omgchickmik · 3 years
merry thanksgiving
the best thing about thanksgiving is decorating for christmas
starting nov 1st i take down my 24 boxes that read xmas shit and xmas trees
and set up my joyful cheer i spent tons of money on so why not look at it for not 1 but 2 months a year
this thanksgiving we’ll gather around the xmas tree and sing 
merry merry thanksgiving 
eating our turkey under christmas lights 
it can feel like xmas every night
merry merry thanksgiving 
i can’t even wait for the last tick or treater to empty our plate
because then i run to my 24 boxes in the garage that read xmas shit, stuff, lights and trees
i did pumpkins for halloween now it’s time for the red and green
the best thing about thanksgiving is deocrating for christmas
we sing merry merry thanksgiving 
eating our turkey under christmas lights
finally it’s holidays done right 
merry merry thanksgiving 
giving thanks to having the holidays done under christmas lights 
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omgchickmik · 3 years
i am an adult i do job stuff i am an adult i do life stuff i am an adult i do my own stuff but my mom still calls to ask if i got my hair cut yet i am an adult!
i just ate an entire box of mac and cheese bc i’m an adult
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omgchickmik · 3 years
basement converstations
you don’t look like much. well you look underdeveloped, underrated. the buzz of this wanna be office light moonlighting in this basement creating the weirdest mixture of i do not belong here but they didn’t know they were trying to make this something else. i want to spend a lot of time here but i don’t. maybe it’s a reminder of what happens when you try to fit in and it doesn’t work. you weren;t meant to be this subburan basement with a fake ass floor and stupid office lights that buzz. you were meant to be a place to create in. a space to relax in. a space to work in. play in, gather in, discuss in, move in, be inspired by in. it’s like i got to see the real you. you get to see the real us. i can’t wait to see all the colors and inspiration in you. it’s annoying to wait but will be well worth it. it’s like we knew who you were before the weird paint colors, floor and lights. and it’s like you saw us too.
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omgchickmik · 3 years
you know that winnie the pooh maybe it’s the halloween one, ok it is the halloween one. it’s like windy and cold, winnie and pigglet are going somewhere and when you watch it you’re like pooh get to your house and get warmed up. that’s today. even the inside is a bit chilly my toes don’t seem to know how to get warm. the sky is undecisive about it’s plan to rain or not, so it’s just chilling. i guess me too just chillin. 
the anatomy of chilling. 
the plan agenda is to not think about the agenda. to play it by the sky. the sky is chilling so i will comply and cozy up with some afternoon coffee don’t mind if i, just turn off notifications, my semi permanent vacation, it’s warm but cold enough not to want to go outside so i’m chilling. 
i heard myself say i had things to do today, well if i can’t do them from the couch you can count me out. unproductively productive. unapologetically reluctant to deny my time, so i’m chilling. 
not just for the weekend or when the clock turns 5, i’m binging all my minutes because i am just not anywhere near finished i’m chilling. 
rest is so underrated, unappreciated, unrecipocated. i’m not waiting till i have to i’m diving in like a husteler working every second baby i’m chilling. 
look at the clock looks like is chill o clock. i just want to tell you that you rock. taking time for your mental health living in that present wealth. 
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omgchickmik · 3 years
just when i thought i couldn’t love you anymore you go and make my heart dance to a new beat make my fears live on a different street bring all my dreams to reality have every key to every door youre the sun moon stars galaxies and  just when i thought i couldn’t love you anymore you go and do something like that 
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omgchickmik · 3 years
i love you
the sun shining on the newly formed getting it together grass. the color of the purple plant or was it a flower against the yellow pot. the plants from outside warming up inside coaxed by the warmth of the sun. sheiled, protected, secure, strong, warm, hearty grounded. what if this is grounded chaos. 
securely aware of priorities, a compliment given by her dad she was surprised and taken back by. unknown that her current actions were seen, made and impact and/or mattered outside of her own line of sight. but it appears that they did. grounded. she was. yet things seemed and at most times felt almost chaotic. 
or was the a societal pressure that when things aren’t under control, planned, linear they are chaotic. she sat and pondered admist the new cozy that was a new home. although this was a home she was familiar with. but new in that it was now owned it was theirs. that was new. and it wasn’t perfect yet. it had A FUCKING lot to get done. the paint, the fixtures didn’t feel right just yet. the space felt crampt becasue there wasn’t enough space for the space. but what matters? things? or the space itself. 
looking past things and into the space she sat within, she went within. as her dog did the same, his little paws twitched his breathing irradic in the middle of a dream. what she felt was home. what she felt was grounded. what she saw was misplaced stuff. what she saw was a messy home but a home none the less. 
the dial in her frequency had been set to the critic. she didn’t like that channel yet unconsciencely turned the dial there. it’s messy. you’re messy. this isn’t together. you’re not together. you don’t have a job. you’re not worth much. you’re not worth much. the volume now getting louder and louder as it said that word.
