. It was all achieved with no avail. Zeus had been watching from a distance. The woman he had pushed away for so long, disregarded, and played as if to hate and loathe, bathed in the sun with a mirror image of herself only a few years young. When he first saw Ilithyia panic had struck within the god. He had believed Hera to have bedded another man to birth the child but yet more time spent with the toddler and he witnessed similarities. The blond hair. Nose, mouth, ears. She had her mother's eyes. She looked more and more like him each moment he spent with Ilithyia behind Hera's back. He had another daughter. Twenty first century. Another chance. His last chance. Zeus looked at Ilithyia when she had approached him. He knelt to her level becoming eye level with the mirror image of himself. Athena's wisdom, Persephone's innocence, and a beauty he was sure would make Aphrodite proud. He looked to the sand castle she pointed at only to turn back to her with a smile. "Your architectural skills would make Hestia proud, Illia." he commented, nodding slightly.
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He looked up as Hera had approached. Zeus stood up slowly to nearly come face to face with Hera. "It's no problem, at all." he answered lightly while maintaining a bit of the smile he shared with Ilithyia. Eyes fell to the little girl who was trying to reach out for him. She was trying to get him to pick her up. Reluctantly he ignored his daughter's request and looked to Hera.
A reunion waiting to happen. | Closed Rp
It had been three years since the day Hera passed away and no one had seen her. The new Queen of the gods stayed with Zeus and their twins. What no one knew about Hera though was that she was indeed with a new child, this child was the daughter of Zeus. She was killed by Elizabeth Bathory who was trying to protect her kids and Hera was refusing the birth. She wanted Elizabeth dead along with those children.
However She was killed by the snap of the countess’s fingers. It had been three years since then and the souls were released. Reborn again and had no memory at all. Hera lived with a man she thought was her fiancee and the father to her little girl Ilithyia. Just three years old the blonde haired blue eyed beauty was playing in the sand box While Hera was going under the name Juno. “Thyia, be careful sweetheart....daddy bought you that dress. We don’t want him getting upset it’s dirty.” She smiles. The little blond looked over to the side and only to ignore her mother and continued to play.
The little girl stood up though, and ran off towards a man standing by a tree. She looked up at him and then pointed at the sand castle that she made. Or attempted to make. She smiles up at him.
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Hera turned her head and looked over to see that her daughter was gone. She already began to panic as she walked over towards the sand box and then around the other area’s She saw her daughter over towards a tree where she saw her little girl holding a man’s hand and pointing to the san box. Hera could not see his face.
She moved around and got a better look at him. Her eyes widen when she felt like she had seen this man before. “Ilithyia! ” She yelled for her daughters name and walked over on towards them. She sighs as she picks her up and frowns at the man. “I am sorry she only does this to certain people.” Hera smiles and looks at Ilithyia trying to reach out for him.
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There were a lot of things Zeus trusted Hades with. His body was not one  of those things. There were no telling the things Hades would modify his body with. One could never predict the sick and cruel jokes Hades was capable of pulling. Especially when it came to his younger brother. More specifically Zeus.
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"No, I do not. What choice do I have, though?"
Athena looked at her father and raised a brow. To trust Hades with  a body only made her swallow hard and she wasn’t very fond that  her uncle had her father’s body.”Well father i was there but at the same time do you even trust him with your body?” She asked.
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+ fleetfeetsmartmouth
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"Hermes, my son! What news do you bring if any news at all?" If no news at all that was fine. Some of his offspring Zeus could tolerate quite well and Hermes was, a matter of fact, one of them.
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Her daughter? When had Persephone become just her daughter? The last time he checked it took two people to create an offspring. Irregardless Zeus' patience was surprisingly wearing thin already with his sister.
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"The last I checked, Demeter, it took two to create a life. Kore is just as much my daughter as she is yours."
It was a subject Zeus would argue with her until the end of all existence. He would not let her win or walk away with satisfaction of victory. They had argued over far worse and more pressing topics than a mere custody battle.
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“The best?" She scoffed at Zeus, shaking her head.
“You married my daughter off without even a thought to her or me. I thought you held more respect for me than that. I guess I was wrong.”
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Zeus stared at the woman opposite of him. "And as the Christians believe, it isn't wise to hold grudges."
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"When will you realize that what I did was for the best?"
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“How does that saying go? ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’?”
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