one1media-blog · 7 years
Lauren’s rambles
Working on the presentation for Tuesday, meeting up Monday to rehearse. Hopefully can rehearse Tuesday morning and lunch before our slot. I think we’re all excited and glad to get the presentation over and done with. But after Tuesday we don’t have to worry about it anymore.  
With the portfolio hopefully trying to get the bibliography done for Wednesday and finish it on Thursday :) 
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one1media-blog · 7 years
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one1media-blog · 7 years
Working on our Portfolio
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one1media-blog · 7 years
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Progress with the Rebrand!
The Website for our rebrand of ‘Sports Direct’ is coming on nicely. We chose a simplistic but modernized look to bring the company into the 21st Century, by making it clearer and bolder. Emphasizing the most popular brands makes the website easier to navigate around, however more specific items can still be accessed either via the search bar at the bottom or the drop down menus at the bottom which show different aspects of the store.
We also realised the website beforehand could prove difficult or confusing to navigate around, as you can see on our ‘Football Shirts’ page this is no more! The slider element is an idea lifted from the old ‘Sports Direct’ website however unlike the old page we made it larger and a main focal part of the this part of the website unlike before where it was at the bottom and customers were bombarded with texts and adverts of specific shirts. Now customers can simply choose which league they wish to purchase a club/international shirt from and use the sliders to find the shirt of their choice. 
(Shannon C)
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one1media-blog · 7 years
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Display - 170316
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one1media-blog · 8 years
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one1media-blog · 8 years
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one1media-blog · 8 years
Browse the different sections of the site and make note of how the app is promoted, what habit-forming features are highlighted and any others you can detect. 
 The website promotes the app on iPhone, android and windows phone.  
Can also be used on the computer
On the App store its free
It can be used in schools
You can take an english test 
Uses the hook model to draw users in
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What sort of triggers and rewards do you notice in the site and on the app.
Uses internal triggers to make the user use it everyday so it becomes a routine.
Uses a streak count which motivates the the users to use it everyday so they don't loose their streak
The users get hearts to keep their lessons alive and to motivate users to answer correctly to get hearts
Uses in lesson grading- when users miss a challenge, the app quickly shows them how to improve.
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Start to think about how you might use similar triggers and variable rewards in the design of your app.
The app would feature internal triggers to make the audience want to use it everyday for shopping, for example, food shopping, clothes 
Would offer discounts for users who use the app regularly in partnership with restaurants who use the app 
The app would use external triggers to make users unconsciously press the right buttons which is what our app stands for: SIMPLICITY 
Would use external triggers to sign into the app and let the user log into their own area
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How might the concept of the ‘tribe’, ‘hunt’ and ‘self’ help in considering the appeal and habitual use of your app?
Tribe: Rewards based on: Co-operation, Networking, Competition
The users would get rewards for posting app related things on social media
This then would created competition with users as they can gain rewards
Self: Satisfies desires for personal fulfilment and rewards that encourage and acknowledge achievement.
Users would get fulfilment from the ‘tribe’ steps as they are gaining things out of it like discounts. 
What problems will your app solve for users?
The main problem our app will solve for users is that it will tell you there and then whats in the products without having to waste time looking at every individual ingredient on the package. 
Time saver
Lauren (LC)
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one1media-blog · 8 years
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Here are some images of the flip chart work we completed in the project management session that Marie held for us the other week. As below is the worksheet that I have completed, I thought I would include some documentation of our own work we produced in the session. We chose to use our own company and rebranding choice to use when completing the tasks as we thought this would help us the most and we could apply it to our own project more easily by just using it from the beginning even though we had the choice to just use an existing company.  
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one1media-blog · 8 years
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This is a screenshot of the Project management worksheet that e were assigned to complete after the session that was held by Marie. As a group, we felt this benefitted us massively in the process we are undertaking for our project so I completed it quite easily. 
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one1media-blog · 8 years
Marketing Research
So for the past few weeks, I (Charlotte) have been trying to collect as much research as possible to do with dietary requirements and the different types that are out there. Including lifestyle choices such as Vegetarianism and Veganism, which I believe is more popular than ever in this day and age. Dietary requirements, allergies and intolerences are made aware of more than they have ever been before. I chose to approach people that I knew on my social media and find out their stories and ask them if our app concept would be beneficial to them and their own personal needs when it comes to food.
