oneshothero · 4 years
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They’ve been holding the same puzzle in their hands, staring at it as if they could solve it through willpower alone. They shifted the small parts gently to hear clicks coming from the device. Yeah, they know that they should do something with it, but the question is what should they do with it?
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oneshothero · 4 years
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//Alrighty, dudes, we’re ready to rumble! Sorry, I’ve been absent for a while, things have been wild, but I’m gonna try my best to get back into the swing of things real soon! I hope you all are doing well!
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oneshothero · 4 years
“Beats me kid. Usually, this would mean you came here through a tear in space. Do you remember anything before you ended up here?”
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“I was... just walking through the same path. Well, someone told me the directions, but they never said it would lead here.”
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oneshothero · 4 years
                                  well, let that lonely feeling wash away                         maybe there’s a reason to believe you’ll be okay                        ’cause when you don’t feel strong enough to stand                                    you can reach… reach out your hand                                     and, oh, someone will come running                                      and I know, they’ll take you home
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oneshothero · 4 years
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“Unfortunately, no one here, kiddo.” 
There was only one android he could really hope would know how to even remotely translate the piece, but said individual was nowhere near this city. Explaining that said individual wasn’t even from this world, well, Refrain wouldn’t know where to begin to tell the child that. 
He paused, looking down to the little one with bright yellow eyes. You’re not really from here either. “Although… Maybe someone from where you came from could translate it?” 
“Oh...” The child looked down for a moment, then put their chin on top of the lightbulb in thought. “Maybe the head librarian! But she’s busy, so I haven’t talked to her yet.” And they were not going to call on the phone again to wait for eternity. They don’t have an eternity to help people with the way things are going.
Niko glanced about, bright eyes flittering around each thing in the area. Then it struck them, they didn’t know where they were, which wasn’t far off from what they usually are aware of, but they had a small clue of what the geography may contain.
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“Uhm, I might’ve gotten lost...? Where is this?” They swore they only walked in one direction. 
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oneshothero · 4 years
“Well, I-”
Naturally, the only place he could think about where to make pancakes would be where he did all of his baking and cooking: his home. To take in a tiny person like this to his abode to try and create culinary treats… wary of inviting a stranger moments after he’s met them, Lucas was fully committed to saying no for a fraction of a second. Conversely, he had nothing better to to, not to mention Niko’s hopeful eyes…
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“…o’ course!“ Dang. His tender heart won out in the end. His well-meaning smile now turning back to a concerned frown once again, his eyes dart back to the little house near the cliffside. Back home it is, then. “Well, I dun’ actually remember what we need, either… bu’ it can’t be too much, right? Ah bet I have most of th’ stuff at home anyways.”
At the invitation to make pancakes, Niko’s mouth curls up into a huge smile. “Maybe we could ask people if you don’t have the stuff!” Actually, they’re more excited at the prospect of eating pancakes than the finer details. However, the kid would be forever grateful to the giver of pancakes. Maybe it won’t be the same as Mama’s, but pancakes...
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“Thank you!” Their voice is practically brimming with joy. They walk forward, only to stop moments later. They have no idea where to go. “Um, could you lead the way? I... really don’t know where we are in the first place.” Their eyes dim, and their gaze becomes downcast. Just because people are nice doesn’t exactly change their current situation.
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oneshothero · 4 years
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They’ve been walking for who knows how long, but here it’s just empty. Something was telling them that this was the end of the road. They should turn back. There’s nothing there.
Niko turns around back to the city.
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oneshothero · 4 years
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@thebrawlboys is a Semi-Selective, Indie Nintendo Multimuse featuring characters from EarthBound, Pokemon, Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem, penned by Mozaik. Multiship, multiverse, and crossover friendly, with a Smash verse for every muse! Mun has 8 years of roleplay experience, and has recently moved from a sideblog by the same name. 
Rules ~ Muses ~ Mun
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oneshothero · 4 years
@optimistic-red-link​ || continued from here
Niko slowly stands up, almost in a bit of a daze from chasing the cuccos. Then they shake their head in an attempt to clear their vision, feathers falling with each motion. They’re practically covered in feathers and so is the ground where they were chasing the animals. Hopefully, the cuccos aren’t too angry... besides all the feathers and the dust, there’s nothing amiss. “That was fun! I’m okay! Are you okay?”
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 “Um, do you think this is enough? The person didn’t specify how many feathers?” or cuccos.
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oneshothero · 4 years
“More broadly speaking, you’re in the realm Soluna. More specifically, you’re on the street where my apartment building is, here in the city Castralis.”
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“Cas-tra...lis...?” None of those names were familiar to Niko. “But- But how did I get here?”
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oneshothero · 4 years
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Rules:  Don’t reblog, repost. Reply as muse talking. Tagging:  you~!! Tagged by:  stolen!
