omglunayouhavetumbl-r · 11 months
has anyone else thought that probably some of our favorite celebs to write filthy smut about probably can’t even make a girl orgasm? like they probably make the most ugliest face ever during it, or only does it for their enjoyment, orrrr no aftercare. is this something we all collectively decide not to speak about???
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Joker Imagine
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• when she arrives he is contently creepy towards her, always quipping at her, laughs when she doesn't ignore him.
• she mostly begs for the guards to let her out when they do come around, other than that she reads and tells him to shut up occasionally, other times she'll disregard his presence
• their first conversation forms from the news of her cat dying, she is weirdly upset and almost hurts the guard delivering the news, joker stops her from doing so.
• "don't shoot the messenger, darling"
• they sit down and have a proper conversation, she surfaces the reason she's here and he listens to everything that comes out of her lips
• the reason she is there is because she fell in love and got framed by her lover.
• they talk; well she talks, until she is quietly snoring. joker examines her sleeping figure with a menacing resting face. he watches her sleep until sunrise
• a guard wakes her up with breakfast, joker notices she doesn't beg for help, doesn't mention it, doesn't find any reason to.
• their next conversation is surprisingly initiated by her. she asks him to tell her why he's in here, he laughs. mocks her, "you wanna know why big bad joker is in here?" he stops laughing abruptly, grabs the back of her neck with an unnerving grip. his other hand is on her jawline, "you don't wanna know the things i've done to women like you, dr her. so don't ask" he's whispering into her ear, sending shivers down her spine
• she tears up a little, letting out a little sniffle. he moves from her ear into her direct line of sight with a smile on his face. he coos at her, "gonna cry for me baby?let me see those pretty tears." she stays silent, his grip is still insanely tight on her face, it's on fire. a tear falls and joker licks  it slowly. he closes his eyes, faking savory. then loosens his grip, she pushes him off and runs into the bathroom. joker stares at the door and then lays down
• she skips dinner that night, and the next breakfast, joker begins to worry but doesn't voice this.
• the guard asks if he ate her, joker laughs menacingly and goes to the bars, getting close to them. he continues laughing until the guard leaves
• the next time she comes out is a few days later, when she knows they give out warm pecan pie for breakfast. she walks out silently and grabs her food, says thank you, and sits on her bed reading a book and eating. joker watches her, stares at her shamelessly. she knows he is, doesn't care to acknowledge it.
• when her food is done she places her empty tray into the food door and takes her book and retreats back into the bathroom
• this routine repeats daily, she receives her food, read while she eats, places her tray into the door and returns to the bathroom, while joker watches it.
• it becomes annoying, joker misses her little remarks about how he's acting.
• so the next time their food arrives, he tells the guard she'll be a while longer. he gets both of their trays, and just as expected when she comes out and sees her food no longer in the door. her eyes dart to joker in an instant
• she goes over to him and tries to get her tray, he grabs her wrist when she does.
• "you do not scare me, joker"
• "oh i don't?"
• "you dont. you don't think i've met guys who're worse, don't think i've got things done to me that are worse than this? you're severely mistaken" he looks at her, she looks back. he drops her hand and she grabs her tray.
• only this time after she is done placing her food away, she does not go back to the bathroom. she lays down on her bed and reads
• their next conversation is once again initiated by her, only this time she is much more careful
• joker asks her what could she have been through that was worse than this. she tells his she prefers to tell him that when she learns a few more things about him
• so that's what they spend the next few weeks doing. getting to know each others flaws, their stories, weaknesses, strengths. joker wants to know her more than she knows herself, thinks he's pretty damn close to achieving this goal.
• joker still has a hard time sharing things without getting violent, when he does she simply doesn't acknowledge it and continues with the conversation, because now she understands why he does it.
• she begins to start reading him the book she's always reading, does so until she falls asleep. sometimes she makes it a challenge to read until he does, he laughs and tells her it will never happen
• their first kiss comes abruptly. when joker asks her a question about the book, she tells him the answer which makes her a little emotional since she relates to it herself. she kisses joker and he kisses back. he tries to move fast and aggressively but she puts an end to it when she climbs upon his lap and kisses him slowly and efficiently.