ENOUGH!!!!!!! She took the radio and smashed it on the floor. Joining the other dust and rubble that became their basement floor. 
that was it. pressure is fucked up she thought. 
she sat quiet and tuned in with her heart. 
you. are. enough. it pounded. 
it didn’t need to be loud, it just needed to be felt. 
you. are. enough. it danced. 
she knew she had been doing the right thing. 
things, take time. things take time to get right, feel, hear, know. 
yes, the house was messy. but who the fuck cares. it’s THEIR own house they are making their own. that takes time. 
yes, her world was kind of messy, traveling and trying to be a lot of places at one time. but she wanted to be at all the places at all the times and can. and does make a difference. 
yes, she didn’t have a job or didn’t even really know where or how to get one. but she knew it was out there. she knew she would be ready for it. 
you. are. enough. she smiled. 
grounded in purpose. grounded in her heart beat. two things that when you don’t look that deeply into can be construded as chaos because sometimes its easier to see instead of feel. it’s easier to be the critic than the cheerleader. 
get still and listen to your heart beat, in a body that’s doing a million different things at one time, the heart is still saying - you. are. enough. i love you. 
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omgchickmik · 4 years
and she did
always thinking there is something else to be done rather than what it is you want to do. what do you want to do. she thought- create, relax and enjoy. 
ok then let’s do just that. no time constraints, no pressure just the moment to rise up to. 
she got dressed and started painting, took a break to walk around relax and eat. went to hang out with her best friends. came back refreshed. energized ready to create and she did. 
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omgchickmik · 4 years
High school musical
when you booomb your last broadway audition you do the next best thing, go to a movie theater alone to watch High School Musical 2. Am I right?!... just me?... cool. cool.
Remember that scene in HS musical 2 (I know you’ve not only seen it but also memorized key scenes like the one I’m about to describe), it’s night and is raining outside, Zack is dancing in the stairwell at the school and he ends up in the empty auditorium on the stage. When the drama teacher show’s up (so many questions- how did he get in the school? Why is the teacher there?) and is like Zach trust your instincts what do you want to do (or say’s something like that..). And you’re like, are you talking to me drama teacher whose name I have forgotten? And then you decide to do what she says, trust your instinct and switch careers.
Cause that’s not at all the reason behind why I went from pursuing musical theater to pursuing music.
It completely is. And at the time I wasn’t listening to my instincts. But that scene made me remember one of my favorite acting classes at FAU. It was a movement class, where the entire point was to trust your instincts. I learned so much about myself in that class.
So I went home for the holidays and said mom, dad, I’m gonna be a singer-songwriter and they were like, ok! This sounds like a good plan! And I was like, what in the fuck just happened?! But also, that’s cool as hell mom and dad! And never looked back. 
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omgchickmik · 4 years
This song is about telling someone to F off, that you’re better off, that you realize you deserve more, that you want more, that you’ve been settling and that this person knows they are being such a douche, which makes them even more of a douche.
This song brings me so many memories and is honestly one of my favorite songs that I’ve written for many reasons.
1. It was a perfect way to tell this certain someone how I felt, when I’m sure they had no idea. What was more perfect is that the first lyric “I was hoping you’d ask me to play.” because it’s mainly about this boy I met at a bar where I would play live music because he was the booker and manager lol. 
2. It was also how I noticed and unnoticed my future husband. When I play this live I usually ask where my douche bags are. And Brian’s friend pointed out that be was a douche and I made a mental note, not to talk to him lol... that worked out well. 
3. My first music video! I had so much fun thinking of the script, having my best friends act in it, film our band on my rooftop and also make these life size card board douche boxes.
For me this song is ultimately about finding the confidence to know you deserve more than you were getting and to stand up for the future you who is like stop dating douche bags already you’re turning into one!
