Is there going to be a valentines exchange this year?
No, we don't plan to do a valentine exchange - nor any kind of exchange in the foreseeable future. For both mods One Piece is now a side fandom and we don't find enjoyment in running a massive, time-consuming event related to it.
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wasup @fairyvearths ! im your pitch hitter for the @onepiece-blorboexchange thank you for patiently waiting <3
with out further ado, here’s a story of gang AU where reader meets retired gangster Reyleigh! please enjoy!
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Title: Lost
CW: Gender neutral reader, SFW, mentions of gang violence, corrupt police, implied open marriage between Reyleigh and Shakky, library setting, later coffee shop setting, dilf crush, flirting from said dilf, heavy rain
Gang/modern AU
Plot: Reader gets to know Rayleigh pretty well after meeting in a library and the two go out for hot coffee on a rainy day. Reyleigh notices reader was looking up books about urban politics and gang violence and reveals himself to be a former gangster of one of the most notable gang in the city.
Word Count: 3239
It was a freezing winter day, the rain showered any and all who dared to walk without an umbrella, pelting everyone with bullet like droplets and drenching their outfits.
You managed to minimize the damage when you saw the dark clouds heading your way an hour ago, quickly walking towards the nearest library. You were a little irritated as of all the days for a harsh rainstorm to hit your city, it had to be the day you decided to walk instead of drive, equipped with nothing but a flimsy umbrella. The forecast predicted the heavy rainstorm sometime later this week, you knew this well before hand but you didn’t think it would arrive so quickly or at least at this hour.
Now the issue wasn’t about your clothes getting wet, the issue was how you were going to safely get home? The ominous pitter patter coming from the ceiling above you constantly reminded you of that future problem, reminding you of all the bad choices you’ve made so far today.
You decided to put a hold on the issue and drew your focus back to the task before you: you wanted to find a book that described the history of gang violence in your city. Why? Maybe it was because of how movies romanticized the gang life or maybe it was because you always wondered what it would have been like to be a criminal? You always were fascinated by criminal cases and the psychology behind it too so that might’ve been another factor. 
What really drew your interest was one particular gang, an infamous gang that once terrorized the streets of your city decades ago: the Roger Pirates. And lo and behold, you found a book that covered the topic of this crew and their history.
The leader, Gol Roger, was notorious for bringing lots of prosperity the community but also for driving away other gangs from his territory. He was known for many things and was seen as a controversial figure in your city; some criticized his methods and use of violence while others praised him for keeping the community safe from outside powers and police corruption.
However, after some back and forth with the police, he was eventually caught and was given the death sentence almost immediately but not before announcing a hidden “treasure” he had left behind in his wake. 
Unfortunately for the police, this act only further enticed everyone else to find that lost “treasure” that Roger had hidden away, bringing about the creation of small time gangs that riddled the streets you lived on to this day. Perhaps Roger’s legendary tale and the possibility of finding this so called “One Piece” drew you to these things.
You shuffled through the pages when suddenly a voice yanked you out of your bubble.
“You know who those guys are Y/N?” said a deep voice beside you. You nearly jumped out of your skin. How did you not hear someone walk up behind you? You were so caught up in your daydreams to not notice the figure.
You turned around, looking up to find an elderly man smiling down on you; you felt relieved as you recognized this man, this was the same man who frequented this section of the library as much as you. You two knew of each other and would often greet and wave at the other whenever you two crossed paths. 
His white hair strands were lightly coated with water droplets, he must’ve entered the library fairly recently you thought. He wore a thick navy blue coat with beige faux fur on the inside. Beside the expensive looking jacket, he had on him a pair of name brand circle rimmed glasses, from what you gathered from past conversations, this man seemed pretty wealthy, probably that retirement money.
“I…uh…” You stammered. “I have an idea of who they are”. You weren’t sure why you felt so shy all of a sudden, it’s not like you two were complete strangers but this was the first time you two have spoken outside of pleasantries; you were maybe worried of what he would say upon finding out about the dark content you were reading. You’d never admit it publicly but you did find this gentleman attractive as well; he seemed to be in really good shape for someone his age. 
The older man took notice of this internal panic of yours and chuckled, attempting to dispel the tension in the air. 
“I didn’t mean to scare you, my apologies. Are you studying for a class? I’ve seen you around here often”. 
The familiarity made you feel a little better, and even then, he didn’t come across as someone to be wary of, he just seemed like a sweet old man. 
“Oh! Not really, I find this sort of thing interesting.”
“Oh really?” He scanned the page you were on and his eyes lit up.
He quickly pointed to a photograph in the book you held, a black and white photograph of a group of young men running from something or someone out of view, probably the police. 
The old man smiled, “Hey that’s me!”.
“Yeah right!” you giggled.
“No really! You don’t see it?” The gentleman paused. “Well I guess you can’t really tell from this angle, those cops were never the best photographers.” He chuckled, “Mind I see the book?”
“Sure.” you replied, passing the book to him. He flipped through the pages of the book, scanning its contents and finally stopping on one specific page. He looked at you with gleaming eyes and a giddy smile, “Can I show you something?” 
You rolled your eyes; whatever this old man had to show you was probably going to be a mugshot of some young fella and he was gonna make another joke about it being him when he was younger. You still decided to entertain his shenanigans nonetheless as you didn’t see the harm in it. He was just another playful old man.
“Yeah why not? Sure”. you said as you shrugged your shoulders.
“Ok but you have to promise me you’ll be quiet, understand?” He whispered, tapping his lips with this index finger to emphasize his point.
“Yes yes yes I understand.” You responded back in a hushed, whimsical tone.
The older gentleman looked around and over his shoulders first, making sure no one beside them were around. He passed you the book with his thumb on the page, bookmarking it until it was securely placed in your hands. You put your thumb on the page in place of his, you had to admit you respected him more for not folding the corner of the page to save his place. Unbuttoning his coat, he let it fall on the ground, you raised an eyebrow at his behavior but didn’t speak out, you figured this was just some set up for a joke or punchline.
The old man was wearing a tucked in, button up long sleeve shirt and began to undo the buttons on his arm, your smiled disappeared as you gasped: inked into the his arm were the words “Dark King” in the same font as the Rogers pirates gang logo with a small skull and crossbones on his wrist. He smiled, only this time, his smile seemed laced with a mischievous and almost guilty energy.
Your eyes scanned his tattoo and back down to the book. The page he bookmarked was another photograph with the members of the Roger Pirates gang lined up and posing for the photo and had the older man not saved this page and shown you his arm, you would have missed him in the background, standing tall and proud, surrounded by his crew, his tattoo clearly shown. The second in command, right hand man of the infamous Pirate King Roger, Silvers Reyleigh was standing before you, chuckling at your bewilderment.
Your jaw wanted to drop at this revelation but you needed to remain composed. You weren’t so much as scared but more along the lines of intrigued and captivated at this new information.
You started slowly, “So… you weren’t joking about the guy running in the other photo? That was you?”
Reyleigh laughed, “Oh you thought I was joking? You’re so cute.” You could only blush at his teasing, your face becoming adamantly red. “Is there anything you want to know?” He slowly started rolling down his sleeve and fixing his attire.
Your head was spinning, wondering why Dark King Reyleigh just revealed himself to you of all people? You needed answers first, who you thought was a sweet older gentleman turned out to be one of the city’s former terrors. “Why are you telling me these things?” your voice was shaking slightly.
He let out a little grunt as he picked his coat off the floor, swinging it over his shoulder as he faced your direction. 
“Because I like you.” He smirked, the edges of his grin grew at the sight of your embarrassment. The way he didn’t hesitate and flat out give you his earnest feeling was heartwarming in a weird way. 
“Well…” You coughed. “If it’s alright, could… May I ask you a few questions sir?” Your stance stiffened as you felt you were obligated to respect him, not only as your elder but as a retired gangster. 
Since you dared not look directly into his eyes, you didn’t see Reyleigh's smile turn somber but you could hear it in his tone.
“Come on now, you don’t have to be so formal with me, just talk to me the way you did before.” He patted your back, “How about we get some hot drinks and I’ll tell you more? It’s my treat.”
“Ah.. Right.” You spoke. You didn’t say it out loud but you sort of figured that discussing criminal activities in a government facility like the library was a terrible idea, Reyleigh was trying to take private matters to a more private location, reducing the risk of being overheard by the wrong person.
As you two made your way out of the library, you had to stop all the questions rushing through your head and bring forth the most obvious one: was this man to be trusted?
Yes you met him in a library more than once before, yes you never once felt like you were in any danger around him, and yes he never seemed to stick his nose in anyone else’s business but his own, minus today. But then again, looks can be deceiving.
Reyleigh stopped at the library entrance and turned to face you, swiftly removing his coat and wrapping you with it instead. You tried to refuse the gesture but it was already too late. 
“Reyleigh you don’t have t-“
“Nonsense, I can’t have you walking in the rain like that. I’ll borrow your umbrella if that will make you feel better!” He chirped. Despite your protest, you couldn’t help but smile at his words and actions.
Reyleigh led you to his car, putting his arm around you as he held the umbrella, bringing you two closer. Something about Reyleigh put you at ease, whether it was the fact he was your tiny library crush or the fact that he was a former gangster, you couldn’t tell. Your mind and your heart couldn’t have been more opposite than at this moment.
You hopped into his old car as soon as Reyleigh opened the passenger door for you, closing it firmly. As he made his way around to the driver’s side, you made mental notes of the interior, immediately noticing the impeccable condition of the car despite its age, it truly passed the test of time as you could only conclude that Reyleigh took really good care of the car, keeping up with maintenance and what not.
Reyleigh stepped into the driver's side and started up the engine. He turned to look at you with a sheepish smile on his face.
“We have to wait a while, this old thing takes a few minutes to warm up.” He said, leaning forward to turn down the radio and turn up the heater.
The cabin of the car was silent for a few moments until you spoke up, needing an answer to the most pressing question you had. 
“Why did you start talking to me today?” you asked. “I think there’s more to it than what you said earlier.”
His face became serious as he pondered on how to approach your question, Reyleigh rested his hand on his chin before finally coming up with a response.
“It’s simple, I like you.” he chuckled. “Now here’s a question for you: do you think most people would get into a car with a criminal?” 
“Nope” you answered.
“Exactly. I like people like you, you’re open minded and you’re not afraid of being honest. You were one of the few people who treated me with kindness even after I showed you who I was.” he paused, taking in a deep breath. “Most people who recognize me would treat me like dirt and worse even after all these years passed by. Sometimes I still have to watch my back to make sure someone from a rival gang doesn’t spot me. It’s not a clean or easy life. You know all this but yet, you still saw the humanity in people like me”.
You sat there looking at him, both in awe and with red hues darkening your face at one of the most sincere compliments you’ve ever received. It almost felt undeserved.
“I just…” you started. “I don’t see the point in treating criminals like trash. In your guys' case, I feel like you and Roger did more for our city than what the police could ever hope to do.”
You turned to face Reyleigh, staring deep into his eyes as you uttered your next statement. 
“If anything, I always felt like the cops were a gang of their own.”
