Yooooo, how about some abo?? Like... what charas would be which natures??
Alphas - France, Russia (also love him as omega), Prussia, Denmark, Hungary, Scotland, Wales, Sealand, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Germany, Australia, the Netherlands
Betas- Belarus, Italy, Romano, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, China, Belgium, Canada
Omegas- America, England, Ukraine, Liectenstien, Japan
Alphas- France, Russia, Macau, Canada, Norway, Ukraine, Spain, Germany
Betas- America (also love his as omega), Italy, Austria, China
Omegas- England, Belarus, Prussia, Romano
2p Nyos and Nyos
Alphas- 2p France, France, 2p Russia, 2p Ukraine, Prussia, Spain, Scotland
Betas- 2p Germany, 2p China, Austria, America
Omegas- England, 2p England
I did so many characters I can’t tag them all. These are mainly based off my previous roleplays but some are different. If you want anyone else give me the specific characters
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Y'all, I cover my head 99% of the time in public. I worked in a nursing home in a small town where the residents (most 70-100 years old) only had smiles and compliments where my coworkers kept me out of the loop and looked at me like I was the scum of the earth for being different.
i mean u can say senior citizens shouldnt vote but in 2016 my mildly democrat nonna just shook her head and said “another mussolini” and that was the end of that which is a stronger stance than u got from most white millennial democrats who’d disenfranchise her
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With Every Dying Breath
Hey all! This is my NaNo 2018 piece, the first three chapters that I have done so far. Or no…this is the first two. Anyways, here it is! Also I’ll add in a read more when I can get on my laptop later. Enjoy!
eventual character death (not these chapters)
Cancer diagnosis
ABO verse triad
Dec 1st, 2017
Mathew and Francis sit in the waiting room of the closest hospital to Mathews home in Quebec. They had been vacationing there, Gilbert well practiced in French enough so that he and his lovers could all easily enjoy their trip. That was, until Gilbert passed out. Mathew nuzzles Francis’ neck, seeking his betas comforting scent, and strong arms. Sure, he and Fran could carry on just fine on their own… but this wasn’t normal. This was something new, and strange, and oh so wrong that Mathews chest filled with a pressure like a balloon about to burst.
“Mathieu…” Francis kisses the side of his head, Mathew barely notices that a nurse had just left them. He sniffles, sitting up slightly in the Frenchman’s lap. “Il Est bien.” He is good. Francis’ smile is strained, however, and Mathew can tell that is not all there is to know. A different nurse comes, and Francis decides to simply pick Mathew up from where they sit, carrying him to the small room Gilbert is to stay in. Gil smiles at them tiredly. “hey, birdie… I’ll be okay… alright? I promised you I’m to awesome to go anywhere without you…” he grabs the bedside remote, sitting himself up, and taking Mathew from Francis, then motioning the larger blonde up onto the small, too hard bed. “I… I’m not perfect though. I’m sick… but… I’m okay for now. Let’s keep going with our vacation… Ja? Oui?” he repeats in French, for the sake of his mates, knowing they’re in shock. Mathew nuzzles close to gil, and even Francis curls closer than he normally would when Mathew is in a state.
Mathew muses that they must be a mess to look at, but he can’t find it in him to care even a little. He cries softly, his alphas scent wrapping him in a secure little bubble where he can be free to just simply be. Here, he isn’t Mathew the brother of that politician in New York running for governor, or mathew the lover of a rather infamous French model, or even Mr. mathew the school teacher who needs to always be strong. Here, he is just mathew. The beeps and whirs from Gilbert’s room and other rooms nearby all blend into one cacophony of chaos and waves of depression was over him. His Alpha was sick. His Alpha isn’t really okay. He may be a strong omega, not one prone to needing to be coddled, even though he likes it, but that doesn’t change the stresses on him.
When he’s calmed down, he takes a minute to kiss each of his partners. “wh-what is it? How bad will it be? When will you be better?” mathew asks in a delicate whisper. Francis sighs and cradles mathew to his chest, shifting towards Gilbert so they can speak more comfortably. Gilbert takes his hand, kissing his palm and holding it to his cheek for a several long minutes. “well… it doesn’t look great. It… the doctors want me to be realistic, birdie… and… I want you to be too.” He says evenly. And you as well, francis. I’m sure you listened to what the nurse said, the watered down version… I…” he takes a deep breath, looking down. He looks at their faces, and he can’t help but see the polar opposite of their expressions from earlier contrasting in his mind. “m-my one regret is that I’ll never be a father.” He smiles wistfully, tears pooling at the back of his eyes. His eyes Dart side to side rapidly, blinking away the majority of his tears yet still a few escape. As he decides what to say next, thinking of no good way to share his news, he lets it just tumble out.
“I have cancer, birdie.” His composure breaks then, and he pulls his omega into his arms. He cries on Mathews shoulder, holding his sweet omega close. Francis wraps himself around them, joining in on the crying. For right now, it was okay to not be okay, it is okay to need to be close and near. They stay close, pulling strength from one another for a long time before a doctor entering the room with a cough splits them apart.
“Mister… Bielshcmidt?” he asks, looking to gil about the pronunciation. The albino nods and the doctor continues. “I cannot guarantee a full diagnosis, but… there are definitely cancerous cells in your stomach. I urge you to go see a specialist, and return home, as soon as you can. That said… we can keep you overnight, but… there is little we can do for you here now.” Francis nods. “we will go Hone to France tomorrow. I think a night here would… be good. I doubt it really safe for any of us to travel right now.” Francis adjusts his collar, making a show of his claimed mark with his eyes alight in a challenge to be removed. They were both Gilbert’s mates and both be treated as such.
“we… normally only allow bonded omega mates…” the doctor trails off, when he catches on to francis’ movements, and his eyes widen. “mon dieu…” he trails off. “A bonded triad… of course… well, please rest. A nurse will be in soon for his vitals.” He nods sharply, and leaves the room in a hurry. Mathew let’s out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding, and pulls francis close to him. “I… I… I need you both… here…” he whispers softly, nuzzling francis’ neck gently, then softly kissing gil. The larger men wrap around him, the three shifting to Tuck in soundly for the night, all tired and weary.
The day had started well. Very well, in fact, for the three. Francis had gotten up early, sneaking into the kitchen of mathieus childhood home and decided to make maple filled crepes for their breakfast. They’d spent most of the day relaxing, until a snowball fight was challenged and they were playing, and laughing, and having fun. Everything was fine, until gilbert complained of an upset stomach, so they’d gone in for cocoa and cider. Then, before anyone really registered what was happening, gilbert started puking, and continued to violently empty his stomach for five minutes before passing out, mathew catching him from falling into his own sick as francis dialed 9-1-1. The rush to the hospital and everything else from then til now was a blur of tests, and tears, and fear for their alpha. At least now, they know where to start to look next, for answers to their fears and hope for his well-being.
“we just… were playing, and had cocoa… why now?” Mattie asks softly. Gilbert’s arms weakly hold mathew tighter to him, and francis kisses his neck, and Gilbert’s cheek.
“I don’t know, birdie… but… let’s… let’s go home and get some definitive answers first… ja? Oui?” he smiles are mathew. “I’m too strong to go down without fighting my best fight… you know that.” Mathew nods softly with a yawn, drifting off to sleep.