► NAME ➭  “Niko!” ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭   ”Uhhh... single? Yeah!” ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭   “Mmmhm.” ► ARE YOU ANGRY? ➭   “Nope!” ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭  “Papa’s always away for business, but he and Mama are still married.”
⚡️ NINE FACTS! ► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭ “Nenaka Village.” ► HAIR COLOR ➭  “Um, like a dark blue!” ► EYE COLOR ➭   ”They’re just yellow, but people said they look like the sun.” ► BIRTHDAY ➭   “Hmm... June 21!” ► MOOD ➭   “I’m okay.” They say as they are yawning. ► GENDER ➭  “A! Person!” ► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭   ”Summer, but hot cocoa is much better during winter...” ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ "I love seeing the sunrise and sunset. I guess I choose morning?”
⚡️ EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE! ► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭   “No!” ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭   ”Mama mentioned something like that when she met Papa, so I believe her.” ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭   “Huh?” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭   ”I hope not!” ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭   “No...? I committed to helping others!” ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭   “Mhmmm.” ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭   “N-No?” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭  ”...Not broken...”
⚡️SIX CHOICES! ► LOVE OR LUST ➭   “Lo-love! ...What’s lust?” ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭   ”Lemonade! One of our neighbors makes the best lemonade with strawberries.” ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭   "Uhhhh,” ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭   “The fireflies light up the wheat fields at night!” ► DAY OR NIGHT  ➭   ”Day!”
⚡️ FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS! ► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭   “N... Of course not!” They’re looking away. ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭  ”Fallen down... and up...” ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭   "Yeah, but not like, ’I want this snack’! It’s... complicated now.
⚡️FIVE PREFERENCES! ► SMILE OR EYES ➭   "A smile that reaches their eyes! That’s how the saying goes, right?” ► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭  “I wish I were a bit taller, hm...” ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭   "Um, being smarter sounds good...” ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭   “I have a lot of friendships!”
⚡️ FAMILY! ► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭  “Yeah!” ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭  “Pretty normal. It’s not very exciting.” ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭   “One time. I regretted it immediately.” ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭   "No! Mama would never do that!”
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oneshothero · 4 years
When the figurative dust cleared Misha could still see a pitch black sky and the tree looming overhead. So, alive. That was good. Her head and arm ached, the latter just edging into a burning sensation she was starting to become way too acquainted with. She took in a shaky breath and for a moment she just laid there, wondering vaguely if she should even get up. Thankfully it was decided for her.
“…huh?” The teen blinked at the hand, or rather the sleeve with a hand in it, following it back to its owner. His eyes were huge, she realized, all lamplight yellow and gold in shades she’d only ever seen in paintings. “Oh, that’s a pretty color.” She sat up with the kid’s help and resisted the urge to put her head in her hands. She wasn’t feeling too hot, but this was a kid, a little kid. She was older, responsible, so she could deal with this. She could!
(She really, really didn’t want to deal with this.)
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Misha plastered a smile to her face that didn’t quite fit and forced herself the rest of the way to her feet. For now, she could set all thoughts aside of kicking very large, evil trees that glowed and maybe tossing her stupid shoes in a bottomless lake. Yes, she could do that. “I probably would have cracked my skull falling from where I was. You helped me out, thank you.” Misha looked up at the pitch-black sky. At the green grass. At the vines. The fireflies and the–was that a giant light bulb right there? For a moment her expression wavered–and then her hands came up, clapping against her cheeks with a loud sound. Did it hurt her face and arm? Yes, definitely. She almost sobbed at that nice little jolt of pain. But she got control of herself. Keep it together, Misha. “You mentioned a robot, right? Let’s go check that out!” She set off in a random direction and–no, that probably wasn’t right but she was committing. She–she walked to the edge of one of the pieces of land and stared out over the water. …huh. She stared at her Mary Janes in serious thought. Just one shoe. Just one. She could get by on one shoe, right? Her fingers twitched.
Pretty color? The child blinked. “Oh! Thank you?” It was so weird hearing people tell them about the color of their eyes. The color was akin to the lightbulb they were lunging around with the weight of the world. Ironically, everybody back in their home had those same eyes, so it didn’t make sense to think of them to be any special. They do help with seeing in the dark slightly. Not too much, but at least the child could see enough to navigate. And sometimes they could help when someone really needs help.
Like right now... after all they had experienced.
“It’s nothing!” Niko squinted for a moment as if to examine the girl’s current state. Was she really okay? Then Niko wore a bigger grin to match with the stranger’s smile, but their own was a bit uncertain. Well, anyone here had something to be concerned with. “Can you...?” If the girl was already standing, then everything should be okay. The child giggled when she went off in the wrong direction. They took the lightbulb into their hands. The path was only a few miles off and much easier to go through than the grass and all the patches of mud. Niko’s shoes were victims of stepping into a random puddle. And the girl’s shoe... was a victim of falling off into the flood.
