omegafathompoems · 7 years
Through It All
Everyday since our confession
I have been caressed by your love
So new so exciting
So very very stressful
A newcomer to the love field
While you been through it with some time
How can I not make similar mistakes
So many what ifs....
What if I don't seem interested in you anymore
What if I don't answer at the right moment
What if my voice betrays me
What if....my love isn't enough for anyone
I long to be by your side
Though fate and time has other plans
A year so long so little
Has so many many changes ahead
That year separates us
One at the end
And one at the begining
Will you always see me as a equal?
Or will you consider me childish
While you take upon higher studies
We know so much
Yet so little about each other
Yet...we still find the way
To embrace each other
And love one another
Through the darkness
And demons of our short pasts
My first and one of your many
May not last forever
But still I'll be by your side
Even if life and the world separates us
Ill still be there for you
My closest friend
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Mp Grimdark Muffins - Party Never Ends
(((I do not own the Muffin series only the poem. Please check out the owners work. Its based off the mlp ponypasta Cupcakes.)))
Welcome to Sugarcube Corner We gotta special present for ya Just take a bite of a snack And the fun will forever last Meet the bakers  Better than those fakers They make such a wonder batch One that no one can ever match Pinkie, Blinky, Inky, and Minky. Babs, Apple Bloom, and Derpy Sisters forever and bakers for life Now it's baking time Down in the shadows you awaken Just before the new batch is baking Well now it's your turn, your numbers come up Let's have a party oh one you'll love But not like others before We have a lot for you in store A different kind That no one will find Until it's their time Now take seat I hope your comfy You struggle and cry which quite funny No one can hear you no matter how you shout You'll never escape and we'll never let you out What to do with you I don't know We have many tools to put on a show  Now to remove the marked destiny From you flank it shall be free And would make a nice addition To our unique clothing fashion But that's for later let's get back to work Now the tables have now turned Are you winged or are you horned Which won't do and from your flesh should be torn Distractions from our little game Cheap escape tactics are quite lame Torture unique each time As we party and take each life Blood as paint on our minds Long ago our sanity has broken from its binds Creative creations we make From the ponies that we bake But what's the fun in just killing When torture is quite more fulfilling You think you can contain our madness But your the one caught in this mess You can't change us, we are bakers Not gonna bow down to you now or later Life is party we encourage And you ending party we arrange Making you last minutes very interesting  From the very begining Don't think we forget an pony, we remember From Ponyville and yonder No pony will be left out And that's beyond a doubt Our time is running near, I hope enjoy yourself Masters in this game, We did ourselves Your sacrifice will be in good use That is quite very true Forever this baking game shall comence Breaking though their defense To have another friend And show them the party never ends
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Thorax the Changeling (Song) - Always Changing
(((Here's a little tribute to the newest mlp character and episode that I've been waiting for a long time! It's awesome that now a changelings on the ponies side and it's great how Spike took on the role as their very first friend. Thorax the Changeling is a awesome character and here's a song in his POV and for him! And here's my very first attempt at drawing a changeling at the perfect moment! Here's a tribute pic and song for Thorax the Changeling!!!)))) The times always changing I'm always changing As there's night and there's day Even as there is changes,  I stay the same They see not who I am Only a wolf disguised as a lamb They only see the monster But that's only a lie Raised as a soldier, trained to steal their love But even as a young one, I seen that as behove They only see an imposter