omoqueer · 1 year
pov: you get to his house incredibly desperate, barely able to hold it. He starts kissing you hard as soon as you walk in the door, ready to have his way with you, but you interrupt him to tell him how badly you need to pee. You need the potty asap but instead of letting you go he pulls you in closer. He pushes your dress up around your waist and starts rubbing your desperate pussy through your panties. You can feel yourself about to leak.
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omoqueer · 1 year
I’m not a fic writer at all until some headcanon won’t let go of my brain. Now i’m finally writing a oneshot for the first time in years and... omo tries to sneak into my draft. like.. it would be so easy,. even thematically, drama//turgica//lly make sense for her to wet the bed. 
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omoqueer · 2 years
hedge maze omo, go
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omoqueer · 2 years
Loving the idea of a character A with a huge bladder, who never needs to go, never needs to worry about it, drinking like tons of liquids.
And then they go out, I'm thinking car or something. But before leaving B turns to A like "Go pee before we leave," And A is like "Nah I'm fine I don't need to go, I have a big bladder" yada yada.
B insist a bit "You can just go to be safe."
"Nah nah I am fine"
"If you're sure." B relents but turns stern. "I won't be stopping until we're there."
"I won't need you to."
Then they get in the car and barely 15 minutes after leaving A starts to feel the tingle that they might want to go. Okay so maybe they should've gone like B had suggested. But it wasn't a problem they could easily hold it.
Over the next hour or so the pressure keeps building and they are now really regretting not relieving themselves before they left and by now definitely would've asked for a pee break.
But B told them they won't and they don't want to deal with the "I told you so." so they try to hide the issue. Quickly growing desperate.
Now now, I'm imagining B to notice A's squirming which really isn't as subtle as they think.
They know what they said, but they don't exactly want A to have an accident either. At the same time B can clearly tell A is embarrassed so they are not quite sure how to bring up the elephant in the room. Though they keep their eyes open for options for A to pee, so they can immediately act when A speaks up.
But A doesn't. Keeps their mouth shut, squirming in their seat. The effort to hold in clearly showing in their body language.
B notices a parking lot where they can stop for A, and makes the decision for A to stop there and tell them to just go.
But just as B makes that decision A finally speaks up. "B." They say in a quiet voice, suppressing their distress but it still shines through. "I know you said you wouldn't stop, but-"
"Yeah yeah, we're stopping at that parking lot"
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omoqueer · 2 years
thinking about a character with a very strong bladder
he is full, but he doesn't feel like he's about to wet, he can hold it, but a full bladder still makes him uncomfortable, especially when moving, and the character starts to worry about his health
character (A) has to say to character B like "I need to find a toilet soon" and B is surprised because, like, A doesn't look like he's desperate at all
(and then B accidentally looks at A's belly and notices that his bladder is protruding very much)
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omoqueer · 3 years
More men in expensive suits should piss themselves tbh
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omoqueer · 3 years
the masculine urge to think ab ur favorite character uncontrollably pissing all over themselves
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omoqueer · 3 years
Something that rarely gets brought up in relation to omo: voice / speech patterns
Characters who usually speak in an eloquent manner suddenly speaking in short, choppy sentences or stumbling over words; Tiny or very obvious voice cracks; Voices sounding strained and breathy because the character is putting so much effort into holding; Characters speaking in a high-pitched voice when stressed and / or anxious and what is more stressful than having to pee really badly? Bilingual characters having more of an accent and / or mixing up words between the two languages; Characters who are already bad at a non-native language suddenly being awful at it; Characters either speaking quieter out of shyness and embarassment or louder because they’re panicking and need to get their point across; Incoherent rambling and begging; Characters being close to crying but not wanting to speak because they’ll sound sniffly and that will give them away; Trying to listen to someone and only giving short or nonsensical answers-
Bonus: the first one applied to texting with spelling errors and awful autocorrect
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omoqueer · 3 years
just opened a draft of a fic i tried to write over a year ago and i'm fucking funny. this is the authors note it had and it’s better than anything in the actual draft
“Warning: if you didn’t know, this is piss. It’s literally piss. I better not get any comments that say: “Dude! What the fuck! This is piss!” because I know, you know, your internet service provider knows, your mom doesn’t know but she misses you. Call her. Anyway, lets get on with the piss.”
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omoqueer · 3 years
holding positions i find really cute
Sitting with their foot/heel against their crotch
Legs crossed... legs DOUBLE crossed
Holding with TWO hands
Putting something like a pillow or a towel between their legs to squirm against/grind on
Pressing up against their partner while snuggling/sleeping
Leg bouncing and foot tapping, trying so hard to pass it off as normal
Of course potty dancing, especially if they’re embarrassed about it
Someone putting their hand on their lap or thigh subtly and trying so hard not to grab themself
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omoqueer · 3 years
almost done creating an app that will make reading omo easier for me. 
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omoqueer · 3 years
Two characters going to the bathroom to get away from a party to talk. A is talking to B about something and starts to notice that B is squirming around a little bit and eyeing the toilet/stalls so they stop mid sentence to ask “Do you actually have to go?”
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omoqueer · 3 years
oh, how about oeeing in a container that's too small and overfills before they're finished? :3c
HATE | No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | F*CK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
even better if they actually do manage to stop for a minute, but it's still not enough for them to make it to the bathroom, no matter how they try...
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omoqueer · 3 years
Imagine being stuck in a traffic jam with your F/O while they’re desperate, and there’s only one bottle available for them to use.
Maybe it’s still half-full, and you take your sweet time finishing the drink, refusing to dump it out the window because hey, you paid for that! You make sure to slosh the liquid around and make a show of it every time you take a sip, torturing your F/O.
Maybe the bottle is empty, but it ends up not being big enough for your F/O to fully relieve themself in. Agonizingly, they have to stop the flow and then sit through the rest of the traffic jam, still desperate and twice as squirmy, with a bottle of their own piss in the cupholder. (They refuse to dump it out because they don’t want the other cars to see)
Or they rush to dump it out, but were only able to stop peeing for so long, and the sound of the liquid hitting the ground makes them have the rest of their accident on the seat.
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omoqueer · 3 years
Character using a bottle to pee while in the car
But missing and basically just peeing all over the floor bc/ they had to go so bad and now they cant stop-
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omoqueer · 3 years
genuine apologies from omo “antagonists” after the victim wets are so underrated and i love them so much
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omoqueer · 3 years
So, I've mentioned it before, but I love the idea of a character having to tell another that they wet themselves. Just imagine:
The classic: I had an accident, maybe delivered via text message or an awkward, stuttering call, can you please come get me?
I didn't make it, said while avoiding eye contact, trying to hide an expansive wet spot with a bag or a jacket.
Thighs pressed together as their friend tries to tug them towards a bathroom, their muffled sobs almost covering the forceful hiss, choking out It's too late.
Clutching onto their friend's arm with sudden ferocity, panicking: I'm peeing, I'm peeing!
I sort of already went, said half-sheepishly, half embarrassed, sorry about the mess.
Humiliation turning into anger, lashing out to mask her feelings, I pissed myself, happy now?
Tugging on another character's sleeve, desperately trying not to draw any attention to themselves and their soaked clothes: It happened again, I'm sorry.
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