Here below I have included three different peoples stories, two people being vegetarian and the other gluten free. I am in the middle if also typing up and gatehring other peoples stories which I will upload very soon. Myself and Sam are also planning a date to film some people discuss their stories on camera so hopefully that will occur soon and we can even watch people discuss their issues with certain foods.
Being Vegetarian
My switch to vegetarianism was the result of multiple external and internal influences. The most prominent being my rising awareness in environmental issues and the presence of my peers who were also vegetarian. It was not a hard switch to make due to the abundance of vegetarian options in recent times. Contrary to popular belief, the cost of being vegetarian is no more than that of being a meat eater and in many cases proves to be a cheaper option when it comes to food shopping. Also contrary to popular belief, eating out is no more hassle; it is hard to find a restaurant now that does not offer a great selection of vegetarian options on their menu. From vegetable burgers to pizzas, most places will have a range of dishes to choose from.
-Jak Moore, 20, Computer Science Student at York St. John University
 Vegetarian and also allergic to Kiwi fruit
I’m vegetarian because my parents are so I was born into it. It is partly because of the mistreatment and harm to animals and also the health aspect of it. For example, processed meat and the amount of fat in it. I struggle sometimes as a lot of products contain gelatine or flavourings such as shrimp paste in Thai food. This is why the product app would be beneficial so I wouldn’t have to check ingredients specifically which takes up my time.
I am also allergic to the fruit Kiwis, so this product would ensure I can check products quickly and easily to prevent me from having an allergic reaction.
-Lisa Skelton, 18, Sports Development and Coaching Student as York St. John University
 A Gluten Intolerance
So about one year ago I had massive cramp issues with my stomach and I couldn't figure out what it was. The doctors seemed to be clueless too. I then had tests and found out I was gluten intolerant after being fine with gluten all my life. I learned that anti biotics can mess up your gut, well mine any way and a lot of people are completely blind of this knowledge but also a lot more people have intolerances that they don't even know about, slight or major. For example, gluten turns off your core stabiliser muscles if you have a slight intolerance to it which affects your posture badly.  
As far as dealing with it, I find it to be absolutely fine. In fact it I am probably the healthiest I've ever been because all of the food is wholefood and not man made cereal anymore.
Going out though is really difficult. Especially as I am the only one out of my friendship group who can't eat certain foods and it can be irritating, what’s even worse though is you don't know whether the food you ordered is going to be fine. For example, I ordered a simple steak and chips the other week with my pals and the chips were cooked in sunflower oil which had me in cramps for 4 hours after because I didn't know until after I had eaten my meal. The pain is probably similar to period cramp although women might disagree!!
So yeah it's simple if I'm making food but it's not simple if I don't have time to prepare and have to eat on the go or if I want to eat out. As far as the gluten free food, I don't rate it I think it's packed full of ingredients that aren’t particularly good and it's overpriced however it's safe if you’re stuck and need something.
-          Damien Farrell, 23, Durham
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one1media-blog · 8 years
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one1media-blog · 8 years
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“Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit.” Bernard Williams
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one1media-blog · 8 years
Sports Direct - In store rebranding ideas
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would introduce newer brands
focus on specifics brands as the website has to many which makes it look crowded 
Windows would have mannequins with the latest workout style on them
Windows would also have posters in a collage fashion promoting new brands 
Sports Direct word mark logo would be in neon lights about the store which would light up when dark
The shop would have three floors to it: tills would be on each floor 
The floors would be easy to look through, not crowded and easy to find individual brands
Floor one: 
Would have health food
health supplements
 personal health trainers
cook books - focusing on healthy eating
 fitness DVDs
Floor two:
Gym - including gym equipment
Fitness trainers
Changing room
Shower facilities
Floor three: 
Clothing - just sports wear 
Fitness equipment 
All season clothing 
Dressing Rooms
Would have a mix between high and low end clothing
Cut down on brands  
number of brands would include: Nike, Adidas, Gym Shark, The upside Down, Soul Cycle, etc. 
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- Lauren 
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one1media-blog · 8 years
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Glass Tree - 170211
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one1media-blog · 8 years
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Flower Growth - 170129
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one1media-blog · 8 years
Portfolio Plan
So we are currently contemplating on what to include within our Portfolio, here’s just a brief overview of what we discussed
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