Even as I try The times always changing I'm always changing As there's night and there's day Even as there changes,  I stay the same Even as love surrounds me I know I'll never be free From what I am My fate I cannot leave But I met someone who wanted to aid  Unlike the others they were not afraid They offered the life I desired Where I could be with those who I admired Convince them, that even something like me could change I then realized my fate I could rearrange Not seen as a monster they feared The tension between two races cleared And I'm now one of them A bright new path I trend No longer afraid of what I am Seen not as a foe but as a friend Times do change But I don't have to change As there's night and there's day I can finally stay the same
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Attack on Titan - The Maria Wall
Once was part of a triad On that day was the last a boy saw his dad Crumbling down by a powerful force That changed fates course  Breached and a hell spread Causing thousands of bloodshed Scarred and injured the survivors escaped Never again will a boy be comforted by his mother's embrace Sacrifices made for many to live Such an opportunity this actually can give Encouraging a young generation to fight for what's right Their crimson arrow rips threw the twilight Readied for war upon monstrous foes A freedom winged force arose Slicing their way to a world kept away To monsters we are no longer prey A generation called upon They rise with the break of dawn Swords at hand to win the fight With their speed and might Titan among man on their side No enemy shall come out alive An advantage that could save humanity No way shall they miss this opportunity Secrets discovered among the ruins of the past That along with memories that last  Hunters spread out with a plan To win back their rightful land Find the key to end it all The monsters that rule over us shall fall To those brave and courageous we call To avenge the tragedy starting with the Maria wall
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Stronger than you  (Trainer Red Version)
((Well guys here my Pokemon Trainer Red Stronger than you parody! I'm surprised no one has made this happen yet and am happy that I may be the first. I was literally thinking of Undertale, SU, and Trainer Red and then I was like "I've got an idea!' and loved into here! Anyway hope you like it and don't steal! I will find you! And this goes for all my poems. If you want to use it to promote it, ask me first but don't steal it and claim it as your own. Magpiepony had someone steal her song "Erase the Underground" and the thief put her into a copyright and may take her to court! So to avoid both embarrassment and complete waste of time, Pls ask guys! Don't steal cause I will sue! Anyway hope you enjoy! ^-^)))) Its a beautiful day outside Pidgey are singing Sunflora are blooming On days like these, trainers like you Should be burning in Mt Pyre Turn around kid, its about time I've been waiting for a champion to challenge my title But I'm the strongest around for miles But trainers like you think I'm a fool And guys like me will take  you back to pokeschool So let's go, let the battle begin Let's see who will finally win Go ahead and beat me if your able I know that my strategy is stable I see your getting sick of even trying Cause me and my team are undying  Your not gonna win,  we'll be here together Fighting on this frozen Mt forever You keep coming back and want a rematch But I'll win no matter what pokemon you catch I am the Cha-a-a-a-aaampion, Cha-a-a-a-aaampion, Cha-a-a-a-aaampion! (x2) ((((instrumental!))) This is where the battle stops This your battle ends If you wanna beat me Then you'll have to try again But no matter how I beat you, You don't give up your match Do you just like the feeling Of my final attack? Go ahead and beat me if your able You should know by now that my strategy is stable You think that a team of legends can defeat me But I beat them before our little greeting I know I made my friends think I disappeared  But after beating you they will see I'm still here My dreams are remaining, still standing And I refuse to back down I am the Cha-a-a-a-aaampion, Cha-a-a-a-aaapion, Cha-a-a-a-aaampion! (x2) ((((instrumental!))) And I'm stronger than you!!
