on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
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I also made a SugarDaddy!Shawn mood board. Again. Don’t ask me why. Idk.
Also credit to @mendes-shawn for the Shawn gif
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on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
List of 100+ AUs below the cut! For all your writing, drawing, and roleplaying needs 
Can easily be adapted for situations with romantic and nonromantic characters, otp or ot3 or however many characters you want, and can also be a useful list for writers looking for situations to have their characters meet.
You can use the random generator here to get a number, if you want to write/draw/rp one at random! 
Keep reading
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on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
Established Relationship AUs
I see a lot of these posts with AUs for ships where they are just getting together, but not many for already established relationships, so here you go! Enjoy :)
•Our AC is out and it’s the middle of the summer AU
•We decided it would be fun to go camping and now it’s raining and we can’t figure out how to set up the tent AU
•We’ve been celebrating our wedding anniversary on the wrong day for the past nine years AU
•You had a business trip and I missed you so much that I kind of tore up the house in your absence like a dog with separation anxiety… sorry? AU
•It’s 2 am but you’re craving cake and we’re both up anyway so let’s bake in our underwear AU
•I know you haven’t had the best experience with cats in the past but look at its face please please can we keep it? AU
•I beat you at Mario Kart and now I’ve been banished to the couch for the night AU
•You found me crying on the kitchen floor in the middle of the night surrounded by a shattered jelly jar AU
•I surprised you with tickets to see our favorite band… WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU SURPRISED ME WITH TICKETS TO SEE THEM TOO? AU
•What do you mean you dropped my signed copy of Harry Potter in the bathtub AU
•Our families came over for Thanksgiving and we decided to watch Lord of the Rings but you and I kept quoting it and everyone else got so fed up that they left AU
•We spent all our money for the week on one of those inflatable bounce houses and now we can’t afford to eat AU
•We’re moving in together… Now what are we going to do with all of these duplicate copies of books, movies, video games, etc. that we have AU
•We’re watching Toy Story 3 and we can’t stop crying AU
•We’re arguing over who shot first (it was definitely Han) AU
•I came home to a Nerf gun on the front porch and a note that says ‘Here is your weapon. I have one too. Good luck. xo’ AU
26K notes · View notes
on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
his eyes widened
her eyes went round
her eyelids drooped
his eyes narrowed
his eyes lit up
his eyes darted
he squinted
she blinked
her eyes twinkled
his eyes gleamed
her eyes sparkled
his eyes flashed
his eyes glinted
his eyes burned with…
her eyes blazed with…
her eyes sparked with…
her eyes flickered with…
_____ glowed in his eyes
the corners of his eyes crinkled
she rolled her eyes
he looked heavenward
she glanced up to the ceiling
she winked
tears filled her eyes
his eyes welled up
her eyes swam with tears
his eyes flooded with tears
her eyes were wet
his eyes glistened
tears shimmered in her eyes
tears shone in his eyes
her eyes were glossy
he was fighting back tears
tears ran down her cheeks
his eyes closed
she squeezed her eyes shut
he shut his eyes
his lashes fluttered
she batted her lashes
his brows knitted
her forehead creased
his forehead furrowed
her forehead puckered
a line appeared between her brows
his brows drew together
her brows snapped together
his eyebrows rose
she raised a brow
he lifted an eyebrow
his eyebrows waggled
she gave him a once-over
he sized her up
her eyes bored into him
she took in the sight of…
he glared
she peered
he gazed
she glanced
he stared
she scrutinized
he studied
she gaped
he observed
she surveyed
he gawked
he leered
his pupils (were) dilated
her pupils were huge
his pupils flared
her nose crinkled
his nose wrinkled
she sneered
his nostrils flared
she stuck her nose in the air
he sniffed
she sniffled
she smiled
he smirked
she grinned
he simpered
she beamed
her mouth curved into a smile
the corners of his mouth turned up
the corner of her mouth quirked up
a corner of his mouth lifted
his mouth twitched
he gave a half-smile
she gave a lopsided grin
his mouth twisted
he plastered a smile on his face
she forced a smile
he faked a smile
her smile faded
his smile slipped
he pursed his lips
she pouted
his mouth snapped shut
her mouth set in a hard line
he pressed his lips together
she bit her lip
he drew his lower lip between his teeth
she nibbled on her bottom lip
he chewed on his bottom lip
his jaw set
her jaw clenched
his jaw tightened
a muscle in her jaw twitched
he ground his jaw
he snarled/his lips drew back in a snarl
her mouth fell open
his jaw dropped
her jaw went slack
he gritted his teeth
she gnashed her teeth
her lower lip trembled
his lower lip quivered
she paled
he blanched
she went white
the color drained out of his face
his face reddened
her cheeks turned pink
his face flushed
she blushed
he turned red
she turned scarlet
he turned crimson
a flush crept up her face
he screwed up his face
she scrunched up her face
he grimaced
she winced
she gave him a dirty look
he frowned
she scowled
he glowered
her whole face lit up
she brightened
his face went blank
her face contorted
his face twisted
her expression closed up
his expression dulled
her expression hardened
she went poker-faced
a vein popped out in his neck
awe transformed his face
fear crossed her face
sadness clouded his features
terror overtook his face
recognition dawned on her face
82K notes · View notes
on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
Hey darlings,
Recently I have been posting on this blog for my Shawn fics. It wasn’t working for me, as this is my third blog. I will still write Shawn imagines, but I will do it off of @twohearts-hs (my main blog). Sorry for the confusion. 
