one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
Reminds me of my conversations with Murray
Story to follow!Ā 
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
The Rashomon Effect (or TAPS AFF)
A short story by Tracy Jane
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Click for Tracyā€™s tune: Golden Teacher | Rashomon
One of my fondest memories. Well, my version.
The heat of the rhythm rises from the deep and moves the mass from the feet up like seaweed fronds waving in the currents. The sky above the dance-floor captures the swell of heat and beats carrying it across the open; luring the lost back into its depths.
Catching his breath, the dark haired man stands tall, closed eyes, lifting his face upwards a-top a sea of writhing flowing dancers.
The squelch of acid grooves and bright, house-driven keyboards sing in his ears and Ā swirling, Afrobeat drums thump through his chest.
An ear to ear smile breaks through his black beard, coral white teeth glisten, face and body drenched in happy as fuck sweat.
Taps Aff.
A burly man labelled security takes umbrage to this apparent breaking what rules nakedness and radars in. From the shoreline he dives in struggling towards the man bubbling ā€˜taps on or your outā€™ over the din of the dance.
He wonā€™t make it.
The full-to-the-brim, slippery noodle human flesh soup wonā€™t let him pass.
However, politely, the dark haired man slaps his sodden top back on and Puffer Man turns about beginning his arduous journey back to shore.
Taps Aff ? Fuck aye!
The game continues. The dance goes on.
Lights up and plugs are pulled. Deep sighs and chants of one mair tune. Twat Man is on stage yanking one arm of the now lone drummer who refuses to stop. The other arm is stretching out, the tip of his stick just about hitting the skin as he is unceremoniously pulled off.
Sparking with remaining energy and sighing deeply, the reluctant sea slowly ebbs away leaving treasures from lost pockets in deep pools as it retreats. The happy dark haired man with the beaming smile takes the helm and sets sail for home carried on the waves of those who love him.
The Rashomon effect: A term related to the notorious unreliability of eyewitnesses. It describes a situation in which an event is given contradictory interpretations or descriptions by the individuals involved.
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
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Chosen by Abi
My tune isnā€™t on sodding Spotify - and this video is annoying with all the screaming...but HEY! Thatā€™s fine. Itā€™s the tune that counts, and itā€™s the original that Iā€™m focussing on.Ā 
Music, food, chat & love
If I had to shove my friendship with Murray into 4 words, it would be these 4. I first met him at his 40th where he told me a big secret (that he was going to ask Emma to marry him. Ssssshhh, donā€™t tell anyone!). He was brimming with so much excitement he couldnā€™t hold it in and I think he could trust me because we were practically strangers. I didnā€™t even know Emma properly then!Ā 
I feel like that was the moment the pals deal was sealed...
From there it was basically lovely food, never-ending nights of music, and lots and LOTS of talking. This tune (and photo) comes from the night we gave them their wedding present. We treated them to a slap up BBQ and campfire on our allotment and after Emma and I crashed into a few rotten wooden fences (and there was a drop kicked gnome or two), we decided to head back to our flat for much tunage and dancing.Ā 
That night we took turns at putting on tunes and when Murray put this on it was like a huge sun beam shot into the livingroom. Actual warmth filled the whole room, it was a proper, physical connection. I love how music can do that to you.Ā 
I remember me & Murray hanging out my bedroom window smoking fags and chatting about our life up till that point. Little did I know these lovely, easy and comfortable conversations would fill up our whole friendship a decade on.Ā 
And thank fuck for that, is all I can say.Ā 
Later on that night I placed a lighter in front of me and carefully lay my head down on it to sleep and Emma nearly drop kicked the whole house cos Bry put Queen on the stereo. It was a perfect night - a micro example of the friendship that was to follow!