The two of you sat in silence, listening to the pitter patter of the rain showering the car. Reyleigh put the car in first gear and started to drive off.
“You see it that way too huh?… Do you want to know why I visit the library so often?”
It hadn’t occurred to you until he mentioned it but now your interest was piqued. 
“Why is that?”
“Well… since my friend was given the death penalty, he doesn’t exactly have a grave, or at least one that I can legally visit…”
“I see…”
“Roger didn’t have any family that would visit his grave or that I knew of besides his son, but their relationship has always been… strained.”
“Roger had a son? Wait… I… A son?!” You had your hands running through your hair, completely baffled by this news. You never once thought Roger the pirate king fucked but it seemed so obvious and silly to think of now. Like of course he did, he was the biggest and baddest gangster in his prime. 
“Oh! You didn’t know?” Reyleigh glanced at you as he drove. “Well I’m not surprised they don’t mention it in the books. Last I heard, that kid is part of a rival gang of his father’s, hanging out with the young bloods doing who knows-what nowadays. Besides that, I don’t know much more. He’s probably around your age or at least part of your generation.”
You mentally shook your head and returned your attention back to Reyleigh, you were going to put Roger’s son on hold.
“So why do you come to the library again?”
“Ah yes! I almost forgot. You said the police are like a gang of their own so I’m sure you can see why I can’t visit my friend, it’d be trespassing since I'm not an immediate family member. As much as I dislike those pigs, I really rather stay on the low and avoid any more trouble.”
“Why? Are you still wanted or something?” You joked.
The car stopped at that one red light that took way too long to turn green, Reyleigh suddenly made a right, flipped a bitch, and then made a right, scaring you half to death from how fast he was driving, almost like he could predict what would happen next.
“What do you think?” He smirked at you, relishing in your shocked expression that reminded him of a scared cat.
“Alright I see your point.” you sighed in exasperation.
Reyleigh continued, “Visiting the library and seeing his face and all my old crew like that is really the only way I can mourn if I can be honest.” He laughed quietly. “You might not believe it, coming from a hard gangster like me, but I used to cry in this car every time after I had visited the library. Today is the first time in a while that I haven’t and it’s thanks to you. For once, I left the library on a good note.”  He pulled over to the side and parked the car, smiling as he looked over to you blushing madly. 
“Are you falling for me Y/N?” His eyebrow raised up comically, clearly enjoying the sight he was seeing. “My my this is only our first date dear.”
“Our first d-?” You put your face in your hands, attempting to hide your embarrassment. 
“Hey I did say I like you, is it really that much of a surprise?”
You opened up a finger to let your eye peep through, looking back at Reyleigh.
“Well no I just thought… you were already with… someone… so…”
Reyleigh paused for a bit before responding. “I see. Tell you what, next time we’re going to my place and I’ll introduce you to my wife. You’ll love her!”
“So you are married then!” You exclaimed.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure you two will like each other too! I’ve already told her how cute you are before.”
You let out a small groan, just how did everything fall into place like this? Your only plans for today were to visit the library and go home to lounge about. Now suddenly your library crush is flirting with you in his car and seems to be in an open marriage, a thought that made you flushed with all the naughty mental imagery that flooded your mind. Oh and he was/is a retired gangster too.
He patted your back and caressed it afterwards. “Hey don’t worry about it, let’s just go get our coffee and talk!” He said with an obvious jovial tone. It was really wholesome to see a man like Reyleigh be so happy to have a hot drink with someone who accepted him completely.
I hope you enjoyed! Sorry to hear that you didn't receive your gift on time but I hope this was worth the wait! ^^ I tried to end things off on a good note for both reader and Reyleigh
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Chocolate Affair
Character: Ace Reader: female (trans inclusive) Word count: 2338 CW: modern AU, highschool/collage AU (up to interpretation), fluff, pre-dating, confessions, awkward, shy & insecure Reader Synopsis: You want to confess to your long-time crush, Ace, with a nice Valentine offering of chocolates. Unfortunately, at the sight of the other girls crowding around him, your crumbs of courage disappear... A/N: hey there @stellar-imagines! I was your pinch hitter for the @onepiece-blorboexchange! Sorry for the long wait, we learnt about your Valentine dropping out very late and I had some stuff to do first on my way 😭 I hope you will like this little piece of fluff nevertheless!
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The plan sounded simple and smooth when written down on paper: do the research about his favorite candies, prepare a generous pile of them, pack them neatly and hand them to him as soon as you catch him, on the field, by the lockers, in front of the library, wherever his chaotic self decides to roam on the Big Day. 
Easier said than done.
Your luck has abandoned you the moment you left home, squeezing a chocolate-filled bag in a sweaty hand and praying for enough confidence to at least not bolt at the sight of him from afar. You’ve been hoping for the best: you and Ace aren’t complete strangers, after all. Through those few last months you’ve come to the pleasant realization that he’s holding plenty of sympathy towards you. Plenty enough to recognize him as a decent friend, with a huge possibility of tightening the contacts even more as time goes.
Is it enough to be assured about the success of your grand mission, though? You’re not so sure. Whenever you think about it, trying to assess your chances and prepare yourself for…anything, honestly, panic just overpowers any sane thought and reaction. As you’ve been expecting of yourself. In the face of revealing your feelings and showing so much vulnerability, insecurity has been simply taking over everything you’ve processed and worked through so far.
Level zero. Carte blanche. Nearly paralyzing fear and embarrassment pumping through your veins at the mere thought of telling him you like him far more and different than the platonic “just a friend”.
And on top of that… Of course, he’s not alone. He never is. Especially on the Big Day.
There’s always a crowd surrounding him. Ace is a human magnet, handsome, popular and charismatic. People of all genders stick to him, for various reasons, if only to bask in his shine—and at this point you’re used to being part of this everlasting whirlpool. But what you see in front of you now exceeds all your expectations and fears, even the most pessimistic ones. You can barely see him in the crowd, only his iconic cowboy hat letting you tell him apart from the excited mass almost blocking the hall. Of course, you wouldn’t be the only one trying your luck during Valentine’s. Of course, you’re not the only one dreaming about this cheeky smile and strong arms. You never hoped for a moment alone, you fought against your shyness for weeks, preparing yourself to say The Words in front of bystanders.
But you didn’t predict the situation to be so bad you wouldn’t even have a chance to call his name and ask him on the side.
Heart thrashing in your chest drowns the buzz of the busy hall. Legs wobbly and vision spinning in your eyes, you clench the oh so religiously packed chocolates close to your chest—chest aching with dull, terrifying retaliation of hopelessness. What exactly made you think you might stand a chance among so many? Even your idea isn’t as original as you thought: as you squeeze, slowly, through the crowd, you recognize wrappers and boxes, all the characteristic shapes of confession-bearing treats. Each step into the crowd only adds to the crushing pile of pain and anxiety, eventually leading you not towards its center but to the outskirts. An attack has switched into a shameful retreat, almost blind and rushing towards the nearest exit you can spot.
You want to curl yourself into a miserable ball and disappear. You can even feel tears pricking in your eyes, eventually blurring your vision and making you walk into someone. A harsh bump surprises more than hurts you, but you still make a loud noise. Heads around you turn in your direction, the most important one among them, your eyes meet in the midst of the crowd…
“Hey! Hey, hey, Y/N!” Ace tiptoes over the heads of his fangirls to see you better, soon pushing through the people, without shame elbowing his way towards you. “Hey, wait for me!”
His strong, big hand rests on your waist and, gently but with enough pressure to guide you as he wants, pushes you out of the tightening curious circle. It happens so fast you have no time to get flustered, you just follow as he leads; just the grip on poor chocolate tightening with each pull, as if it was the only remaining shield able to save you. From the crowd—or maybe from him? Rushing heartbeat and clenched lungs don’t give you time and place to ponder over what scares you the most now.
“You just saved my ass,” he leans close, his hot breath tickling your ear and nearly making you squeak. He walks you through the corridors, away from curious eyes and crowding groups, until no one pays attention to you anymore. “Had no idea how to get out of this madness— Alright, this should be fine!”
One last push and you’re almost alone, in the little nook leading towards the reading room: one perfect turn away from the main hall. He helps you sit on the windowsill—and you, still in shock, don’t pay attention that he literally picked you up a little, not until you’re in the air for a second, and then trapped between his chest and both arms, now resting on your sides.
“Sorry, I kidnapped you!” Ace grins a few inches away from your face: so close you could count all of his freckles, if you weren’t so terrified. “But I bet you didn’t want to be stuck there either. You were so pale… Wait, no, you still are, you okay?”
You just nod. Even if you had something wise to say, no word could squeeze through your throat right now. Ace has touched you before, yes, but has never cornered you like that, all ways of retreat blocked by his body and sunshine smile. You still haven’t fully processed the heartbreaking crowd and the chaotic retreat through the whole building, and you already have a new concern on your poor head. You’re sure you have everything written all over your face now, stripped to the core of your soul under his piercing, attentive gaze. Ace’s eyes are warm as always, but he’s regarding you curiously, especially the bag you’re still holding on for your dear life.
Once he asks, you won’t be able to lie yourself out of here. 
“You too, huh?” He cocks an eyebrow and chuckles. He’s so close you can feel it—you’re barely able to tame a shiver at the sensation. “Girls, have mercy, we aren’t bottomless holes you can fill with candies.”
“How many did you get?”
“I…don’t know, maybe fifteen?” He checks one of his pockets, wrappers rustle between his fingers. “Luffy snatched everything anyway. Should have grabbed something from that crowd, damn, when I think about it now, I’m kinda hungry…”
Your lips shake, just a little, control slips from your hands for a second or two. So many Valentine’s candies he couldn’t even count and remember them all, so many of them still waiting for him to grab and enjoy. What does your little chocolate gift mean in comparison? You could as well offer him air he’s already breathing with…
You clench the bag closer to your chest, wishing oh so desperately you could just disappear.
Ace’s posture visibly softens. He leans even closer, almost touching your foreheads together, one arm already circles your back, ready to pull you into a hug as soon as you lean for it. His warm gaze skims your face, smiling, and wanders towards the poor, squeezed chocolate between your hands.
“Maybe I will just eat yours, it’s right here and ready.” He smirks and reaches for it, his hand cupping yours.
Panicked, you jerk back so hard you hit the window with your back.
“Hey, hey, baby girl, I was only joking!” Ace jumps back as well, immediately giving you space. “I won’t eat your precious confession chocolate! Sorry, I promise I know it’s a serious business!”
With the first impulse you want to want to use the opening and bolt from the scene. Embarrassment and stress are burning you alive, his closeness only adding to the pyre. Pushing through would require touching him, though, and in this state you simply can’t force yourself for any more contact. So you’re just stuck, mindlessly kneading the already suffering bag with chocolates. It has suffered enough, a part of it is even torn, revealing the goods inside.
Ace wouldn’t be himself, if he didn’t take a look.
“I bet it tastes amazing… Is it handmade?” He nudges towards the neatly packed box. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
You curl further, clenching legs together and holding the bag to yourself. The last opportunity to run is closed and gone, and he leans closer again, to get a better look, you assume, and start closing eyes in the final retreat and denial. But instead of having the chocolate taken out of your hands, as you assume, you feel something warm and heavy resting on your knees. 
