oneweek-mkg · 1 month
Our Proud Citizens!
After clearing pre-prologue content, we are ready to share the full cast list! Enjoy, and thank you to everyone who applied! We really, truly, could not mean it more when we say how difficult picking this cast process was, especially with over one hundred apps, and appreciate the world of everyone who showed us their support– as well as to anyone who keeps up with the blog in the future!
There will be more assets to share as we approach Chapter One, so feel free to keep an eye peeled!
The Apex- Marine Roboticist Appraisal- Art Curator The Awoken Mind- Personal Assistant Blood Constellation- Spin Class Instructor The Crossroads- Photography Student Dragon of Misfortune- Watercolor Artist Figure Eight- TV Host ERROR- Museum Guide The Fool- Toymaker The Jolly Miller- Unemployed The Lonely Omen- N/A The Lullaby- Babysitter The Magpie- Collector The Plow- CEO The Protagonist- Shoujo Mangaka The Riftmaker- Magician The Sapphire- Game Developer The Silver Well- Law Student The Timeless River- Mascot The Tinkered Brand- Senior Developer Two of Dice- DJ Two of Stars- Phantom Thief
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oneweek-mkg · 1 month
Our Citizens Have Arrived
All of our selected players have been contacted! Thank you for your interest in the One Week: Brand New Life, and we hope you look forward to our next reveals.
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oneweek-mkg · 1 month
Coming Soon
Folks, it's this Friday, May 10th! At 6 PM EST, we will be contacting our players in order to invite them to our server, and will post a message as soon as everyone has been invited. Then as previously mentioned, we will post a list of our accepted cast in text form on the blog, a few days later. Thank you again for your patience; we're almost there, folks.
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oneweek-mkg · 1 month
The Future Is Hurtling Closer!
Thank you all for your patience! We are planning to drop the roster on May 10th. There are a few things to note as we approach the date: We will be conducting a non-traditional drop! Our hopefuls server will be deleted the day of the drop. Our cast members will be contacted individually on the 10th at a time we will designate when we get closer to the drop, at which point they will be invited to not all, but part of the server. We will post a message here on tumblr, signifying when we have contacted and invited all of our players. After an introductory prompt the players’ characters will have a couple of days to get through an initial in character challenge. After each player (and whomever they had come across) completes this, they will unlock access to the rest of the server. After every player has succeeded, the roster will be posted in text-form on the blog (once more, this will likely be a day or two after the 10th). After the introduction completes, the server will segue into the traditional week-or-so pregame period where everyone can hang out oocly in-server and get to know each other. We'd like to thank everyone for applying and for your patience so far; as usual, and we mean it, we can't wait to take this next step with you!
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oneweek-mkg · 3 months
The Real Journey Begins!
Hello, everyone! Big news; we've picked out our roster! Power Roles have been contacted and accepted their positions, and we're getting started on roster art and game launch prep. Thank you again for all the apps y'all sent in - this was an incredibly tough roster to pick, and there were a great number of apps we're truly sad we couldn't take. So much so we've increased the final roster to 22 cast members (including our 4 mod OCs)! As soon as we know when our roster drop date is going to be, we'll be sure to let you know, too. These things take time, so we kindly ask that you don't poke or rush us about when the roster drop date will be. In addition, should you need to rescind your app for any reason, please let us know ASAP. The sooner we know, the easier it'll be for us to adjust as needed. Once again, thank you so much for all of your wonderful apps. Talk to you again soon!
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oneweek-mkg · 3 months
And scene.
Good morning (and happy pi day) - the mods have awoken from their slumber, which means app submissions are now officially closed. We're super excited to get through those apps you've sent us! If you sent in an application, and you're not on the hopeful's list, please reach out to a mod or the blog ASAP so we can correct that! We don't want anyone to slip through the cracks. Mods will be deliberating on cast for awhile, so we'd like to ask for patience while we do. We'll be sure to keep you updated once we know more. Thank you all again for taking the time to apply. We're a bit blown away from the interest you've all shown in our game, and can't wait to show you more.