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
Chosen by Kirstie
I invited Murray to submit a mix to an all day SBRU Threads radio take over. My mix was on the show, Murray tuned in and listened in tandem with me. We were chatting while the music played. This track came on in my mix, and he asked me what it was, I told him is was Auntie Flo, Daabi on Autonomous Africa, he replied:
this is right Ā up my street. I told him one of the reasons I was playing it was that thought it was complimentary to his mix
Then he realised he had already owned it. He bought it, way before me.Ā He said:Ā ā€œItā€™s embarrassing. Folk come up and ask me what Iā€™m playing or what that track on the mix is. I tell them I donā€™t know and they think Iā€™m keeping something from them. I really have no ideaā€.Ā 
I often have no idea when Iā€™m putting it on either for that matter.
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
"The lyrics chime with Murray's number one rule...don't be a dick"
Bry (aka Corndog)
This was the first tune Murray ever sent me, back in 2010. Iā€™d just had a knee operation and he sent it to cheer me up.Ā  As if it needed proving, this showed the depth of Murrayā€™s kindness, thoughtfulness and friendship, even in the very early days.Ā 
Iā€™ve still got the email after all these years, the subject line saidĀ ā€˜every knee shall bow...including yoursā€™.Ā 
A (welcome) reminder that everything is temporary.Ā  Itā€™s also a belter of a tune! I love how the line ā€œthe good you do shall follow you; the bad you do it will stay with youā€. Chimes with Murray Calderā€™s number one favourite ruleā€¦Donā€™t Be a Dick.
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
"Blisterin' Barnacles"
One simply does not pick just one tune for the eclectic genius that is the Captain!
Madness, I tell thee!
Guess this one covers a few bases though - big love to y'all, M'n'Em'nā€™S
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
"this tune reminds me of a great party in a field
Eddie Cointreau
Iā€™ve had the pleasure of Murray's company for almost 20 years and he's consistently been one of the most kind and generous hosts and friends aboot. From the first night where i met him up in inverness and we ended up drawing on a passed out sex pest's face and papping them in a taxi, I've always known he was one of life's good people. So many great (hazy) memories over the years and for always in our hearts!
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
Chosen by Louisa Garratt
I knew Murray through the music challenge. My stand out memory was Murray sharing a story about a favourite night out in Japan, the way he spoke about his best night out the love of his life, I was thinking ā€œthat's relationship goals right there!ā€ I don't actually remember the tune Murray shared for that story but he turned me on to Baxter Dury xx
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
"Here's to you, Star Man"
Steven Simpson (aka Casper Mikey Mysti)
The first time I properly met Murray was at the David Bowie memorial night. He was the DJ for the night and as per usual was amazing. It was so lovely getting to know Murray and over the years hearing him play and getting to know what an amazing and talented soul he is. I love seeing you Strut! Hereā€™s to you Murray, You Star Man.
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
"Murray has provided me with an extensive musical education over the years"
Bill Spice
At the Strut nights, I would frequently ask him what a particular tune was as he always played tons of amazing tunes Iā€™d never heard before. Likewise in the various music challenges Murray has posted many an excellent tune that is completely new to me. It was an absolute honour (and great fun) to be able to DJ with Murray on a handful of occasions.
I do remember him giving me the thumbs up when I dropped this in one night when he played alongside Dunc and myself at Leith Depot, bit of a classic rather than an obscure great tune, but I guess Murray likes it...
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
Chosen by Agnieska
I worked in Roseleaf for many years and this is where I know Murray from the most -
served him a few Caesar Augustus beers.Ā 
And of course the Strut You made me dance like a lunatic. Thank you for the music Captain Ā My memory for tunes is very short but here is one that always makes me want to dance! x
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
"He'd surrounded himself with some high-grade soundcounts"
Gavin L Sutherland
I heard Murray drop what I think might've been an edit of this (which I used to play regular myself many years ago) the one time I managed to make it to one of...
...ā€œthee legendary Dunbar barbiesā€
Still being not long acquainted with him or indeed many of the crew, this was the first time I'd heard him daein the decks. It was very quickly apparent to me that I was dealing with someoneĀ not only with impeccable taste, but who had also succeeded in surrounding himself with someĀ high grade soundcounts. I doff my cap, My Captain x
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
"I always think of TinTin and Murray's Captain Haddock persona"
Laura McKenzie
One of the first things I see when I think of Murray is him at our wonderful annual camping trip but the songs then are just a blur of background noise and people complaining about Nemone and Jizz Peterson on Radio 6.
