onepunchliner · 4 years
I'm having fun on this beautiful Friday night, living in bitches minds rent free 😘
Imagine getting pressed bc someone thinks you're a freak weirdo instead of deciding to stop being a freak weirdo, that's sad tbh. Tuh!
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onepunchliner · 4 years
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Always remember that I will clown the shit out of you when I'm bored. I did what I had to do, but lord was that bird too easy to fuck around with. Always remember I said what I said screenshots don't scare me. So fuck around I got the receipts too baby!
Anyway of you got a rape fetish you got an open invitation to go take your ass to therapy and do better!
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onepunchliner · 4 years
One last thing I will say, as someone who has survived a lot of shit I'm not going to sit here and act like people normalizing things like r*pe p*dophillia and inc*st is new. Predators have been trying this tactic for AGES I know bc that's how I fell victim to one of my abusers and I also understand that I was groomed since I was a toddler, I went to therapy did my research and began to understand how actions like these have serious ramifications. But nah your creep ass porn in more important than keeping predators and creeps out of spaces, yeah?
ANYWAYZ y'all keep it good and gucci, dueces!
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onepunchliner · 4 years
It's the comparing me, a person of colour to a trump supporter just bc I possess common decency and concern fa mi 😌😌😌
This is partially why I cannot stand fandoms, bc if I can make an obvious example of how fiction effects reality (fanfiction is literally a standing example of it effecting reality, you're writing cookie cutter pieces for a piece of media you like) then you can understand what you're doing is hurting others.
After it came to my attention that she was doing this shit I just shared how I felt and this happens. Lmao.
Like I made an example of how reading books where harm against people of colour is perpetuated can mold how people of colour are treated and perceived irl is a real problem and she dodged that and I know for fact she couldn't make a valid point against is bc I'm right and you'd probably see how much more of an ugly little snake the manipulative bitch is.
Oh and then to cry about how she's being hurt when I made a level headed post and opinion basically showing a different side of what's going on. Pathetic. Of course if you want to send me hate or play the victim go for it. You're just making it really obvious who you are and how dumb you are.
It's sad bc I really thought she would handle this with maturity and some understanding but apparently having a rape fetish is the core of her personality so it's rotting her brain. ANYWAYZ I'm team Common Sense and team Decency I got a few things coming up but since this has been an ongoing problem at least you have proof of how she acts.
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onepunchliner · 4 years
And btw I want you to know the fact that you were so quick to dodge my example that I made shows you have no real understanding of what you're talking about. But do you, love to see it.
Tw: taboo and triggering topic
If rape and incest are emboldened through fictional depictions, then so are violence, murder, and every other morally reprehensible thing shown in media.
You do not get to draw arbitrary lines for others based on your personal experience. So what was said is-
“I know it’s bad, but it doesn’t apply to me so I don’t think about it the same way.”
Then why the fuck are you on my feed making an ass of yourself? You’re cool consuming content you know is wrong if it’s not personal to you, so you’re a hypocrite and a thoughtless fuck head. It’s always those that act the haughtiest that are the biggest assholes.
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I said “if it doesn’t apply to you you’re fine to consume it” and she goes on to prove my point. All you Puritan little shits need to go to your side of the fandom. This is NOT “mainstream fandom.” We are in our corner minding our business. Go away.
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onepunchliner · 4 years
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Post the whole story next time boo.
Tw: taboo and triggering topic
If rape and incest are emboldened through fictional depictions, then so are violence, murder, and every other morally reprehensible thing shown in media.
You do not get to draw arbitrary lines for others based on your personal experience. So what was said is-
“I know it’s bad, but it doesn’t apply to me so I don’t think about it the same way.”
Then why the fuck are you on my feed making an ass of yourself? You’re cool consuming content you know is wrong if it’s not personal to you, so you’re a hypocrite and a thoughtless fuck head. It’s always those that act the haughtiest that are the biggest assholes.
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I said “if it doesn’t apply to you you’re fine to consume it” and she goes on to prove my point. All you Puritan little shits need to go to your side of the fandom. This is NOT “mainstream fandom.” We are in our corner minding our business. Go away.
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