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And Mayor Mills seems to be checking out Miss Swan's ass, possibly the reason for the smile on her face having Emma in her home... just saying!
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Thank you for posting this. I'm a plus size girl, under represented in TV, books, movies. We thicker women never seem to be the heroes, never get the guy or girl (because damn even my sexuality is under represented and inaccurately represented by the little it's portrayed in comparison to heterosexual slim women), the thicker women are always mocked and body shamed in stories too, focusing on how much she's eating, or what sugary fizzy drinks she's drinking. Some weight issues aren't even caused by food! Conditions like Lipedema & lymphodema, or even Cushing's Syndrome are not caused by excessive eating, but still, the thicker women and it is mostly women, are being shamed in stories and in real life. There's a real stigma around being a bigger girl or bigger woman. It's not even about health either. There are plenty of slim women, with fast metabolisms that can eat a ton of junk food and snacks and never put on weight, but people will see them as "healthy" when in reality, the junk they are putting into their bodies will kill them eventually. I'm sick and tired of the actions that the stigma over weight women suffer as it is. But to take a pic of Rihanna and refer to her as plus size?! It's utter madness! RIHANNA IS NOT PLUS SIZE! SHE WORKS OUT, SHE DANCES IN HER PERFORMANCE, SHE MAINTAINS HER PHYSICAL FITNESS TO DO SO AND DOESN'T ALWAYS EAT CRAP SO THERE SHE IS HEALTHY! THIS IS WHAT A HEALTHY FIGURE LOOKS LIKE! Magazines and media assholes need to stop deciding what they think is acceptable in size and shape and telling the world to think that way too because it's shady bullshit.
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By “Plus-sized” you mean her talent, right?
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Professional photographer Josh Rossi photographed his three-year-old daughter, Nellee in the Wonder Woman costume he made for her. How is it even possible for a three-year-old to look that badass?!
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I cannot believe that this hasn’t reached 5,000 signatures yet! Come on, Oncers.
It will literally mean the world to her friends and family and it costs you absolutely nothing. 
Please, please, please, please reblog this.
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Love these amazing baseball moments!!!
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i know its the mets, but this is the coolest shit i’ve ever seen a human being do
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Just like the “You might not be strong enough… but maybe we are” moment, Emma goes to tell Regina something and Regina stops her in her tracks. If it’s not a self destruct trigger about to explode it’s Regina needing to get her words out… ffs Regina everything you said to Emma was pretty much “I love you” without saying “I love you!” Someone give her some truth serum and some tea!
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Earlier today I saw my… evil half… be selfless. She saved us all. I never saw that coming… just like however you’re going to get out of this. You haven’t seen it yet. But you will. Sounds like you’re talking about hope. Something you taught me all those years ago when… you didn’t give up on me.
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And the worst part about the whole of the "Modern Fairytale" that Adam and Eddy wrote, was that "Happy Endings are not always what you'll think they'll be" but they delivered exactly what we thought it would be... same old heteronormative story that we've heard time and again, and now they are giving OUR story of SwanQueen that they didn't want to acknowledge to Henry! His daughter shows up at his fair just like he did with Emma, and Adam & Eddy have stated he'll have an epic love story with his daughter's mother! Unbelievable the amount of homophobic crap to deny SwanQueen as the story then give that story to a new straight couple! I wish we could do something like copyright the SwanQueen pairing to stop this because they denied it, so it was our story and now they are taking it from us! I'm so angry about it! So not only are the LGBTQ viewers denied a love story that accurately represents them with main characters and development, but our story that we saw is now being used because they saw how much of an amazing love story it was. It's just more evidence to suggest they knowingly queer baited us the entire time! I'm boycotting season seven, and any other Adam and Eddy show because they are quite clearly homophobes. This is not down to ABC, they have family shows with queer characters, even ABC family has the show Modern Family with two gay men raising a kid together. Disney perpetuates homophobia because they refuse to release a gay fairytale, yet a lot of they staff are gay. They can't have their characters as gay characters, but Regina is now an original character separate from the Evil Queen. Therefore having her obvious bisexuality as something stated on the show, would have not affected Disney. They chose Red and Dorothy as neither Little Red Riding Hood or The wizard of Oz were Disney creations. But they could have gone there with Regina and with Emma as characters in their own right. Make no mistake, this is Adam and Eddy's homophobia along with their misogyny too.I'm done with those two idiots.