The next three days were again, largely, a blur. They were either going to have a layover in New York overnight, or in London before finishing off to Paris, so they chose New York. Alfred and his mate, Arthur, were more than welcoming to the trio. Alfred greeted them with a smile, and was confused when Mattie slammed into him nearly knocking the American over, and was instantly crying.
“what’s. ��what’s going on, dudes? Why is my brother crying, and why are you all so somber?” Gilbert looks down, and francis keeps him close, trying to hide his shivers. “we… aren’t one hundred percent certain, alfred… but… gil isn’t doing so good.” He answers honestly. Al stares at them in shocl, and nods. With that, he scooos his brother up and marches them all inside.
“it’s okay Mattie… you’re safe. Everything will be okay in the end, you’re never alone.” He kisses matties forehead. That night, even alfred was subdued as his living room was made into a nest, and even with francis around, Arthur joined the whole family in sleeping together and eating gentle foods.
The trio was off early in the morning, gilbert carrying mathew to let him sleep as they walked around the airport to get to their terminal and back home. Gilbert was glad for the early hour, and his omega being such a heavy sleeper. And nuzzles the top of matties head, smilimg as he thinks about how tge majority of their vacation had been. He works free-lance and francis could model from anywhere, so with mathew off for the year due to budget cuts, theyd headed for the America’s for a change of pace. They weren’t going to stay forever, mathew and francis loved their birth country too much, but that didn’t mean mathew wasn’t ecstatic at Gilbert’s surprise gift for his birthday, he’d wanted to go back to his late childhood home for a long time and hadn’t found the time for it.
It was mid day when they got home, and gilbert was glad for it. “hey… birdie, I’m sorry we couldn’t Christmas with Al, like you wanted.” He smiles apologetically. Mathew shakes his head and kisses gilbert gently. “non… it’s fine. And our pets missed us… kumataro and gilbird sure are happy to be home, and… my real nest is here for my next heat, and… we have good doctors… and you’ll get better, because otherwise… well, never mind that. We’ll be okay. I’m… I was on shock… now…I’m still upset but, I’m done freaking out over it. Life happens and, we do what we will with it… right? Worse comes to worse… We will make sure to Cross everything off of your to do list… right?” his eyes were wet and his lip trembled, but he had on the best smile anyone had seen in days, so gilbert couldn’t so anything other than smile back, and Francis felt compelled to nod. “of course… we will live our best lives.” Of course, no one in the room wanted to linger on the ideas of what if. Omegas always pass with their alphas, or soon after… Francis would lose both his mates if what if becomes when will.
Two weeks later, things were more or less back to normal. Mathew was at home most of the time, cooking or cleaning though he also decided to get back into journaling. As a child, he’d had a lot of issues with anxiety and found the task of journaling to be relaxing and calming, and helped him keep his head straight. When gilbert came home for the day, Francis back in New York for a week long photoshoot, he wasn’t all that surprised to find his omega mate in their nest, doing exactly that.
“Hey, birdie… want to go to work with me tomorrow? I have an appointment right after… for the testing results. I’d really like it if you could be there, at least… since fran can’t go.” He hugs the smaller blond, and kisses him softly. He breathes in the calming scent, and humms lightly. Mathew let’s out a small sigh and thinks about it, continuing to write about his day thus far.
… and now gil wants me to go with him, even knowing how much I hate the appointments… they freak me out. But… he needs me. And that feels good… I suppose I’ll have to go…
Mathew kisses gil back softly, shifting so they’re facing each other better. “I guess I can go I just…” he takes a deep breath, trying to relax. “it’s hard. But…its hard for all of us. Maybe… it will be easier to process if… I’m involved instead of ignoring it as much as I can… you’re lucky I lobe you, you know.” He pokes gils side with a smile. The alpha chuckles softly, a low rumble in his chest that lulls mathew closer. “I love you… I’m sorry I’ve been pushing you away. Maybe… lets go for a hike, tomorrow too. I mean… We don’t get to often when francis is here and we go on dates…” he trails off with a light blush. The triad often goes on group dates, with only two of them going out being a rare occasion, saved for when one of them is too busy with work, typically.
“well… it’s Friday tomorrow, so… I suppose we could take the drive over and go to the ardennes? I know you love it over there…” he trails off with a smile. “how does that sound?’ mathew perks up instantly at that. “I’d love it… it sounds perfect.” He grins. He scootches more, and moves so he’s in gils lap, and kisses gilbert softly, leaning into his alphas touch. Gilbert pulls him closer, a low grumble in his chest as he carefully flips them over, Mattie on his back. Mathew pants softly when gil finally pulls back a bit. “Gil…” he pulls gilvert against him, the alphas weight pushing him further into the nest, the weight reassuring. “let’s lay like this… it nice.” He smiles softly. He nuzzles gils neck, and gilbert nips at matgews.
“hmm… only snuggles? He teases gently. He rolls his hips, and mathew shakes his head, blushing harder.
“R-really, Gilbert… I… yeah, more would be okay but… I just want you close.” He looks up into gils eyes, his Violet pleading with the Germans red. Gil nods, groaning lightly but moving to his side, ao that not all of his weight is on the smaller mans body.
“Okay, birdie. Of course.” He acquiesces. He keeps mathew close to him, resting his head on the omegas purring chest as he drifts off into a nap.
The next day they woke up early, mathew barely getting himself dressed and washed before it was time to go, leading to gilbert stopping to buy breakfast before continuing to his current work assignment, an article on current conditions for models in the French omegas fashion circuit. Mathew curls up in his chair besides gil with a yawn, the glitz and glamour lost on him between a lack of interest in fashion and an overabundance of it all in his own home, thanks to francis. Gilbert chuckles as one model asks about Mattie.
“he is so uninterested… ‘ow is he so bored? There is so much to see, ‘ere…” the model trails off. Gilbert chuckles softly, kissing the top of his head. “Our missing piece is Francis Bonnefoi. The glitz and glamour is rather… lost on us both. We’re pretty immune to it now. However… I just see you omegas have it much harder. The conditions I’ve seen, and heard of… how do you handle the pressures?” The interviews continue, and mathew slowly eats through his crepes, wishing francis could have been Hone to make his… these were good, but not not maple like francis normally makes his. Just for mathew, of course, but the whole family enjoys them.
When mathew sighs for the fifteenth time in am hour he pulls mathew closer, giving him a small kiss. “I’m done in a half hour… okay? Then my appointment and our hike. I miss him too, but we’re gonna have fun, remember?” mathew nods and smiles back, pulling out his own journal while gilbert finishes up. He doesn’t write about anything in particular, just takes in the colors and lights around him, musing about the work francis must go through as he models both omega cemtric and Alpha centric clothing. The make-up, and shapewear, and paddings he needs as a beta to do what he loves.
Mathew pokes gils arm while they’re in the waiting room.
“Babe… what do you think?” he asks, telling gil what sections to read. Gil reads the entry with a bit of surprise. “wow, birdie… this is actually really good… I’ll call my contacts, but if they consent, I can help you get this published if you’d like” he smiles. “it would be nice to show the world how much humanities backbone really does to keep this world moving… I can’t believe I didn’t think of it this way honestly.” He smiles . MMathews eyes widen with a little bit of surprise. “really? It’s good? I doubt my grammar is even quite right… I mean, I’m fluent in French and all but… sometimes I’m not so good at writing it… more just speaking it. I don’t know if I could translate it right…” gil kisses him. “birdie, we could send it over to the US and Canada or to England too. We don’t need to submit it here.” He points out. Mathew nods excitedly.