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omgchickmik · 4 years
“In a society that profits from your self doubt, loving yourself is an act of rebellion.”- Amy Pence Brown. I think this statement is true in the fitness world. It feels like in fitness you can only start to love yourself when you hit your goal weight or when you start to see “definition” and so on. How about you can start to love yourself NOW. As Is. This very second. That is fitness. The act of feeling good about yourself. 
It took me 6 years of struggling to be something I’m not at SoulCycle, to come out the other side and be well, mad. I’m mad that a company who stands for acceptance and being who you are convinced me that who I am is “too weird, doesn’t stick anywhere” and ultimately because of a low class size makes me “unsuccessful”. Fuck you. I’m mad at me for believing it. For believing that I wasn’t enough. 
Coming out the other side of being in the fitness world, I have news for you, YOU ARE ENOUGH. MORE THAN ENOUGH ACTUALLY. 
This is us, redefining what fitness should have always been, a place where everybody and every body is accepted, loved and feels damn good about themselves. 
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omgchickmik · 4 years
cool kid
I am a huge dork, theater geek, musician, recording artist, equestrian and spin instructor.
Dork because I try not to take myself so seriously, just want to have fun, know too many facts about Jim Carrey, want to become Jim Carrey and was never a cool kid.
Theater geek because all my chorus friends in HS convinced me that Broadway was better than pursuing a film career. I want to say they convinced me but it was really the musical RENT. I went to AMDA to try to be Maureen in RENT and when RENT closed I was like well that was fun maybe I’ll try songwriting.
Musician and recording artist because I wanted to write and star in my own show lol but for real. I taught myself how to play piano, recorded some albums and EP’s, played shows, opened for some amazing folks, went on a international tour singing lead in Dweezil Zappa’s band and am still writing, recording and pursuing music.
Equestrian because my first memory as a child was playing with toy horses and I haven’t stopped loving horses. I’ve been riding and competing since pre school and moved down to NC to be with my best friend of 20+ years my horse Sinful!
Spin Instructor because it’s like all the above in one job lol! If you would of told me this would be in the mix, I would have called you a liar because of all the above. I’m not cool, I sing not dance or model and to be honest with you I’m don’t really care about being obsessed with health and fitness which I thought was a requirement for the job. And honestly the last part still feels like it is. I spent most of my time in the fitness world thinking I wasn’t wanted or didn’t belong in the fitness world. Because I didn’t look or act like most of the other instructors. I thought that was a good thing but my past job had me thinking who I was was a bad thing that kept me from being “successful”. 
I’ve decided to create my own version of success. It looks like me being me, being happy being me, inspiring others to be themselves. To be what the fitness world, industry, community should be all along, a place where everyone is welcome to feel like and become their best selves. 
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omgchickmik · 4 years
crop tops
It say’s something, supports someone, is light, comfy and a crop top. I’m describing what I wear all the time. I sometimes feel weird wearing my own merch having people be like, wow she must really like herself. I mean yes, but also I just really love a good crop top. And that’s what I found! 
Here’s what I love about a good crop top-
- Perfect length! I hate when you have a crop that’s just a little too short and you’re like thinking about it the whole time you’re wearing your shirt or it’s just a little too long and you’re like curse you! 
- Flowy! occasionally I like a fitted crop but I always can go for a flowy crop. I feel like if this crop top could talk it would be like, “Yeah! Go you!”
- You’re supporting your fave artist! Not only me but also the amazing artist behind this graphic. You’re supporting my hopes, dreams and musicians. Just by buying a shirt. Just by wearing this shirt. Now that’s pretty badass. I hope you feel appreciated!
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omgchickmik · 4 years
tiny wins
Let’s hear it for our tiny win’s! The win’s we often forget about, get swept under the rug because they aren’t as important as the big ass win we really want. Or are they?...
You know how they say it’s the little things that matter most? What if the same applied to our dreams and goals? I believe they do. So let’s take a second and think about those tiny win’s you’ve recently had. Here are some of mine-
- Getting to spend everyday with my horse! This to me is a huge gigantic enormous win but in relation to wanting to compete in show jumping and all that this might seem like a small win. In NYC I would think about Sinful everyday and now I get to see him everyday, pamper him like the king he is and hop on bareback with a halter just because. 
