omgcmere · 2 years
Well this made me emo AF! So gorgeous and perfect, I'm obsessed!!! 😍😍😍😍😍
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Add Magic To Taste aesthetics 13/20: Breaking Bread by Beth Lumen
Add Magic To Taste is the debut publication from @duckprintspress, an anthology of 20 spell-binding (and scrumptious!) heart-warming queer stories.
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omgcmere · 3 years
PODFIC: the poem you make of me
I am so honored to have had a podfic created for my firstprince model/poet AU, the poem you make of me! Read by Amanita_Fierce and featuring beautiful cover art by sparklesmagiclightlove 💖💖💖💖💖 thank you both for your hard work and amazing creation!!
It's about 10 hours long (the fic is 90k words!), rated explicit, available in multiple formats, and absolutely beautifully done! The little details and exquisite care put into this made listening to it a magical experience for me (once I got over giggling in embarrassment at hearing my own words read out loud like that 🤣) Amanita is a beautiful storyteller, and I'm so grateful this exists!
Check it out and give it a listen! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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omgcmere · 3 years
You: My mental health isn't good right now
Me: *ready to fight anything that dares upset you* *wrapping you in blankets* *handing you hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles* *reminding you that you have written some of the most incredibly beautiful lines that will stay with me forever* *reminding you that your worth isn't tied to your creative output and that you deserve the world* *puts on Bake off* *do you want some cookies too?*
Hi nonnie. Just want to tell you this message came at a time I really needed it. I can't tell you how many times I've read it. Thank you doesn't feel like enough but. Thank you, so much. 💖
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omgcmere · 3 years
Hi!! I hope that you are doing well!!? And taking good care of yourself!
Are you working on anything at the minute? 💛
Hi nonnie! You are so sweet. 💖 I set a goal to try to finish one of my long multichap wips by the end of the year, so I'm currently working on one of those primarily - a fluffy firstprince meet cute AU 🥰 🐾
having said that, my mental health has been pretty bad, I'm dealing with some challenging life stuff, and writing is not really coming easily right now. I'm trying to get down at least a little bit as often as possible. Also trying to be kind to myself for not doing more. It's always a struggle 🤣😩 but writing is self care for me, so I'm attempting to prioritize it!
I hope you are doing well and taking good care of yourself too 💖💖💖 thanks for stopping by sweetheart!
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omgcmere · 3 years
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“Henry’s grin takes over his entire face, not his photograph grin, but one that is crinkly and unguarded and infectious. He hooks his fingertips behind Alex’s elbow, and Alex follows his lead, bare feet nudging between Henry’s dress shoes. Henry’s breath ghosts over Alex’s lips, their noses brushing, and when he finally connects, he’s smiling into it.”
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omgcmere · 3 years
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Alex is frozen, registering the press of Henry’s lips and the wool cuffs of his coat grazing his jaw. The world fuzzes out into static, and his brain is swimming hard to keep up, adding up the equation of teenage grudges and wedding cakes and two a.m. texts and not understanding the variable that got him here, except it’s … well, surprisingly, he really doesn’t mind. Like, at all.
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omgcmere · 3 years
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day 1: ice cream
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omgcmere · 3 years
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omgcmere · 3 years
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omgcmere · 3 years
Hey, what is your WIP list like right now? What have yougot in the works? Any longer pieces or multiple chapters? any new smut? Love everything you do
nonnie!! thank you so much! 💖 I'm more WIPs than completed works this year it feels like, yearning for how productive I was in 2020 😔 but my attention span is shit, so I have a lot! 3 multichaps in progress which are all 20-25k at the moment, and I only just decided to try to focus on finishing one by the end of the year, so that's my main goal. It's a fluffy firstprince meet cute AU (that grew a whole backstory and plot situation) and it has/will have a lot of smut because it's me djsjsjnsns so hopefully come December I'll have something to show for it!! my other multichaps are an angsty post canon fic (happy ending ofc) and, if you've been around awhile, you might remember slutty Henry, that's still on the list.
I also have at least three rwrb one shots I'd like to finish this year, including some arrangement Alex pov, a continuation of long hair Alex, and a random fic I just got way too excited about the premise for 🤣🤣 all smutty! It's all smutty, let's be real!
finally, I do have ideas for more young royals fic in the Erik lives universe, but I'm back on my rwrb brain so trying to stick with that for now.
thank you for asking and caring sweetheart!! 💖 hope you will enjoy whatever I manage to come up with this fall! 💖💖💖
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omgcmere · 3 years
📚: heyyy it’s been a while hope you’re doing well? i’ve been super busy but for good reasons! anyway just wanted to say refreshing ao3 on a friday night and seeing a new fic from you is a great start to the week 🥰 can’t wait to read it!
awww book rec anon my sweet! it's so so good to hear from you, I'm really glad you've been good busy 💖💖💖 "doing well" is a stretch for me haha but I'm trying! your message made me smile so big. I really hope you enjoy the fic 🥰🙏 it was a fun one to write!!
take care sweetheart! 💖
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omgcmere · 3 years
holy crap the 6 sentences were so good?/!?!?!! would die if you post more plsplspls plssssss
KSKAJSJS sorry nonnie catching up!! you're a darling and I will try to finish that fic I promise!! I've been getting a bigger influx of arrangement Alex pov requests lately so I feel like the universe is telling me it's time 💖 thank you honey!!
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omgcmere · 3 years
Henry and I are both dying
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omgcmere · 3 years
Do you ever think about someone seeing Alex's bruises and freaking out thinking Henry hurt him? (Well like he did, but Alwx liked it sooooo) could be the media or a fan or even just their friends but it has such potential for smut, fluff AND angst???
Henry and self depreciating shit?? Guilt and thinking maybe he shouldn't do it?? Alex getting all riled up and wanting to prove how bad he likes it? Them doing something stupid to say fuck you to the media???
Such potential 😌
nonnie!!!! sounds like you have a fic on your hands?! 👀👀👀 I had not thought about this before tbh but I could definitely see it!! well I think their friends would clock them immediately as consensual kinky times lmao, but yes I'm sure Henry would go through a lot of Feelings if someone brought that up because I do imagine him having a lot of guilt about indulging in his kinkier desires and needing a lot of reassurance from Alex 🥺💖 poor babe!!
thanks for stopping by!! lmao 💖💖💖
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omgcmere · 3 years
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Omar Rudberg || På min telephone toda la noche 🎶 ||
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omgcmere · 3 years
OMG??? This is so cool! I absolutely love all the ways the fic is represented in this - not to mention pink is my favorite color 🥰 thank you so much!! I'm so happy you liked the fic and it inspired you to do this! 💖🥺💖🥺💖
This one was super fun to make. The pink vibes were immaculate. The covers for the amazingly talented @omgcmere. I loved this fic. lowkey wanna re-read RWRB bc of it.
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The fic is: the poem you make of me
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omgcmere · 3 years
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<< [Alex] smiles as he reaches for a frying pan, because he knows it's exactly the kind of insane risk he can't resist. >>
🍓 Drawberry Season #13: Paradise 🍓
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