-Ava. x
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on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
‘Mugged’ - Werewolf!Shawn Imagine
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Words: 3.5k
Pairing: Alpha!Shawn Mendes & Human!(Y/N) (Y/L/N)
Warnings: Swearing and reader being mugged
|| Masterlist in bio || 
It was a small town. An extremely small town, in the big province of Ontario. But, she had always felt at home there. She felt comfortable walking the streets and talking to both townspeople and strangers. Overall, she felt as though this town was the safest place in the world. 
Yet, little did she know that it may not be that safe if one knew the secrets that were burned with the town’s history books. If one were to find out the buried truth of the little town called Brighthurst, they wouldn’t be comfortable walking the streets no matter the time of day; especially if they were a human. And human she was. Yet, she didn’t know the truth, and so that comfort she had always felt remained.
Y/N had lived in the town by the lake for all her life. She grew up beside people that would become the future of her little hometown and she knew everything about everyone. At least, she thought she did. 
It was a Thursday night when her thoughts were forced to be changed. Y/N opened the door of the flower boutique to the icy weather of a November night in Brighthurst. A shiver went down her back from the dry wind that carried a promise of snow, but it didn’t stop her from walking home in the less than ideal weather. It was her thing; closing the shop at eight at night before heading home to hear the gossip from her father’s garage or how awful the clients were that day. But today, all she really wanted was a nice long bath followed by going to bed, especially in weather conditions like this. 
Her hand twisted the key in the flower shop door and she turned away, wrapping her jacket closer around her body. It was a bitter night and required concentration to see through the snowy wind. Therefore, she kept her delicate eyes down, and just held herself closer; trying to stay warm. All she wanted was just to get home, have a cuppa, and head to her bath. 
Her body came into contact with someone else’s. A lanky but definitely male body shape. She looked up, meeting a pair of blue eyes. Her intentions were to apologise and continue on her way home, but their intentions did not line up. 
Y/N was about to open her mouth, but she was roughly grabbed by the arm and pulled into a nearby alleyway. She looked up again to see the icy, dark blue eyes, but couldn’t say anything, only watching with a pounding heart. The man held her with his arm against her throat, locking her in place and cutting off some of her air flow. He looked through her pockets, and after finding them empty, grabbed her purse. 
She clicked in what was happening. She was being mugged of everything she had on her. She came to, kicking him in the shins, but that made it worse, the arm around her neck tightening. If only she could reach her phone.
The blued eyed boy was frustrated. She wasn’t making herself an easy target. He grabbed her arms and pushed her against a brick wall, the front of her body effectively restrained. Y/N took an opportunity to bite his arm that was close to her mouth. The man freaked out, pushing away, grabbing his arm and releasing her in the process. 
He looked at her, clearly upset. “Fucking bitch.”
She pulled her fist back, about to punch, but something beat her to it. 
A black figure punched her attacker, leaving him on the floor groaning. She looked around and the stranger came out of the darkness, pulling his hood away from his face.
“Shawn.” She mumbled, recognizing the man.
He grabbed her purse off of the alley floor and grabbed her arm gently. “Are you alright?”
Y/N nodded, feeling immediately safer.
Shawn worked with her father at the automobile shop. She was never close with him, just friendly exchanges when she visited. All she knew about him was that he had a few years on her, was part of a gang, had dropped out of high school, and lived in a house in the woods. She rarely saw him out and about.
“Come on,” he said, “I’ll take you home.”