- Doing a show with my musical sketch team MISC (Dec. 22nd, 7pm on The Magnet Theater twicth ;)). Are we getting paid? LOL! Are we on Netflix yet? Nope. Am I on SNL yet? Nopers. But are we creating a fun ass show where everyone can be the amazing unicorns that they are- HELL YES!
- Taking a social media online course - thesocialmediasaloon - to get better at this instagram game so my music has a better shot of getting out into the world! I have so much anxiety around this little social media land and wanted to find a way to kick it so I reached out for help and found it! Do I have 12 million followers? Nah. Am I signed recording artist? Nope (not sure I’d want to be really..). But am I acknowledging my issues and attempting to tackle them? YUS!
If you take a second to look at your big win’s they were probably a bunch of tiny win’s as stepping stones to get there, so don’t forget about the little win’s rather celebrate them too <3. 
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omgchickmik · 4 years
this is me
This is the new fitness industry. It looks like us. It looks like people enjoying fitness. It looks like people enjoying their bodies. It looks like people being obsessed with living the happiest lives they can. It’s fun. It feels good. It’s not singular, it’s not one thing or person, it’s everyone.
This is me, I’m Mikki. I’m an equestrian, musician, Jim Carrey lover, dork, theater kid, dreamer and spin instructor. Never thought I would be the last thing but one my of my favorite instructors, Kerry Elasser said to me during a class at Ludlow Fitness, you should be an instructor. I thought possibly she had gone mad. Me? I had no ab’s, my sister’s were model’s- I was not, I was not obsessed with health and fitness, loved eating and drinking soo why me? But I was like free gym membership, I’m broke, let’s go!
This is me then, working at SoulCycle for 6 years. I often compare corporate to the upside down in Stranger Things, or The Empire from Star Wars, with a bunch of droids and storm trooper’s walking around devoid of feelings telling Jedi’s what to do and how they should feel. So I spent the majority of those 6 years feeling ashamed of who I was. Never feeling like I was cool enough, fit enough, pretty enough, fit in, no matter who well you could see my abs. None of it seemed to matter because bottom line, I didn’t matter to them because of their bottom line, class size. There are a lot of component’s that go into a class size but maybe the easiest is it doesn’t work because this person is too weird or at least that is what the storm troopers would tell me.
This is me now, owning me. It’s not about fitting in, it’s about being. Be who you are. For 6 years I was made to believe I didn’t belong in the fitness world. That it was for popular kids, with modeling contracts, who loved green smoothies, who were not above a size 6. I’m here to tell you and me, we belong in the fitness industry. I’m here to tell you we are the new fitness industry. The way it’s meant to be. For everyone.   
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omgchickmik · 4 years
Tinny Win’s
tinny win’s. sometime’s tinny win’s don’t end up so tiny. maybe it’s a bunch of mini win’s that get you to the big one.
Let’s give it up for our tiny win’s! So many times I over look what I’m doing because I haven’t gotten to the big win yet. But when you think about it, it’s all about those tiny little cute ass win’s.
I started up my musical sketch team (tiny win), I’m having so much fun writing (yeah suck it writer’s block! tiny win!), We have a show booked (dec. 22nd 7pm! Medium Win!), I still get overwhelmed on how to make our instagram cool (non win), we’re not on Netflix, I’m not on SNL. Ok big win’s hold the fuck on.
I get to hang out with my horse everyday (tiny yet huge win!), even though I’m not riding as much I get to be around horses and learn about all that goes into their care (tiny yet big win), I’m not taking lessons, I’m not showing. Fuck off big win’s this is not about you.
I’m taking a social media course to be able to get my music out in the world (tiny huge win), I take voice lessons every week (tiny win), I’m covering music every week (tiny win), I still get overwhelmed with social media, It’s still sometimes hard to get inspired to write and finish a song, I’m not on tour with my band opening for an artist (but no one is really...), I’m not signed. Big win’s you’re kind of a dick.
Hmm maybe this is about giving credit to those tiny win’s and if the big win’s are getting in your way of seeing your progress tell them to fuck offfff! 
What are some of your tiny win’s? Let’s celebrate our tiny yet big win’s together!
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omgchickmik · 4 years
Start of MISC Holiday Spectacular
We start with a nostalgic song but with a new spin that pricks up your ears and makes you groove the only way a PAB song can do. Bringing our audience into a Holiday Spectacular that feels somewhat like being home for the holidays in a very virtual way. 
