omgthatdude · 4 years
TodoDeku in quarantine
|Summary: The world is trying to grapple a pandemic and Izuku can't help but worry as he's forced into social isolation in U.A, far from his mother. But nothing is ever boring or scary with Shoto around.| 
(Pure fluff  ♡ඩ⌔ඩ♡ )
It was in March that everyday life in Japan was pulled apart from its habitual seams. 
In the days following the outbreak there was widespread panic among its people. The media flooded with frightening news headlines and broadcasts of victims being rushed to hospital by the hundreds after falling ill to the virus. Along with them, at least a dozen well-known Pro-Heroes. Japan's death toll began to rise sharply and very quickly drastic measures where taken; social distancing and isolation in Japan were now required by law until further notice, and all non-mandatory business was shut down. U.A  had decided against sending their students home for fear of leaving the heroes in training exposed to villain attacks without any support from the school. It was a difficult but an important decision to be made. However, while families stayed in their homes, Pro Heroes continued to risk their lives saving others.
Now a month later, in April, Izuku Midoriya, sitting in his dorm room mid-day and still clad in All Might pajamas, watching the news unfold on his phone had never felt so inspired by the heroes he idolized. Inspired and, well terrified. Just as he was about to anxiously the click onto the next video with more updating information on the global pandemic, his phone was swiped from his hands and tossed onto the foot of the bed. Izuku made a squeaky noise of surprise and protest before one of his many All-Might pillows was thrown at him, effectively taking down its target with a thump and an "oof!" Shoto, sitting on the edge of his bed, looked far more than slightly pleased with himself and like he might burst into laughter at the betrayed look in his boyfriend's jade eyes.
"Stop watching the news, you're getting too paranoid," he smirked.
The pillow was thrown back at him by a pouting Izuku which he caught and flung back in return.
"Am not!" whined Izuku childishly before whipping the pillow back at Shoto. 
"You're just bored and a bully." A dramatic gasp was heaved from Shoto's chest as he moved closer to Izuku, pillow ready in hand, while the other boy scrambled to grab another one for a shield against his next attack. "A bully? Me? What if I told you I was here for more than one reason? Would a bully come with gifts 'Zuku?"
Izuku eyed him suspiciously, amusement flickering in his eyes and twitching on his lips. 
"Depends," he ventured cautiously, " What is the gift?"
The three weeks so far spent in quarantine have been almost impossible for anxious and extroverted Izuku, but Shoto, on the other hand, seemed to be flourishing in the alone time, smiling more and always going out of his way to lift his green-haired boyfriend's spirits. In the first week of quarantine Izuku seemed excited to get some time to lounge around in the dorms. But soon he couldn't help but worry, for his family, for his heroes or for the world and felt himself struggling to stay positive. This sort of behavior was unacceptable in Shoto's eyes and he began to come to his boyfriend's dorm each day, before eventually not leaving and staying through nights.
At times even Shoto had been bored enough to begin to ask himself the question, "Hey, maybe I am a ___ person, after all,"  before the hobby was dumped in less than a day. The pair had tried almost everything to make the time pass faster, charades, board games of all kinds, binging TV shows, reading, listening to music, and even attempting twister with two people (spoilers, they both lost because no one wins when you're almost crushed under another heavy teenage boy).
Shoto paused for effect and Izuku fondly rolled his eyes at his silly attempts to make him smile.
Like a puppy reacting to the word, 'walk' Izuku bolted up straight from where he was hiding behind his defense pillow and chucked it onto the bed, contagious excitement radiating and buzzing from him, as he almost screeched his next words.
 "Oh FRICK yes!"
He seemed to have forgotten he had been trying to stay skeptical.
"Language!" laughed Shoto, incapable of containing his amusement any longer and pulling Izuku up into his lap, letting him wrap his legs around his torso like a cookie fueled koala.
"Chocolate chip cookies to be exact," he snickered placing a kiss on Izuku's inviting lips. "And I didn't make them so they're entirely edible." 
This received yet another giggle from the older boy and another peck on the lips before Izuku rested their foreheads together, his face warm from so much affection. Shoto mused to himself that no matter how many times he kissed him it always left Izuku's face a little red.
 "Fine...you're less of a bully then. You have some decent qualities as well-"
"I'm not sure that appeasing you with chocolate chip cookies is a quality," interjected Shoto, once again trying not to laugh at the exasperated look on Izuku's face. 