Snow took Daniel from Regina. Out of greif, hate and pain Regina cursed everyone to a place without magic, Storybrooke Maine. Because all magic has a price, she paid with a hole in her heart. She was not able to fully love but she still longed for it. So she ended up adopting a son. Regina named him after her own father, Henry. She loved him deeply but found out his birth mother was Snows daughter, the one that would eventually come break her curse. So in order to be a good mother to Henry she took a forgetting potion. She raised him well until he was 10 and found out he had been adopted. He stole his gramdmother Snow’s creditcard and went to Boston. He brought back to storybrooke his birth mother Emma Swan, Snow’s daughter. Her and Regina faught a lot but grew closer over the love of their shared son and soon the hole in Regina’s heart disapeared. Her curse was broken but now she no longer cared because without knowing Snow had returned to her what she had taken from her long ago. A true love in Emma Swan, Snow’s own daughter, and a son. Two things she thought that because of Snow she would never have again. And thus not only a debt was repaid but a new better family was created out of the ashes of pain and greif. Happy endings arent always what we think they will be.
-this what you just read was NOT the fairytale Once upon a Time creators decided to write. This is fan made. Everyone should know bout the story the creators cheated their loyal fans out of. They instead gave us some bullshit a 5 year old could have told you. “Happiness isnt and ending.” No shit sherlock.
Happy endings not being what we think they will be was one of the true wisdoms from this show. It was profound and from the heart. The season 6s ending and attempt at being wise was piss poor.
Once upon a time’s ending will always be 3x11 for me. It was the better story, the better narrative. Idk how complete morons like a&e wrlte it well for that long… but thats all the credit they get. “Wow you accidentally!” How embarrassing it must be for them….
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Once Upon a Waste of Time - An open Letter to Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis.
Dear Adam and Eddy,
After watching #OnceUponaTime #OUAT & had a chance to process it there are a number of things I’m really not happy or comfortable with and I would really like them addressed.
Why did you deem it perfectly acceptable to use the term “nut house” in the show? Please don’t ever use that term again. It’s stigmatising mental illness & there’s enough of that in the world already. It only endorses name calling being okay to use against those who suffer with mental illnesses.
The Q&A was talking of hope and belief. But when it comes to the marginalised oppressed groups it was pitiful in representation. In fact, the number of POC and LGBTQ characters you had on your show were extremely disproportionate to the real world. Most of your POC characters ended up with terrible fates. Such as Merlin, Stanham (Tin man), Marian, I don’t even remember what happened to Rapunzel… yikes! Only one POC couple Aladdin and Jasmine represented POC with a happy ending. I don’t even recall seeing any others present for happy endings. That’s how disproportionate it was with POC representation.
The one f/f queer pairing you had, which was written by two of your MALE employees in your writing team and therefore had no feminine perspective, was rushed together without development and made it into some stereotype of lesbians meet and fall in love in a day and move in together. That was eye rolling enough, but to top it off, they only got one episode out of six years of your show, and were not even even present for the happy endings moment. Seemingly nobody thought to invite them to the wedding, which even if the actresses couldn’t make, would have taken a moment to write in saying Ruby and Dorothy couldn’t make it, but send their love and congratulations. We didn’t even see them in Oz when Zelena took everyone back to her Emerald City castle. I hate to break it to you guys but treating a f/f ship differently to that of the heterosexual pairings you have on the show, is not equality. It’s merely ticking a box to say yep we covered LGBTQ, and it is in that inequality that gave it the “I’m not homophobic… but” feel to it. The bottom line is that there shouldn’t be inequality. Even the disproportionate numbers of LGBTQ and POC characters to heterosexual and white characters ratio comes across as sexuality and racial inequality.