We cut to Pete playing a Christmas song and singing, assorted graphics parade the screen so everyone knows they are in a for a great show.
Setting the tone right off the bat that Christmas spirits are high over in the MISC unicorn land.
Pete softens his playing and begins to speak looking into the camera.
Hi everyone and Happy Holidays! We are so happy to be playing for your virtual Christmas Party for The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases!! We are so so grateful to you all and all your hard work this year! We here at MISC are taking classic holiday songs and putting a little twist on it, just for you at The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. 
To start us off is Craig, with the classic COVID is Coming to Town 
Craig shows up in zoom square. 
Pete plays - Santa Claus is coming to town 
Craig improvises a verse and chorus of the song.
Craig -
Thanks Pete! This next song goes out to the one and only Dr. Fauci. Take it away Sarah 
Pete starts to play Santa Baby
A Zoom square pops up with someone in a sexy christmas outfit 
She improvise’s a song.
We just want to give a big shout to all the first responders out there! I’m sure everyone can relate to this song - All I Want for Christmas is for the Corona Virus to go away!
Pete starts to play All I Want for Christmas 
Zoom square pops up and someone improvies a song to the tune of All I Want for Christmas verse and chorus.
We love you Dr. Fauci happy holidays 
Zoom sqaure pops up of Dr. Fauci he is wasted and cheer’sing the screen. 
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omgchickmik · 4 years
My story. 
one of my earliest memories was playing with my favorite toy horses. Big Girl, Joe, Jane and Jim. I was playing them with my sister and I think my grandma had gotten me them. There was just something about horses that I absolutely had to have. Growing up was spent in the pool, riding bikes with my best friend Niki, swimming at grandma and grandpa’s, tree house adventues with my sister Kristi and Niki and playing and playing with Barbies, Maple Town and of course horses. 
I was a bit of a stinker if I didn’t want to do something, I DID NOT WANT TO DO SOMETHING. Like dance. Fuck dance. So I would sneak over to grandma’s house (mom and dad would freak like you would wtf is my child!?) and I would be at grandma’s and be like grandma will tell you that dance sucks and I shouldn’t do it. Grandma and grandpa always had my back. 
The biggest best thing evvver was taking horse back riding lessons. I started when I was in pre school and it was the best thing evvver. I would watch any tv show, westerns, Mr. Ed anything that had horses in it just to watch horses. My sister took lessons with me but soon it was just me taking lessons. 
I remember the first time I fell off, I was cantering and froze when the trainer asked to slow the horse down. around and around i went faster and faster then the horse cut down the middle I fell but my leg was still in the striupp so i got dragged a little bit till the horse came to the trainer and stopped. My mom flipped. but i was like ok, i get back on now. That’s what jim from man from snowy river said. not shaken up at all. 
I wondered why there was a blimp in my mom taking me to lessons and my grandparents. Bc apparently after that my mom was like i am not taking you riding anymore and of course in came grandma and grandpa to take me to lessons. I remember i would blow kisses to them everytime i passed them by in the ring :). 
All i wanted was a horse. my mom said when i was 10 i could get one. so when i turned 10 and didnt have a horse of my own i was a bit upset. and durning this time my family decided to move to west palm beach, about an hour away from where i was. but all my best friends were there and grandma and grandpa i coulnd’t believe this shit! and no one asked me! sooo i hid, threw out checks i thought were going to the house, what a brat i was. and made a fuss when it came to moving. 
we did move and i found a best friend there, jackie, she had not 1 horse but 3!! the coolest person ever. we hung out all the time, playing barbies, horses, pretending to be horses, being tom boys, swimming having the best time. then i started taking riding lessons and the cooolest thing i started showing horses! my dream come true! and so was jackie! 
soon we got a call from her mom i wanna say who said go to this barn and try out this horse. so we did. his name is sinful and we became bessst friends. first we leased him and showed him then turning 11 my dad, grandpa and a neighbor built me a barn! and sinful came to stay at our house i had a horse!! We did all the compeitions and won so many as well. we did western, english, jumping but i would say our favorite was trail rides and trail rides with jackie. 
in middle school jackie and i had different classes and i didn’t have that many friends. i took to another favorite thing of mine. movies. i would watch, the lion king, twister and the cable guy. enter jim carrey. i wanted to be jim carrey., i would dress up like ace ventura nearly every friday for ace ventura fridays. i was not cool but jackie accepted this and contuned being my best friend.
