onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
“Whoa, buddy! Don’t hurt yourself. Do you have any whipped cream or cherries?”
>> Is so endeared by Izuku’s excitement and kicky feet he could faint. Izuku is such a good friend.
>> !!!!!!! He’s so small and kind!
>> Enters Izuku’s house, picking him up in a hug.
“No problem. We can make milkshakes! Or just. Drink the ice cream right out of the thing, your call.”
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
>> !!!!!!! He’s so small and kind!
>> Enters Izuku’s house, picking him up in a hug.
“No problem. We can make milkshakes! Or just. Drink the ice cream right out of the thing, your call.”
>> Drives very safely to Izuku’s house, singing along to the radio even though he’s tired.
>> Knocks on the door, beaming.
There better be ice cream left!
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
>> Drives very safely to Izuku’s house, singing along to the radio even though he’s tired.
>> Knocks on the door, beaming.
There better be ice cream left!
onefor-all replied to your post:onefor-all replied to your post:i have a gallon of…
I don’t like cookies and cream, I… LOVE it! I’m gunning it over there. (Just kidding, I’m driving at a reasonable speed and using my turn signal.)
>> thinks; oh my God. oh No.
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>> he’s fucking precious. >> composes emself and breathes.
okay! i’ll see you soon!
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
you come into my house, you
treat me with respect (the way i treat you), and we both enjoy each other’s company and value each other’s friendship
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
I trust Captain Ron.
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
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Who could it be :0
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
"Oh! It looked like beer, I was just trying to start a conversation! Didn't work out so well."
> Picks up a soda and chugs it, noting but trying to hide the weird vibes he was getting from Dabi. Sonething said xe was dangerous, but- it was probably just the remnants of that stir-crazy paranoia he'd developed in the hospital.
"It's nice to meet you! In person, I mean. What have you been up to?"
> Walks over to the fire, setting down the sodas and snacks before waving at Dabi.
“What’ve you got there!”
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
> Walks over to the fire, setting down the sodas and snacks before waving at Dabi. "What've you got there!"
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
> Hops out of the car and takes a big armful of sodas and snacks, slinging a backpack with a fire extinguisher in it over his shoulder easily. Nice to feel himself getting some strength back. "I can smell the bonfire from here!" > Tries his best to squash any feelings of trepidation about fires due to recent events, breathing deep.
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
Izuku and I are… on the way!
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
I got bug spray, a fire extinguisher, sodas, and snacks! I am ready to go!
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
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@sleazoiid This man will, indeed, be sober! Designated driver is a title I take very seriously, and it's not a party without one! Worry not for me. I can be plenty of fun with only a cola in my hand and a party in my heart.
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onefor-all-blog1 · 8 years
"Of course! I have been too, I'm only now really getting back to work..."
> Goes off into the kitchen to get sodas and snacks for each of them.
"Go for it! It's mostly action and hero movies, but there more than a couple animated movies, from Pixar and stuff. But we can't watch those unless you promise not to make fun of me if I cry."
> Puts a giant hand on Izuku’s head, patting it.
“Let’s get to it! Oh, and welcome to my home. Sorry about the dogs running at you.”
> Shoos the pups away and makes a grand gesture at the living room. It’s clean and traditional.
“Would you like a drink?”
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