“that would be amazing!” he grins, and kisses gil again as they are called back to the doctors office.
Mathew thoughts were all jumbled again after the appointment, as he and gil sit in their car, going nowhere. Mathews ears ring as the doctor informs them of gils chances. Stage four… could be five years or it could be five months… immediate chemotherapy treatment is adviseable… he needs to rest… no the hike is a bad idea… we can start treamemt today…
Gilbert was sitting in the passengers seat, looking like shit. He has Sweat on his forehead, and a waste bin between his legs. “lets… let’s go home, and nest… okay?” mathew says with a wobbly smile. Gilbert frowns deeply. “No… I promised you a hiking trip. I don’t care what the doctor says I should do today, exercise is important. Let’s go… we… we don’t know how much I can do, but… if we drive in a little further than normal, I bet we can still make it to our clearing. “
Our clearing the place where mathew and gilbert had met was deep into the ardennes, mathew doubted gilbert could hike that far from their normal trailhead, but… there is a shorter trail if they drive around further, but that’s an extra hour of driving… but two less hours of hiking. “alright… I… are you sure?” he asks gently, kissing his albinos cheek. Gilbert nods with a weak, but undoubtedly overjoyed and excited smile. Mathew caves, nodding in agreement. “okay, love. Let’s go.” He smiles gently, and begins to drive. Mathew relaxes as their landscape shifts to trees and snow, excited for the rest of their day himself. He stops a few times as gilbert needs out to stretch, and gilbert even threw up a couple times, but other than that they were having a good day. They get to finally park and get out after another thirty minutes, the fresh Crisp mountain air seeming to already do wonders for gilbert.
“Birdie… how’re you?” he asks, smiling as brightly as he’s ever. Well, at least pretty close. Mattie kisses him, wrapping his arms around his neck with a coo. “m good… I’ve got my Alpha, and the woods, and snow…” he punctuates each good fortune with a kiss. “I mean… francis here too would be nice, but this way we can walk the last mile or so.” Gilbert chuckles, nodding in agreement and grabbing Mathews hand.
Their walk is more or less quiet, as they walk hand in hand slowly, in no rush to get to their destination. Mathew rests his head on Gilbert’s shoulder as they go, getting deeper into the woods, going a little odd the normal trails. “I’ve missed our hiking dates.” He smiles, pecking gils jaw. Gilbert hums in agreement, pullimg slightly away to pull out his phone, and h starts taking pictures, mostly of mathew and the woods… but he’s too awesome to not have a couple selfies too of course. To document this new turn in his life.
He takes matties hand again when he’s done, the omega blushing softly at the attention and practically cooing, pleased his Alpha was being himself. Gilbert notes this, and smiles widely. “I love you.” He smiles, content with Mathews kiss in reply. He squeezes matties hand as he thinks to himself about the upcoming future. He could do this. He can fight the odds his doctors are presenting him with. He has to. For their sake. He starts to frown, but before Mattie notices they have reached their clearing.
“Hey birdie!” he grins brightly. “let’s take some pretty pictures of you so one can get put up with the online versions of your article.” He grins. Mathew blushes.
“gil, really, I’m sure I don’t need any of that…” gil kisses his cheek. “nonsense… you lool great, and this is like… the perfect place for you. You’re more… you out in the wild.” He grins. Mathew sighs, and caves in. They start out with mattie simply standing and smiling like he would for a school picture, but then gil has him do all sorts of poses. Hanging off a tree, gathering snow into a snowball, throwing said snowball, sitting in various positions, and laying on his belly, Hen finally on his back with a large smile. Gil puts his phone in his pocket after one last picture.
“Nein… stay like that.” He instructs, and lowers himself so he is over mathew. Mattie blushes deeply, breath quickening at the thoughts of where this position normally takes them. Gilbert chuckles, leaning over and shifting so he’s laying with a fair bit of his weight on mathew, kissing the omega gently until he’s relaxed, nuzzling his neck after. “there we go… you haven’t been relaxed in a while… it was so good to see you laughing, and relaxed, and carefree… really.” He smiles, and then rolls them over so matties on his chest, and they lie there in the snow until they notice it slowly starting to get darker. Gil sighs softly, knowing they need to make their way home.
“Alright… lets go, birdie… I bet kuma and gilbird are missing us.” He grins. Mattie humms, nodding lazily in agreement. “I suppose…” he yawns, slowly sitting up for a few minutes before he stands, and helps gil get to his feet. Their walk back takes nearly half the time it did getting to the clearing, but neither of them really wanted to be caught out here at night, not with the chance of more snow and the potential for ice on the paths. Mayhew takes their hiking packs and puts them back into his trunk, before climbing into the drivers seat.
“hey… gilly? “ he looks over to Gilbert with a soft smile. “yeah, birdie?”
“thank-you for today… I… I needed it. We needed it. I only hope… I… I hope francis can get some time to relax just you two too… then…aa date together? It’s. ..be a long while since francis or I had you to ourselves, or even me and francis had time to ourselves… it’s nice every now and then.” He kisses gilbert softly. “sleep, mon amour. “ gilbert smiles, pecking Mathews cheek before he yawns.
“I will, I will… and I agree. This was good… really good.” He grins over at Mattie, watching his face as he drives until sleep finally pulls gilbert under.
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With Every Dying Breath
Hey everyone!! Super late here for me, but heres the second chapter dump for my nano piece. Again, I’ll add a read more cut tomorrow, but I simply need sleep right now, and my laptop is not currently reachable from my position. Hope everyone enjoys!!
Eventual Chara Death (at least one)
Abo verse (omegaverse)
Cancer diagnosis and chemo mentions
NaNo piece… Errors aplenty.
Francis comes home three days later to, thankfully, much calmer partners. “je retournee!” he calls out as he heads to his put his bags in his closet, unsurprised when mathew pops out of their nestroom with a huge smile. Francis is prepared, and sets his bags down just in time to catch the omega as he jumps into his arms. Francis kisses him soft and deep, pulling back with a large smile.
“Why… cherie, how scandalous of you! He teases with a smile. Mathew let’s his head fall back as he lauggs loudly. “oh well, francis… you are home for Christmas and I know what I want my present to be.” He grins devilishly, and leabes forward to whisper in francis ear. The Frenchman smiles widely as mathew continues to sowak.
“I believe that can be arranged… I believe so indeed.” He kisses matties cheek and sets him down, returning to the task of unpacking. “so… how did Gilbert’s results turn out?” he asks hopefully. Watching mathew bite his lip and look away, francis knows what he needs. “oh… well… is… can he be treated?” he asks quietly, eyes wetter than normal, and fikking with pain.
Matthew nods. “oui… they’ve started treatment. Chemotherapy the times a week… they hope a really aggressive approach will help him get better quicker… or live longer, are least, but… he’s always so sock for a at least five hours after…” he sighs, sitting on the floor beside francis. “he’s in the nest, right now… resting and eating crackers.” He says gently. “he wants to see you, but… finish this first. I can go help him brush his teeth and clean up a little first… okay?” he kisses francis’ cheek and goes back to gil, proceeding to help him clean up.”