I also always think of Tintin and Murray's Captain Haddock persona which is close to my heart as my Dad loved Tintin and we always had two Khuli Loaches (tropical fish) named Thompson and Thompson after the Thompson Twins.
So my selection is some apex 80s madness from the Thompson Twins Ā Mostly I just think of Murray as a wonderful stability and flashing smile but there isn't a song that can encapsulate that for me tbh Ā šŸ’–
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
"Literally stopped me in my tracks while I was cooking dinner!"
James & AlexĀ 
This is one fromĀ  his UNBELIEVABLY prolific late live mixes.Ā 
It literally stopped me in my tracks whilst cooking dinner and prompted us to toĀ 
rush to the livingroom and start dancing!
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
Sister Nancy, chosen by Sister Lynsey!
ā€œFor me, this is my favourite of the Murray tunes...EVER!ā€
Also it nods to his ska and reggae roots!Ā šŸ™ŒĀ ā¤ļø
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
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Creag Meagaidh to the Nevis range, I journey here when I need a change. The sweet fresh air to calm my mind, At that place few will seldom find. To dwell a while, and talk with the gods, So close to heaven but still at odds.Ā  This place so hard, carved out of stone, A spiritual haven like landscapeā€™s bone. The waters here are the blood to the earth, Vastness echoes freedom, my soul's rebirth. Your music plays, with such perfect taste Our time here is precious, so we best make haste. For these fleeting moments from life I cut, Makes us think of you, dear Captain of Strut. You said ā€œyou donā€™t deserve the love that youā€™ve receivedā€ but thatā€™s just not true, buddy we all truly believe. Your positivity and wit prepares us to grieve. SELFLESSLY Something that is rarely ever achieved..
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one-mair-tune Ā· 4 years
"Cocky as fuck that I'd found the ultimate Murray tune"
Every year a gang of us go camping for Bryā€™s birthday. The campsite is about 20 mins drive from our house and I regularly forget stuff and have to drive home from camp to collect it.Ā 
So, it was the first day. Friday. Traditionally the night where the mums and dads get far too excited about being together. Being outside. With lots of lovely food and drink. Basically, like toddlers.Ā 
But I had to exercise extreme patience for getting fired into the cider, because of course, Iā€™d forgotten the kids coats, so I had to go back to the house.Ā 
SO ANNOYING. Everyone had arrived. It was time for the adult toddler party to begin, and I had to drive home. GAH.
I made a dash home in the car. Got home, stopped the cat from killing a squirrel (a story for another time), grabbed the coats and off I went heading back to THE GOOD TIMES.Ā 
This tune came on the radio as I was driving along the A road behind a stupid fucking tractor. Stop, start, stop, start, much muttering under my breath. I hadĀ  never heard this tune before and could barely concentrate on the road cos of the bassline.Ā 
A Murray tune if EVER Iā€™d heard one.Ā  I pulled into a weird not-really-layby to make sure I didnā€™t miss the name of it, and armed with my new knowledge set off, cocky-as-fuck that I had found the ultimate Murray tune.Ā 
I was giddy at the idea I might have found a total belter that he didnā€™t know! Imagine introducing MURRAY to a BELTER! Once in a lifetime surely!?
Well, I never got the chance to find out cos I completely forgot about it that weekend (distracted toddler, that I am) and the tune got relegated to aĀ ā€˜play to Murray in the perfect momentā€™ type playlist. Of course, Iā€™m always far too busy chatting his ear off to ever remember playing music to him - so Iā€™m blatantly abusing my power to choose THIS moment as the perfect one to play it!Ā Ā  Also, the tune that connects me to Murray isnā€™t on Spotify so I feel thatā€™s fair!
Murray. Iā€™m 99.99999% sure you know and love this tune. And if, by some holy miracle, this is me introducing it to you for the first time...
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