in high school i took drama and was introduced agaikn to chorus something i did in elementary school. and the chorus kids took me in and introduced me to broadway. 
i thought broadway was trash but they took me to see rent and i reconsidered. i was then deciding i wanted to be maureen in rent and needed to go to nyc stat!
i got accepted into amda and as my parents tried to convince me not to go i went and made some incredible friends and actually learned how to dance. all the while i was there i was still missing sinful and horses. so when i came home to go to fau - i was not happy about - i made a point to get back into horses and started competing in the jumpers with alfonso. 
the coolest horse show is called wef. and i wanted more than anything to ride in wef. i got a job to pay for lessons and by the 4 years i finally got to show in jumpers at wef! while at fau i met some amazing people and roomed with one my best friends smisek who introduced me to alternative music and a person who just loves music and i wanted to love music as much as she did. 
so we went to some shows together and saw eric hucthinson. during this time my sister was making a album of her own and performing something i never thought one could just do. and while at amda i started making up songs for people but didn’t think anything of it. till i saw eric and he was funny and also made up songs. so smiske and i went to open mics and as a grad present my dad got me a keyboard that i took to nyc. 
moving back to nyc i went to auditions for theater but didn’t care and came home and said i was going to pursue a career in songwriting and they were actually excited, which surprised me. 
i went to see eric play and asked him after hwo to get a start as a songwriter and he suggested, playing open mics. so i did. 
i met a boy who turned out to be  a shit and wrote songs about him, then met a very nice producer and he recorded and helped me put together my songs. and i finally had something to offer and started playing out. 
my mom says you never know if you dont ask. so i asked this one artist if i could open for them. they said yes. then i wrote to eric asking the same thing. then i saw him in person randomly at a bar and talked to him and after that he wrote me back saying to look out for dates. i did. and then he reached out to me to open for him.
i did a fucking great job on that show! and he asked me to open for him again. during this time i was working at a riding barn in the bronx and had to yell to talk to students and compete with all the other trainers talking, so my voice was upset. needless to say at the next show my voice bombed and cracked in multiple spots and i felt like a complete failiure. 
i went home and decieded to change my voice teacher and found ron. and i decided to leave my teaching job and try to get a job at soulcycle. 
while working at soulcycle i was working with ron on finding my voice. i got signed to this silly college label and released my first full length album with dave and did a kickstarter to help get a little bit more money to finish it. 
playing a show for one of the pre kickstarter shows i met brian. i wasn;t that into him at first, as his friends introduced him as a douche. but when he came to another show, brought people and hung out at karaoke later i began to get into him. 
we started dating and then we fell in love! 
i got to open for dweezil zappa bc my dad had entered me into this submission to open for him. after soundcheck he asked if i would be interested in joining his band and going on tour. i thought he was crazy. but he was serisous. 
he sent me about 40 songs to learn and i went to la to rehearse, ron and i worked over time. i got to go on my first tour! it was so cool! i had a bottom bunk and would make sure i prioritixed my voice when it came to the tour and go lots of sleep. we played amazing places like red rocks and also got to to europe for the first time and went to finland and even norway! the band is incredible and made me feel so good and happy to be with them. i wanted to be able to pursue my own music so i didn’t continue in their band but i hope one day they ask me to sing with them again. 
back in nyc i was at soulcycle and they were kind of poops to me. but i started a musical sketch team called misc. filled with amazing funny peoeple and we make up funny sketches with music and my good friend pete plays all the music for us! but that started bc the magnet theater would never let me into their musucial improv teams so i created my own. 
brian and i got married on a rooftop in bk and it was amazing! so perfect! we did so many of the crafts and all of the flowers. we got this cute dog finn and cat hiccup!
i then thought it would be fun to move down to nc to be and spend time with my family and sinful! so we moved here last oct and have been since. its been fun to have a yard, dishwasher, dryer and washer! I now teach my own spin classes and i get to see sinful everyday and try to make him the happiest pony ever! finn loves going to the barn too! and it’s been fun spending time with my nephews and niece. i hope i help them feel better about somethings like school they don’t really like. i also helped kim move out of mom and dads house and into her own and aj into his apt which was so cute. and now i am finally learning and developing the business side of my music and all my little side hustles. i feel really happy and grateful. 
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