“so… frqn is home… gell be in in a few minutes.” He kisses the tip of Gilbert’s nose, helping him wash off his face and clean his teeth and moth, just before francis comes quietly in the room. “Cherie…” he sighs, slipping into the nest with ease and shooting over to lay his head on the alphas chest. “I’m home… how are you?” gilbert kisses the top of his head with a snile. “I’m actually starting to feel good enough to at least get up and edit some articles I’m working one… they aren’t quite right yet. I’ve also started on a longer piece I want to add to “ he grins.
He decided to keep up with the whole documenting his story hing… maybe it will help someone else in the future and… it helps him sort it out. He doesn’t share that though, of course not wanting to be seen as too soft. Even by his mates who know that to be the truth. He shifts closer to francis however, and helps them shift so they can face each other, and gikvert kisses him. “welcome home, babe… it’s good to have you back.” He hugs francis close, and ceoons as the beta relaxea in his grip, getting louder as mathew wraps around them from behind him. “this, is trunly perfect, mein leibes.” Je grins, holding them close to him for a few minutes before wrigglimg up.
“Alright… how about you two go eat out, okay? I can’t eat much and gave work… and I happen to know our dearest mathew missed you greatly.” Mattie blushes and refuses to meet francis’ eye, but francis smiles at that anyhow. “sound lively… I can take our Mathieu today… Ad you I tomorrow… alright?’ he humms. Gilbert laughs and nods, before leaving the room and telling them to take his card and relax, wnjoy their time
Francis, being himself was already dressed appropriately but mathew hadn’t even really put on real clothes yet that day, and needed to find something.
“wait, ma Cherie, I already have a piece for you. You’ll like it.’ He goes to his closet, pulling out a tunic length shirt or dress, depending on your standards, and a pair or lightly printed leggings. The top was a solid ine red, and the bottoms a soft mint green with little white pklar bears. Smilimg widely, Mattie happiky pulls on the clothes and kisses francis. “thank-you! It’s so soft… I love them.” He grins.
Mathew didn’t always like the more feminine styles, but… even he could admit they were comfortable and fun to wear when he wasn’t doing anything too formal. He pulls on his scarf, hat, and beret that he wears almost all winter long and they were off. He walks hand in hand through paris with francis, the two of them eventually settling on a small café where they normally get breakfast or lunch together, schedules allowing.
Mathew sits down happily across from francis. “so… how was your trip?” he asks with a hum, looking lazily over the menu, already knowing what he’s going to get. He smiles, as francis goes into detail with his trip, and the three shows he did, and all of the show stopper finale pieces- and that he got to wear one of them. Mthew kisses Francis softly before their food comes out
“I’m glad your trip was good… Gil and I took the time to go for a hike while you were away…I thought you’d appreciate that.” he giggles lightly. “Anything else exciting happen? Or…How are you feeling? You and gil have been so focused on me…” he trails off, looking slightly away.
Francis sighs, having had a feeling that soon the omega would berate himself for that. “well… I mean, this isn’t really any fun for any of us. Its hard, and… it hurts.” He says with watery eyes and a trembling smile. He and Mathew both move their chairs closer together, holding each other tightly. A waiter comes out and takes their orders, not batting a lash at their clearly emotional states. Mathew nuzzles Francis’ neck and coos. Francis smiles a bit more of a smile in return, giving Mathew a small kiss. “well… I didn’t intend to discuss this here.” He laughs softly, and Mathew relaxes.
“me either.” He chuckles and they both return to happier conversation. They get home a few hours later, and gil greets them each with a kiss. He tells them about a plan of his for the night, involving a large tv, a makeshift nest, and the cheesiest romcoms they can find. Mathew smiles, and francis kisses his cheek. “This sounds perfect, mon amour.” He grins.
Mathew and Francis help arrange the front room, with Francis moving furniture while Mathew gets all of the blankets and pillows they’ll need. Gilbert, meanwhile, heads to the kitchen. He balances three trays of food that he made and gathered before the other two got back. He smiles, leaning against the wall as he watches them arrange everything carefully, to make as decent a nest as possible on their floor. He notices with a smile that they built it around the table, as though they had a feeling food would be involved.
“looks perfect, babe. Birdie.” He grins, giving them each a kiss on the cheek. He sets the balanced trays onto the table and he sits down. “cmere… both of you. Everything’s perfect… I just want a night with my mates. It’s been a while…” Francis rolls his eyes but both happily oblige
“Not really so long… but we’re here, Mon amour.” Frncis kisses him deeply and Mathew kisses him after, Gil deepening the kiss for a few minutes until Mattie let’s out a small whine. Francis chuckles at Mathews expression and they sit happily cocooned together in the blankets, a movie playing in the background. They watch through two or three movies before Mathew falls asleep on one side of Gilbert. Once Francis notices this, he kisses Gilbert deely, moving to sit in his lap, hands tangling in Gilbert’s hair.
Francis is confused, a few minutes later when Gilbert gently but quickly gets francis off of him and runs to a bathroom. He’s more worried, however, when he hears the violent vomiting. He walks into the bathroom, knealing beside his alpha and gently kissing the back of his neck while rubbing his back, cooing soft sweet nothings to him.
“Gilbert…” he sighs, holding the alpha close when he’s finished. “did… did I do something?” he asks worriedly. Gilbert shakes his head lightly, and with some help gets to his feet and he brushes his teeth and washes his mouth out.
“Nein… I just have a real bad gag reflex now… since starting treatment…” he sighs. “I’m sorry, leibe… I’m afraid things will be a little… different for us than normal.” He smiles wistfully. Francis kisses his forehead, and let’s their heads rest against each others.
“it’s okay… everything will be fine. We will make it all work out…” he smiles at gilbert, kissing him gently. He leads the albino back to their nest, back to Mattie. He lays on his back, close to Mathew, and coaxes gilbert over them. “we both like this… I prefer sweet lazy kisses with you and our sweet Mathieu, with you pressing against us,” he presses another gentle kiss to gils mouth. “kissing us softly and telling us we’re wanted, and needed, and loved.” Every other word punctuated by a gentle sweet kiss. Gilbert smiles, and cries softly on francis’ shoulder. Francis rubs his back, and Mathew, having woken up a few minutes prior, hugs them both and kisses and nuzzles the top of gilberts head.
They spend a few more minutes like this until they’ve all calmed down, and gilberts scent has evened out.
February 12th
After three more weeks, gilbert keeps getting worse and worse, and the doctors decide to lessen how often gilbert comes in. This helps him get better, so much so, in fact, that after a few more weeks, the three share Mathews heat. Now, they’re preparing for valentines and have some special plans set up. Francis, as normal, is taking care of dinner and breakfast, while the other two tend to do presents or plan activities.
Francis and Mathew go to the store, shopping for groceries to pull off their plans. Mathew turns down the crafts and cards aisle, telling francis to go ahead. He places a hand on his stomach with a smile. He looks at all of the baby shower cards, and sees two he thinks will be perfect. Then, he continues to the paper and cutouts to make his actual valentines cards for the other two.
Francis takes his hand after they pay, heading to the car. “you have everything?” he asks with a kiss to the side of Mathews head. Mathew nods. “mhmm… I did. Did you?” he teases playfully. Gilbert, thankfully, was finally able to get back to work again after a month and a half of being unable to do anything outside of the house. Francis chuckles, and gives mathew a soft kiss.