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Pokemon Eevee Song - Shining Star
Ever since I was young, Pokemon was my game Just the anime and cards but it was still the same But among the many creatures both powerful and strong There's one that will stay in my heart where it belongs The adaptable Pokemon My treasure among them all A cute brown fox with those curious eyes Little did I know you'd  changed my life Letting me know at my darkest moments  To be myself and my will never to be bent Never let the wave of hate change you To stand you ground through and through Until the right moment where you it's right Where your still who you are without having fight Always wanted to be changed but it's always your choice Speak your voice Always stay who you are You'll always be a shining star As long as you stand up strong  Knowing that you belong Just be you and never change Until the day you reach your final stage I'll always be there for you Your time to shine is coming soon Different forms that you can be can be so confusing Which one to choose and what aspect of yourself you'll be losing As change passes so does you And I know that my time of change is coming soon Whether I am ready or not I know to stay calm To take it and stand tall Words of hate surrounded world  Among them all is this little girl Who found their hope and their dearest friend Who will stay til the end Discriminated for being different from them all You picked me up when I was near my fall Like a angel from above taking my hand I will always be your biggest fan I don't care what the others say I won't let the negative of this world lead me astray I know how you fell day in and day out But that's not being who you are is about Always stay who you are You'll always be a shining star As long as you stand up strong  Know that you belong Just be you and never change Until the day you reach your real stage I'll always be there for you Your time to shine is coming soon I don't know why everyone wants me changing but I guess that's how you feel Forced to change automatically and it doesn't feel real A nightmare at most since you may never get another chance Not looking at who you are with a second glance Well my friend I won't force you to change It's your life and you chose how you want it arranged Just thought of as just another data entry But to me your the key that set me free I look into your eyes seeing true potential  Each moment each day is existential  Prove not to them but to yourself That your not just some toy to put back on the shelf Your the metamorphosis the change in this world That shows us that we each get a turn To chose our fates the way we see it The fire in our eyes and souls will stay lit Always stay who you are You'll always be a shining star As long as you stand up strong  Know that you belong Just be you and never change Until the day you reach your real stage I'll always be there for you Your time to shine is coming soon ​​​​​​To lead our way through life wide and far All thanks to you, my brightest star
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Ink Sans - Guardian
Worlds and creations Each having different inspiration  Various endings and beginnings With many souls deserve to be living
Sights to be seen, stories to be told
Each world many must mold
To create unique and beautiful lives
Its my job to let them thrive
A guardian among each canvas
Won't let these worlds vanish 
Each playing their own role
Each story ready to unfold
Defending these lives by a Puppeteer 
​​​​​​Who fills their lives with pain and fear
Yet I know there is good in him
Somewhere under his sin
Yet something leads us to this duel
Neither of us are a fool
Never tipping the balance
Always finding the others glance
One to create one to destroyThese worlds are no one's toys
Life as we know it I must defend
All I want is this war to end
Inspiration and creation
That's the world were made in
Take my hand I'll show you
The various worlds I plan never to lose
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Error Sans - Puppet Master
Strings upon anothers soul Wrap and coil to form my goal  To rid the universe of anomalies I wind my web so tightly A singular world must only exist Millions upon millions on the dreaded list Created only to be destroyed  They are all but meer toys Puppets that I control by my strings Never to keep on living Errors and glitches in the system Each and every monster living within them A past unknown only met with white A space so empty with nothing in sight This is my origin and my home So desolate and so alone ​Determined to destroy them all To cause each one of their downfalls ​​​​With my blue puppet strings aligning the show together They shall be part of my puppet show forever To know the sadness that I have felt To know the pain that I have dealt Watch their friends wither away To be afraid  A monster I have become Never knowing love Only knowing destruction that I can cause Just one of my many flaws Versions of myself live different lives Th​​​em I despise Why do they get a happy ending Where I only met a terrible beginning  The quiet and voices within my head I have become the monster beneath my bed Consumed by hate and insanity  Longing to be free Now I unleash my bitter wrath In the end I'll get the last laugh Once was a normal soul Until insanity took its toll I am the puppet master of this show For those who may not know Covered and unaffected by my past sins Just take a seat and let's have the show begin
