oncemelody · 2 years
Rest in Peace Lee Appa
Rest in Peace Lee Appa
Foto ini akan menjadi momen sedihnya ELF, disaat ada jadwal konser ke Philipine ada berita duka Lee Appa meninggal dunia. I even can not imagine kalau benar konsernya tetap dilaksanakan. Pura-pura bahagia apa gimana saat konser berlangsung. Untungnya konsernya di undur demi kebaikan bersama. Sedih banget setelah Park Appa di tahun 2014, tahun 2022 tahun sedihnya Hyukjae. Lihat mereka pada ga…
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oncemelody · 3 years
Can you believe that? Overthinking and anxiety can make your head hurts so bad. How can ot and anxiety makes you so worthless and always think that you're not loveable?
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oncemelody · 4 years
너무 보고싶어
13 tahun berlalu, nenekku sayang. Apa kabar? Kupikir diriku telah baik baik saja. Namun tidak seperti itu Ditinggalkan ternyata menyedihkan. Bahkan setelah bertahun tahun berlalu. 13 tahun tahun yang lalu disaat saya sendiri masih berusia 13 tahun. Rindu sekali diriku. Ingin rasanya saya dipeluk lalu dipukpuk dikepala. Dibuat percaya kalau semuanya baik baik saja. 13 tahun berlalu, tapi…
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oncemelody · 4 years
Don't Call Me
Don’t Call Me
Have you seen their recent comeback song? My babies ㅠㅠ “Don’t call me I don’t wanna you back.”
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oncemelody · 4 years
Happy 34th Birthday~!
Selamat ulang tahun yang ke-34 untuk my always no.1 bias, Cho Kyuhyun ~
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oncemelody · 4 years
There are too much things that bothering me todays. My mom always said do this, do that. She always told me what to do so I didn’t know what I want anymore.
I’m not blame her for whatever happened to me. I never say it out of loud, but I love her a lot.
It’s very hard for me to describe what I feel right now. Am I happy? Yes, I am. Am I sad? Yes, I feel sad too but it’s not often. There’s…
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oncemelody · 4 years
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“Kak… Kak Sandhy”
“I’m done.”
“Hah? Ngomong apaan kamu. Ga usah pake bahasa Inggris ya aku nggak ngerti. Indonesia aja.”
“I’m tired. I always looking at you, only you, but you’re not even look at me back. So, I guess it’s time to give up now.”
“Sekali lagi kamu ngomong Inggris, aku geplak ndasmu.”
“Hehehe, jangan dong kak. Cuma mau bilang kakak harus jaga kesehatan dan…
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oncemelody · 4 years
Random Conversation {1}
“Butuh bantuan?”
“Hemmm.. butuh sebenarnya tapi ga usah aku bisa kok.”
“Kenapa, Bob?”
“Brian bukan anak kecil lagi. Gausah bantuin, dia bisa kancingin kemeja dia sendiri.”
“Iya, aku tau dia bisa sendirian. Tapi itu tangan kanan dia lagi sakit.”
“Masih ada tangan kiri kok. Bisa kan Bri?”
“Iya bisa ini, Kak. Kalian ga usah berkelahi gara gara kancing aku doang.”
“Tuh, Na.…
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oncemelody · 5 years
I hate my dad for everything happens in my life
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oncemelody · 5 years
To Idul
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I’m so sorry for being a worst hooman ever in your life.
I can not give you a warm and comfortable bed yet.
I can not give you treat as much as you want to.
I’m so sorry for ignoring you this evening just because my mood had been in a bad condition.
But, even though you can’t read this, I just want to say it that I love you so much and no one can change it.
Thank you for being here…
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oncemelody · 5 years
The reason why I never want to get married and have a child.
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I don’t want my child to feel what I have felt when hearing his or her own parents say something like that.
I don’t want my child to feel useless just for being born.
I don’t want my child to feel unhappy like I do.
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oncemelody · 5 years
This time, this moment, thank you so much.
I don’t have many friends. I don’t need many friends. I can be happy alone. That’s not a sad reality. They always makes me feel sad. And guilty. I can do anything alone. I am not parasite. There’s a time when I really want to go far away and die alone. But, really, thank you so much for stay alive even though it hurts. I am not lie, it hurts.
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oncemelody · 5 years
I just should focus on fangirling. It never hurts me.
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oncemelody · 5 years
Looking back at myself.
Re-read my old post made me realize that I used to have few things that I liked to do. Kpop, fanfics, and fangirling world.
Going through a hard time makes me so sensitive and easily get angry these days. I feel so sad and sorry to all the people around me. There’s something wrong with myself but I dunno what had happened to me. Or it just me being too over dramatic.
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oncemelody · 5 years
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It's Gyu Project, for kyu until he out from military 😀
#kyuhyun #kyu #gyuhyun #superjunior #superjuniorkry #superjuniorT #Drawing #koreanidol #korea #singer
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oncemelody · 6 years
My Sunshine
there was a worst time in my life.
i was crying hard in the middle of night.
and it is just Adul sleep in my bed beside me.
he was really sick at that time. didn’t want to eat or drink.
just sleep.
and suddenly the fear of loss him came in my head.
i am scared.
my world became dark for almost one month.
he was not…
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oncemelody · 6 years
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he’s my world. my everything. Get well soon, duli.
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