why i like foxes
Hi guys. This is why you like foxes. I'm pretty sure nobody's going to see the spells, but anyways, I like foxes because they have beautiful colors and they do really cute things. Foxes are beautiful, majestic creatures and I hate that some people don't like foxes and the people who kill them like. leave nature alone. I like Foxes. so much I. think I might bite one from that shop. I went to a long time ago I hope they're selling one
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why i hate dogs
Dogs are disgusting bad. garbage pets to have dogs. poop everywhere and there's unbelievably stupid. The only thing they're good at is doomed tricks. They're not even good some. idiots say dogs are buried in cats. When a reality casts can literally almost do the same thing dogs do, cats can do tricks too. Dogs can do tricks too. Idiot. And I hate stupid things and. you know what dogs are? A stupid creature. I don't even know why this disgusting insect of a pet exists. Why haven't it go extinct?
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This is why I hate LGBTQ For one is disgusting and is not even a community. Is this full of disgusting people? I'm attracted to their own sex and are **** and are ever in going the Internet. and just do anything. I hate the. darkrange. They're stupid. That community sucks and it don't even have a community. This “community”, as they call it, sucks and I hate it.
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this art is bad
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Doggust Day 4: Australian Shepherd 🎾
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no like dog non likey bunny
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cat zoo art 🎨
no dog zoo art xcatzoo art now
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cats uwu
hello we love cats here no dogs no foxes no gays
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i hate LGBTQ
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