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oneweek-mkg · 3 months
You've got...one week!
You've got….one week!
That's right, folks, one weeks until our INITIAL DEADLINE HITS! THAT'S gonna be March 10, at 11:59 PM PST! If you need an extension, which would give you until the 13th, all you have to do is send the blog an ask, or reach out to a mod on discord!
We hope everyone is making their way through their apps at a good pace, we can't WAIT to see what you have waiting for us!
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oneweek-mkg · 4 months
Fate crawls closer....!
Folks, it's that time. We have less than two weeks left until our deadline of March 10th! We can't believe the time's gone so fast. We are not currently planning on a deadline extension, but we are planning on three day extensions, that would give you until March 13th to submit! If you'd like an extension, simply DM a mod on discord to let them know, or send an ask on our blog-- make sure to include your discord username if you do! We can't wait to keep seeing what y'all have to offer…and show you what we have in return!
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oneweek-mkg · 5 months
Just a mild curiosity, who did the art for the mods page? It's very cute.
Art for the mod page was done by Mod Charlie!
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oneweek-mkg · 5 months
Just looking over your blog. What year does this game take place? Is the world history the same here as it is in the real world?
The game takes place in a near-future-present 20XX type setting, with history being pretty much the same at a surface level. Saying that, supernatural beings and entities have existed throughout the setting's history, though with some level of secrecy.
We're also open to players inventing new things in the present that would alter history such as new locations, technologies, and so on. We just ask that you keep in mind how major changes to the world, present and historical, could impact other players and their settings (such as major political, geographical, and social changes).
Also, as we intend the game to be light-hearted in tone (relatively, for an an MKG), we ask that you be mindful of major real-world issues and tragedies, such as real-life systemic oppression or the COVID pandemic. Please also be especially mindful of things that are presently occuring, or are very recent history.
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oneweek-mkg · 6 months
When do apps open and close? I don't see that on the blog anywhere
We've added it more prominently in the header, and on the about page: apps are open, and close March 10th!
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oneweek-mkg · 6 months
Your blog theme is incredibly eyestrain-ey and hard to read btw
Thank you for the heads up! Sorry we missed that. We've adjusted the colours, let us know if that's any easier or if any more adjustments are needed.
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oneweek-mkg · 6 months
“Hello, to all of those listening to this. My name is unimportant, and what is lies in what it is that I do. One week ago today, the world was met with a flurry…of cards.“ 
“Every man, woman, non-binary individual, and seemingly sentient soul upon this earth was given what we’ve elected to refer to as ‘Tarrow Cards’, with a title on the front and a single word on its back.”
“Regardless of age, your card appears to have given you a new fascinating ability, most of which the world has never seen before. The world is changing quickly, it seems. No matter your belief on the state of the world before that day, it is now impossible to deny the supernatural state of this landscape we all live within.”
“Over the past ten years, you’ve likely read about the experimental city being built over international waters in the Atlantic Ocean. In this past week, due to the abilities of certain individuals involved, we’re able to now announce the opening of said city, in one month’s time.“ 
“We will require no passports, and no qualifications for citizenship. We have food, shelter, optional employment, and anything else you may wish to find.”
“I’ve been studying these cards, and the changes humanity has gone through very carefully. And I can state now, without a shadow of a doubt…this is a change for the better.”
An announcement that all throughout the world heard. Through the radio, through the papers. You heard or read it. The world is changing. It’s for the better, then…? 
Followed by an announcement that all throughout the world heard, but none remembered.
The voice echoed throughout the world, seemingly without a source, heard both everywhere and nowhere. Somewhere within all that nowhere, this voice reached a room, lit by a single computer monitor. And in that room, something listened.
One Week: Brand New Life is a discord based 20+ Danganronpa OC roleplay, featuring discord submission trials and an active, plot-relevant deadzone, allowing dead characters to continue to freely interact with the living if they wish. Our cast will be exploring their recently developed powers in an ever expanding city over international waters that you yourself will help define and build. Twenty characters from across the world will get to experience a unique, extended prologue that will cover one year of in-game time, before the actual MKG begins. We aim to bring you a potentially lighter, relaxed environment, both in and out of character; while still being following the typical killing game formula.