She followed him, shock beginning to sink in her system. Shawn noticed how Y/N was being so quiet. He stopped at his jeep, Y/N still walking; head down and mind racing.
“Y/N.” She turned around to see Shawn opening the passenger side door. She climbed in while he went around to the other side. He turned the engine on and began driving back to her house. What would’ve happened if Shawn didn’t show up? 
“How’d you know I was in trouble?” Shawn looked at her. He couldn’t tell her that he just knew, but he needed some excuse.
“Was in the area.” is all he said and kept his focus on the road. “What were you doing all alone in the streets at this time of night?” He started getting angry. What was she thinking? 
“I was walking home like I do every night.” Shawn took a deep breath in and tried his best to calm his nerves. 
“You should’ve called someone, Y/N. Your dad won’t be happy at all. And that fucking guy... fuck. I’m gonna fuck him up.”
Her facial expression changed. “Don’t, don’t do that. He’s a nobody, he was just going for my purse-” she started mumbling, but was caught off.
“No, Y/N. I know that guy, he was going to do way worse.” Shawn pulled up to her house and saw that the lights were on, “I could never imagine you in...fuck I can’t believe he had the fucking audacity to touch you. No one touches you, Y/N.” She noticed how enraged he was, hands running through his hair, slamming his fists on the steering wheel. Y/N knows she should be scared about this town’s bad boy, but she couldn’t bring herself to do that.
“I am going to talk to Lisa and tell her that you can’t lock up the store anymore,” Shawn said, placing the car in park. Y/N was awfully confused and, frankly, pissed off. 
She had probably spoken three or four words to this man in her life, and here he is controlling her and worrying about her. No, she had locked the store up since she was 16. One night wasn’t going to make her change her mind.
“No. No, Shawn. I just got mugged. You can’t do or say that. You don’t know me, you don’t control me. Thanks for the ride.” She opened the door to the truck and walked out to her home.
The first time he saw Y/N was a year ago when he got the job at Dean’s shop. She came in with Susanna’s burgers for the guys. He didn’t know what it was about her, but he had this urge to protect her, to love her, too... she was his mate. Ever since he had been terrified to accept it. But, ever since he had been watching over her. Little did she know that he watched her every night as she walked home from the flower boutique. He did it because he knew what was happening around the area. There was a constant war between his pack and the neighbouring pack, and if they were to get a whiff that she was his mate, fuck he didn’t know what would happen.
But that night, he let loose his alpha side. He knew that she had no idea what beasts roamed the town, but no human did and he was just lucky enough to get a human mate. 
He stayed put, watching her go into her house. He had to make sure she was ok. Shawn saw the light of her room turn on and knew it was time to head home. He let loose a growl of frustration and turned his car around.
“Pack meeting!” Shawn yelled, walking into his house.  It was ten o’clock at night and he had no plans of going to sleep any time soon. 
“What’s up?” Brian spoke up. The living room was filled with his pack, sitting and watching the hockey game with the Toronto Maple Leaves. 
“We have to rough someone up,” Shawn responded, having no interest in the game for once in his life. That caught his pack’s attention. 
“Is it Jake’s pack again? Because man, I would love to fight his guys again,” Emmett said, already standing up. 
“No, it some guy who attacked Y/N, but he may be part of that idiot of a leader’s pack.” That all raised suspicions. “You mean your boss’ daughter?” Geoff asked.
Shawn nodded.“No more questions. Let’s go.”
Y/N came downstairs, giving her dad a peck on his head. She looked up and saw someone she really didn’t want to see at the moment. 
“Were you ever going to tell me what happened last night?” Her dad asked concern and hurt filled in his voice.
Y/N bit her lip and stared at Shawn. “Nothing happened.” She excused herself to pour a cup of coffee. 
“You got attacked,” Dean raised his voice. Shawn just looked comfy leaning against the counter. “Do you know the last time something like this happened? I don’t because it never fucking happens.” 
“Dad, it’s ok. Shawn was there. Everything is ok.” She tried to reason, but he wasn’t having it. 
“What if Shawn wasn’t there, Y/N?”
“Dad, I am ok. Now, I’m going to work.” 
Shawn followed her out the door, making her even angrier. 
“Can I drive you, at least?” He asked.
She turned around, jaw clenched and hands balled at her side. “I want to ask a question, Shawn. We’ve never talked at all before, and even if we did, it was chit-chat at most. Now, why are so onto me? Why do you care about me?” She was frustrated. Why the sudden change?