“I did… it will be the best set of valentines meals we have ever had.” Mathew grins, excited at that prospect. They climb into the car, setting their bags in the back seat, as they enjoy a short drive home. As soon as they get home, mathew runs to his private nest room, and gets to work. He sets to cutting, and gluing, and planning.
In the regular valentines, mathew places the rings Alfred helped him buy last year during the valentines sale. The cards were individually written and made, Gilbert’s in the basic German he’d taught mathew, and francis’ in their native French. They had hearts and flowers an cute poems, and some pictures of all three of them.
The other cards… mathew smiles. He places a strip of ultrasound pictures. Hopefully, this wonderful news, will be another upward turn for them. A point of happiness when everythings been so bleak. He giggles happily as he closes them up, and seals them with hearts and lipstick kisses. Mathew knows it will be a big shock… they’d been told not to expect a child, as Gilbert’s treatments and francis being a beta had the odds against them, but a currently healthy seeming pair of twins… that would make their days.
When gilbert gets home, he knows that they’ve been up to their plans, and they know he’s been up to his. Not just work. However, no one spoils anything for fear of jinxing their current lucky streak. They eat quietly, and all snuggle close that night as they get headed to bed.
“how was everyones days?” gilbert asks with a soft yawn. Francis mentions some grocery shopping for the usual goods, and cleaning and relaxing. Gil laughs softly, kissing the side of francis’ head. “Ja… sure.” He teases. “I look forward to dinner in a couple days.” He kisses francis softly with a smile, and then turns to mathew. “birdie?”
Mathew just smiles softly. “my day was pretty relaxing… I went out with francis for groceries to get out and then rested most the day…” he trails off. Gil frowns a little, worried about how he’s been off, lately. Mathews been sick most days and gilbert was hoping it’s nothing, just a winter cold, and that mathew would be fine.
“you feeling okay today?” he’s asks with a small kiss. Mathew kisses back, and nods softly as he pulls back.
“I’m fine… really. Just a little headache.” He says with a yawn, nuzzling gils neck. Gilbert relaxes at this familiar action, and happily fall asleep, the three of them in a happy bundle.
The next day, they all wake up plenty early in order to eat breakfast together before gilbert has to leave. “hm… thankyou for the pancakes, birdie… feel better! I’ll call you at lunch.”he kisses Mathews temples before leaving. He frowns as he drives to work, once again more than a little concerned for his younger mate. He’s been puking since about a week after his heat, and it made him and francis both nervous, despite their lack of talking to mathew.
As soon as gil was gone, mathew stopped pretending and started eating ravenously. “I don’t want him to know how much work we’re doing today… I don’t feel so great, really, but… I also know throwing up will feel better on a full stomach.” He shrugs.
Francis sighs, and eyes mathew carefully. “alright… if you could please peel the potatoes and julienne the carrot, celery, bell peppers, and dice the onions, apples, and pears, I’ll make all the breads.” He smiles, kissing the side of Mathews head. Mattie nods, going to the bathroom and, predictably, throwing up, before getting started. When he comes out with a freshly scrubbed face and newly brushed teeth, francis knows and he frowns.
“Ma Cherie…” he gives mathew another kiss before they both set to work. Mathew julienned the carrots and peppers with a humm. He and francis dance around each other, each doing their tasks in a happy, pleasant silence, the sounds off chopping and mixing and the oven opening and closing greeting their ears. Mathew sits down at the bar when he’s finished with all of his cutting and peeling, and putting all of it into water filled separated containers.
“I’m really not feeling good now, francis… I… I should go to bed, I think… I’m not feeling good, at all…” he grains softly, resting his head on his arms and groaning softly. Francis puts his last loaf of bread in the oven, and washes off his hands.
“Ma cher…” he frowns worriedly, and picks up mathew. He carries the omega to their nest, where mathew seems to relax almost instantly. Francis lays down with him while the breads bake. He kisses the top of matties head, leaving when the bread should be nearly done. He pulls the bread out, and answers Mathews phone when gilbert calls.
“bonjour, Mon amour.” He says softly into the phone.
“where’s birdie?” gilbert asks, the frown evident in his voice.
“Asleep… we were cuddling and he said he was feeling dizzy.. So I took him to bed. Left his phone out here though. He still has no fever so I’m sure that whatever he has is nothing… okay?” he smiles softly. “I mean… I’m sure we will all be okay. All of us.” Gilbert agrees softly, and promises to be home early, and that he doesn’t work at all on valentines. Francis agrees with him that that’s for the best, and maybe Mathews illness is from gilbert being gone a lot again, rather suddenly, right after Mathews heat, when he’d only gone out for a couple hours at a time once or twice a week fpr the last two months. They discuss this possibility, and decide to rule that out before they get worried.
They laugh at the idea of Mattie being pregnant, thinking that there is no way that that could be possible. Hence, their worry. They both hung up, hoping it was just mate separation issues which, while still not good, would be far from the worst case scenario. Francis pulls the breads out, and hides them away so him won’t find them. Along that line of thinking, francis opens several windows in the house to, ‘give them fresh air. Maybe that is all Mathieu truly needs.’ And insists to himself that all is well.
When he returns to Mattie, he’s happy the omega seems to be far more relaxed than he’d previously been. He smiles down at him, crawling into the nest and playing with matties hair. After some time, he wakes up, and let’s francis dampen it and put his hair into French braids so that his hair Wi fall in meater sleeker waves than normal the next day. Gilbert loves when their hair is like that.
“Knock knock, birdie.” He smiles softly. “you look a lot better.” Mathew grins happily. “I feel a lot better too. Especially seeing you home…” he coos when gilbert comes and kneels by him, mouthing at Mathews neck. The omega squirms lightly and his face flushes, but ultimately he finds Gilbert’s ministrations to be very comforting. “Hmmm… all mine… my alpha. And my beta.” He says with a loopy, scent drunk grin as he grabs francis’ hand.
Mathew eventually manages to slip away long enough to put his real cards for valentines on the bathroom sinks of the respective recipients, and he puts on his own matching ring before lying down and falling back asleep with his mates.
The next morning, love is in the air. Francis works hard to make a breakfast frittata, savory and sweet crepes, and he even makes little mini pies with yoghurt. However, when he finally goes into their aster bathroom to wash up, his eyes widen at the card, and the ring, and messages, and the pictures… his heart melts right then and he can’t stop smiling,
“Fran? What’s up?” he asks, as he notices his own card. He pens it when francis seems incapable of responding, and his reaction is much the same. “birdie.. He even used German for mine…” he chokes up a little, and francis and Gil smile happily at each other. “today will be so awesome…” he grins.
“oui, Mon amour… happy valentines.” He steps closer to Gil, and they share a deep kiss before breaking apart and going to the dining room for breakfast.
Mathews eyes are wide, as he looks at the spread francis has made. Maple crepes, maple bacon crepes, sausage crepes, strawberry crepes, and everything else.
“Wow… so much food!” he laughs and smiles. “it all looks fantastic… thankyou.” He smiles brightly. Despite his recent decline in appetite, mathew seems to down everything francis puts in front of him, including every single crepe.
“Cheri… it is so good to see you eating properly again… how do you feel today?”