• so that's what they do. eat and talk, read chapters of the book, and kiss when they feel like it.
• when guards arrive he gets extra touchy with her, pulls her so close she can feel his abs. breathes down her neck as his tongue glides across it. that's why she finds herself looking forward for guards.
• one memorable time, she pushes particularly hard, hits too close too home, and he slaps her. she doesn't talk to him for days, he apologizes eventually and kisses her endlessly and she forgives him. cries later that night because of it, joker hears, doesn't interfere.
• they have a tough conversation the next day.
• " i don't want you doing that, hitting me. it hurts, in more than the physical way.
• they fall in love, really and truly, they love each other. she would do anything for the man. and joker would live for her.
• she is taken away from him by guard. he screams and throws things but is quickly sedated by other guards who holds him down as she kicks and fights the best she can to get away from the other guard. she screams out for joker as she gets carried out of the asylum.
• months later, joker escapes and immediately goes to find her. he orders his crew to not leave his building, to not talk to their family or continue their lives until she is found. if so then they will die as long as their family.
• they find her working at a club. when joker arrives she's kissing her ex with a smile. he scoffs and laughs, her eyes catch his immediately, she stills against him, joker waves with a smile and walks out
• she chases him out and tells him that she's sorry, that she'll do anything, that she'll go in there right now and kill him dead.
• after jokers says some harsh words to her he leaves her on the street
• she goes back into the club, tears streaming down her face. she tells her ex that she wants to quit. he beats her badly, and disposes of her body in an alleyway close by
• days later joker tells his main guard to go find a watch he left at the scene. when the guard goes back he sees her body and his stomach flips. her body is unnerving. he recognized her as mr j's girl
• he brings her back to j. j doesn't even recognize her until he sees the j that occupies her lower stomach, carved by him when they were in the asylum. he screams and orders every single one of his men to find who did this and bring them to him
• when she wakes up, joker nurtures her, showers her, washes her, make sure she eats. she goes mute, only speaks when she's warning him that she’s about to pass out, because joker asks her to. she can't eat anything physically so he has to force it elsewhere.
part 2?
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Joker Imagine
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• when she arrives he is contently creepy towards her, always quipping at her, laughs when she doesn't ignore him.
• she mostly begs for the guards to let her out when they do come around, other than that she reads and tells him to shut up occasionally, other times she'll disregard his presence
• their first conversation forms from the news of her cat dying, she is weirdly upset and almost hurts the guard delivering the news, joker stops her from doing so.
• "don't shoot the messenger, darling"
• they sit down and have a proper conversation, she surfaces the reason she's here and he listens to everything that comes out of her lips
• the reason she is there is because she fell in love and got framed by her lover.
• they talk; well she talks, until she is quietly snoring. joker examines her sleeping figure with a menacing resting face. he watches her sleep until sunrise
• a guard wakes her up with breakfast, joker notices she doesn't beg for help, doesn't mention it, doesn't find any reason to.
• their next conversation is surprisingly initiated by her. she asks him to tell her why he's in here, he laughs. mocks her, "you wanna know why big bad joker is in here?" he stops laughing abruptly, grabs the back of her neck with an unnerving grip. his other hand is on her jawline, "you don't wanna know the things i've done to women like you, dr her. so don't ask" he's whispering into her ear, sending shivers down her spine
• she tears up a little, letting out a little sniffle. he moves from her ear into her direct line of sight with a smile on his face. he coos at her, "gonna cry for me baby?let me see those pretty tears." she stays silent, his grip is still insanely tight on her face, it's on fire. a tear falls and joker licks  it slowly. he closes his eyes, faking savory. then loosens his grip, she pushes him off and runs into the bathroom. joker stares at the door and then lays down
• she skips dinner that night, and the next breakfast, joker begins to worry but doesn't voice this.