“I care about you, like the rest of the town. Everyone loves you Y/N, we just want to make sure you’re ok.” He was such a fucking liar. She could just see through him.
She shook her head and nodded. “I am ok. Now, I am going to work. Goodbye, Shawn.” 
He couldn’t fight her anymore. He could tell that she was confused about his actions, so he decided to keep it subtle. He needed to create a relationship with her because God, he needed her love, and he needed it bad.
Y/N walked to the shop she loved so much and saw a figure leaning against a pillar outside. She ignored him and pulled out the key from her pocket. 
“Heard you roughed up one of my guys?” The blonde boy said, pushing off the pillar. He was built well, muscle on muscle, just like Shawn. 
“What do you mean?” She turned around from the door of the flower shop to face him.
“Princess, one of my men attacked you last night... so I think that someone so full of fire would want revenge.”
Y/N looked at him weirdly. “No, I didn’t ‘rough up’ one of your guys. He attacked me, I bit him, and I ran.” She replied, opening the door and going in, “Now I am going to ask that you leave this shop.”
Jake smirked walking up to her and playing with a piece of hair. “I didn’t do anything wrong, princess. Now, Y/N, you and I will be seeing each other more often. But, it is true, you do smell really good.” He looked at her eyes, and his green eyes shifted, which made her freak out a bit; he winked and left. The blonde man made a shiver go down her back, but she ignored him. People came and left this town, and she shouldn’t feel alarmed by this guy. Though the last bit was just a little odd. 
Y/N sat down, bringing out her notepad to start doodling when a thought occurred to her. The guy that attacked her last night was a friend of the weird blonde. The weird blonde said something about how the blue-eyed man was attacked. Shawn was talking about beating him up. And with his past of being in gangs, she wouldn't put attacking someone past him.
She pulled out her phone, still not believing that she was going to do this, and pressed his contact info. It took one ring to hear his voice, and all she said was to come by.
Shawn freaked out when he saw the phone ID of the caller. Therefore, he was there in a jiffy. 
But, as he came to the door, he caught a weird scent. Jake. What was Jake doing at her store?
“Hello?” Y/N popped from the back with a box upon a box, making Shawn quickly go to help her. She smiled at him and placed the box in the corner, as did Shawn. 
“Hi.” She smiled, and he smiled back; liking that she was in a good mood. Shawn followed her to the till, and she sat. He stood across her. 
“I had the weirdest experience this morning.”
Shawn was worried, Jake was here. He could’ve done anything. “What happened?”
Y/N laughed, noticing instantly that he was alarmed. “This guy turned up and was questioning me. He thought I beat up the guy who attacked me last night. Funny thing is, I didn’t.”
Shawn tried to open his mouth to form words, but he didn’t know how to explain himself. “I can explain—”
“Don’t Shawn. But, this guy is probably like your rival gang or something, so he probably thought that I was your girlfriend or something. So I would know everything about you.”
Shawn got confused. “Rival gang?” 
“Yes, you’re part of the gang, right? That’s what the rumours are. But like the guy was so weird. He said that I smelled good, and his eyes like shifted into something… odd. It was-”
“Y/N, I am not part of a gang. What else did Jake do?”
She sparked up. “Jake?”
“Yes, the guy. His name is Jake.”
Y/N was so confused. She didn’t even describe the guy, let alone tell him really anything. 
“Shawn. Who and what is the guy?” 
It was now or never, Shawn. He didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know how to explain it. “Just a group of guys I messed with wrongly.” There, another lie coming from his pretty lips.
Y/N nodded but was very confused. He truly was an awful liar.
“I may be going crazy, but I gave you a chance. A chance to be honest. You are the biggest liar I know.” She spat, and turned around, opening the box that she had carried in originally.
Shawn ran his hands through his hair. What was he supposed to do right now? Y/N stood up, grabbing the vase from the box and placing it on the shelf. Shawn walked up to her. It was now or never.
Y/N turned around and was faced with a very messy haired, stressed werewolf. Shawn took a deep breath and licked his lips, and looked to the side and back.
“Fuck it,” he mumbled and grabbed her cheeks, gently, and smashed his lips into hers.
At first, Y/N was confused; you couldn’t blame her. But, a kiss was a kiss. Therefore their lips started to work together. Fireworks were shared between them. Shawn pulled away first, looking into the eyes of the girl he loved so much.
“I love you.” He blurted and stayed still.
Shawn looked at her at lost eyes. He couldn’t believe what he just did.