“in love.” Mathew says honestly. “and happy, and excited, and just… so whole. I have my two favorite men with me, and I know I’m safe, and I’ll always be cared for, and that’s all I need.” He smiles. Francis can’t help but kiss mathew deeply at those words, pulling mathew closer to him.
“Cheri… .I’m glad.” He smiles widely when they pull apart, Mathews cheeks holding a cute faint blush at the betas antics. They all laugh and smile through breakfast, and Gil announces they have somewhere to go. Things to do. The all exchange a few more sweet kisses before they get dressed.
Mathew wasn’t worried about what Gil might have planned, until they get there. One of those skydiving things. Mathew bites his lip, unsure on what to do. He asks an omega who works there, how risky it is.
“Well… here, we use a wind tunnel, you’ll never really fall, and we can make sure an instructor has home of your flight suit at all times… are you high risk?” the omega asks him quietly, in the omegas change room.
“no… not particularly, but… due to my mates’ nature or health… it’s a miracle that I got pregnant in the first place…” he trails off quietly. The assistant nods, and smiles softly.
“well, let’s get you one of the better flight suits then, shall we? We normally charge more for those, but… given this is a medical reason, we can wave that.” He smiles, and they go back out.
Mathew fills out his paperwork, checking that he’s pregnant, and adding a note that his mates don’t know yet. They all turn in their papers, and smile at each other, before the taller two hug mathew tightly between them. Mathew laughs softly, and gives them each a kiss on the cheek while they all go change. Mathew feels somewhat ridiculous in the big suit, but is excited enough. Skydiving is one of those things gilbert has always wanted to, and so he decided to make it one of the things he decided to do for valentines.
After nearly two hours of lecturing on safety and flight basics, they were finally allowed to go out to the tube. They watched the people before them all go, and cuddled close on the bench while they awaited their turn. When it was finally time, each of them first went alone with their instructor. When mathew went, and he went first, the instructor smiled. “how far along?”
“about a month… they won’t know till dinner.” HW grins softly, and up they go. The instructor kept a firm hold on mathew, and mathew was laughing, adrenaline going through his veins. He really loved the weightless feeling, and freedom of the wind on his face. By time he came out, his cheeks were flushed and his eyes bright and glossy, high on the adrenaline. His mates each came back out that way, too, and it was finally time for them to go together. The instructor had a hold on mathew and gilbert, the two most fragile of the group. They went up, for two minutes this time, hand in hand. After they were up and settled, the instructor helped mathew and Gil hold each other until it was time to touch down again.
“that was awesome!” gilbert says brightly, kissing each of his blondes happily. “we should definitely do this again some time…” he smiles brightly. “and it was just… wow. What did you two think.” Mathew kisses Gil gently.
“I this it was amazing… and I think the best present is this. You’re happiness.” “oui… I agree.” Mathew and francis reply. Gilbert helps them pile back into the car, now to his second location. He pulls out a bag he’d thermal packed the leftovers from breakfast and some soup in. “Hmm… this is good.” He geins, as they all eat.
“we get lunch and some more fun…this something a little more for you two, though…” he trails off. Ice skating. He’s taking them ice skating. Mathew grins brightly, excited to finally get onto the ice. Him and francis love skating, and most often ended up dancing together on the ice whenever they could.
When they get on the ice, they are instantly relaxed. For a little while, they happily glide along, all three linking arms and keeping close. Eventually, though, francis and mathew inevitably break off from Gil, and go dancing around the rink. Gilbert however, continues to just slowly glide around and watch them, their smiles and laughter the only gift he could ever ask for.
Eventually, unfortunately, they have to go home, and the rink needs to close. Mathew leans against francis’ shoulder, half asleep, as they drive home. As soon as they get there, francis puts the finishing touches on their dinners, and mathew changes and grabs the other cards. His second presents. He hums as he goes and sits at the table for dinner. Francis had truly outdone himself this time, and mathew eats his fill. However, he doesn’t touch his wine, which is unjusual.
“You okay, birdie? You haven’t touched your wine…” mathew shrugs, and hands them their cards while getting up with his wine glass.
“it’s fine… I’m just gonna grab my martinellis.” He grabs a clean glass, and pours the sparkling grape cider with a smile. “there… perfect.” He grins. When he sees that his mates still haven’t opened their envelopes he frowns. “what’s wrong? Open them!” he cheers.
Gilbert and francis exchange looks, hoping mathew hasn’t gotten them more expensive gifts… he can only do so much work to trade as pay off with Alfred. They open them together, and the looks of shock on their faces leave mathew worried, when neither of them smile.
“G-guys?” he says in a small voice, clearly worried. Gilbert smiles softly. “Birdie I… I know you’ve wanted a babe, but… I don’t know if it’s possible…” francis nods in agreement.
“Gilbert’s treatments are expensive… a babe would be too… I mean, I want children as well chwrie, but… maybe not now…” Mathews eyes are instantly watery. His hands go to his stomach, and as he stares at his belly, he starts to sob.
“wh-what of… i-I was already pregnant… if those babies w-were ours?” he sobs softly. Francis bites his lower lip. “well… we’d figure it out. And of course I’d love them but… they aren’t…” he trails off. Gilbert notices first as Mathews sobs worsen and his body folds, as though he’s trying to hug his belly.
“I’m gonna be a dad… birdie! I’m gonna be a dad!” he Cher, pulling mathew close to his chest. “they are ours, Ja? aren’t they?” he asks with a big hopeful smile.
Mather sobs on gils shoulder, and nods excitedly. Gilbert pulls mathew gently closer, hugging him tightly and declaring that he’ll never let the omega go. Never. He smiles brightly, humming and crooning into matties ear. Francis, catching up to the situation, joins in the celebration.
“Oh… Ma cherie… I had no idea that… oh, I feel so dumb. Of course I’m happy, and excited… this amazing. A miracle.” He smiles brightly, kissing Mathew deeply and holding the smaller blonde close.
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I like to think that all these different headcanons exist in the same world, just villages apart… And I love imagining them interacting. 
Take for example an Omega running away from an oppressed area where they were looked down upon. They were used to a life where being found out as an omega meant forced labor (and childbearing if they were pretty enough)… And they stumble into the town where omegas are rarely born and always treasured. The town is full of Betas and Alphas who will cross the street to avoid upsetting the jumpy Omega. They freak out the first time someone points out so bluntly that they are an omega. They beg the person to not reveal it and the kindly old shopkeeper remembers the last time they saw someone like this and sits the omega down and explains everything.  Alternately, a Beta overhears the tale and thinks this Omega must be exaggerating and heads to the other village. The Beta ends up rescuing as many omegas as they can.
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What are some omegaverse slurs/ curse words
!!!Fairwarning!!! The content below may be offensive to some people. Things will getbrutal over here, so caution is advised. 
Towards Alphas:
Knothead- Regarding an Alpha that displays overly confident and douchey behaviouron the sole basis that they have the right because “they are an Alpha”; someonethat only thinks with their knot.
ex: Annwas such a nasty knothead. You were right to break up with her. She didn’t deserveyou.
Heatstall- Slur designed to demean an Alpha sexually. It implies that the Alpha isso bad in the bedroom that they can even stop an Omega’s heat with their poorattempts. 
ex: Scaringaway more Omegas, you pathetic heatstall?
Runt- Designed to demean an Alphas strenght and position in the pack. It’s thesame as calling them weak, a pack reject or incapable. 
ex: Whatcan you and your runt little as do about it?
