omigodimonfire · 14 minutes
Apparently in China peach wood (Along with the rest of the plant) is believed to have properties that repel evil spirits, a little similar to silver in European legends or iron for both European fae and West Asian/Middle eastern Jinn. Taoists sometimes keep swords made of peach wood because of this. This made me realize something. If you took a peach wood stick, and attached studs to it of both silver and iron you'd end up with a club or staff (or mace, flail etc.) that would have the weaknesses of many kinds of supernatural creatures while still retaining effectiveness as a normal weapon (peach is a hardwood and silver's poor edge retention doesn't matter for studs). You could even keep adding new stud materials to get something ridiculous that affects over 120 catalogued folkloric monsters. Since you just need a few little studs you could even get some really expensive materials like meteoric iron (a thumb tip sized meteorite can still cost like 10-20 bucks I think). I could somewhat feasibly make a weapon that affects every monster ever thought to walk the earth, from vampires and werewolves to jinn and jiangshi and even mankind.
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omigodimonfire · 40 minutes
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omigodimonfire · 1 hour
just got the mental image of a caveman being brought to the modern era and having mental breakdowns at all the eldritch horrors like "buildings" and "cars" until he sees a dog and is like. wait a second. i know that one.
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omigodimonfire · 8 hours
I wish I was a female tiger because then if I was talking to someone and I was getting off topic I could say “but I tigress,” and then kill and eat them because I am a tiger
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omigodimonfire · 1 day
These are based off the main languages learnt in the UK plus English
Other school languages poll here
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omigodimonfire · 1 day
i need to train in a temple for 50 years bye
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omigodimonfire · 1 day
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omigodimonfire · 1 day
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omigodimonfire · 1 day
I survived because the fuck it we ball inside me burned brighter than the it's so over around me
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omigodimonfire · 1 day
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omigodimonfire · 1 day
less car dependent infrastructure, more cat dependent infrastructure 🐈
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omigodimonfire · 1 day
“The way I personally stay true to the story I started down on is to give myself permission to not teach anyone anything. I’m not writing a manual. I’m not delivering bromides. I know that a lot of people do take enormous pleasure and relief in lines or phrases or ideas from stories that ring true to their own lives, but it’s important for me that I tell a story and that I’m not writing Chicken Soup for the Necromantic Soul. It is getting harder and harder again, especially for authors from marginalised places or backgrounds, to write works where the takeaway isn’t ‘this is to succour all my marginalised people’. For anyone on the female-identified axis this is especially hard because it seems to me that most books by anyone female-adjacent have an expectation that they will comfort the uncomfortable and discomfit the comfortable etc., whereas a guy can just tell an adventure story and be done with it. This ties in with an idea that I think nowadays that good art is moral and bad art is immoral: i.e. if a story is bad it actually has to be because the lessons are bad, and if a story is good it must somehow be beautiful on the moral scale. We go looking for why the art we love is moral even if the art we love is a donut. I think this is the pressure of capitalism on time – that everything has to double or triple up in benefit compared to the time we take on it: if we’re prepared to waste eight hours on a book we had better be able to tot up at the end how that book was also feeding us in some way. That’s brand time we just used.“  (Tamsyn Muir) Holy shit, Ms. Muir, marry me.
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omigodimonfire · 1 day
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omigodimonfire · 1 day
@ people who carry bags everywhere what do you put in them what is there to bring other than chapstick, keys, phone and maybe a tampon why are you packing a suitcase to be outside for 5 hours
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omigodimonfire · 2 days
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omigodimonfire · 2 days
hey remember the sun is going away and you’re going to go nuts and to not take it personally
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omigodimonfire · 2 days
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Maggie Vandewalle
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