Therefore, Shawn did what he did best. He ran out, and he ran out fast. He couldn’t believe it. The alpha in him shattered and he was left nervous and embarrassed.
Y/N was more confused at the situation. He couldn't drop that bomb after almost 24 hours since they even began talking. She was in need of answers, and she knew where to start.
Her father’s office was always open, so it was easy to get access to Shawn’s file. She just needed the address to his home, and once coming upon it, she was ready for some answers.
Was it really worth it? So far, she’d been walking in the woods for half an hour and she had no idea if she was close or not. But, she was stubborn, and she wanted the answers for his abnormal behaviour. It took a few more minutes before she came into view of a house and a car that resembled Shawn’s extremely. Maybe it was all really worth it.
Y/N went up to the door of the big house and knocked. She was so fucking persistent. It didn’t take long until someone opened the door. A ginger came into view.
“Is Shawn home?” She asked, and the man nodded his head and called out for his alpha.
“Y/N?” The other boy left and Shawn came from around the corner. Y/N stepped in and closed the door.
“What the fuck was that at the flower store?”
Shawn was lost of words and just pinched his forehead. “I am sticking with my word,” he mumbled, Y/N nodded her head, “Look, honey, this isn’t the best time at the moment.”
Y/N ignored him and looked to the right. Her eyes widened and her expression unreadable, Shawn followed her gaze.
“What the fuck is that?”
Shawn swallowed and try to place his words together. “That’s a wolf.” He had decided to be honest.
“Why is there a wolf on your kitchen counter?” Shawn looked at her and walked up to her. He grabbed her hands and held them, “Come upstairs and I will explain everything to you, and you can ask every goddamn question that comes to your pretty mind.” He placed his finger on her cheek and brought their lips together.
“Ok.” She said.
Y/N sat on Shawn’s bed, watching Shawn pace. She decided not to pressure him into anything.
“Do you trust me?” He asked, stopping in front of her. Y/N nodded, and he took a deep breath.
“That was Geoff on the counter.” He sat next to her, grabbing her hands. Y/N gave a puzzled look.
“This town has two packs you could say…” she nodded, following, “two packs of werewolves.” at that, her expression changed, “Geoff got in a fight with Jake’s pack, and he was injured. Too injured to turn back.”
“Wait, so you’re saying that this town is filled with werewolves?” Shawn nodded, waiting for clear expression. Y/N just furrowed her eyebrows and tried to place the puzzle pieces together, “Ok, go on.”
“I’m part of a pack. Jake is part of the rival pack.”
“You’re a werewolf?” He nodded, “I don’t know why I believe you, but that makes sense.” Shawn looked confused.
“And why does that make sense?”
“You seem like a type of guy to be a werewolf, you’re controlling, constantly hot, and anyway, keep going.”
He laughed, he didn’t expect that reaction.
“So, there are three types of werewolves, alpha, beta, and omega. I am an alpha. I run this pack. The rest of my pack are all betas.”
So he went on. He explained what each type meant and how it connects with other types. He explained how he and Jake had been fighting before they were born, a pack fight that had gone on for generations. So, it didn’t matter to resolve it because his pack is too stubborn to join.
“We have a thing called mates. It is like soulmates, but with wolves.” She nodded, not knowing what else to get from, “What I am trying to say, honey, is that you’re my mate.” Now she is getting creeped out, “Are you ok? I can hear your heartbeat and it is going up quite fast.”
Y/N tried to comprehend it, but she didn’t know how “I am your mate? Shawn, we’ve kissed twice. We aren’t official.”
“I know, and if you want space, I totally-”
“Shawn, I have always felt this connection to you. But, it does explain why you are so protective over me.”
“Us being mates, Y/N, it was how I knew you were in trouble last night.” That explains everything.
She looked up to him, hooking her arms around his neck, and pulling their lips together. For some odd reason, she was happy.
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on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
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damn 🔥
2K notes · View notes
on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
‘Her’ - There was no ideas flowing, no passion and story in his music. But, after going to a little expensive café, he is met with someone who will inspire his future music. She was perfect for everything, but he just needed the guts to talk to her, as she made him very nervous.
‘Sweet Like Herbal, Classic Like Earl Grey’ - Coffee reminded her of him, bitter, cold, and useless. So, she gave it up. But, when a certain male came into the record shop on a Wednesday, she decided to start drinking tea with him, as he is sweet like herbal and classic like Earl Grey.