Lose-tie- Designed to demean an Alpha sexually. It implies that their knot is notstrong enough to keep a mate attached to them. Can also be used to demeanimpotent/old Alphas or Alphas who were cheated on or left by their mates. 
ex: Didyou hear that Brad’s mate ran away with Mark from the marketing department becausehe was a total lose-tie? Yikes…
Knotless- Designed to demean an Alpha sexually and socially. Can be used to saythat they are not a “real Alpha” in accordance to the mainstreamunderstanding of what an Alpha is and is not, but can also be used to call anAlpha a scaredy cat or a coward. 
ex: Stopbeing such a knotless little bitch and get in the abandoned house!
Breeder- Used by Betas to shame an Alpha sexually, socially and morally; Used byradical groups that think of Ruts as nothing butbehavioural perversions and a catalyst into regression into an uncivilized and“unevolved” state of society. 
ex: Ourdaughter will not date a filthy breeder like you
Cat-pole- Designed to demean Alpha females sexually and socially. It’s a way tomock a female Alpha’s “retractable anatomy” which evokes thoughts of a cat’sclaws; also doubles as being an offensive more “subtle” replacementfor “pussy-dick”.
ex: FuckingCat-Pole got between me and an Omega I had my eyes on at the bar. 
Towards Omegas:
Puppymill- Primarily used in the 19thcentury to define Omega prostitutes or brothelmadams that would have children and then exploit them (normally sexually) forpersonal profit. In recent times it’s used to demean an Omega’s status andhumanity. Existing for the sole purpose of having pups.ex: Take your head off the clouds, Omega.You are nothing but a puppymill!Bitch- No need to comment this one. However, I do think that it’s much harsherwhen directed to an Omega in an offensive context, given that this is a directparallel to female dogs in heat. Knot-hole- Same principal of Puppymill, but instead of pups, it’s used tolower the Omega to a status of sex toy; Good only for fucking. 
Breeder- Used by Betas to shame an Omega sexually, socially and morally; Used byradical groups that think of Heats as nothing butbehavioural perversions and a catalyst into regression into an uncivilized and“unevolved” state of society. ex: Omegas are nothing but corruptedBreeders without any decency. Puppy-Pooper- Directed at Omega males. Designed to demean them both sexually andsocially. Used by people that believe that Omega males shouldn’t have or aren’tas good as Omega and Beta females when it comes to having children due to their anatomy. ex: Omega males make me sick. Filthypuppy-poopers should have never existed. Pederast- Very old term, rarely used by younger people. Designed to demean Omegamales on the basis of their anatomy; derived from radical beliefs that Omegamales are a mistake of nature and should be admonished. ex: Omega males. Nothing but pederastbreeders who run on sexual instinct alone to compensate for their defectivenature.Knotbreaker- Directed at domineering Omegas; Used to describe a bitchy or stuck-upOmega who likes to be abusive and nagging towards Alphas. ex: Nah, man. I’d never court Jenna. She’sa real Knotbreaker. SwitchHeater - (lol sorry for this shitty pun) Used to describe an Omega who likes bothAlphas and Omegas. ex: I heard Alan passed his last heat withanother Omega from school this time. Seems like he’s a switch heater… Knottease - Pretty much the same as a cock teaser. ex: He was a real knot tease. I wish I hadgot his number.Knot-dropper- Used to demean an Omega (and sometimes Beta) sexually; used to describesomeone who was fucked so many times that they can’t even hold a knot insideanymore; Comparable to Slut or Whore. ex: Stop that, Mark. We all know that you’vealready got yourself the tittle of knot-dropper throughout the wholecampus. 
Towards Betas: 
Stump- Designed to demean Beta males sexually; Used to say that Beta malesdon’t have as much of a “weapon” as Alphas have when it comes to size;Usually used by Knotheads and trashy Omegas.ex: Really Cindy? You turned down mycourtship advances to go out with beta stump over there?Knotless- When directed towards Betas it take on a sexually demeaningconnotation on the basis of a Beta’s anatomy. ex: Knotless trash have no right to speakhere, kid!Knotcorker- (Br.E) Used mainly towardsBeta females, but can be used towards Beta males who are attracted to Alphas; designedto demean a Beta sexually on the basis of their anatomy and the belief thatAlphas and Betas should not mate with one another; implies that Betas were notmade to take a knot because their bodies is not “designed” to do so. Usedmainly by radical people who look down upon Betas and non-traditionalunions. 
ex: Me?Date a Beta such as yourself? Is that a joke? Scram knotcorker. 
Crummy- (Mainly Br.E) Used by Omegas (and sometimes Alphas, but mainly Omegas)to demean Beta females; implies that their wombs is not as good or notas “tended to” as an Omega’s because they are a Beta; A womb left tocrumbs. ex: Really, Sarah? You really think thatSarah would take your crummy ass over me? What a joke. 
KnotBlock(er) - (A.E) Same connotation ofKnotcorker.ex: Are you nuts? Whywould I waste my time courting a knot block? Betatester - Designed to demeana Beta both sexually and socially; It’s used to talk down to a Beta; impliesthat their relationship with an Alpha/Omega is nothing but a test run forthe “real deal”; That a Beta could never actually prosper in a relationshipwith anyone other than another Beta, because their mates would crave forsomething more than a “Beta tester”. ex: Why don’t you just give up now?You and I know that you are nothing but a Beta tester. Just let me take her outof your hands so she can be taken care of the proper way. 
Not necessarily Dynamics specific: 
Glandless- Referring to a person without tact; someone that cannot pick up on the olfactorycues in the environment they are currently in. ex: Dude don’t be such a glandlessidiot! Can’t you see that she’s in pain?Knotlicker - Pretty much the same as slut or whore; can also be used to describesomeone who’s a bootlicker to Alphas, expecting some sort of gratification orreward in return. ex: Wow, could you be more of a knotlicker?Knotsucker- Same as cocksucker.Low-tail(ed)and Neck stretcher- An overly passive person, who never fights back andcan even let themselves be abused by strangers or members of their own pack;The person ranking lowest in the pack hierarchy; Someone who’s too afraid tofight back any sort of agression. 
ex: Jesus,Martha. You’re such a pathetic low-tailed idiot.Turd-Toddler,Turd-bred and Poop baby - Used to insult anyone who’s got anOmega male mother; Derived from the belief that Omega males are inherentlyfilthy and should not have offspring.ex: You have no moral qualms here. You’re adisgusting Turd-bred low-rated excuse of a human.Knotshafter- Used to describe someone that takes a lot of knots. 
ex: I think I never met a bigger Knotshafter than you, man. Are you positiveyou’re not positive? (lol shitty pun, sorry I’m half asleep as I write this).Overbred- The same as Knot-dropper.Necktan(ed) - The same as Low-tail(ed).ex: You’re in the couch again? Seriously, Idon’t know how you don’t get a neck tan with the ammount of time you spendcatering to your mate’s hissy fits. 