Much to your shock, you watch Ace placing his chin there and peeking up at you with weirdly sad eyes.
“H-hey, are you alright?” Maybe he feels sick? He’s always been fast to touch, fast to subtly move boundaries and to break niceties—but he’s never gone that far. Trapping you against the window was already a cocky move. Leaning against you in such an intimate way is one other level of closeness, so unexpected and bold it pushes you out of an anxious spiral.
“I couldn’t focus at all today.” He confesses and runs hands through hair, his eyes closing, cheeks dusted with slight blush. “When I got my first chocolate… I immediately thought about you, you know? I wondered if you’re playing that anime thing as the other girls. And the more they swarmed and irritated me, the more I just… thought how cute you would look, with a chocolate or a heart-shaped card…”
“But you weren’t coming and I—” After a moment of silence, he picks the topic again. “God, I’m so pathetic… All this time I was just wondering, if there’s some other guy who will see you like this…”
Suddenly, he jerks up anew, as if he just realized he pushed too forward. Closing hands around yours, he gently pushes chocolate closer to your chest.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean for it to slip! I don’t want to stand between you and whoever you like.” He says but the overwhelming sadness and big, puppy eyes reveal too much for his words to be fully true. 
And there’s something so endearing, so heart-warming awkward, about this contrast that your own words slip, faster than your panicked brain can tame them. “You’re the guy I like.”
Ace perks head up so fast his hat falls from his head. He tries to say something, his lips open and close as if he was a fish taken out of water, finally gives up and groans, hiding face in your lap.
“H-happy Valentine’s!” Following the thread is the only solution that comes to your mind, even if the world is spinning in your eyes and your heart is beating so fast you feel it might break free any moment. If it’s already spilled, you have no other choice than just letting it all go. “I… I really like you, s-so, if you wouldn’t mind… Maybe we could…”
Words can’t follow your thoughts, your voice starts breaking and you feel you might start crying before you say everything you want. Yet, with each choked out sound Ace’s face lights up, eventually beaming with a smile so bright it’s dazing. 
“Wouldn’t mind?” He grabs your face and squeezes your cheeks, euphoria nearly tearing him apart. “Babygirl, you’re making me the happiest man alive here.”
It’s amazing how well you fit between his hands, so big, warm and comforting, with his thumbs brushing your cheekbones. Your voice gives up and turns into a soft sigh, you lean into his touch, poor, tortured bag with chocolates falling out of your hands, right on the floor—the culprit behind the whole miracle already and so easily forgotten.
“I really, really like you too, Y/N. And I wish I had the guts to tell you earlier.“ Ace starts trembling as he speaks, his blush spreading fast and darkening into furious scarlet. “Can you believe that I was just… scared? Heh, would you still date me, knowing what a pathetic worm I am?”
“You’re not pathetic!” You pout, honestly offended. You reach out to cup his face too, immediately mesmerized by the sight of your fingers framing his handsome features. 
Even if still red, he smirks and turns, his hot lips brushing the palm of your hand with the softest kiss. 
If you weren’t sitting, you would fall to your knees for sure.
“Are you eating that or what?” A voice on your side has you both jerking up in surprise, Ace’s blush melting pale in seconds. You know the man staring at you two shamelessly: it’s one of Ace’s brothers, staring with great interest at the bag with treats abandoned by your feet. He seems completely disinterested in the whole situation, but the heat is creeping on your face nevertheless and you try to untangle yourself from the mutual hold—just to be stopped, grabbed and jerked up from your place.
“No, this one is a special one,” Ace hisses, springing to his feet, scooping the chocolate with one hand and pulling you with himself with the other. In seconds you’re already running down the hall, barely able to follow his pace.
“Hey! Why are we running?”
He stops only to catch you in his arms and throw you over shoulders, sprinting straight and not caring about people staring at you.
“Sorry, I’m not sharing, nor chocolates nor you.” He flashes you with the brightest, most bastardly smile you have ever seen on him. “C’mon, let’s go to a place where I can kiss you properly.”
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This is so late but I apologize for the wait. This is for @damagedintellect for the @onepiece-blorboexchange event.
I hope I drew your OC and Law justice. He was fun to draw.
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these two windows
FANDOM: one piece WORD COUNT: 5, 500+ on tumblr. 9, 200+ on ao3 PAIRING: monkey d. luffy x roronoa zoro x reader WARNINGS: cursing, i guess. lots of banter/teasing. forced close proximity. kissing towards the end, and leaning towards suggestive. if you’re going to read it on ao3, pls pls pls look at the tags on there first before continuing
NOTE: @some-piece​​ hello bas!! i am your valentines for the @onepiece-blorboexchange​. i know this is very very late, but i hope this makes up for it 💖 to bas, please read it on ao3, there is so much more to the fic than what’s here on tumblr. to everyone else, if you’re 18+ and want to read some, uh,, unholy stuff, you can head on over as well. otherwise, enjoy this little fluff piece. also to mod lale, thank you for granting me the extension. i’m still late though, so orz
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You don’t mind being saddled with looking after Luffy and Zoro—presenting no fight when Nami lists out the groups.
She gives you an apologetic grimace but you wave away her concerns; it’s easy to dismiss her worries when Luffy smiles at you, eyes closed, cheeks squishing as his lips stretch wide.
Your heart does a funny little flip flop, and you manage a grin back at him, trying to ignore the fluttering in your throat. You hold his gaze for another half second before you look away—cheeks dangerously warm. As you turn your head, you catch Zoro’s eye, flickering your attention to him when you see him watching you.
Keep reading
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Morning Delight
Character: Rosinante Reader: female (cis) Word Count: 2125 CW: chubby reader, smut, explicit n.sfw content, established relationship, morning sex, vaginal fingering & sex, body positivty, body worshipping, marking, praise kink, pet names, creampie, Rosinante is very into Reader's body shape and is not ashamed of it, the fic starts with Rosi groping sleeping Reader a little, but he doesn't do anything sexual until Reader wakes up Synopsis: Unexpected failure of the late Valentine's date forces you and Rosinante stay in bed in conditions far from expected. The situation improves once a glimpse of your body catches your boyfriend's attention. A/N: heeey, @nekomacheercaptain, I'm your pinch hitter for the @onepiece-blorboexchange! I was so happy for this unexpected opportunity when I saw your wishes - I hope I didn't go too wild with the chubby love prompt 🤭 I hope you're going to enjoy your late Valentine's (and bday) gift!
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A loud, close thunder strike wakes Rosinante up, his whole body jolting as if lightning has reached him as well. Trained senses quickly click into order, and he stills, silent, only his heart still thrashing in his chest and his lungs too clenched to take a breath. He starts to feel the first call for oxygen when he finally dares to inhale, so slowly, to not make any more noise. Carefully, he adjusts his position, mindful of your body clinging to him with everything you have. Luckily, you’re so deep in your dreams that the bang nor his panicked jump hasn’t interrupted you. He wouldn’t forgive himself, if he cut your rest short.
After all, yesterday was truly an…experience.
Rosinante wasn’t there for you during Valentine's, so he wanted to make it up for you, no matter the cost. He managed to rip a weekend out of his tight schedule and booked a romantic trip to a nearby island, famous for its hot springs and original cuisine. Cruel fate showed its fangs again at him as a massive sea storm blocked your way and forced you to stay on a small, hub island, no way to proceed nor to return. As if it wasn’t already a disaster, your cruise wasn’t the one canceled, way too many people were forced to stay for the town to accommodate them all. He used all the means and connections to get you a decent room but still, you had to spend the night on bed way too small for two people—and especially too small for him. 
It was late at night when you finally collapsed, he’s not sure now for how long, his brain telling him that way too short, his aching limbs quite contrary.
Still worried for your sleep, Rosinante sits up so slowly a snail could outspeed him. Time-worn bed whines loudly under his weight, you mumble something and squirm by his side, nuzzling your face close and throwing a leg over his hips as you curl, looking for warmth. The sight clenches his heart with love and pride, he gently strokes your hair before reaching for a comforter, kicked by one of you on the side. You must have been fidgeting a lot in your sleep, your nightgown is rolled almost over your hips, revealing your plump thighs and ass adorned with fine panties.
Nothing has been dirty in his intentions when he’s reached to touch your bare skin, but the moment Rosinante rests hand on your leg, a sudden rush of blood overtakes his head and groin. With a sharp inhale, fighting against a little squeak of moral dilemma just for a second or two, he gropes your softness, almost groaning at the delicious feel of his fingers sinking into the plump curve. He’s touched you a thousand times already, but even a thousand more wouldn’t get him bored with this sensation, with the thrill of caressing your body. Gentler than a feather, he traces the line of your hip, toys with the hem of your panties, just to feel their texture, before making up his mind and letting himself wander under your nightgown. His head is almost splitting under the waves of lust, but he doesn’t grope you, doesn’t try to sate the hunger, just indulges himself with your warmth and smoothness, almost unintentionally guiding you to press closer to him. 
He’s not taking, he wouldn’t dare, but the intense twitch in his boxers is nearly beginning for waking you up, the temptation to do so stronger than nicotine craving slowly darting its head. He wouldn’t dare to either, but luckily for him, his touch doesn’t remain unnoticed. Loud noises and harsh moves weren’t enough for you, but his gentle, warm hands have grasped your attention. 
Mewling softly, you open your eyes a little and smile at him with the very corner of your lips.
“Mnnn, what time is it?” You coo, clinging to him, not without a shiver. In the heat of the moment Rosi forgot about the comforter.
“Who knows.” He returns the smile and kisses the top of your head. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Just a little.”
With a yawn, you roll on back and stretch, no shame in your disheveled state. Rosinante swallows audibly, the view of your breasts, still trapped with fine fabric, taking such a delicious shape turns his mind into a stream of lust-filled images. He’s on the very edge of snapping, but he keeps himself in check, just the hand he still keeps on your stomach clenches, unawares. Ashamed of himself, he immediately withdraws, already opening mouth to apologize, just to meet your amused, heat-gleaming gaze.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You yawn in such an adorable way he melts a little at the sight. “I didn’t tell you to stop, did I?”
“Am I being a bad boyfriend for worrying about your consent?” He snorts, but stops in his tracks, the beast in him perking its head with huge interest once you’re awake and willing.
“Keep touching me, Rosi.”
He almost groans just at the blessed sound of your voice.
His hands are trembling impatiently as he’s touching you with intent, his rough fingers no longer-feather like. Somehow balancing on the bed way too little, he maneuvers himself between your legs and spreads them open, relishing the view of your plump body ready and waiting for him. His gaze flicks to your face only once before resting, thirsty and impatient, on your thick, soft thighs, nestled deliciously in his huge hands. 
“Turn the light on,” he rasps, his voice even lower than usual. “I want to see everything.”
