onetimemacaroni · 22 minutes
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I will continue to call The Creature “Frankenstein” and no force in Heaven or Earth will impede that.
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onetimemacaroni · 22 minutes
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onetimemacaroni · 23 minutes
Adhd culture is oh my god why do I suddenly feel so energetic wHAT IS THIS FEELING I NEED TO MOVE I NEED TO DO SOMETHING I NEED TO MOVE I NEED TO-
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onetimemacaroni · 28 minutes
Is blajah just for transfemmes or is it for the entire trans community?
I think its for everyone
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onetimemacaroni · 1 hour
I feel like pouring my heart out like rain
But I have to keep it in, or they'll think I'm insane
I'm tired of being old and plane
I want to feel like a golden lane
Like my path is one that is right
That in the end I won't need to fight
That I can be a light
Even in the darks of night
Through every storm and hard ship
That I won't forever be tightlipt
To find my truth
And find my trust
This is no lust.
[This is my poem for Pride Month. And I wanna explain it; When I say "Even in the darks of night," that's dysphoria. When I say "lust," I'm talking about sin, how we're not sinners. But that's all I'll translate as this is a poem that should be interpreted for yourselves]
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onetimemacaroni · 1 hour
Reblog if you're LGBTQIA+ (Yes Trans people and people on the ace/aro spectrum are also valid, shut up)
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onetimemacaroni · 1 hour
I’d just smack that thing until I got boobied tbh
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onetimemacaroni · 1 hour
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I was going to say something about how stupid it is to announce something like that in your name, and then I checked the account and it’s a porn bot AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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onetimemacaroni · 2 hours
Whatever the heck I was on when I decided to join Twitter (probably some form of tainted Kraft singles)
can we talk about how the weirdest part of staticmoth isn't even the fact that they're toxic to each other?
it's how they both react to each other's toxicity with nonchalance.
like. first, during val's tantrum, val throws a glass at vox, or well, in his vicinity.
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then vox just... steps away like it's nobody's business, barely bothered by it.
and later, when it's vox's turn to be angry, he roughly pulls val down, shakes him, and shouts at his face.
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then val just... shrugs it off.
usually when you think of a toxic relationship, you'd probably think of person A being toxic to person B then person B biting back just as toxic until it's a back and forth of toxicity, a full-blown fight.
but that. that's not staticmoth. staticmoth is fucking weird in that when one is acting toxic towards the other, the other acts nonchalant and doesn't retaliate. then they switch roles on who the toxic one is and who the nonchalant one is.
I am not at all denying the toxicity in their relationship, but they certainly are a really fucking weird brand of toxic that is just. so hard to describe.
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onetimemacaroni · 2 hours
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜💜
1. Asks!
2. Sleep
3. Music
4. Stabby Sport
5. Video Games (halo my beloved)
Sorry about the low effort I have gotten a lot of these and am running out of ideas
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onetimemacaroni · 2 hours
Reblog if you support non-binary people <3
(I'm trying to prove a homophobic person in my class wrong :3)
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onetimemacaroni · 2 hours
This looks like what I imagine playing fallout 3 to look like
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random green blinkies
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onetimemacaroni · 2 hours
Happy pride month my aros
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onetimemacaroni · 2 hours
Round 7 - Finals - The Final Battle
this shits gonna be close (I swear if you guys give me another 50/50.)
Against The Kitchen Floor
“I swear, I’m really trying”
Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally
“The lights are on, but no one’s home”
ALSO there’s more to this than just the battle!!
I just wanna say that I have more ideas for polls planned (I didn’t forget about you, one person that’s been sitting in my inbox since early april!!)
so this blog won’t just lay down and die. I have more ideas, until I run out.
thats all. good luck voting, folks.
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onetimemacaroni · 2 hours
Reblog if it's OK for other artists to draw your OCs
Sometimes I get too timid to send asks to ask. I want to see how many people are ok with artists drawing their OCs!
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onetimemacaroni · 2 hours
for every note I will…
-10 do my laundry
-30 write an email I was supposed to write awhile ago
-50 start my driving test studying
-70 make more time for art
-100 start training for my sport season again
-150 take care of my hair (it’s really bad rn)
-200 eat more regularly
-250 stop pushing my body to its limits
-300 pack for an upcoming class trip
thanks for reading all of that, I need some motivation
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onetimemacaroni · 2 hours
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Happy birthday king
Hope you’re enjoying your cheesy potatoes and steak somewhere nice o7
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