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Underfell Frisk - Light in the Dark Garden
Fallen from a world of light Into a woeld from hidden from human sight With creatures of demented lives What is truth what is a lie? I must find a way out of this mess My soul will never even rest Must not be consumed by the stress Determined I am up to the test Monsters of tales would tell Living everyday in this living hell Reduced to only living shells Of themselves ​​​​​​Violence forced upon them Kill seven and only then They would see the light again  And their honor they would defend But there is another way As I journey where they lay I will bring back the astrayed Kindness cuts through their dismay Journeying through the hell I have seen Monsters convinced that they'll never leave But I will show them kindness through their rage full creed They'll see The path I shall show I set my arrow into my bow And shoot it through the Barrier put long ago The comforts of morality and the world they shall know They want to take my life but still I took a vow long ago never to kill Even as the room begin to chill The result will break through this standstill Take my hand and we stend side by side Peace and a home you shall find Even as your sanity is at it binds Sometime the only thing left is to be kind Come now and follow my friend This world doesn't have to come to an end Please take this kind hand that I've come to lend From the darkness we transcend
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Flowerfell - Light in the Dark Garden
(((((Try to guess who the last lines are from😉))) The flowers of golden rays Left for others to show praise Let alone they carry a burden To grow a secret garden Unlike those before it Upon a kind soul that never shown sin Resets and lives changed All coming together on one stage ​​​​​​Go down the path of broken souls Where the sadness and tragedy took its toll
Show them true kindness
Show them that they can get a ending of bliss
Mistakes happen so don't fall
Never let the roots bring you down from the call
Of those who need your help
Put them before your own self
Each death with a cost
The burden grows upon the lost
Journey forth with a crown of life
Let happiness replace their strife
Meet a soul that yearns for change
Hiding behind anger and rage
Give him a reason to hope again
Maybe even have a friend
Even as your soul slowly withers away
Your kindness will let you stay
Your time hasn't come until they all know
The kindness and love the world above shows
Journey forth with your new friends
Who will support you til the end
A bond has grown between you three
For the same goal of setting them free
As you body grows weak covered in gold
You are promised your tale shall be told
Cared by the lost soul you brought to the light
Showing them a different way to fight
Mercy is the only way
To bring back the ones lead astray
Back to a world of peace
Let this violence cease
Learning from past mistakes
Never leaning to Violence's no matter the stakes
Seeing past the dark mask
How much longer can you last
Carried in the arms of your friend
You feel your journeys coming to an end
Nearing the great barrier wall
That entraps them all
You make the ultimate sacrifice
To save all their lives
Tears drop from his eyes
His love for you has grown that is no lie
​​​​​​You smile like you've done before
Final words come from your very core
Love you found as well
Thought the underground world in which you have fell
An angel for blossoms you take flight
Bringing your kindness and pull them to the light
Showing one to love again
To have a friend
Now you must take your leave
Leaving your loved ones to grieve
The price they had to pay made by your hand
To bring freedom and peace across the land
Your kindness has taught us all
To have hope even when it seems all is lost
A kind soul consumed by a golden embrace
I hope to see you another day
((((Well guys here's another poem for a Undertale AU that I have fell in love with called Flowerfell. I don't care what the haters say, this is a very touching and beautiful fanfic AU. I love the story and how each one of the characters interact and change. How they bonded over time. I love the fact that the flowers were given such a bigger significant role into this universe in a saddening way. That's what I call creativity. 
If you guys don't know what Flowerfell is please read it. If you wanna a short summary before to know then here it is. Spoilers already!
It's basically takes place in Underfell where Frisk, when ever they die they wake up with a flower ( buttercup) somewhere on their body. So after each death their body gets covered in them. They are slowly killing her as she moves on with Flowey. Soon they reach Snowdin and then befriends Sans who had noticed that she knew about the resets. He remembered her. He then helps her around her journey to go to the Barrier.  They grow a bond along with Flowey. She convinces Sans to use Mercy in fights. She then gives him hope and love.....things that he never thought he'd or anyone down in the Underground ever experience. So then they reach the Barrier and by now Frisk is engulfed in the flowers and is close to death. She offers her soul to break the Barrier and Sans is heartbroken. He didn't want to she her go but she sacrificed herself. 
So please look it up and read the story. It's better than I'm explaining it. It needs more support since the creator is absolutely brilliant in making it. Anyway this is in tribute to the beautiful story.