"I swear to gosh Sho, I will end you. I'm trying to be sweet." 
Shoto laughed and tugged his pajama dressed Izuku even closer to himself, "You can't end me. Who else will feed your chocolate chip cookie addiction?" 
This drew a snort from Izuku and he flicked Shoto's arm without any force. "Well, you've got me there..." admitted the shorter kissing Shoto's cheek and then his nose causing him to scrunch it cutely. His stomach did a little flip. Izuku couldn't help but think that God Shoto was pretty,  acknowledging that that was cheesy but not caring as he tugged on his boyfriend's sleeve.
"Hey, quit being a distraction--let's eat cookies."
In under ten minutes, the two had dragged the cookies back to Izuku's room and Shoto had his entire body draped over him, head on a pillow looking like he might already be asleep if weren't for the occasional pleased hum when his boyfriend ran his hands through his soft dual-colored hair or down his back.
"You look like a cat, " Izuku chuckled and Shoto grumbled in defiance but looked too sleepy to do much else.
  Izuku from then on ate cookies with one hand and with the other ran up and down Shoto's back, chattering about the new book he had found interesting or how he'd placed an order for yet more All might merchandise or laughing as he reminisced over the April fools pranks so wonderfully placed by Kaminari in the common room...and discovered by Kachan. Shoto, now almost completely incapable of intelligent thought hummed or mumbled his agreement, never feeling pressured to answer save for when he wanted to add something. This was often how their conversations played out when the green-haired boy's gentle touches were involved.
When Izuku blinked his large emerald eyes open again he found himself cuddled up against a fast asleep Shoto and laughed through his new pink flush of color. He spent a serene moment or so enjoying the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms before wiggling around to reach his phone and attempt to check the time."No," whined Shoto, only tightening his hold on the other to which Izuku laughed at him. He pulled an arm free with no little difficulty and managed to grasp the edge of his phone, retrieving it and reading the time. Shoto is adorably clingy half-asleep but Izuku is losing feeling in his arms.
"It's almost supper, and I'm hungry...let's get takeout?"
Shoto seemed to mull the idea over in his sleep fogged head, before attempting to nod from where his chin was tucked into Izuku's mess of green curls.
"...If we can get soba noodles...and then call Inko while we eat so we can sleep right after," he planned finally relenting.
 "For sure." 
Izuku, in all of his wonderful qualities was also a worrier. He would spend all day huddled in blankets shaking if Shoto had let him, and both of them would go crazy thanks to his under the breath mumbling. So they'd decided to form some sort of schedule, at least some aspects of the day could be normal. It wasn't much, but it was a semblance structure that they had both benefitted from. Training could continue from the dorms and meals could remain the same (aside from impromptu sweet snacks 'for moral' as Izuku would exclaim) and every day after supper they would call Inko. It was easy to see where Izuku got those worrying habits from, the poor woman had never stopped checking in on them before they had begun to skype her and she, unfortunately, lived completely alone without any sort of Shoto-positivity-boost. 
Despite his agreement Shoto kept his eyes closed and made absolutely zero effort to release his boyfriend from his cuddle trap until Izuku cleared his throat. Shoto cracked his one clear blue eye open and huffed, giving up and letting Izuku pull himself to sit up in the bed. Shoto was wide awake after that, his snuggle buddy gone and the familiar weight in his arms missing. But it was almost worth the loss to be able to watch Izuku stretch and wake himself up. His arms reached high above his head, t-shirt riding up and exposing tempting well-defined muscles only to be hidden again far too soon when he relaxed and yawned, scrunching his drowsy freckle splashed face. Izuku must have felt his gaze because Shoto was caught as soon as his large eyes opened. 
The smaller looked immediately embarrassed, flushing from the neck up at the look he had received and began scrolling furiously on his phone to divert his attention until he found their favorite takeout delivery place for soba. Shoto's weak attempts not to laugh at him failed miserably and he tried to muffle his amusement with the back of his hand while getting a weak glare from Izuku.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." snickered Shoto, not looking like he was even a damn bit sorry. "Y-your reactions are so cute."
If it was somehow possible, his boyfriend's face darkened and Izuku brought his phone up higher to cover some of his burning face while he placed their order.
"You. Are. Impossible."
"You pronounced amazing wrong."