‘Mugged’ (Werewolf!Shawn) - She thought that her little town was safe, until one night she gets mugged. This creates her to have a constant question about the guy who saved her, and the secrets that are released in this small town. Especially the one about her future lover. 
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on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
‘Sweet Like Herbal, Classic Like Earl Grey’ - Shawn Mendes Imagine
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Words: 1,153
Pairing: Shawn Mendes & (Y/N) (Y/L/N)
Warnings: None - wrote this a few months ago, thought to share. x
|| Masterlist in Bio ||
Coffee was something that made her happy. It was one thing she looked forward to every day. The hot liquid scorching her throat was like burning liquor to others. The caffeine was her high. She liked coffee, she compared coffee to him. Something she needs in life. It was something she wanted every day; the taste, the rush, the aura. She liked cafes. Because it smelled like him. It reminds her of what she loves. It feels like home; he feels like home. Therefore, coffee was the only good thing in her life, just like him.
He was long forgotten now, just like the beans in her pantry. She never wanted to see them again, as they are a remembrance of what she once loved. She can’t stand the taste coffee no more; not standing the taste from it. It was too bitter, just like him; too bitter, too dark, too much. When she decided that coffee was a sign of their relationship, he realized too. In a way, she believed that he was afraid by it. They had annual meetings down the street at the little boutique, where the coffee was strong and favourable, yet she never told him that she hated it.
When he walked out the door on a Wednesday morning, it brought hot red tears. Why couldn’t it be a Thursday? Wednesdays were their day. Each coffee cup that he bought her from the moment they called it official was thrown against the white wall that belongs to their home. It was now her home. Singular, and by herself. What she was left with were paper cups and a cat. He liked cats, he liked cats, coffee, art, and poetry.
Y/N liked poetry. She never enjoyed reading it, as she never got it. But, writing it was her thing. It was like a code that if you knew her well, you could crack. He could never understand her poetry. It was another red flag in that relationship. In reason, there was a lot of problems in that relationship. He walked away to another pair of arms. And she was left with an espresso machine and a shit ton of mug, as well as a cat. She never liked cats, and she never knew how to work that espresso machine.
Therefore, the following morning, she dragged a bottle of rum and placed the machine on the driveway. She enjoyed the feeling of taking the hammer and smashing it to pieces. It made her torn heart feel a little better, but it was never fully healed.
Months it took to get over him. She hasn’t drunken coffee since. She hasn’t done anything to that house since. Her life slowly coming together. Work was enjoyable, she had friends, and she likes the cat now. When he came back to the house a few weeks later asking for the espresso machine, the cat indeed attacked him. So, therefore she likes the cat now.  
Recently Y/N took a particular interest in a man that constantly came to the record shop. He likes music just like she did. But, there was no darkness in his eyes, just light. He’d come every Wednesday, just like the coffee dates she used to have with her ex. But, the brunette with the swallow tattoo was never interested in the records around her, at first, he was, but now he has more interest in her. She liked how he’d ask about her, it made her feel more welcomed into this world. She’d ask him about himself too, she wasn’t selfish (always selfless). But, he was different than any man she has ever met. He liked music, he liked sports, but he loves her; Y/N just didn’t know that. He loved her since he made that joke about the weather; it was their first interaction. He mourned not hearing her laugh after he left the store with a record in hand. He wanted to come back the next day, therefore he did. But, she didn’t work Thursday, and it never crossed his mind to ask her which days she did work. So, he made it a thing to visit her on Wednesdays. He learned that she can’t stand coffee, but she did enjoy tea. That day their conversation went on about the spice trade, by just talking about her favourite tea. He thought that she must’ve been some kind of history student.
Shawn also thought of what degree she is working too. English…which revealed as well as history. She did talk a lot of history, from music to geographical. But, a little part of him learned that Y/N was never great at telling great details about herself. Therefore he made a plan, he wanted to get to know her. To know her better and take her out of this environment and just chat.
“Hi,” he said, slowly making his way to the counter. She smiled, pushing a CD to him.
“Two Feet, you told me you liked heavy bass. This is an alternative, but one of my favourite artists.” He smiled, thanking her. Her mood was uplifting that day.
“So, Y/N, do you want to go for coffee sometime?” Her smile turned down to a frown after that forsaken word was spoken. But, she quickly smiled again, finding a way to get past that. Y/N liked him, indeed. She was just terrified that she’ll lose him like she with him.
“How about tea?” He chuckled.
“Right, you don’t like coffee.” She smiled, slowly a blush coming on her cheeks.