• the guard asks if he ate her, joker laughs menacingly and goes to the bars, getting close to them. he continues laughing until the guard leaves
• the next time she comes out is a few days later, when she knows they give out warm pecan pie for breakfast. she walks out silently and grabs her food, says thank you, and sits on her bed reading a book and eating. joker watches her, stares at her shamelessly. she knows he is, doesn't care to acknowledge it.
• when her food is done she places her empty tray into the food door and takes her book and retreats back into the bathroom
• this routine repeats daily, she receives her food, read while she eats, places her tray into the door and returns to the bathroom, while joker watches it.
• it becomes annoying, joker misses her little remarks about how he's acting.
• so the next time their food arrives, he tells the guard she'll be a while longer. he gets both of their trays, and just as expected when she comes out and sees her food no longer in the door. her eyes dart to joker in an instant
• she goes over to him and tries to get her tray, he grabs her wrist when she does.
• "you do not scare me, joker"
• "oh i don't?"
• "you dont. you don't think i've met guys who're worse, don't think i've got things done to me that are worse than this? you're severely mistaken" he looks at her, she looks back. he drops her hand and she grabs her tray.
• only this time after she is done placing her food away, she does not go back to the bathroom. she lays down on her bed and reads
• their next conversation is once again initiated by her, only this time she is much more careful
• joker asks her what could she have been through that was worse than this. she tells his she prefers to tell him that when she learns a few more things about him
• so that's what they spend the next few weeks doing. getting to know each others flaws, their stories, weaknesses, strengths. joker wants to know her more than she knows herself, thinks he's pretty damn close to achieving this goal.
• joker still has a hard time sharing things without getting violent, when he does she simply doesn't acknowledge it and continues with the conversation, because now she understands why he does it.
• she begins to start reading him the book she's always reading, does so until she falls asleep. sometimes she makes it a challenge to read until he does, he laughs and tells her it will never happen
• their first kiss comes abruptly. when joker asks her a question about the book, she tells him the answer which makes her a little emotional since she relates to it herself. she kisses joker and he kisses back. he tries to move fast and aggressively but she puts an end to it when she climbs upon his lap and kisses him slowly and efficiently.
• so that's what they do. eat and talk, read chapters of the book, and kiss when they feel like it.
• when guards arrive he gets extra touchy with her, pulls her so close she can feel his abs. breathes down her neck as his tongue glides across it. that's why she finds herself looking forward for guards.
• one memorable time, she pushes particularly hard, hits too close too home, and he slaps her. she doesn't talk to him for days, he apologizes eventually and kisses her endlessly and she forgives him. cries later that night because of it, joker hears, doesn't interfere.
• they have a tough conversation the next day.
• " i don't want you doing that, hitting me. it hurts, in more than the physical way.
• they fall in love, really and truly, they love each other. she would do anything for the man. and joker would live for her.
• she is taken away from him by guard. he screams and throws things but is quickly sedated by other guards who holds him down as she kicks and fights the best she can to get away from the other guard. she screams out for joker as she gets carried out of the asylum.
• months later, joker escapes and immediately goes to find her. he orders his crew to not leave his building, to not talk to their family or continue their lives until she is found. if so then they will die as long as their family.
• they find her working at a club. when joker arrives she's kissing her ex with a smile. he scoffs and laughs, her eyes catch his immediately, she stills against him, joker waves with a smile and walks out
• she chases him out and tells him that she's sorry, that she'll do anything, that she'll go in there right now and kill him dead.
• after jokers says some harsh words to her he leaves her on the street
• she goes back into the club, tears streaming down her face. she tells her ex that she wants to quit. he beats her badly, and disposes of her body in an alleyway close by
• days later joker tells his main guard to go find a watch he left at the scene. when the guard goes back he sees her body and his stomach flips. her body is unnerving. he recognized her as mr j's girl
• he brings her back to j. j doesn't even recognize her until he sees the j that occupies her lower stomach, carved by him when they were in the asylum. he screams and orders every single one of his men to find who did this and bring them to him
• when she wakes up, joker nurtures her, showers her, washes her, make sure she eats. she goes mute, only speaks when she's warning him that she’s about to pass out, because joker asks her to. she can't eat anything physically so he has to force it elsewhere.
part 2?
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