Aa soon as you follow his request, Rosinante dives into you, no more second lost on dwelling. The softness of your thighs is intoxicating around him; he licks and tastes, soon starts nibbling on their inner sides, switching from one leg to another—in this haze of lust unable to decide on one. When he finally settles on one place, he can’t control himself and immediately goes for a bite, harsher than his favorite love-nibbles. You mewl and budge in his hold, your reaction only stirring him on, prompting him to suck, to mark you with a hickey.
“Hey, babygirl,” he groans against your skin, his lust-heavy gaze piercing you to the core of your soul. “I might not be gentle. If you wanna stop—”
You tangle your fingers in his soft locks, pull, and scratch his scalp: a permission stronger and louder than words. Rosinante smiles at your desperation, his breath fanes over the wet spot on your panties, but he has different plans than just sating his hunger with your juices. Following his favorite trail of softness, he adorns your curves and rolls with wet kisses, here and there stopping to bite or suck. Little does he care about anything else, but your sounds of pleasure and heavier breath are like a sweet melody for his ears, a gallon of gasoline poured over the already crazy fire of his lust.
He stops just to adjust his position and looks at you over abdomen, his smile as desire-heavy as warm as sunshine. In a moment of weakness, of hesitation under the weight of his gaze, you cover your stomach with your hands. He pushes them away, gently, but leaving no doubt in what he wants. 
“Don’t.” His eyes gleam with lust as he stares at your stretch marks. “I said I wanna see everything.”
Peeling you out of the nightgown, Rosinante is almost shaking with need and impatience. He squeezes your love handles before setting a firm grasp on your waist—and leaning in to kiss every stretch mark he sees. He’s gentler but still impatient, hurrying to take more, but not wanting to miss a single spot. You squirm under him and mewl, but don’t push him away, so his hold only tightens as he worships you as he pleases, murmuring sweet praises and horny nothings between hasty licks and kisses. 
By the time he finally reaches your breasts, he’s so hard he fears he might explode any moment. Yet, he still wants to taste more.
Hovering over you on straight arms, Rosinante studies your heated, messy state with pride. His selfish exploration hasn’t come to waste: you’re boiling as hard as him, already reaching out to him as the little, embarrassed hesitation has been crushed, leaving you only starved of more attention. He doesn’t leave you waiting, already lowering down, licking at your perked nipple, sturdy hand sneaking to your panties and sliding them out of sight before he finally touches you.
With a moan of his name, you jerk your hips as he slides a finger in.
“Shhh, I got you,’’ he coos, his breath ghosting over your breast. “What a good girl you are, so wet for me…”
Rosinante muffles his own moans with your nipple, sucking it harshly as your hot juices drip down his hand, nearly tearing him apart with lust. He’s not ashamed of his needy sounds, but now he wants to hear only you, only your sweet voice begging him for more as you impatiently claw at his arms and wiggle, trying to get his fingers deeper. Feeling your chubby body twitching and spasming, your softness pressing to him and sensually flowing with each move and breath, is worth every second of torture he has to pass through, denying himself the hot embrace of your pussy. Instead, he dry humps into the mattress, trying to claim at least this little friction as he feasts on you. It’s not enough to sate him—but enough to prolong the waiting.
“Rosi…” You cry out, louder, enough to finally grasp his attention and pull him away from your breast. “Please…”
There’s as much he can handle, the sweet desperation in your voice, the pleading in your lust-clouded eyes finally make him snap.
Just freeing his hard-rock, twitching cock from his boxers is enough for Rosinante to groan with relief. Giving himself a few pumps with the slick-tainted hand and pressing one of your legs open wider, he lines himself up and slides into you slowly, more slowly than he thought he’s capable of. 
The intoxicating, tight heat almost has him cumming on spot. Hissing your name, he stills and waits for the traitorous wave to pass, the hand on your thigh squeezing so hard he’s marking you with bruises.
“Rosi…” You beg again, the sheer width of his cock rolling your eyes back. 
“Just a moment, babygirl,” he closes his and slides himself a bit more. “Fuck, you’re so perfect, so good for me…”
He’s not going to last long, he’s aware of it; one look at your plump body flowing with his thrusts will send him over the edge. But he can’t stop himself once he’s stolen the first thrust, his hips betraying him faster than his thoughts can stop them. Holding on to your thigh desperately, Rosinante rubs your clit to somehow make it up for the stuttering rhythm, to bring you to the high before his resistance finally fades.
“I love you so much,” he groans through clenched teeth, lust-clouded eyes roaming over your jiggling curves and rolls. “You’re so beautiful, so sexy…”
Even his words stutter and melt into moans, but with a few harsh circles he pushes you over the edge just on time, the tight clench of your pussy immediately throwing him into orgasm. He thrusts into you harder, spilling himself deep in you with a guttural, feral groan. 
And almost immediately he slumps into the bed, at the very last moment scooping you to the side, saving you from being crushed by his big, heavy body.
The storm stills together with your bodies and breaths. By the time you both come to your senses the first, shy rays of sunshine break through the clouds, indicating that indeed the morning has come. Rosinante cradles you close to his chest, mindlessly traces your love handles with a blissful, blushy smile on his face. 
“Sorry for the mess.” He runs fingers of the free hand through his sweaty hair and chuckles, a bit embarrassed. “When I see you like that… Gods, I love your body.”
You hum in response, clearly tired and still sleepy. 
“Get some rest,” he kisses your bare shoulder and starts to lean towards the side of bed, just to be pulled back by your arm, hooked around his middle.
“Stay.” Eyes barely open, you pout at him. Sight, again, making him weak and melting.
“But just fifteen minutes.” He joins you back, replacing the comforter with the warmth of his own body, curling you into his beloved little spoon right against his chest. “I really need a cigarette.”
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hello! if all timezones have passed the 21st, and mods never reached out to warn us about delays, and we still haven't gotten our gift,,, what do we do?
Hello there!
We're giving late Valentines some time of "doubt" before we put the next step into action. And, frankly, we haven't been yet able to meet and discuss the data. This being said, we will be contacting the lost lambs tomorrow morning (central european time) and then act accordingly to the answer or the lack of it.
In the worst case (lack of answer/Valentine withdrawing), we'll contact you and, in a meantime, choose a pinch hitter for you. So, the gift definitely will be delivered, just a bit later, since the pinch hitter will need some time to make something for you!
There's also a possibility your gift was published but the tag didn't work. All published so far works were reblogged here, so it's worth a check if your name doesn't appear somewhere.
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My Dear Lover Boy
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i participated in the @onepiece-blorboexchange again ! a pleasure to write for @cryptidsandcatacombs ! it was really fun to write, and i had an opportunity to write some loving for our favorite skeleton. hope you enjoy it !
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Fandom : One Piece
Rating : Teens and Up, SFW
Pairing : Brook/Reader
Tags : Trans Masc Reader, Masc terms used, Short Reader, Height Difference, Fluff, Kisses, Fun Time, Brook is a skeleton, Dancing
Summary :
“Please feel free to do this again anytime, my dear Lover Boy.”
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The day was a sunny, warm but not hot one, the wind feeling nice and appreciated. And of course, on days like this, the Sunny was not quiet, full of laughter, pranks, activities, yelling, fighting and music. Sometimes separate, often all at once, much to the responsible ones’ chagrin.
Today was no different, of course, having started by a very unhappy skeleton finding a creepy doll followed by the distinctive laugh of your captain and sniper. You’d soothed the scare with a hug, picking up your very tall but very light favorite spooky boy into a princess carry. He would have been embarrassed, as usually was when you picked him up, but Brook was quick to wrap his dangly arms around you, squishing your head to his neck, his own laying on the top of it, sobbing about needing a good amount of rescuing. Dork. 
Now you were on the grass, sitting with everyone, banter and chatter in the air. Sanji had given everyone their drinks, replenished the snacks. Smiles all around, of all sizes, discussion flowing fluidly. Brook gave a laugh, jumping to stand, catching people’s attention and moving a bit away, grabbing his guitar from who-knows-where again. Your excited smile did not miss his attention, and he gave you a wink and finger guns, looking as if stars were coming from his face. Not waiting for people to grow tired, he started, easily captivating the party.
You clapped your hands, following Brook’s imposed rhythm, adding to the music, prompting Franky and Chopper to add as well. You got up, tapping your feet on time as you went to Brook, moving your hips and shoulders, still clapping. Thankful you were wearing pants that let you move around as you pleased, you added to the party, circling around Brook, your friends cheering the both of you. Since the first time you’d danced to your partner’s music, along with the others, you’d noticed he’d always get excited about it, and had decided to keep doing it. And with his tunes, it was easy to get lost into it, just having fun. 
So you clapped, moving and twirling, shoes shimmying along the floor, sliding around the skeleton, mouthing the words of the song as you went along, punctuated by the laughter of your beloved. Nami wolf cheered, wolf whistled, and grabbed the acoustic guitar she’d been strumming on a few hours earlier to join in, taking over the melody from Brook’s guitar, motioning for him to give it to Robin, have him join you. Ecstatic, he did just so, the two women playing a cheery tune, the archeologist adding a bit of a tinge to it, eyeing you with a smile full of teasing.
You laughed, Brook grabbing your hands, bending slightly to see you. You had to crane your neck, to see him, but you did gladly if it meant seeing his smile, his face weirdly expressive for a skeleton. He took the lead, twirling you around, keeping you on your feet but giving you the time of your life as you followed along. The way your lover handled tugging your hands to shape the dance was nothing but gentle, easy to get free from if you wished to stop. You snickered as you both got too excited, him fumbling with his long limbs and you stepping on his foot. Brook laughed eagerly, falling back into the rhythm, boney hands squeezing yours. You wouldn’t dare break the moment, feeling sweat down your back, but keeping up with him; although you didn’t miss how he seemed to notice your predicament, slowing down and soon enough, only really swaying your hands along the music.
After all that excitement, you needed a break, throwing your hands up to say you were done, laughing as a few cheered. Brook and you bowed, and he took the opportunity to show his angle skeleton skill, like a dork. Nami and Robin continued to play the guitars, changing to a different song, one Luffy decided to add lyrics to, prompting Usopp to follow.
As lovely as it was, and as much as it made you happy to see such a sight, you wanted to do something else, at this moment. Hand still grasping Brook’s, you tugged him to follow you while everyone was busy watching Luffy and Usopp, taking him to go on the upper deck, away behind a curved wall. The skeleton followed, keeping a laugh in, understanding you wanted some alone time - although he didn’t miss the little wave Franky gave him, making him chuckle, a hand on his hat to keep it from falling.
“Yo-ho-ho ! This was quite the impromptu dance we had there, dear Lover Boy !” He mused, rolling the R and stretching the Y, bending to your level, making quite the sight with the height difference. You seemed to have different plans, pushing him to stand back up. He did as requested, confusion somehow clear, leaning against his cane. You looked around with a hum, ultimately seemingly deciding on something. You rubbed your hands, moved a few steps to the railing, and climbed it to stand on it. Brook laughed, again, catching on to what you wanted. He took a single step, catching up the distance you had needed few for, standing in all his glory in front of you in an elegant pose. You smiled, and muttered a ‘c’mere’, grabby hands motioning for him. His skeleton smile seemed to look more genuine, full of emotions, instead of a plastic like placeholder expression.
