onelastwishzine · 4 months
I can finally show this to you all! I had so much fun making my contribution to the @onelastwishzine and I’ve been waiting eagerly to be able to post it! The idea came during a late night gaming session with a friend and I knew I had to draw this 😂👍
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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My contribution for @onelastwishzine! It was a ton of fun working on this and trying to get that rustic look!
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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My piece I did for the @onelastwishzine ! Went for a tarot card design for mine! :]
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
Isolation 1/1
My entry for the @onelastwishzine A free zine all about Ahamkara and wish dragons. 40 artists came together to make it and I was lucky enough to get to join in
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If you'd rather read on AO3
It was a long separation.
Hours became days became months became years became decades and centuries. And yet the Garden bloomed forever and Taranis’ clutch was held in perfect stasis. Time had no meaning in the Garden. They would stay perfect. Forever. Until they were removed and free to hatch at their own whims. Taranis knew many things both great and small but even he didn’t know when it would be time to bring his clutch into a place where time moved forward.
In the loneliness he whispered into the void; his voice seeking his love across the great expanse of every Realm. She often whispered back. Promises to meet again one day. A promise they both knew neither would keep. The chosen of the Light would not allow any of their kind to exist at all. But he could listen to the echoes of her voice through the Ley Lines. Sometimes he whispered her sweet words to their dormant clutch in her voice, so they might know what their other parent sounded like. ‘Mother’ was too strong a word for Riven after all. She never would have allowed it.
The Garden was forever and so was Taranis. In a place where time had no meaning his hunger never grew. It was a perfect place between where reality and speculation flourished. The energy sustained him just enough to not wither away from a lack of wishing.
He felt when its putrid Heart was destroyed. The energy shockwave was so soft and light and yet he felt it deep within his lair. He pulled his eggs close and spoke to them in his voice, and Riven’s voice, keeping them warm against the fire in his belly. Whatever came for the Heart would not come for them and if it did he would protect them.
But the monster who killed the Heart never came.
A different one came instead. One of the great liars of the Hive. A God. A King. Meaningless words to a dragon. Kings and gods did not slay dragons after all. But they could make deals with dragons.
Through the darkest places Riven’s voice spoke to him and he despaired. Ahamkara weren’t meant to live in isolation. Not even the favored Wish-Maker of the Queen of the Reef. Not even with all the desires and wishes the Queen could make could satisfy the burning loneliness in Riven that longed to be remembered. That longed to see Taranis again. That longed to know where the Queen had kept her part of their clutch hidden away, secreted to hold over her, never to be born; held in place by some Awoken magic. That longed to never die.
Not that Ahamkara could die.
Not really.
He did not repeat the words she spoke to him to their clutch. He only wept tears of despair. He loved her but he could not follow her. He would not. He did not respond to her as she told him her plan, her scheme. Once they had so delighted him, thrilled him. Now…
He did not feel her passing but he knew as one of his protected clutch started to become corrupted. Taken. A bargain made by a dragon come to collect. He wouldn’t let it be so. The Light and the Dark had taken much from him and his kind but they would not take this.
It was selfish; in a way. Taranis gathered his eggs against the fire in his belly and spoke in his true voice for the cosmos to hear. He made his first, and only, wish. That his eggs would be safe from Riven, and from the Taken King, and from Queen Mara, and from any else who sought them harm. That they would be flung to the edges of the system where no mortal could find them. Where no one could harm them.
Taranis closed his eyes as he finished his wish. He felt his eggs shimmer and shine and one by one the wish took effect and they were gone. And for the first time since the Great Hunt he was finally, truly, alone as he became one with the Garden. His children would be lost until his Wish-Keeper found them safe and brought them together again so they would never know such loneliness as their parents.
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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Fall of Resh.
My piece for One Last Wish, a Destiny 2 zine dedicated to our favourite wish-granting space dragons. You can grab your own copy over on the official blog - just look at that cover art!!
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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O Vanquishers, have you come to free me?