Regina being a middle aged Latina woman only got apples and dwarfs showing her acceptance which she has been getting for 4 seasons now. She’s happy with herself, I get that, but why did the Latina queen only ever get heartbreak in love and not even get a romantic love in her life for her happy ending? Are Latina’s destined to be without a lover? Or is it just middle aged women destined to be alone if they haven’t found a lover by a certain point? I understand she would have been grieving Robin, but there wasn’t even a hint of hope that she could be with someone in the future. Not a start of anything. Zelena being older than Regina didn’t have one either. So all the middle aged female fans who are currently alone right now, who watched the show for a bit of hope that maybe they would find love one day, didn’t get that hope as they weren’t validated.
I understand happiness doesn’t always involve having a lover in your life but to the marginalised oppressed groups Latinas, middle aged women, and LGBTQ, you didn’t deliver any substantial hope for them to believe that they too could find happiness because you did not represent them. Didn’t even represent anyone in the trans community at all. So all those people who watched with the hope of a “Modern Fairytale” didn’t take away with them a message of hope and belief as they weren’t accurately represented. They just took home the message that everyone else deserved a happy ending but them.
And the final thing I’m really annoyed with, is that you had the greatest love story with SwanQueen. Every single message on the show about what love is, they demonstrated. SwanQueen in my opinion, was the greatest love story never told. Six years and one kinda uncomfortable looking hug is unrealistic for best friends, especially with the way the actors were directed to play them, and with all the queer-baiting subtext. But to add insult to injury you have the same initial situation of a kid looking for and finding their parent, and have openly stated that Henry and his daughter’s mother who he will meet again will have an epic love story… so basically it’s pretty much SwanQueen but the heterosexual version of it. The SwanQueen story was so good, but just not heteronormative to tell on TV. I want to know, WHY? And please don’t use the excuse “family show” anymore because the sexual content of this show, albeit no sex was actually taking place in it, does not make this family viewing. Nor does violence and murder either.
I’d like some answers around this and not to be ignored or blocked because you don’t like me putting you in front of a mirror to examine yourselves. There was even a time you baited Swen in an obvious way by tweeting a script tease of a SwanQueen scene which you had cut from the show!
Adam, you have stalked Swen accounts and there are multiple cases where there is evidence of you doing that. I want to know why you used us for viewership if your heteronormative love story was something you were so certain of being successful?
You had a little over 12 million viewers at the start of your show. And the latest figures were around 2.8 million if I’m not mistaken. How do you deem this as success? You used Swen to keep you afloat for another season didn’t you? You could at the very least have the decency to be honest and admit that.
You’ve lost a viewer in me, not just with Once Upon a Time, but with all future shows you decide to create, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who has made this decision. Once Upon a Time was sold as a “Modern Fairytale” but that was false advertising really. The only thing modern about it was the characters had cell phones and spoke of Hamilton tickets, oh and Snow White held a sword for the first time… 🤦🏼‍♀️ Big whoop! Nothing modern here or even groundbreaking. Same old story of predominantly white, cis gendered, heterosexual couples getting their happy endings and leaving everyone else lacking them. If that’s your idea of a “modern fairytale”, then I’m sure all your future endeavours as writers will be just as same old, same old.
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This is so beautiful!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Regina is under Emma’s spell
I wanted to make something fun for Swen today that was related to musicals and weddings. This is what I came up with. It’s simple, but I hope you guys enjoy it :D
Song: Under your spell by Tara Maclay (Amber Benson) from the Buffy musical episode :D
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// Swan Queen Wedding Day
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Will this marriage even be legal when one party does not have a valid birth certificate or social security card? Asking for reasons
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wearing a blanket around the house like
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once upon a time + how I met your mother
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