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Eilean Donan Castle, West-coast of Scotland
Medium: Acrylic
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Watch me paint a Scottish Castle (and struggle with the clouds, as per usual). Eilean Donan is a picturesque castle on the West-coat of Scotland. We briefly stopped there on our way to Skye several years ago and since then it was on my bucket list of Scottish castles to paint. Enjoy!
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Inktober 2020 Week 2
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VII - The Chariot (Norse Goddess Freya has her chariot pulled by cats)
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VIII - Strength
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IX - The Hermit
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X - Wheel of Fortune
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XI - Justice
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XII - The Hanged Man
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XIII - Death
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Inktober 2020 Week 1
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0 - The Fool
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I - The Magician
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II - The High Priestess
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III - The Empress
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IV - The Emperor
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V - The Hierophant
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VI - The Lovers
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My grandma鈥檚 birthday is coming up, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone and film myself painting a picture for her. The accompanying music is in 417 Hz for relaxation. I find the painting process quite fascinating and love watching other people paint and seeing how things come together. Unsurprisingly, I loved watching Bob Ross paint when I was a child. And if you don鈥檛 know who he is, do yourself a favour and look him up. I hope you enjoy!
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I've painted a painting for my grandma's birthday. I used the Lake District in England as a reference.
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This week鈥檚 video is a little different. I show you (and critique :D) some of my art and inspiration boards and finish a painting I wanted to finish for a long time. I am a landscape photographer and painter, but while I do my photography very regularly, I have phases where I paint a lot and phases where I don鈥檛 paint at all for months or even years. Perhaps sharing my art on YouTube can give me some motivation to paint more often.
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The White Horse
Another one for my grandma. A bit more stylized than usual as I was painting from fantasy. It's not perfect, but good practice.
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This is one of my experimental pieces, which is up on my wall. Painted on salvaged cardboard, it is one of my favourites because somehow these colours just work together, even though the overall mood is surreal. I definitely want to do more in this direction in the future. The natural evergreens provide a great contrast, I think.
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Autumnal Breeze, 2019, Acrylic. A quick composition as a present for my grandma. She already has received paintings with the other 3 seasons, so autumn it is. I'm happy the leaves dried in such good shape and preserved the colour without me having to press them.
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Here are some in-between steps for the Elcho Castle painting.
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Elcho Castle, 2018, Acrylic This castle is outside of Perth and can be seen from Kinnoull Hill (if you have a good zoom). Probably my favourite painting so far.
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Another little progress compilation: Huntingtower Castle. I find it utterly fascinating to see progress shots. Every time I start a painting (I work in layers over the course of a few days) it feels like a primary schooler has done this. Will it ever look good? The end result gives me hope. :D
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Huntingtower Castle, 2018, Acrylic A small ruined castle near Perth, Scotland, where King James VI was held hostage as a teenager. It has a 'lover's leap' balcony: a young maiden was seeing her lover and to avoid being caught, she jumped across the roof to her own balcony's safety.
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Some progress shots of Sgurr Alasdair. I love working in layers and adding more and more detail. I prefer Acrylic paint, since it dries quickly and has great colour intensity. Should I have left the sky as it was there? I feel like I sometimes overdo it with the clouds. This is definitely something I need to work on. :D
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Atop Sgurr Alaisdair, 2018, Acrylic I went up Sgurr Alasdair, which is part of the Black Cuillins on Skye, in 2017 and it was a tough walk up, 2 hours of slowly creeping up slippery skree (loose stones of various sizes). But the view was amazing and I took pictures, which I fused together to create this painting. It was part of the 66th Perthshire Art Association Exhibition in the Perth Museum. I fully recommend anybody who is an artist to become a member of local clubs to get your work out.
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Skogafoss Waterfall, Iceland, 2016 This was commissioned by a friend. Iceland is his favourite place and he likes Thor, so I put the two together.
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