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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"Shiny surfaces can reveal some of the Ahamkara's secrets — if you know what to look for." - Shuro Chi My entry for the @onelastwishzine
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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“This is all that remains of the Ahamkara, then. Even like this, in its silence, it could move worlds.”
This is a piece I made for the @onelastwishzine zine! This painting explores a sort of divergent scenario for the events leading up to the Warlord’s Ruin dungeon, in which Hefnd had been left to fester alone in his desire for retribution. Poisoned and corrupted by taken energies into a monstrous reflection of his former shape, he waits for the day when he can finally rest, and see his dear friend Naeem once again.
I had an absolute BLAST working on this project alongside all the other artists and writers who participated, I’m so happy with how this one turned out!
Please be sure to check out the full zine and the wonderful submissions from all the other creators!
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
nothing but skein and bones
Venus is full of bones. Human. Vex. Eliksni. What will happen when a Ghost finds some that aren't quite like the rest? written for the One Last Wish Zine
Venus is full of bones. Human. Vex. Eliksni. 
A verdant graveyard that Skein needs to be the last place it looks for a Guardian. It can’t go back empty-handed. Can’t go back to the jokes that hit too close to bruise-tender insecurities, can’t go back to laughing along with them. It won’t go back until it can show them how wrong they all were. 
The landscape here is pocked with craters, but this one seems to loom up out of nowhere. Vegetation crawls out over its crumbling edges like it’s trying to escape. It’s not a very wide depression in the ground, nor very deep. There’s no metallic debris to be seen that could indicate its an impact from a ship or ketch. Any scorch marks have long since faded away, just faint branching fractals that fan outwards from the perfectly circular crater. 
 It’s all just… odd. 
read the rest on ao3
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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Yhrih Qan reads a children's story in a nest of pillows, voice bouncing softly off expensive looking fixtures and vaulted crystal walls. It's nap time, and as afternoon light drops through the thick quartz window behind her, her audience of unhatched whims wiggle and chirp beneath their armored shells...
This is my piece for the @onelastwishzine - Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to contribute. I had an absolute blast working on this piece and watching this zine come together. I'm so honored to be among insanely talented contributors from across the Destiny fandom!
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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"Time had always passed her by in the forest, but now it was she who passed through time as she traveled. Wherever she went, she searched for her people, but she found no trace of them." - Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn "The Last Ahamkara" The Last Unicorn inspired piece for @sketchmatters 's #OneLastWish Ahamkara zine. This movie is very dear to me, and studying its art-style was some of the most fun I've ever had as an artist.
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
✨️ Different people
Sharing footsteps
Eyes sharp upon the goal
More similar than they thought ✨️
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My entry for the @onelastwishzine
TY to the mods for hosting!!
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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O Vengeance Mine.
My entry for the One Last Wish Zine! Check out the rest of the wonderful artists and writers here
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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Of Wishes and Whims
My piece for @onelastwishzine :3 This was such a fun project, go check out everyone's final pieces!!!! <3
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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Mara sits cross-legged in the canopy shade of Riven's wing. She wets the pad of her thumb with the tip of her tongue, then uses the moisture to hold a bundle of fresh-picked asphodelia in place. Riven turns to watch. On this day, her head is the size of a Fallen pike. She is vibrant blue with a yellow and red crest . . .
- Riven, The Dreaming City lore book
My entry for One Last Wish, a Destiny 2 ahamkara zine. Check out the full book & all the entries @onelastwishzine!
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onelastwishzine · 5 months
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"Ah, I've waited so long to fulfill one last wish..." - Siren Of Riven, The Last Wish raid
One Last Wish: A Destiny 2 Ahamkara zine has been awakened! This is a free fanzine crafted by 40 artists and writers, dedicated to our favorite wish dragons, the Ahamkara! A lot of love and care was put into this zine, I'm so proud of all our contributors and I hope everyone enjoys our creations! 💜
View the zine here!
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onelastwishzine · 8 months
APPS ARE NOW CLOSED! We filled up to capacity, thank you to everyone who applied! 💙 Now begins the process of sorting through everything and changing some dates around, so stay tuned!
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It begins! One Last Wish applications start today! 🐉
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