"Oh. My gosh. Stop. Please I'm begging you. Just get your butt up here so we can call my mom."
Shoto laughed again and pushed himself up so he could swing his legs over the side of the bed and get the computer. It was great to see such a change in Izuku from the anxious version he had seen earlier in the day, eyes fearfully wide and thoughts gone wild. Now he had a dumb lovesick grin on his face as he absently pulled on a hoodie to combat the loss of the warmth of the blankets. Even Shoto would admit he was worried, you would be a fool not to fear the sort of fragile feeling a global pandemic presented to you. But if he had learned anything in his years of knowing Izuku was that fear only meant you were growing.
"Could you move your legs for the computer, baby?"
Izuku almost choked as predicted. 
"I-I...y-yeah of course. I can. Do...yes." 
And then Shoto was laughing at him again, and Izuku was as red as the details of all might's hero costume and oh gosh that sounded so sweet and domestic and- wait.
"Y-you! You did that on purpose! Are you trying to give me a HEART ATTACK!" 
 Shoto clutched his stomach and nodded with his eyes shut tight, his rare laughter continuous as it filled the room.
 "I- I give up," laughed Izuku incredulously, shaking his head and fanning his too-warm face.
Shoto crawled up to sit with him at the head on his bed, seeming to have calmed himself down. In honesty it was just great to see him laugh like that, something fairly out of character for the red and white-haired boy. In minutes Inko's cheery and emotional face was on the screen scanning them and looking over them like she couldn't fully let herself believe that they were alright even after they insisted so the first three times the question was asked. Soon they were sharing their days and updates on the virus and Inko was raving about the television show she had been putting on while she cooked. Izuku got the notification that their food had arrived and politely (though a little formally) Shoto excused himself to get it for them. 
 Shoto was always quieter, more reserved around others and that teasing, funny and affectionate side of him often retreated until they were alone again. At one point early on in their relationship this had upset Izuku-he wanted his boyfriend to feel comfortable with everyone, and less guarded all the time. But now he saw it differently, it was a special thing they shared, something Izuku knew only he could see. Plus, it wasn't as if he could just change that part of himself, it was an effect of a traumatic childhood and not something Shoto could simply decide himself.
Shoto returned with their food and they talked for an hour more before Inko had to say goodbye.
"Please please take care of each other, boys! Try not to let his worrying get to you Shoto, and stay safe!" she exclaimed blowing them kisses.
"We will! Stay safe and don't worry about us too much. I love you mom!"
"Goodbye bye Mrs.- goodbye Inko, " Shoto corrected, a small dusting of pink over his cheeks. "Thank you for looking after us like this, we really appreciate it."
The two hung up on the call (Inko endearingly had not yet grown used to using the app) and Izuku leaned back against his boyfriend with a content sigh. His stomach was full, he was warm in the slightly too large in the arms, black-colored hoodie that he'd "borrowed" from his boyfriend, and Shoto had just wrapped his arms around his waist. Paradise. Right in his own dorm room. No matter what might be scary and swarming in the world outside living in the moment here with the people he loved made everything better. He tilted his head back and pressed a kiss to Shoto's jaw, eliciting a happy sound from him and the arms around him tightening. Despite the content feeling, he found he wasn't quite ready to fall asleep yet. 
"Do you want to watch a movie?" asked Izuku once he'd squirmed enough to see Shoto. 
He received a nod and after swiping through a lot of them, landed on an acclaimed foreign film from America.  It had enough action for both of them but was funny enough to keep their light mood. Though, admittedly, Shoto was far more interested in watching Izuku's reactions to some of the lines and the way he'd kiss him when he caught him staring. A tired Izuku was a (slightly) more confident one. He pulled him closer in his lap.  His usually, energetic boyfriend who "wasn't tired" was thirty minutes in when his heavy lids fell closed. He cuddled closer to Shoto, tucking his head between his shoulder and neck, warm breath raising goosebumps along Shoto's arms. 
In just less than ten minutes later Izuku was fast asleep and never remembered the other half-waking him while flicking off the TV and pulling them both under the covers. In the soft pale light from the shutters lighting lines along Izuku's face and curls Shoto couldn't help the sleepy lovesick smile that formed over his lips. There was no one else he'd rather spend months locked up and bored out his mind with. 
A.N/ This is from my TodoDeku One-shot collection on Wattpad! If you liked this chapter, go ahead and check it out with the link below! /
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