lol sorry for all the bad puns and lack of creativity. It’s late and mybrain is half fried. But I hope this satisfy you and anyone else who waswondering about ABO slurs and insults. It’s also worth noting that this is allaccording to my verse. So many of these will not work with every single verse. Feel free to take out or add on other words that will cater better to yourown verse (or just disregard all of these altogether, idk). Anyway, if anyonefeels like adding on to the list feel free to do so. Peace o/
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Beta Family Headcanons
Beta specific for Beta Day <3
As an older sibling a beta may attempt to take on an alpha-like role to the younger sibling
With an alpha younger sibling they might be at odds with the younger sibling in terms of protection–as the older sibling the beta will want to protect the younger, but as the younger sibling is an alpha it wouldn’t be easy
With an omega younger sibling they’ll pretty much act as much like an alpha as they can, but they’ll still have some sort of hesitance
With a beta younger sibling it wouldn’t be much of an obvious change, being more like a normal sibling relationship
As a younger sibling a beta may tend to follow their older alpha or omega sibling (like a duckling)
They also might try to adopt mannerisms from their older sibling’s dynamic
Betas as twins or triplets get more complicated depending on the combination
Beta-beta/-beta twins/triplets act the same as beta-beta/-beta siblings
A beta with an alpha or omega twin may act as if they’re also an alpha/omega. (While sweet at a young age, this can be a problem when the other presents, and in a fair amount of examples a rift is normally formed between the two)
An alpha-alpha-beta or omega-omega-beta triplet beta may feel left out from their siblings due to not sharing their dynamic. However, the beta sibling will try to act as if they’re not too different from their siblings.
An alpha-beta-omega triplet beta will more than likely act as a mediator between the alpha and omega siblings at any possible moment, even if it’s not necessary
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ABO discord server!
Hey all, I’m fairly certain it’s no secret here that I’m a slut for ABO. If that sounds like you, here is a link for a discord serve dedicated to ABO peeps for us to all band together and chat and be merry. We have lots of channel, and even a channel for recommending new channels. It’s ran by ABO Professor and it’s been pretty fun. Come say hi!
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Discord Server
https://aboprofessor.tumblr.com/Classroom or https://discord.gg/4V3cvFH
Be nice, all AU’s are Valid.
I have all my servers muted, so if you need me or any of my Teacher’s Assistants, Please @ us.
It’s a very relaxed server.
Warning: If I seem Savage to you don’t take it too personally. :D
More rules to be added when needed.
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What about head cannons for two alpha mates with a sick Omega mate (like with the flu or a cold)? preferably all female but any is fine.
Hey Hi Hello!! 
Omega is on bed rest.
Their Alpha mates won’t let them leave the bed, let alone the house.
The only thing this Omega needs to worry about is getting better.
The Alphas take turns making food. Even if one of them only knows how to make basic meals. The Omega still eats as much as they can. 
The house chores are taken care of, they want their Omega to get well and not have to get right back to house chores. 
The Omega tells them to not worry about it and they can just order food. 
The Omega trying to tell their mates that it’s just a cold. It’s minor. They don’t need to be so worried.
But they worry nonetheless. 
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Cardverse, no omegaverse tho.
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Fucking update for the list of characters I made for the RP I’m trying to creat, I’m actually recruting for a community of “Hetalia Cardverse" RP, Send me a PM with you want to join the aventure too !!! Nothing has start yet, i’m still organising stuff. Help me rebloging this post please !
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A thought. If I ran a discord I’d call it Professor’s Classroom. Would you enroll for my class?
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Finish it Friday
HELLO IT’S SATURDAY AND WE MISTAKENLY MISSED FRIDAY. Let’s just say we posted this on the correct day. 👍🏽
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It’s not a contest! You can write something for any of these prompts, or past prompts, whenever you would like too. We can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for us!!
It comes out in a big scandal that a common medication has been causing sterility in Alphas. An Alpha suddenly has to tell his mate that he’s been taking that medication for years.
Elderly Dynamic A, just lost their life long mate to old age and now Dynamic A is going around their home still trying to do things they would normally do. However, they keep looking at their mate’s chair as if they expect to see them just humming away as if nothing was wrong.
Alpha has an extremely important job interview. They have to make the best first impression. When they get called back by a tiny omega, they are surprised to find out they are the interviewer and the boss.
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Perverted Alpha
An Alpha who just loves to show off her Omega and isn’t afraid of PDA.
Omega Female x Alpha Female
✩ The Alpha can’t believe how beautiful her mate is. She just thanks fate every day that she got such an amazing mate.
✩ The Omega is always on high alert when her mate is around. You never know when the Alpha will decide to slap her ass or give her boobs a quick squeeze. The Alpha can’t keep her hands to herself.
✩ At the beginning of their relationship the Omega tried to tease the Alpha by wearing a really revealing outfit. The plan immediately backfired when she was pulled into a bathroom stall and fucked roughly against the wall.
✩ Once the Omega was dozing off during class when she felt a big hand on her thigh. She was completely caught off guard as her wide eyes silently pleaded for the Alpha to stop. Although she was completely ignored as the Alpha’s hand travled farther up her thigh.
✩ “You should pay attention in class, baby girl.”
✩ Public Sex! The Omega can’t even count how many times they’ve had sex in a classroom, bathroom stall, utility closet or any other unconventional place.
✩ The Alpha is always getting into fighs with her classmates. So when her Omega came running to her with tears in her eyes, it was game on. Especially because it was caused by an Alpha who tried to pull the Omega’s skirt up.
✩ The Omega was often told by random people that the Alpha was only using her for sex. The Omega would brush it off but deep down it really hurt to think that. Her Alpha finally found out when she found the Omega crying in the bathroom at school. The Alpha was quick to reassure her Omega that she loved her for her mind and soul and not just because of her body. The Omega never doubted the Alpha again.
✩ The Alpha loves to claim her Omega. She’s very territorial and makes sure to leave hickies all over so the Omega can display them for all to see.
✩ The Alpha is always telling her friends about how much she loves her mate. They always make fun of her by telling her how whipped she is. The Alpha doesn’t care though because she knows she’d do anything for her Omega.
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Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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Missing Asks!
Okay, maybe not the final answer, but part of the problem! Asks keep getting eaten. Which is a big problem when you’re doing something anon and don’t want to ask the person “did you get it”? 
If the ask contains an ellipsis without a trailing space, it gets eaten. It says delivered, but it goes nowhere.
So “Well… then” will get delivered but “Well…then” won’t!
Hopefully this helps in getting your asks actually delivered.
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@aboprofessor Thanks! Looking forward to it!
Pack Dynamics
So, in some stuff of mine (I don’t have any of this published) I have pack dynamics? So like, as an easy example for hetalia, the FACE family is often a pack, occasionally gets merged with the Slavic (russia, bellarus, and Ukraine) and/or the Germanic (Germany, Prussia, Austria, Hungary, and Italy(for him I exclusively ship ita with Germany)) packs. Or like, if I’m doing gauken, the whole lot of them are a pack, and people from other schools are in different packs…
So like, for some examples: *may be multiple ‘top’ Alphas when packs merge or become large (60+ members) *May stay seperate, and just work together as allies when an Alpha takes a mate *Pack Alpha can technically be with any pack omega, but tends to stay to his/her own mate if they have one *packs have a main pack omega, who is basically mom to everyone, and only Omega who gets to boss the big bad omegas around, like it or no *pack omega may or may not be mates with the pack alpha *pack Alpha marks eack pack member on the hip, showing they are protected by a pack. *Youngins scented instead of marked, until about 14, when they decide to be a permanent part of the pack or not *omegas automatically part of alphas pack, unless previously determined otherwise
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