(((PS: I kinda think that Frisk's soul in this was kinda part Determined and Kind so yeah! Mostly kind though. Sorry but it's my opinion)))
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Undertale Pacifist Frisk - Mercy
Fallen from a world to a another One that most speak of monsters of terror But I won't be afraid No I'll stay brave  I won't let fear consume me I won't fight or flee I won't judge them by the rumors Instead I'll use kindness and humor They seem unlike the tales told More friends as my journey unfolds Challenges along the way But I won't them lead me astray Determination to peace is my endeavor To free them is my goal now and forever They showed love and friendship I'll hold dear Even with strong foes I don't show fear I won't fight since it'll lead to another fall The sins that follow I don't want at all Instead I want give the chance of freedom I stand together and fight for them But with kindness and love that changes a negative perception I journey forth with Determination  Friends that call closer than family They all stand beside me Even the lost misguided I will help bring peace Without it, their true self will cease With the help of my friends I'll bring this nightmare to an end Souls are their very being There's more to what your seeing Take time to get to know For they have something to show Finally we stand at the end Watching the sunrise with my friends Happiness fills the air that flows
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Undertale Song - (Radioactive) Not The Hero
((((Hey guys guess what! Not only did I make a Undertale based song (basically a song based off another song in real life for a fandom is what I call it) but I combined two of my favorite things, Undertale and the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons! Man I haven't listen to that song in years but I remember it clearly. Hehe well it'd not a surprise since its the first song I sang and remembered all the lyrics to so yeah. I just got this idea "what if Sans's POV was incorporated into the song" and BOOM here's this badboy! Basically it's the same rhymn as Radioactive and I hope you enjoy! I only own the idea and lyrics, not the song or Undertale! If you wanna use any of my poems or aongs, please ask first since I am the owner and don't try to steal this cause by now, this is on all my accounts, Deviantart, Wattpad, and Tumblr so it's mine and people should know it. Anyway hope you enjoy! And please listen to this when reading this! ^-^ I'm waking up to ash and dust I now see you through a broken trust You are quite cynical Whoa Your times running out Your losing luck You were there when tragedy struck You were the one to chose this path Whoa I'm waking up I feel it my bones Enough to finally know You were not the hero Just the killer You were not the hero You won't win Whoa, whoa I must avenge them My friends Whoa whoa Prepare for judgement  For your sins I've seen your journey, each of your moves I guess you had nothing to lose Hands covered in red, soul covered in sin Whoa Your times running out Your losing luck You were there when tragedy struck You were the one who chose this path Whoa I'm waking up I feel it my bones Enough to finally know You were not the hero Just the killer You were not the hero And you have lost Whoa, whoa I must avenge them My friends Whoa whoa Prepare for judgement  For your sins Now is time To finally know Will you pay for you crimes Or will I finally go I'm waking up I feel it my bones Enough to finally know You were not the hero Just the killer You were not the hero Just a lost friend Whoa, whoa Will I die trying to make it right Whoa whoa You will not win this fight
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Undertale Genocide - Castle
(Hey guys just got bored and was listening to the song Castle by Halsey while watching some Undertale and got an awesome idea! What if I made a Undertale version of it! So it went way much better then expected. Kept a few of the original lyrics but changed it to relate to Undertale. This is definitely Genocide Route. Anyway here's the link to the original song/inspiration. Hope ya enjoy! ^-^ youtu.be/ayB_ZLf3uN8 Sick of all these happy endings, sick of all this joy Bored of all these cliche endings, tired of being someones toy Now i got my knife in hand, ready to strike you down No more being the hero, time to be the sickest killer around I'm headed straight for the castle,  Wiping the innocence clean There's a skeleton watching in the shadows watching every scene I'm headed straight for the castle I let myself in There's a skeleton telling me of my judgement for my sins Straight for the castle Oh all these lives and minutes passing, sick of all the memories I'm gonna break down each wall standing, for now I'm your enemy Now i got my knife in hand, ready to strike you down No more being the hero, time to be the sickest killer around I'm headed straight for the castle,  Wiping the innocence clean There's a skeleton watching in the shadows watching every scene I'm headed straight for the castle I let myself in There's a skeleton telling me of my judgement for my sins Straight for the castle (There's no use trying to fight it x4) I'm headed straight for the castle,  Wiping the innocence clean There's a skeleton watching in the shadows watching every scene I'm headed straight for the castle I let myself in There's a skeleton telling me of my judgement for my sins I'm headed straight for the castle,  Wiping the innocence clean There's a skeleton watching in the shadows watching every scene I'm headed straight for the castle I let myself in There's a skeleton telling me of my judgement for my sins Straight for the castle