Brook bent down a few inches, still too tall for you to reach, both hands on his cane, feeling delighted when your warm, soft - no matter what you’d say, soft to him, - hands on both his cheeks, sweet lips pressing a deep kiss to his mouth. You felt him press back to you, smile unchanging, letting deepen the angle. Both of you were happy since you’d just decided to kiss however the hell you wanted, and it worked. Brook nuzzled you, bumping his mouth on yours as if he was pressing pecks after pecks. The skeleton may not have had a fleshy mouth and respiratory system to get caught in the kiss, he felt himself choke when your hands held his face tighter, kiss rough and violently given in all the right ways. He stumbled slightly when you ended it with a loud smack, catching himself before he slipped, a little ‘fwoo !’ exhaled noise leaving his mouth.
“Please feel free to do this again anytime, my dear Lover Boy.” Brook said, ending it with a laugh. The musician took his hat in hand, raising it to you, putting it back and twirling his cane in high circles, walking back to the others whistling a happy tune, as you got off the railing and followed him with a smile.
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hope you liked it ! leave a comment and reblog !
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Happy Valentines, @jadedrrose! I got the pleasure of writing your gift for the @onepiece-blorboexchange​. I hope you like it!
(Sorry it’s a bit over the word count, I have trouble being concise and did my very best! Also sorry I’m a whole hour past the deadline! OTL)
Characters: Ace
Reader: cis fem
Word Count: 5,749
CW: Explicit NSFW content, light jealousy, rough sex, marking, sub reader
Summary: Ace had plans for you this Valentine’s Day.
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Czytaj dalej
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Title: A Candle in the Window on a Cold Winter’s Night
A/N: Happy (sorry, belated) Valentine’s Day! This is my @onepiece-blorboexchange gift to @nightlessworlds ! I hope you enjoy, and I’m very sorry this is coming out late </3
(P.S.- this fic is kinda all over the place, but I wanted to have a variety of themes. Enjoy!!!)
CW: tooth-rotting fluff, Ace x GN!reader
“How much longer until we’re there?” you ask desperately as you cling to the sleeve of your boyfriend, who walked just in front of you.
“Not long,” Ace replied, “we’ll stop to sleep in town, it should should be just a few minutes away.”
The two of you trekked through the snow of a winter island where you were supposed to rendezvous with one of the other sects of the Whitebeard Pirates. The weather was unforgiving, the icy wind sinking it’s teeth through any clothes you layered on.
You hated to complain, but this weather was wearing you down quickly. Your boyfriend, of course, noticed this, and held your hand a bit tighter, pulling you as close to him as practically possible. He placed his signature hat onto your head, his favorite way of saying “Don’t worry.”
After a few more insufferable minutes, you and Ace managed to check into an inn in the nearby town and planned to get some rest for the night.
“I’m not sure where Izo ended up,” Ace had said. “I hear they got his with some nasty weather as well. We can see about meeting him in the morning.”
Those words were like music to your ears, because it meant you got to do your favorite thing: snuggle close to your heater of a boyfriend on a cold winter’s night.
It wasn’t long before you two were snuggled together in bed, you using his broad chest as a warm pillow as he rested his hands on you back. You swore there was nothing better than this, and the sweet kisses he placed on your head throughout the night only solidified that for you.
However, not all good things can last forever.
The first part of the night, you were blessed with pleasant dreams which you wouldn’t remember when you woke. You did remember the next dream, though, and it wouldn’t get out of your head. Terrible images of your past flashed through your mind, causing you to toss and turn relentlessly. It was as if you could never escape that nightmare, and you felt so helpless that you were physically shaking in the real world.
No one was more terrified than Ace in that moment. You lay there next to him, tears streaming down your face as you twitched and turned, and he couldn’t do anything about it. He shook you and called out your name, and he was worried he wouldn’t be able to wake you. He wished he knew what was tormenting you so much, so he could punch whatever it was in the face for its audacity.
“Hey, cmon, wake up! It’s okay, darlin, I’m here! Please, wake up!”
Eventually, the man’s desperate pleas pulled you back into the realm of consciousness, Ace’s worried face being the first thing you saw. You threw yourself into his arms, letting the tears flow as you tried to steady your breathing. Ace’s heart broke into a million pieces at seeing his strong-willed lover this way, but he knew you would be okay. He told you this, and he held you tight as he pressed gentle kisses to your head and sang you a song to lull you back to sleep.
It worked, of course, and once your breathing felt even and he was sure you were asleep, he gazed at your peaceful expression, his eyes filled with love unending for you.
After everything your two had been through, he admired your strength and determination more than anything, and he knew you prided yourself on it as well. But in moments like this, where any human would fall into the pit of vulnerability, he wanted nothing more than to be your rock, to be the one you could depend on for anything. For the next hour, all he could do was watch you sleep and resist the urge to kiss your sweet face.
The next morning, however, he didn’t bother fighting that urge. Showering you in kisses and love was his favorite way to wake you up, and hearing your sleepy laughter made him fall in love with you all over again.
Once you were able to (reluctantly) tear him off of you, the two of you checked out of the inn.
“Say, Izo isn’t gonna be here for another couple of hours,” Ace said as the two of you stood outside of the inn hand-in-hand. “What do you say to a little date?” He spoke with a glimmer in his eye that you couldn’t say no to. And you didn’t. I mean, why would you?
More than content with your answer, Ace walked you to a spot that overlooked the docks and asked you to sit and wait for him for a few minutes. You weren’t sure what he was planning, but you decided to give in and do as he asked. Luckily, the weather had turned in your favor, so now instead of blisteringly cold, it was crisp and cool.
You sat on the short winter grass and gazed at the sea and the few ships scattered in the distance. You wondered if you could spot Izo from here eventually. As you got lost in your thoughts, you heard a familiar voice from behind you.
“I’m back!”
You tuned with a smile on your face that only grew when you saw your lover, as well as what he was holding. He stood above you wearing a cheeky grin as he held out a bouquet of flowers and a basket full of fresh sandwiches and candy.
“Oh Ace!” You cried cried happily as you jumped to your feet to hug him around his neck and place a kiss on his cheek. “How did you manage to get all of this? Why did you get all of this? It’s lovely!”
“I’ve got my ways, baby, don’t worry your pretty little head about that.” Ace winked at you as he spun you around before placing you down and handing you the flowers, setting out the food on a little blanket as he continued. “I know that Valentine’s Day is in a few weeks, but who knows what we’ll be up to by then. The life of a pirate is unpredictable, so I wanted to show how much I love you while I had the chance.”
His words warmed your heart. You couldn’t believe he had thought so for ahead, and all for you. You smile warmly at him before pulling him down by his collar to kiss him on his lips, holding him close to your for a moment. He didn’t even flinch, simply wrapping an arm around your waist as he returned the sentiment.
“You know I love you, and I know you love me,” you said. “You really didn’t have to do all of this, but I love it anyway. Thank you, Ace. I love you.”
His wild smile and passionate kiss that followed your words was all you needed in order to know that he felt just the same, and he always would.
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fake dating leads to not so fake feelings, huh?
a/n: happy valentine's @onepiexe !! you are my valentine for the @onepiece-blorboexchange eheh i wanted to get this to you so much sooner but kept fussing over this, i hope you like it! it's my first time writing for nami (and most definitely not the last!) thank you for such a cute prompt and i hope you were surrounded by so much love on vday! i hope you enjoy this silly story of mine!
fluff, reader x nami words: 2.3k
Nami had long ago abandoned her maps in the observation room in exchange for the crow’s nest. 
The sun gently made its way down the sky until it kissed the waves in the distance, the warm glow lit the Sunny in a tender embrace and it was no wonder why everyone always opted to stay on the ship even when docked at an island. Nami, who had a soft spot for the luxuries that hotels offered, could never quite get herself to settle in for the night in those foreign rooms. Too still, she thought, not home. And although these little exertions into cute towns were definitely a treat, the Sunny always awaited with open arms.
The crew was slowly settling into their personal routines, Nami had a good view of everyone on the lower decks. Her eyes, however, would always drift to the same spot, as though by its own gravitational pull and tugging her along with an almost cheeky energy.
It was the spot under her tangerine trees, it was where you were dozing off in the safety of shadows, a few rays of light playfully poking through the grove of leaves and fruit. Nami felt something tug excitedly at her chest.
She looked away quickly, squeezing her eyes shut with a force that threatened a headache and rested her head on the wooden panel of the crow’s nest, the coolness of it sent a small jolt through the softness of her skin. She was red, blushing. 
“You alright there?”
Usopp barely dodged the fist that swung his way and held up a hand in a meek surrender. “Sorry!” he yelped, “I didn’t think I had snuck up on you!” 
Nami let out a breath through her nose, recomposing herself as Usopp carefully climbed in next to her. Out of everyone, his company was welcomed in her melodramatic daze.
 “I have a problem,” she muttered through her teeth. Usopp tilted his head slightly, eyebrows furrowed and followed her stare until it brought him to that particular spot under the trees. For a moment his expression held nothing but puzzlement, looking between you and Nami a few times before an understanding dawned across his face. The pink in Nami’s cheeks gave her away. 
Usopp treaded carefully, “When did this happen?”
Nami rubbed at her eyes.
Your favourite part about docking at an island were the burglar lessons with Nami. The excitement spilled out in little bursts as you tugged her across the shore and towards town, fingers wrapped tightly around her’s.
“You attract too much attention,” she whined. 
You grinned, “Like you don’t?”
Nami bristled at the compliment. “I am cute but unapproachable.” 
That much was true, something about your energy screamed approach me, let’s have a conversation! While the navigator’s energy screamed, look but don’t touch. Despite Nami’s efforts to teach you how to drift under the radar of people’s attention, you stuck out like a lost puppy and every time you two went out to pickpocket, it was Nami’s expertise alone that kept you from trouble. 
“I think this time I can do it alone,” you insisted eagerly. As the island came into view the bustling of bodies and little produce stands unravelled before you two. It seemed like this was an island made up of merchants, it was difficult to keep your focus on one place for too long, the swirling of colours and sounds excited you. Surely you could pocket someone’s cash without getting caught in such a place.
Nami thought otherwise.
“My skills don’t lie solely on pickpocketing, you know.” This piqued your interest and you tore your eyes away from the market and rested on Nami’s mischievous smile. She pointed a chin towards a little street tucked away past the merchant stands, a sign caught your attention. A sushi restaurant. 
“If you’re hungry we can ask Sanji to make you something,” you were puzzled. 
Nami rolled her eyes, now taking the lead and pulling you towards the restaurant. “Eating at a restaurant is a luxury in itself,” the glint in her eye made you smile. You supposed that was true, Nami had a knack of reminding you to indulge every now and again. The thought of sitting at a cute establishment with her made your heart skip a few beats, it wasn’t often that you two got to spend much time alone. 
The thought of money occurred to you then, with your other hand you rummaged for your wallet. You had enough to at least her to something decent, you’d just make sure to pick something cheap for yourself. 
Nami watched you curiously. “Don’t worry, I know how to get us a deal.”