“I like the park. I’ve always wanted to walk around it, I just haven’t gotten someone to do that with.” Shawn placed his elbows onto the counter.
“Ok, so how about we get tea and walk around the park. I can get to know you better.” She smiled, nodding her head.
“How about we go now?” He was taken back, “Wednesday are my off day, I’m just filling in and trading days with a friend. You don’t come on Thursdays, just Wednesdays.”
“Actually I came on a Thursday after we met, but you weren’t there.”
“It is because I was filling in on Wednesday instead of Thursday.”
Tea became a reminder of Shawn. She liked the wide variety of teas because he was like that. Y/N didn’t need bitter coffee in her life, she never did. All she needed was sweet and heartwarming tea, that would either calm her or make her jittery. Every time they see each other, even after a few years, there was something new to learn about him. He was sweet just like herbal, and he was classic like Earl Grey. She began loving him soon after. Just like how she began loving tea after their first date. 
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on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
‘Her’ - Shawn Mendes Imagine
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Words: 1,638
Pairing: Shawn Mendes & (Y/N) (Y/L/N)
Warnings: None
|| Masterlist in Bio ||
He needed a muse. That is what his manager said, that is what his friends said. He needed a muse and he needs one fast. There was no flow, there was no storyline to his songs.
“It’s time for you to have a break,” Brian said, opening the door to the café. Shawn nodded, following his friend in. Little did he know that his mind was constantly moving, figuring out what he needed next. His manager kept begging for him to give him at least a few lyrics, but he couldn’t come up with anything. He was stuck in a knot.
“Just a latte, please.” He heard a voice which caught his attention. He looked up, seeing the lady in front of him speaking. She sounded sweet...nice and potentially innocent or carefree.  
“And a lemon loaf. I got you, Y/N. I'm used to the routine.” He hasn’t even seen her face yet, but her voice is something that hooked him in.
Y/N nodded, placing the purple ten dollar bill down and telling the barista to keep the cash. Shawn watched as she walked away, yet he still hasn’t seen her face. All he knows is, what she is wearing, her colour of hair, and voice; honey nectar voice.
She didn’t like change. Well, she was simply uncomfortable with it, as it was hard for her to cope with it. When she was younger, she’d get anxiety if something changed around her, from a few trees being cut down in her neighbourhood or someone messing her daily routine. Yet, she overcomes it as she needs change or else she would go insane.
Recently Y/N has moved to Toronto for university. At first, it was hard and difficult to create a new life, but eventually, she settled down and created a lifestyle.
Her condo that she shares with one other person was close to an urban café that had the organic feel and strong coffee; something she particularly likes. It was a little pricey, but it was her Sunday treat. She’d sit in the book, order a latte and do her weekly assignments. It has become a routine, so Sam knows her order and was expecting her ten on the dot when she’d waltz in.
Y/N turned around from the waiting area, large coffee in hand and made her way to the little area she calls home for a few hours every Sunday.
Shawn walked to where the girl once was, ready to pick up his coffee and talk business with Brian, he hopes he’d not mention the album nor work. Personally, he simply just wants to hang with his childhood friend.
He turned around, trying to look for the girl and it took a second, but he found her, sitting in the far corner. She was prettier than her voice. Looking so focused on what was on her computer and taking a sip of the foamed drink every so often. It brought a smile to his lips, seeing such a masterpiece in such content, so happy with how the world was working around her. She was a goddess in his eye.
Shawn didn’t know he was staring until she looked up, making eye contact, making him quickly adverted his gaze onto the interesting plant next to him. Little did he know that she caught him staring, and in a way, she liked it.
His name was called, as was Brian’s. He grabbed his coffee and headed to a seat. Yet, Shawn did place himself down at a spot with the perfect view of her. He doesn’t want to stare at his friend, he wants to stare at her; she is far prettier.
Shawn tried his best to listen to his friend talk about God knows what, but he was far busier thinking about her. They caught eyes a few times now. He was proud to say that he could tell she was blushing, but he was too. She’d blush, smile weakly and look down; it was the cutest thing ever. The girl kept his mind racing, wondering constant things. He wondered if she was a fan or a future friend, or possibly a girlfriend. Yet, he didn’t want to be forward with his thinking.
He heard her speak moments later, causing him to stop talking just to hear what she was saying. A barista came up to her asking for something. He recognised that she was shy, a slow nod was given to Sam and he walked away with her mug. 