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Undertale W.D Gaster - Old Wise Bird
 ((((HEY GUYS READ THIS FIRST!!!!!  Anyway I kinda thought about something new to try. I was listening to the Flowerfell song Secret Garden and seen that it was a little bit based off the rhyme "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary" and it fit quite in with the rhyme and AU Flowerfell. I'm obessessed with the song now but it actually inspired me to do something. I looked up old nursery rhymes and found this rhyme called "A Wise Old Owl" and since owls represent wisdom, the first character that came to though was W.D Gaster from Undertale. So I decided to make this in tribute to him since he was a intelligent monster and the rhyme kinda fits in with his story. Well not exactly but the rhythm. I'll leave the link to the original rhyme. Hope you enjoy! ^-^)))) (((Oh and I'll leave the link to the song "Secret Garden" since it's beautiful and kinda helped inspire me to make this!))) Secret Garden: www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=w... A Old Wise Owl: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Wise_O... Oh a wise old soul In a empty world he awoke Never to be heard In hands he spoke The less he spoke The more he heard Like the old wise bird Much of his past we may never know Mystery surrounds his origin Was his life full of love or wrathful sin Where were his close relations All known is that he worked for the benefit of this nation Then a tragedy struck  Oh a old wise soul In a empty world he awoke Never to be heard In hands he spoke The less he spoke The more he heard Like the old wise bird Much of his past we may never know Never to be seen again until that faithful day A determined soul that found the door in the shadows it laid Seen the old wise soul and tried to give their hand But the old wise soul couldn't come back to this land The world never to remember this brilliant nonsuch Oh a old wise soul In a empty world he awoke Never to be heard In hands he spoke The less he spoke The more he heard Like the old wise bird Much of his past we may never know He sees all and views time Sees each kindness and every crime Never to temper with the childs path A forgotten soul to see the aftermath A wise old soul The need for success took its toll Never to be heard In hands he spoke The less he spoke  The more he heard Like the old wise bird
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Undertale Riverperson - A Ferryperson's Rhyme
(((Here's a little rhyme I made for one of my favorite background characters, the Riverperson!)))
Down the river we shall go That connects the lands of water, heat, and snow Your journey awaits From beyond these banks In which your journey comes Your tale shall be told Your fate you must mold Into the person you want to become Different monsters and humans before I met each among these very shores Never to speak one word Until they needed to learn I give you advice On each of these rides To ensure that you'll be alright Just a humble Riverperson I am Helping travelers across this land The waves gently move us each path Will you be the hero or unleash your bitter wrath Its your choice alone I have no power over the path you sew A shadow amongst them To you I speak my friend Never lose your hope Help the souls down bellow To finally reach peace Let your Determination never cease Different paths you may take Your fate you must make But never to be tampered by my soul Just a watcher among them all I watch them rise and their fall You control it all so be very wise I see a pair of unseen eyes  We finally are here Our time is done I fear Now journey ahead Enough is said From this lone river soul
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Undertale Past Geno Frisk - Righting My Past Mistakes
