onepieceisgay · 3 months
Screaming crying throwing up
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
I want to see more Luffy as an almost cryptid-like figure, leaning into the fact that he's actually kind of scary and unnerving. The strange boy in an unassuming straw hat whose smile is too wide and full of teeth, always spreading across his face when he should be running in fear. Wild black hair and dark eyes that stare straight into your soul. A laugh that's born of pure delight but sounds like the dangerous cackling of a madman, making you question What He Is. A creature who can take any shape and size, who appears in places he should never be, and when faced with death simply tells it no. Threats make him grin and drawing his blood seems only to make him stronger. Always, always hungry, and loyal to those who feed his gaping maw. A harbinger of chaos everywhere he roams, as though he were its patron saint. Luffy is actually terrifying and I need that to be acknowledged.
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
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Shout out to this Garp Stan
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
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A short comic about Robin and Franky, through the eyes of a boy who didn’t realise how much he needed a good relationship model.
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
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WBP but in Gold movie ✨
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
He’s so cute
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WAIT STOP IM READING THE MANGA RN THIS IS SO CUTE????? i haven't finished one piece yet oh my gods. cutest thing today goodbye
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
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Got another self-indulgent Garp/Roger comic
Its based off of the lil history lesson Sengoku gives in chapter 957 if you need context
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
Summary: After an unfortunate visit with Shanks, Mihawk just wants to go home. But that just means he gets an unfortunate encounter with Garp instead. It may end up being to the benefit of him just yet.
This was inspired by Garp and Mihawk's interaction in the live action show. The way they speak so easily with each other makes it seem like there's some history between them as vice admiral and warlord. I don't see much content with them, so I'm curious what everyone thinks about it, and those two with their dynamic in the show.
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
"Whitebeard may be the strongest man, but he's just a man. But Garp? The Geezer is a demon straight from the pits of hell!"
- Ace’s reasoning
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
Rules that are in the Marine Handbook
6) don’t complain about your hellish training your going through, it is so you can survive.
A) If you’re going through Garp’s training, we give you our condolences
7)Be ready, to fight or hang around a pirate ship, if Garp says ‘Eddie’ or ‘Red-Haired brat’ as those are nicknames for Whitebeard and Red hair Shanks.
A)Yes, they are dangerous pirates. Yes they are Yonkos.We know, and no we can’t do anything about it.
B)For Whitebeard either Garp is going to drink booze with Edward, and recall old memories or he is going to fight Whitebeard because he wants to or has too much energy.
C)For Shanks again there’s either going to be a fight with Garp mumbling about no good pirate’s influencing his grandson or those two will be talking about Garp’s youngest, unknown grandson.
A) no, they’re not pirates no they’re not revolutionaries we have no information on who they are.
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onepieceisgay · 4 months
This is the rest of his life
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Finally the madman is shinning through
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onepieceisgay · 5 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of the cannibal sanji au’s and like I’ve been thrown down the dark amazing old man Yaoi hole of zarp (garp x zeff) and like I wanna see a dark fanfic of zeff and sanji both being into human flesh and they sell it at the Baratie. Like maybe when garp and zeff are eating and flirting zeff casually drops in the middle of dinner ( or like in the middle of pounding into the marine if like there’s a spicy scene) that garp ate human flesh. I just wanna see garp be in horror and have a full mental breakdown and zeff acting like nothing happened and like acting like a married couple. I can’t write but I really wanna see a dark fic about my otp, plz someone write one plzzzzzz
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onepieceisgay · 5 months
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a quick lil soft and wholesome drawing of them for today 🤲💞
based on this tweet!
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onepieceisgay · 5 months
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市川猿之助:ワンピ歌舞伎に原作者や声優陣からもアドバイス 「賛否両論あってこそ本物」
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onepieceisgay · 5 months
Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Chill, chill!! There’s no need to yell, dear!! I get that you want Yandere Kaidou but there’s no need for shouting like that, I can hear you just fine
Also get up off of your knees for goodness sakes, I haven’t cleaned the floor in like two weeks and I don’t want your nice pants getting dirt all over them, ok?
All jokes aside though, sorry it took me so long to do Yandere Kaidou as the last time that someone requested him. It was a minor who I deleted the ask of and blocked only to get an Anon ask like five minutes later about Kaidou which I also deleted as I’m pretty sure that was them
So I’ve been reluctant to do Kaidou asks but since I’m pretty sure that you aren’t that minor then I’ll take on your request but since you also didn’t specify anything then I’m going to do my One Piece Crossing AU
I sincerely hope you don’t mind! Now let’s get into it!