When you entered the restaurant, Nami’s hand let go of your own and her arm came to wrap around your waist instead. The sudden change made you jolt but, determined to follow her lead, you said nothing. 
An older woman came to greet you, looking you two up and down before smiling pleasantly. “Table for two?”
Nami responded with a pretty bat of her eyelashes and a nod, she was wearing one of those charming smiles that let her get away with nearly anything. It didn’t work on Usopp, you figured they both had similar charm and that was why they cancelled out on eachother. 
As you were seated, you threw Nami a curious look. She opened a menu and responded with a wink. You mimicked her movements, ducking behind your own menu to hide the smile creeping onto your lips. 
You always wondered why Nami liked spending time with you, you waited for the day that your own naivety would eventually bore her. Your clumsy nature could only be so endearing for so long, right? You weren’t quite like her, not as hardened and wise, instead you were too quick to trust, handing out chances to the most dubious of strangers. You snuck a peek at Nami. 
She was distracted, musing over her options on the menu. The seas had been gentle these last few months, the Sunny had been sailing through warm currents and sunny days and it was evident on Nami’s face. Little freckles had begun to pepper over her cheeks, your favourite was the one on her left eyelid. It came into view whenever she laughed, the kind of laughter that shook her shoulders and her eyes would close as though trying to contain the sudden joy. 
You wondered how you weren’t supposed to be so trusting of the world around you when such softness existed. 
When the woman returned she placed down a pitcher of water and gave each of you little glasses. I should take these with us, you thought, they’d be good for tea. While your mind was occupied with schemes that involved shoving as much tableware in your pockets as possible, Nami turned her charms towards the waitress. 
“Do you have any recommendations on what to do around here?” she was asking, “Me and my newly wed are on our honeymoon.” You didn’t hear what recommendations were being offered, head snapping to stare bewilderedly at Nami. You almost missed it, but the corners of her lips twitched ever so slightly. 
“And of course we offer couples discounts,” the waitress had finished saying, hands clasped over her chest. “What a cute pair,” she giggled as she turned away. 
Discount. “You’re so sneaky!” you leaned over the table, barely containing your own laughter. Nami took a delicate sip from her cup. “I told you I have more skills outside of pickpocketing.” 
“You’re also a good liar!”
“Ugh, don’t say it like that. I am a femme fatale!”
You laughed at Nami’s sour expression. 
The food was brought out and as promised, there would be a generous discount and the kitchen had even sent a complimentary bottle of sake that Nami had eagerly snatched from the waitress’s hands. In between courses, you had excused yourself to use the restroom.
“Excuse me,” you approached the waitress, confident that Nami’s attention was elsewhere and that you had a few moments before she’d wonder where’d you had gone, “My wife,” the words made your heart skip several beats, “Enjoys citrus flavoured desserts. Do you think the kitchen could make anything special for her?” 
The waitress, who seemed to be a romantic at heart and hadn’t been able to stop gushing over the two of you, clasped your hands excitedly. “Absolutely!” 
You tiptoe back to your seat, face twisted into the most neutral expression you could muster so not to give away the surprise. Nami arched a delicate eyebrow, but you speak before she can shoot you any questions. 
“Do you think we could do this again sometime?” It’s an honest question and a smile creeps up your lips as she pretends to ponder. You like her teasing, you like that she’s softer with you than with the others. It makes something in your chest flutter with excitement. 
“You played along well, so I don’t see why not.”
“It’s easy to play along.”
Maybe it’s the honesty in your voice, so easily teetering a confession, that makes Nami’s cheeks pink but you miss it, distracted by the waitress as she makes her way to the table, a small plate in hand. Nami’s eyes widen as the dessert is placed in front of her, it looks like a pudding with a tangerine slice resting at the top. 
“Happy honeymoon,” you tease. 
On the walk back to the ship, you slipped the tea cups out of your pockets and proudly showed them off to Nami. “I took them because they have little oranges painted on them, see? One for you, one for me.”
Nami had carefully taken one into her hands, a peculiar expression on her face and eyes shining with an emotion you couldn’t quite place.
“You don’t think this is cliche?” Nami complains, fiddling with the stems. 
“Stop that! Carnations break easy!” Usopp scolded and then over his shoulder added, “Red carnations are their favourite.” Nami stifled at this information, wondering with a peculiar bit of jealousy, Why didn’t I know that? With a frown, she decided that she’d have to know you better. She found that she wanted to know everything about you, down to the most mundane detail. 
“Someone should be giving me flowers.” Nami grumbled, there is no actual bite to her words instead they are a catalyst for the nerves frying at her fingertips. Usopp was heading back to the Sunny, he couldn’t be there when you got to the shore but the thought of being left alone made Nami more nervous than she was willing to admit. 
Nami must’ve looked as frightened as she felt because Usopp’s unamused look softened. “They like you too.” 
How do you know that? Nami chewed at her bottom lip. With a thumbs up, Usopp spun on his heel and was quickly engulfed by the Sunny’s shadow, disappearing and leaving Nami entirely alone.
The sun was starting to set and the gentle breeze would’ve been welcomed after such a hot day but instead it made Nami grit her teeth uncomfortably. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea, maybe she should chuck the flowers into the ocean and swear Usopp to secrecy. Her breath began to stumble as these doubts nestled into her ribs, what kept Nami cemented in place was the familiar voice that called out to her. 
The rays of light made your face glow, as though you couldn’t be more charming with that toothy grin of yours. The distance between the two of you suddenly made Nami impatient and in your presence all the anxieties that had been gnawing away at her slipped right off her body. How silly, Nami thought, it was always going to be you.
With newfound confidence, Nami met you halfway. 
You peered curiously at the flowers, a question on your lips but an uncertainty kept you from speaking it. Being so close to you made Nami feel bolder, the warmth radiating off you made her feel brave. She thought of the closeness you two had shared all this time, she thought of your fingers intertwined with hers, soft and how they fit so nicely into her’s. She thought of the gentle rise of your chest when you were asleep, how the sound soothed her because it meant you were there with her. 
She thought, I want to love you for a long time. 
“These are for you.”
You hold the flowers carefully, as though they are your most precious treasure. You turn them over, marvelling at the bright petals. “How come?” you ask, the shyness in your voice stirs something in Nami’s chest. 
“Because I love you,” she blurted out and soon her face resembled the flowers in your hands. And you laugh, not unkindly because nothing you could ever do could be considered cruel but instead it eases Nami’s nerves because the sound is welcoming. It makes her giggle because joy loves to dance together.
You take a step closer, free hand finding her’s and squeezing it gently. Nami loves the way your eyes sparkle for her, she could navigate through those little stars that shine in them. Nami sucks in a breath just as your lips brush over her forehead, she’d like to stay in this moment for just a second longer, maybe forever. 
When you pull away, you’re looking at her with such affection it makes her want to scoop you into her arms and hold you close. And maybe later she will.
“I love you too,” the words slip out of your lips so easily, as though they had always been meant to be said by your tongue. Nami wonders how many times she could get you to say it, how many bouquets she’d need to give you.
She bets it’s worth any price.
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hey there @mew-ya! twas i who wrote your @onepiece-blorboexchange gift! i hope you’re in the mood for some Maren and Katakuri feels!
i hope you can forgive me for being a few days late, university has been kicking my ass orz
i drew some inspiration from one of your works in particular for this idea! i also ended up combining a few themes and wishes together so i hope you enjoy!
i had to resist liking all your KataMaren posts during my research on the lore ahhh!! finally i can stop bookmarking and properly show support
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Pairing: Maren x Katakuri
AU: Demon/Priest, no devil fruit tomfoolery
CW: NSFW, religion (not specified), demon priest relations, size difference, demon has a huge pen15, intracrural sex, latex and leather lingerie, sex in church, hanging out in an empty church on a rainy evening
Word Count: 2,943
The rain trickled down a stained glass window that highlighted the church’s religious figure head. The hall was dark and empty; the lights had been shut off. The light erratic rhythms of the water droplets hitting the glass soothed the priest. He was standing underneath the window, staring at the figure. He let his head go limp, rolling his head side to side in an attempt to release some tension and pressure he felt in his shoulders. The last mass for the evening had ended but Katakuri didn’t want to go home just yet.
He raised his hands to the back of his neck and started rubbing the trapezius muscles. He softly whimpered from the slight pain but it was a much needed pain. This was the kind that reminded Katakuri to not stress out so much and to enjoy the smaller things in life more often.
Suddenly Katakuri’s hands were encased in a chilling warmth, a familiar one. He cocked his head slightly to see his own hands being covered by another set of larger hands, the owner of the cold hands chuckled behind Katakuri’s ear and leaned in:
“You look stressed.” the apparition squeezed Katakuri’s hands somewhat.
“I am.”
“Would you like me to help?”
“Go ahead.” Katakuri sighed as his arms fell back to his sides while the demon ran his own hands up and down the shorter man’s neck. The demon loomed over the priest with all his spines and claws extended, easily surpassing the priest in height by a good two heads.
Anyone else would have been horrified to be in his presence, anyone else would have screamed in terror at the sight but Katakuri on the other hand, was well acquainted with the sea demon.
The ghastly figure behind Katakuri began to massage the knots out of the priest’s shoulders, enjoying how Katakuri was turning into jelly at his touch.
“Mhmm thank you Maren.”
“No problem”
Katakuri leaned his head back to kiss Maren, the demon chuckled to himself and happily returned the kiss. The two move a little closer; Maren wrapped his arms around Katakuri’s waist and started to rocked the man gently.
“Happy Valentine’s day” the demon whispered. The priest’s eyes shot open like he had an epiphany of sorts and he wriggled himself out of Maren’s grasp.
“Oh! You just reminded me, I got you a little something.” He said as he pointed in the general direction of where Maren’s gift was. Katakuri began walking over to the podium and crouched down to dig out a box from within its caverns. Maren was behind him and tilted his head in every direction to try to get a quick peek. It was sort of pointless in doing so since father Katakuri’s broad shoulders blocked any possibility of seeing his gift earlier. He just chuckled in defeat.
“Oh yeah? You’re too kind father.”
Katakuri rose up, turning around and facing Maren with a pink bakery box. He gestured for Maren to come and receive his gift.
The spiny demon accepted the Priest’s gift and promptly began to shred the tape off the box. He laid his eyes on the delicious contents inside and Maren smiled, raising an eyebrow. “Really Katakuri? Donuts?”
“I know how much you love ice cream but I couldn’t exactly leave it in the church to melt.”
Maren laughed softly. His boyfriend ever so serious.
“No no it’s perfect. Thank you.”
Maren looked back down and opened the box, his pupils grew large at the arrangement of Valentines themed donuts. He never thought a box of donuts could remind him of Christmas decorations in the way people will throw more and more decorations, ornaments, lights, and candies on the tree and houses. Similarity, with all the brightly colored frosting, fillings, and decorative heart sprinkles suffocated the poor donut underneath. It was amusing to say the least.
Maren leaned in, invading Katakuri’s space and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Words weren’t needed at that point as Maren started to devour two donuts at a time, the strawberry filling spewing out from one with the jelly landing on the demon himself.