(((Hey guys this poem is after a Genocide run and Frisk is devastated by choosing this path. Its mostly about them wanting to right their wrongs but they still are guilty for killing their friends. I don't know why but I'm doing alot of Genocide Undertale poems so maybe my next one will be about a Pacifist to lighten the mood. The forgotten memories Curiousity of possibilities They costed  the happy ending Its too late now for forgiving The power to change back time Filled my head with many lies Determination has its flaws The lives of the many is its cost Laughs and joyful times long forgotten I watched the deaths of the ones I once fought with Side by side for a world of peace But now those memories and times have ceased Blade in hand with the blood of the innocent I enter the hall now for my judgement Await the trial of my crimes Darkness and sin took over my mind I don't want to fight you After all this time you knew Of a time we were once friends But I crossed the line and have chose this end I killed your brother without hesitation Lead on by unstable determination I sealed an unfair fate upon you all All rising up to the moment of my fall Lead on by the human flaw To know it all Which and every end and possibility But you deserve be free I destroyed it all What we all worked for and saw The death of loving mother The murder of your brother I caused it to happen Making a world with no friends The friends that were once my own have fallen by my hands Fear and terror spread across the land How could I get such a responsibility  Such a power that let me stray and lead To a path of genocide The destruction of my mind I strayed from  path of the sane I cried for a friend but nobody came I'm sorry so sorry my friends I don't know what I got into Just a child that would never knew That the wrong decision Caused your abliteration I'll make it right We won't have to fight Not anymore or ever That will be my biggest endeavor  To cross out my mistakes and start again My friends  Please don't disappear I need you all here I've learn from my mistakes From my soul it takes I'll bring you back and hold you close For now I know your lives matter the most
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omegafathompoems · 8 years
Undertale Asriel/Chara - A Past Long Ago
(((Here's a poem I've been wanting to do for so long and finally did it. I love the story with Asriel and Chara and do believe they shared a sibling relationship that was strong enough to last through the years after their deaths.)))
The past full of memories Of Mom and Dad, you and me Playing and laughing together Wanting the fun to last forever  ​​​​​​Innocence still remained within Never to reveal or view sin Peace and hope brought to the land Just because of you my friend You then learned of the past Where the relationship between us didn't last Humans locked our souls away We longed  to see the light of day Determined your soul was ,created a plan To bring freedom to the monsters of the land ​​All needed was seven souls To complete our most precious goal There was a cost so fatal, so terrible It was your sacrifice and to accept it you were able A secret among the two of us Such a beautiful trust You planned to end your life To end our strife Two souls of both races combined into one Able to cross the Barrier to the world above I didn't agree to it but at your request I did since I loved you nevertheless ​​​​​​The very flowers you first fell upon Brought down upon you your downfall  You then grew ill without them knowing the truth Crying at your beside, your time was coming soon The time had come to begin The plan that got us into the situation we were in I absorbed your determined soul into mine Brought together then the six others to find ​​​​​Snuck with the shadows with your body With such good timing Went through the Barrier to the world above Soon the world would know our love No longer would we have to suffer The world would know what monsters had to offer Your very village in which you came from With the flowers you loved Soon came the humans full of fear and malice A visit meant for peace turned to madness Injured I fled back to our home Fallen into the arms of father to met with a world of monochrome Never to know feelings I once I had It would drive me mad Darkened thoughts came into mind I soon felt inclined To stop time to keep you here Never would I have to live in madness and fear Once I seen a similar child fall bellow False hope filled my nonexistent soul I know I just wanted to see you again My friend Kindness and determination in their soul Their happy ending began to unfold Thinking it was you I had a plan To keep you here as long as I can A battle commenced  Then the sudden remembrance  Of the past When we met first and last I realized the truth Thanks the memories brought back by this young youth The true goal we never accomplished  I would keep our promise Forgiven for my crimes To save all their lives Used the power of all within To break the Barrier of past sins Once again a sacrifice For the better of their lives Left alone in the form that drove me to madness But now I feel their kindness No longer afraid for losing myself I take my rightful role in this tale to tell Alongside those who I now hold dear Unfortunately without you here Please don't have your mind go down the dark path Don't create hate and bitter wrath Not like I once did That's no life to live ​​​​​A light shines through the Underground as we take our leave Now we all can finally be free Spirits of the past long ago To see what the world beyond can show ​​
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