The game will feature a flexible 4 to 5 week schedule over 5 chapters, as well as a prologue and endgame, with trials that last several days to accommodate varying timezones and schedules. Our trial system will be submission-based over discord, allowing players to submit their trial posts directly to the server’s trial channel, while still managing a flexible queue. The game will allow for supernatural, alien, robotic, and fantastical characters, as well as normal humans - although no matter your character’s initial status, everyone will be experiencing a new power set, to spread the love! The game will not feature a mistrial system, but will pledge itself into working dutifully with its murder teams to create cases that are both satisfyingly difficult, as well as ultimately solvable, without pushing cast nor killer unnecessarily far.  APPS OPEN / APPS CLOSE 3/10!
About | Hopeful | Hopefuls Discord | Mods | FAQ | Rules | Application
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oneweek-mkg · 6 months
relationships and jobs are temporary. your shitty unpopular tumblr blog is forever
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oneweek-mkg · 9 months
Tumblr media
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec accumsan massa. Nunc eu auctor mauris. Nunc scelerisque nisl vitae molestie interdum. Sed fringilla sed arcu nec pretium. Ut ligula est, finibus id imperdiet ac, aliquam id risus. Praesent facilisis et ligula ut fermentum. Nunc efficitur egestas venenatis. Mauris id volutpat orci, eget sollicitudin leo. Donec venenatis eget felis eget scelerisque. Maecenas gravida quam ut maximus rhoncus. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam in mollis nunc. Mauris ipsum lorem, vestibulum ultrices rutrum in, tempus a risus. Integer accumsan elit sed leo rutrum laoreet eu non mi. In vitae felis condimentum, porttitor nunc quis, eleifend nibh.
Morbi sed ligula non sapien fringilla pretium sit amet sit amet ante. Aliquam viverra imperdiet viverra. Cras in odio at purus gravida vehicula eget in sapien. Donec eget libero in nisl aliquam scelerisque non id ligula. Aenean rutrum venenatis rhoncus. Fusce fermentum sit amet metus aliquet molestie. Etiam lobortis egestas tempus. Ut maximus leo ac dolor venenatis, vitae tristique orci semper. Proin dictum nibh turpis, ut accumsan neque viverra ut. In sed blandit nunc, quis viverra ante. Nullam condimentum cursus nunc ut consectetur.
Nam purus ex, eleifend vel pulvinar ac, efficitur blandit nunc. Nunc pellentesque dolor sit amet hendrerit accumsan. In lacinia ex id lectus malesuada, a cursus augue finibus. Donec vitae eros nec ante luctus consectetur. Morbi pulvinar aliquet turpis, nec feugiat turpis convallis vitae. Mauris tincidunt erat a lacinia suscipit. Aliquam odio massa, bibendum sed eros vitae, interdum efficitur orci.
Donec varius nulla risus, sit amet tempus sapien sagittis at. In in dui purus. Maecenas volutpat pretium mi iaculis volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec vitae eros in ex molestie pellentesque et at sem. Vivamus nec dictum odio. Vestibulum hendrerit nibh ut ligula suscipit porttitor. Morbi ut risus sit amet arcu volutpat porta eget at tellus.
Sed ac convallis odio. Maecenas ante enim, consectetur ut iaculis sed, dignissim id libero. Praesent facilisis vitae risus vel dapibus. Proin imperdiet augue et nisi egestas, vitae maximus erat bibendum. Mauris volutpat augue facilisis, cursus odio quis, dapibus justo. Suspendisse mattis condimentum arcu. Sed lorem ipsum, pharetra vitae pretium vitae, faucibus in diam. Praesent ultricies, ex a blandit consequat, orci purus venenatis augue, quis congue augue odio ac arcu. Quisque elementum id magna et vestibulum.
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