Katakuri chuckled at the sight of his demon boyfriend sullying himself.
“You’re how old again?” He smirked.
Maren looked over, grabbing two more donuts to shove in Katakuri’s face. “That’s irrelevant. Come. Eat.”
Maren used his free hand to grab Katakuri’s and guided him to one of the benches in the front row. The two took a seat and sat in silence, listening to the faint sounds of the rain and soft chewing.
Maren glanced at his boyfriend struggling with eating his donut, carefully trying to catch any unwanted filling from staining his robes.
“Heheh, you’re adorable.”
Katakuri’s eyes popped, he started to turn pink at the compliment and turned his face away from his demonic partner, “Don’t look at me while I’m eating…”
“Awww ok.” Maren solemnly replied. He loved watching the priest get flustered whenever he got the chance. Something about seeing the oh so stoic and straight edge Katakuri turning into a mess entertained him.
There was no need for any more exchanges as the couple were entranced by the sounds of the storm outside, finishing the box of donuts. Maren felt his toes growing colder and colder as the temperature continued to drop. Aside from being a demon, another thing he hated about this church in particular was the fact that it wasn’t insulated. No warm for those cold nights and no cool air for the heat. Thankfully his body could withstand extreme temperatures but…
He glanced to his side and noticed Katakuri put his hands between his thighs in an attempt to conserve warmth and energy. He was shaking a little.
“You look cold” Maren stated flatly.
“I am”
Maren coughed, “Since it’s Valentines and all, do you want me to warm you up?”
“What are you thinking of?” Katakuri shivered. A slight blush appeared on the priest’s cheeks that didn’t go unnoticed by the demon.
“Well… there’s a few ways to go about it… Do you have anything in mind?” he smirked, feigning innocence.
“Don’t be coy with me… You know what I mean” Katakuri’s blush spreading faster on his face.
The demon laughed softly as he gently pushed Katakuri on his back and started to unclip the collar. The priest gasped, more from the sudden chill on his back from the cold bench than what Maren did.
“Maren come here” Katakuri raised his arms to invite the demon in for a hug. He smiled sheepishly as Maren yielded and lowered himself to be hugged.
“The bench is a little cold… and cramped. Do you think we can take this elsewhere?”
Maren hummed to himself, “Like the attic? It’s probably a little warmer, no?” He raised himself slightly to look into the priest’s eyes.
“Yeah, the attic sounds good. I think there’s some material we could use as blankets”.
“Perfect, I’ll meet you there”. One quick kiss to the temple and just like that, the demon vanished into vapor. Katakuri smiled warmly as he rose from the bench. He walked back over to the podium and found a candlestick, lighting it with the zippo lighter that laid next to the others. He quickly made his way to the hallway on the side and carefully climbed up the stairs to the attic.
Katakuri pulled the handle of the attic door and let the stairs fall forward completely before taking a shaky first step. Once more the nerves were swallowing him whole until he looked up and saw that familiar fishy face.
“Hey! I got everything ready. It’s way warmer up here.”
“Is that so? That’s good to know.”
The demon extended his arm out and clutched the priest’s hand, impatiently pulling Katakuri up and into his muscular arms.
“Careful now Maren” Katakuri teased, leaning his head on Maren’s shoulder.
Maren leaned into Katakuri’s ear: “Don’t worry, I’ll be taking good care of you”, his breath sending shivers down Katakuri’s spine causing him to arch his back. “Lay down” he said, using his head to gesture to the makeshift pile of mylar sheets and dusty blankets on the floor.
Katakuri shook his head in amusement. “You’re so sweet.” He walked over to the pile and laid down on his back, his view of the ceiling quickly obstructed by his boyfriend.
Maren began with rubbing Katakuri’s shoulders and down his arms softly, something to get the priest to relax a little more. The two started making out with Maren leading, swiping his tongue across Katakuri’s lips, teasing and enticing the other man. Eventually the demon slipped his tongue in, letting his hands run up Katakuri’s arms and back down to his chest, teasing his nipples through the robes. The demon felt the shorter man gasp and whimper at his touch.
Maren started to unrobe Katakuri only to where his neck and chest was exposed. Powered by the soft moans, Maren stopped kissing the priest and rested his lips a little lower, biting his neck and sucking enthusiastically.
“Really Maren?!” Katakuri groaned.
The demon ceased and looked back at Katakuri; he teased back mischievously, showing off his sharp teeth. “Would you like me to stop then?”
Katakuri’s face became more flushed than before.
“No… Continue…”
“Hmmm” Maren hummed. He returned to the tender spot on Katakuri’s neck with more gusto than before. “Don’t worry, this part can be covered up,” he explained.
“God damn it Maren. I still have mass tomorrow.” The priest grumbled.
“Oh hey…Speaking of mass…” Maren joked as he stood up on his knees. Katakuri looked down and noticed his boyfriend’s bulging cock, precum pooling at the tip and trickling down the shaft.
“That quick?”
“Shush. Put your knees up together for me.”
The priest did as he was told, he raised his knees up and together as Maren directed. He started to unbuckle his belt as Maren reached for the waistband, tugging it off him in haste until he noticed something.
“Oh ho ho! Katakuri! All this for me?” Maren said enthusiastically.
Underneath the garb, Katakuri was wearing some latex lingerie that only further accented his figure. The garter belt hugging the priest’s thighs were so tantalizing to the demon; he wiped away some drool that escaped from his mouth, dribbling dangerously.
“There’s more to see y’know“. Katakuri’s voice cut through Maren’s daze. He shook his head.
“Right. Well let’s see what else you got”. Maren unbuttoned the rest of Katakuri’s top. Oh how he wished he could tear off his stupid robe and devour him entirely. But alas, his boyfriend needed these clothes to go to work tomorrow. He slowly, tediously, unbuttoned the last one before finally opening his present. Maren was not disappointed.
Katakuri donned a few leather straps connected by rings that wrapped nicely around his tattoo’ed chest and upper arms. His entire being was nicely decorated in latex and leather, only adding more kick to the ardor and desire within.
Maren was at a loss for words, only being able to mutter out phrases in his trance. “So beautiful… God damn… look so good”. He opened the priest’s legs apart and noticed how much tighter the latex looked than it did a minute ago.
“Change of plans, turn around” he ordered.
There was no need for any more words as Katakuri did as he was instructed. He whined when Maren pulled his hips towards his own, feeling Maren’s huge dick slip between the back of his legs. He desperately cried out, “Wait!” His boyfriend grunted, waiting for Katakuri to slip a ball of blanket underneath his hips to elevate himself. Katakuri then nodded his head at him once he was comfortable.
Once he was given the green light, Maren shut Katakuri’s legs around his cock and started thrusting wildly; the poor demon couldn’t wait any longer. The feeling of Katakuri’s soft yet strong legs drove him insane especially when Katakuri would give them a slight squeeze.
The attic was full of moans and creaks from floorboards, sounds of bodies moving amongst other things. Katakuri already knew the latex and leather would make Maren get horny as hell and loved it when the demon lost himself during sex. Maren looked over his smaller boyfriend, observing all the muscles on his back clenching with each thrust, trembling with pent up desire; he licked his lips and placed a kiss on Katakuri’s back, inciting the priest to cry louder and harder. Peppering his back with tiny bouts of affection made Katakuri feel more sensitive to his every thrust, moaning more when he felt Maren’s large hands grip his hips, holding him steady as he pressed his cock harder.
The feeling inside Maren was about to boil over and reach its destination, it made his vision blurry yet brought his attention to focus on the incoming orgasm. How he wished this burning sensation would last forever, to just stay enraptured for however long time would allow him and being the petty demon he was, he was going to try to ride out this feeling of ecstasy, chasing the high until the very end. Maren leaned in towards Katakuri’s ear and nibbled on it, causing Katakuri to arch his back some more, squeezing his thighs together.
One final thrust did the trick as Maren came all over Katakuri’s thighs and stained the blankets underneath him, the two panting from how intense the experience was. Maren let body roll off to the side, placing his arm underneath his head to rest and caress Katakuri’s hair, giving him a pat on the back.
Katakuri turned to face Maren and gave him a deep, post coital kiss, avoiding the spikes on his back as he hugged him while Maren slid off his latex bottoms, finally freeing his boyfriend’s cock. He noticed how wet the tip was, finding it so cute that Katakuri was enjoying himself as well and how it probably smeared the inside of his bottoms. The mental imagery roused him once more. Katakuri ended the kiss, looking into the demon’s eyes and smiled warmly at him.
“Happy Valentine’s day again Maren”
He stared back intensely into Katakuri’s eyes; they were gleaming with desire. He would be unsatisfied with just one orgasm for tonight. Smiling mischievously, he grabbed Katakuri’s dick and started to rub him off slowly and carefully.
“Oh we’re not done here”
Maren sat up, guiding his boyfriend to sit between his legs and placing Katakuri’s legs over his. The priest groaned a little from being handled so caringly like this, his hips jerking slightly from every pump Maren gave him, biting his lip to try to muffle his voice but his demonic boyfriend wasn’t going to have any of that.
“Ah ah. Let me hear you enjoy yourself.” He demanded, putting his free hand on Katakuri’s bottom lip and pulling it down, revealing Katakuri’s own set of sharp teeth. “My what big teeth you have, father”, he joked endearingly. Katakuri could only moan in response as Maren’s pace became hasty, his grip on his cock getting a little tighter. Maren licked his lips at the sight of the precum leaking out, itching for a taste later tonight. Using his thumb, he drew circles on the head that only made Katakuri tense up in pleasure.
Katauri’s hand wandered towards the back of Maren’s head, pulling on some hair out of desperation, which only seemed to encourage Maren even more; he needed something to grip while his devilish partner was jacking him off, making him so entranced in the moment.
Seeing how worked up his boyfriend was getting, Maren deduced that he was getting pretty close, he wanted to make this moment more intimate before he finished. Maren closed the gap between him and Katakuri, capturing his mouth and gently biting the bottom lip, aware of his own sharp teeth as to not accidentally draw blood from Katakuri, kissing him feverishly.
“Maren, I’m-”
“I know. Come for me.” he ordered.
That’s all Katakuri needed to hear to finally come undone, strings painting Maren’s torso relentlessly, laying down the mess of blankets and the chilled wooden floorboard once he let it all out. He looked into the demon’s eyes again and huffed, “Maren… I… wow”. His mind was foggy and Katakuri couldn’t think properly, the words he wanted to say became so garbled up, they were no longer in his vocabulary at this time.
Maren was glowing, happy to see his boyfriend blushing, happy, and blabbering. The few times they get together and spend some time with each other means a lot to Maren, finding a partner who really understands him, making him feel less lonely and more fulfilled.
He held out his hand with his fingers extended to the priest, interlocking hands when Katakuri reached out, pulling him up again into one of his strong arms. Katakuri’s body was still limp from the sex but it only made Maren laugh quietly, thinking of a rag doll as he hugged him tightly. For the next few moments, he kissed Katakuri’s sweaty temple repeatedly, almost comically.