Obsessive Behaviors, Stalking, Unhealthy Relationships, Kidnapping, Isolation, Violence, Somnophilia, Leg Breaking, Writing Possibly Reminiscent of Old Creepypasta
So imagine that you’re the next poor soul to find the One Piece Crossing game like let’s say that it just popped up in your mailbox or something so you weren’t gonna turn down a free game
You opened it up and customized your character to your liking before choosing Pirates over Marines which took you to the screen where you could randomize your starting villagers eventually winding up with Kaido and King
After having turned on Immersive Interactions, Kaido immediately seemed like the one who was more interested in you when you started playing as he was rather big and menacing but he seemed alright to an extent even if he was just following you around the map of your town for the most part like he had nothing better to do
As you continued to play the game though, more villagers like Queen, Jack, and even a pair of siblings named Ulti and Page One started moving into the town
They didn’t bother you that much as they mostly went about their days with the most that they did telling you that Kaido was looking for you, that something you placed down was inconvenient or needed to be moved, or asking if you’ve eaten today as you look a little pale to them
Typically the response to the last one being “No” was just dragging you off to Kaido’s house leading to you and him sitting down together at a table where he would typically guzzle down a giant bottle of alcohol while he had your character be brought all sorts of foods to eat
It was during these moments that the two of you would talk quite a bit like this was how you found out that he had the power to turn into a dragon and also that he had a son but you weren’t able to find out much else about said son other than that he hated him
You even found out that you could even ask him questions too by typing them in so you got pretty curious and started asking a bunch of questions usually getting a short response or even just a grunt as an answer occasionally
Finally for shits and giggles, you decided to ask him who his ideal partner was which seemed to get his attention as he looked at your character and described you like not your character but the you outside of the game
That was honestly pretty creepy but you just chalked it up to not being too serious like “Oh! Dialogue tree must have just picked those options…” and you continued through the game like normal, you played it almost every day and would just relax as you decorated your island and did other things like hung out with your villagers or tried to see what sort of things you could do
Eventually life started getting busy and you found yourself putting the game down for a while as there simply wasn’t enough time to invest into playing it, you were gone for an entire month before you picked the game back up
It was late and you were sitting in your pajamas on your bed, you turned your system on and watched as the screen flickered to life. You loaded your save file and things seemed normal at first, your character was just laying in bed sleeping quite soundly despite their bed head.
But things looked different like someone had completely redecorated while you were gone and you got hit with a notification telling you that things had changed while you were away, Kaido took up control of the island while you were sleeping and not only that but you were in a relationship now too with him
That was a shock but it explained the much bigger bed and the different interior, Kaido must have moved in but when you pressed a button to go to the next notification
“Kaido has spent quality alone time with you while you’ve been asleep, Nine Times”
This notification was odd to say the say the least as you weren’t sure what it could possibly mean by Quality Alone Time like did it mean that he just spent time with you while you were asleep? Clearly it meant something romantic as the box the text was on was pink with hearts around it
Other notifications simply told you all about what happened on the island in your absence like the villagers moved your decorations around figuring that you wouldn’t mind, the island was visited by other characters a certain number of times, and that Kaido had renamed Onigashima for some reason
Once they had finished, you were finally able to get out of bed and decided to see what was going on. It was pretty late in game so not many things were going on, you were able to explore and found that so many things had been changed by the villagers but none of it looked bad and a lot of it looked really nice despite the change in aesthetic that you were trying to go for
As you wandered though, something came through your system speakers and it sounded like some kind of shout. It was loud but what really chilled you to the bone was that the shout was of your real life name
You tried to turn off the console but the button refused to be pushed down like something was preventing it from being pushed, the screen even began to glitch a little bit and the console sparked you to drop it but as soon as it hit the bed. A light shine out from it and you suddenly felt a powerful shock go through your system that almost made you want to scream
When the light came back, you noticed the shift in temperature before anything else and then you noticed that you were outside but in the same exact place that your character had been standing. You were even wearing the same clothes as them
It seemed like a horrible nightmare and you tried to wake yourself up thinking that it was one until you suddenly felt yourself being snatched off of the ground by none other than Kaido himself
He was far bigger than his model had made him out to be and he looked terrifying but oddly happy to see you, he asked why you had left the house like you needed his permission to do so and when you didn’t answer out of shock. He simply carried you back there, he took you inside and put you right back on the bed that your character had woken up on
He told you that since you were his spouse now, he wasn’t going to tolerate anything like this and that you needed to ask him before you even stepped foot out of the house
But since you had, he wasn’t going to simply let you get away with this without punishment but he wasn’t going to hurt you. He always did wonder what intimacy would feel like with you being awake after all
Let’s just say that you wound up finding out what quality alone time meant in the notifications…
The seasons passed by with the leaves changing on the trees, you stayed trapped inside of what was now yours and Kaido’s shared home. He barely let you outside and if it was then it was only for short periods of time and even then, no one except the villagers that he trusted the most were allowed to interact with you
You honestly hoped that there would be some way out of this but Kaido had smashed the phone that allowed you to turn on Immersive Interactions in the first place to pieces so there was no hope that you would be able to escape by turning off Immersive Interactions
There was one point in time where you attempted to make a break for it and escape him by simply getting off the island but let me tell you that it was a horrible, horrible idea for you to do that as even though if you managed to get off of Onigashima then you would soon find a giant blue dragon flying after whatever vessel had been unfortunate enough to have you
He dragged you home but there was no quality alone time waiting for this time as a punishment, he was going to make sure that you wouldn’t be able to run or even walk or stand for a very long time
It was that day that he broke both of your legs in order to teach you a lesson and ensure that you couldn’t escape for a very long time…
He was nice enough to allow you at least full range of the house in a wheelchair after a while but as the days continued to pass by with your legs in casts and no sign of escape anywhere in sight especially with Kaido by your side
You knew that you were never escaping him and that you wished sincere mercy upon the poor soul who would find the game next if they should turn on Immersive Interactions just like you had…
Lord knows that they would wind up as a prisoner just like you had with your new “loving” husband…
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onepieceisgay · 5 months
Garp my bbg
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I have no doubt in my mind Garp has been a lil shit his entire career as a Marine
The rest of his family has to get it from somewhere
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