Brian was done, though. He, of course, noticed the gesture between the two; he isn’t stupid. 
“What’s up with you? You’re here, but you're not here.” Shawn broke the glance and looked at him.
“What?” Brian followed his glaze again and saw the girl and he scoffed.
“Ask her out.” His eyes bulged out of their sockets. 
Shawn realised something though. He doesn’t have the gut to do it. Honestly, something about her made him nervous. Shawn lost all confidence and self-esteem when even thinking about talking to her.
“I can’t. What if she says no? I can’t deal with the rejection, let alone by her.” Brian laughed.
“When have you ever been nervous about a girl, Mendes?” He did make a fair point, but it was something about her.
“If you go over to her, I’ll buy you a beer. Fuck, I’ll buy you a dozen beers. Now go on and stop being a wimp.” Shawn really wanted to go and talk to her, but he couldn’t, therefore he packed up his stuff and began going on with his day. 
Shawn said bye to his friend and got up. Sam noticed this and got very disappointed. Therefore, he wiped his hands on the cloth and made his way over.
“Sir,” Shawn looked up, he could see Y/N watching him in the background, “I saw you making eyes with Y/N. She comes every Sunday, at ten o’clock on the dot, and she orders a latte with a lemon loaf. Ask her out, you won’t regret it.” Shawn smiled, and nodded, thanking Sam and heading towards the door. 
Y/N watched as the stranger left, a little disappointed that for the last hour he and she were giving each other flirtatious looks and he just leaves. Yet again, she learnt to never get her hopes up.
Shawn walked a few metres then stopped. There was a very gorgeous girl, with a sweet voice, and probably an extraordinary personality that was giving sweet and flirty looks at him for an hour and he just ups and leave. It's now or never, don’t let the courage fume out.
She heard the bell, but her essay was a little more interesting. Y/N shouldn’t let it affect her day, but when does a handsome stranger actually acknowledge you?
“Hi, I’m Shawn.” she looked up seeing the stranger that she has been staring at for a while. 
Y/N was lost of words, “Y/N”. Shawn smiled and pointed to the seat, and she nodded. 
Shawn sat down, but the confidence was gone. He was nervous again.
“So, what’s your story?” he asked. 
And so they talked. She was amazing in his eyes, no flaw. Though to her, she was simply talking to a beautiful man. It was nice for strangers to talk, it was different and easy.
Shawn smiled, he was too focused on her eyes than what she was saying. She was beautiful. 
She learnt a lot in those few hours. He was an amazing guy, he was humble and caring and selfless. He was perfect. 
“Look, it is raining,” he said, quarter past five; little did they know that it was that late. 
“I love the rain,” she mumbled, he smiled and nodded.
“I know. But, it is quarter past five, and the sun is going down.” Her aura instantly shifted, but quickly she laughed.
“Time flies when you’re having fun,” she said, getting up.
Shawn smirked, “So I am fun?” she nodded. But, they stood there, looking at one another until one speaks. 
“Can I walk you home?” she nodded. 
He followed her out of the door and walked side by side. Both were obvious for their feelings for each other, but they haven’t admitted it. 
She talked about her hometown, while Shawn tried to listen, but he was too focused on thinking if he should hold her hand. He carefully touched her fingertips and then pulled back. Y/N felt it, she felt the vibration going through her fingers. She looked over to him and saw him looking down. Therefore, she took action, grabbing his hand into her. 
Shawn couldn’t believe it. He was holding her hand. A smile came to him, as did her. 
But, they stopped in their tracks. Y/N pulled him back and looked at his hazel eyes.
“This is me.” He nodded. Their hands were held out because he was two steps in front of her. But, he didn’t want to let go. He couldn’t let go.
“Thank you for walking me back to my house... in the rain.” Y/N told him, chuckling a bit.  Shawn nodded, mumbling a ‘no worries’. She pulled her hand away and Shawn felt like his whole world was torn apart. Y/N turned away and began walking up the steps to her place when she turns around, and he was still in the same spot when she left him; staring at her. 
“Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?” Shawn’s face lit up and he nodded. 
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on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
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on-a-sundaycafe · 5 years
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on-a-sundaycafe · 6 years
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I didn’t know I needed this cuteness until now
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on-a-sundaycafe · 6 years
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♡ Boyfriend ♡
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on-a-sundaycafe · 6 years
He’s too tall for the shower 😂😂😂
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shawn in the bathroom getting ready >>>
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on-a-sundaycafe · 6 years
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on-a-sundaycafe · 6 years
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