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Niko walked to the ledge where the other was, their eyebrows knitted together and a frown adorned their face. “Maybe the robots have extra shoes too...” Do they have the same shoe size? Niko looked at both of their feet. Maybe they should’ve thought of a different plan. “Either the robots or one of the inhabitants have some extra supplies. All of them are being careful with what they have, but they’re always really nice.” Most of them are really nice. “One of them even offered me some soup!”
With a free hand, Niko tugged on the teenager’s arm and pointed to the left with a slight nudge of their head. Thankfully, they’ve gone through this place before with the help of Player, or else, they would have no idea what left is from right. “Here, the power generator is over there. Some of the robots are doing research on the trees, so we should be able to meet one of them!”
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oneshothero · 4 years
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Flowers. Flowers all around of all different hues and shades. The child picks a variety of them with gentle hands, a soft smile adorning their face. They place each flower close together and ties it with a small ribbon. Today’s the day. At least they have the common sense to pick up wildflowers than use the wheat in the fields to make something.
Proud of their work, they rush home, the small bouquet raised up in their hand.
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oneshothero · 4 years
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There’s a pen in their hands, poised to write. Niko’s been sitting for a couple of minutes already. The paper is blank.
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oneshothero · 4 years
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“...Yeah, do you know where to place is?”
“Hi kid, you lost or something? What’re you doing all the way out here?”
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oneshothero · 4 years
☆  ★  ☆  — Having startled the other, it quickly became apparent that they’d been just as engrossed in Noctus’ work as the alchemist had. If not potentially more-so. Given the general air of ‘youthful curiosity’ that seemed to radiate from Niko. Nonetheless, Noctus knew he ought to consider being more aware in future. Since, clearly, Niko had been standing there for some time before Noctus had taken notice. 
                       The alchemist needed to keep his guard up, given the unknown nature of these worlds he’d been finding himself recently. Which, in itself, was a concept Noctus was still very much getting used to. Let alone crossing said world by way of reflections.
                    ❝ Just— ❞ Noctus shook the dimly glowing head of the arrow he’d finished sealing.  ❝ Preparing my arrows. Don’t want to be caught without on the road.  ❞ There’s a stiffened rigidness to his voice. He’s trying to be friendly, as always, with even a casual touch, but Noctus couldn’t seem to push away an awkward air. Not that he was entirely sure what caused it. That giant bulb ( or was it actually a flask of sorts? ) that seemed to radiate light was probably at least a part of the reason.
                    Weren’t it for his goggles in place he’d be squinting from its’ light. Which reminded him of Polarite, only, considerably brighter. Almost like a concentrate of sorts.  
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                    ❝  No, no. You wouldn’t. I’m from pretty far away. ❞ Noctus answered. Not wanting to give the other time to question him further, the alchemist shot a question of his own. ❝ What’s.. that you have there?  ❞ He quickly asked, gesturing with his arrow to the lightbulb.   
Niko found the other a bit more intimidating than some of the other residents here. The only other person was Robot Lady, but she didn’t live in this part of the world. Except this person didn’t live in this part either. Did that mean people outside of the Glenn were more guarded? Hopefully, they’re not... Niko needed help from others if they were to proceed with the sun. There was no reason to cause danger to people here when they’re all going through hardships.
Niko blinked, their eyes trailing over to the lightbulb in their hands. “Um...” They lifted it up so that it was no longer hidden under their sleeves. It was impossible to hide it completely since there was nothing in the area brighter than it even the sky, but they were lucky that everyone was nice enough to assist them. Although their timid posture didn’t change, of course, this thing was more of a duty than something to be proud of. They kept a small smile.
“It’s the sun!” They said as if it could explain everything about it. “I- I’m supposed to take it to the Tower, but... we’re still figuring that part out... other than going to the city.” Not only did their posture seem timid, but their expression was apprehensive. They were scared of what might happen.  However, so many people were counting on them. They took a deep breath.
Niko couldn’t give up on them just yet. They were going to see the sun. Niko straightened up after that.
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“I wish we both came to this place when it wasn’t flooded. The people here said it’s so pretty when all the plants sprouted from the ground and they could add so many herbs to the fish they could catch! And! And...” They shuffled their feet, their gaze averting for a moment. “Are you going to stay here?’
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oneshothero · 4 years
     My m i n d said that, 
                    ❝ You’ll end up                               being sad.
                      It’s pointless !                       It’s risky ! ❞
     But my h e a r t whispers,
                   ❝ WHY NOT GIVE IT A TRY ? ❞
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