The shorter man chuckled and broke the silence, “Heh Maren, you’re wonderful. I’m so glad you’re here with me”. Maren continued to kiss Katakuri, now trailing down to his face, lips, and neck, leaving no area untouched. Katakuri continued.
“You can’t bring yourself to say it?”
“Why should I?” Maren whispered, giving one last kiss on the forehead, “It’s already obvious”.
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@honey-deku I’m the person who got you in @onepiece-blorboexchange so here’s some Robin x reader smut. Enjoy!
(I’m regularly @kasmusser but this is my nsfw blog)
Fic under the cut here. (18+, minors dni)
Czytaj dalej
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My gift for @erina-leah for the @onepiece-blorboexchange valentine exchange!
It's hard to find the perfect gift, and even harder to find something for holiday grinches like Law.
Anyway, here is my ff for you, I hope you like it <3
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Above The Stars
Character: Rosinante Reader: gender neutral Word Count: 1697 CW: fluff, slice of life, Rosinante lives!AU, dilf!Rosinante, established relationship Synopsis: Rosinante lures you out of the ship in such an unusual way you immediately suspect there's something on his mind. You're not ready, though, for what exactly. A/N: a little @onepiece-blorboexchange thingie I wrote for @tardiiart :3 happy valentine's season, my dear, I hope you'll enjoy your dose of tooth-rotting fluff 🤭
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Rosinante rarely lured you out to places like this: reclusive, wild and, most importantly, away from the crew's curious ears. It’s so not in his style you’ve started growing suspicious as soon as you left town’s outskirts, soon leaving the inhabited part of the island far behind your backs. Since you knew him—for many, many years of friendship and relationship—your boyfriend was rather a cozy, if not lazy type, preferring guarding the ship over escapades and little local bars over campings deep in the forest. Given his clumsiness and Law’s overly anxious approach to his family, it was probably the best idea, to just not test his luck and warm old scars in the sun. Warmth and comfort are Rosinante’s style: oversized sweaters, scruff, messy, tad too long, hair and crow’s feet smiling at you whenever he sees you.
Sneaking out of Polar Tang at midnight, like teenagers, and rustling towards the unknown, brings out memories of the distant past, and raises questions. Your head is buzzing with curiosity, bubbling the more the deeper into the night he drags you.
He’s up to something.
The chosen place overlooks the whole bay, from the side opposite to the town you’ve docked by, its lights blinking on the horizon and melting into the sea. The seashore here mounts into cliffs, but the road wasn’t steep, leading you up gradually and without strain. No wonder the effect stuns you; you sink into the views in silence, gentle breeze messing with your hair and engulfing you with scent of the grass and forest. 
“So, what do you think?” Rosinante embraces you from behind, crossing huge, warm hands over your chest and pulling you into his torso. You rest your head against his stomach: even when hunched forwards, he still towers over you with such ease. “Nice view, eh?”
‘Nice’ sounds nearly vulgar when used to describe what you see. The game of lights and water is already breathtaking, but when your gaze flicks up, your chest clenches almost painfully with admiration. The sky is perfect-clean, free of lights, free of moon, millions of stars gleaming right above your heads, so close yet, more distant than anything. 
“How did you find this place? When—” You struggle to form thoughts into words, your tongue tied and stupid.
“I asked and listened here and there.” Laughter rumbling in Rosinante’s chest vibrates through your body. “Give old man a break. I still know how to grab a good spot.” 
“Rosi, you’re not even forty yet…”
“But I have gray hair, see? He leans close, shamelessly pushing his shaggy head into your face. “Here, some new ones on the side.”
Humming with amusement, you cup his face and kiss him, still having to tiptoe to reach his lips. He tastes of herbal mouthwash and mint gum, a subtle explanation for the lack of cigarette smell and his trembling hands. A great sacrifice and even bigger urge to indulge with this opportunity, but you know well he didn’t lure you out of Polar Tang just to make out. It’s so hard to resist the temptation, but curiosity and respect for his efforts win over it. With a playful bite on his bottom lip you finish the kiss and let him guide you to the ground level.
Rosinante settles you comfy in his lap, keeping you away from the grass. You wouldn’t mind sitting next to him instead, but you can’t—and don’t want to—complain. It’s nice to be treated like a doll or plushie by him, the size difference between you two always provoking his endearing, protective side. You know better than anyone that this man has plenty of rough edges, but you find it only more pleasant to engulf in this contrast. There’s no way you would let his soft puppy moment go to waste because of some stupid whims.
“Should have brought a flask…” He mutters, resting chin on the top of your head. “Mulled wine or hot chocolate or…something. And sandwiches.”
You hum thoughtfully, already smiling, “You forgot.”
“I forgot. Everything’s left in the mess.”
Taking one of his hands between yours, you rub calming circles, then little hearts, on its back. His skin is rough and scarred; you know the net of cuts and burns by heart, every nook and crevice mapped in your mind. There’s one particularly weird on his ring finger, a thin line almost encircling it. You asked him once if it was left by a real ring, for him to just shrug and claim he didn’t remember. You didn’t press him, there was a part of his past Rosinante didn’t wish to recall, and you respected that. But still, you always gave a little extra attention to that scar when your fingers happened to find it on their way. 
He’s never made a comment on your interest, but now he went silent, tense even, his hand starting to clench into a fist. You stop and try to release him, but as soon as your grasp eases, the other hand cups yours and presses them close, where they were.
“No, no, go on.” He encourages before going silent again, the tone of his voice different, lower and more silent, when he eventually speaks again. “Law is leaving North Blue.
“Oh, is that so.” You haven’t expected…that. Not the topic alone, you suspected it was going to happen sooner than later. But for Rosi taking an extra effort just to talk about it? “You won’t stop him?”
“As if I could have any influence on this stubborn mule.” Now he’s the one rubbing your hands. “He ain’t a kid anymore and got himself a strong crew. The Blues are too tight for rookies of this caliber.”
The characteristic twitch of his fingers tells you how much he needs to play with a cigarette between them. He’s more addicted to this playful, mindless move than to nicotine itself, always looking for it when nervous, uncertain or angry. Nothing could replace a cigarette for this ritual, he tried and always grew impatient, eventually snapping even faster than when he had nothing to toy with.
But this time he remains calm. And eventually finds a voice to speak, “But we are not pirates, Y/N.”
“We live with pirates,” you point, smirking. “For years.”
“Neither of us has a bounty. For the Navy we might be as well as non-existing.”
“Don’t tell me you want to enroll back.”
“I’m too old to play a dog, silly.” Rosinante laughs so hard you’re both shaking. “Thought of a full retirement. You know, a little house. A dog, maybe a cat, hell, maybe some chicken, let’s be generous. We would live from selling cigarettes and honey, cut out crosswords and our kids’ photos out of newspapers, and bitch together about how it was in our good times.”
“You make it sound as if we were both old and gray.” You nudge him with an elbow. “Stop adding me years, will you? You’re the one with white hair, not me.”
“Oh, now that’s rubbing salt into wounds. You’re breaking my poor heart.”
Rosinante hides face in the crook of your neck, his cheeks ticklish with scruff soon to become a beard. You tense, expecting a full-frontal attack of affection, but he just kisses you and nuzzles close up, squeezing you tight in his strong arms.
“I was serious about a house.” He speaks, his deep voice so close to your ear sending a small, involuntary shiver down your spine. “I saved enough to get us a comfy place. Maybe even here, if you like. And we would still have enough for a wedding ring.”
The puzzles in your mind have already been moving into the right place, but now they click together at once, the realization rushing through your veins, your heart thumping so loud its beat nearly blocks any other sound. Is he being serious—
“I know this is sudden.” Rosinante sits straight, both of his hands cupping your face and guiding you to look right at him. “But if we ever… If you want me, if you want to… I just want Law to see before he leaves. Who knows when—if we ever—see him again. And he’s a captain, he could even do it for us himself.”
“Do you…” With your throat suddenly tight and dry you can barely speak. As if any words could get out of your spinning mind in the first place… “Rosi, do you…”
“Marry me, Y/N.”
A lump blocks your throat as you freeze on a thin line between laughing, crying and you’re not sure yourself what else. Strong emotions pull you into all directions at once as the man of your life gently traces your cheekbones with his thumbs, looking down at you with love, anxiety and yearning. His hands are trembling, not because of the nicotine craving anymore, you’re sure of it—because his touch is burning you the same way, to the core of your heart. Years of your shared love, the experience and ordinariness, are meaningless now, in the silence between his question and your answer.
“Yes. Of course, I will marry you.” You finally choke out just to be squished and silenced again, by his chest this time, as he enthusiastically pulls you close, his embrace so tight you seem melting into him.
You’re holding onto each other until the awkward pose forces you to move, half-asleep limbs tangled. You feel wetness on your cheeks and Rosinante’s make up is a bit smudged—so you both laugh at your watery state, wiping tears with sleeves.
“Shouldn’t you give me a ring?” You ask between giggles.
“The ring, yeah. Ring!” Rosinante reaches for the pocket in his pants, finds nothing but spare change and a pack of tissues. Growing pale, he frantically checks every pocket and nook of his clothes, even paws at the grass around. “Shit… Y/N, I think I left the ring with the rest of stuff.
You look at his awkward smile and cheeks turning scarlet red—and can’t help but laugh so much your voice echoes through the bay. How can you possibly not love this dumbass?
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[NSFW] Unpredictability / Sabo
[ Fandom: One Piece ] [ Characters: Sabo ]
「Shower, then bedtime. That was how it usually is whenever Sabo stays out late for work. So you never really expected anything to happen in the first place. The thing with being Sabo’s lover is that there’s no such thing as consistency in your love life.」 [ Tags: Modern AU, NSFW, Shower/Bath Sex, Multiple Rounds, Fingering, Riding ] 
Note: My part of the One Piece Valentine Exchange Event! Got carried away but luckily it didn’t exceed the 4k word limit! It has been forever since I did NSFW scenarios and it’s my first time writing for Sabo so, it’s kinda erhm… My second time participating in an event hosted by @onepiece-blorboexchange It’s a few days after Valentine’s so Happy belated Valentine’s to you, @wurm-food 
“Sabo…..you know that we have a door right?! If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought you were a burglar!” you yelled at your boyfriend, trying to calm your erratic heartbeat. Sabo lets out a laugh as you snatched the jar of strawberry jam from his hands with an angry pout on your face. The blonde rubbed his nose where the jar had hit him earlier.
“And you should know to lock the balcony doors when you’re home alone.” Sabo lightly pinched your cheek, telling himself how cute you looked when pouting at him. 
Sabo shrugged off the long black coat and tossed it onto the couch before taking a seat, letting out a tired sigh. You were in the middle of cleaning the dishes when your boyfriend decided to break into the apartment. He tends to work until late at night, often losing track of time and coming home late. After putting away the dishes and whatever leftovers you had, you decided to join Sabo on the couch. The blonde immediately grabs your wrist and pulled you in.
Czytaj dalej
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drake x cerza modern au coffee date 💖
i got @guroghost as a giftee for the @onepiece-blorboexchange valentine exchange! hope you like it, they're so cute together~ 💕
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