onewonderswhy · 10 years
Your point is only valid in reference to places where men and women have equal say on whether their child is aborted. (Your conclusion about society may be correct anyway though.)
Interesting how we’re always hearing how shameful and irresponsible it is to be a teen mom.
But we never hear the same messages directed at teen dads.
Or even the words “teen dad”.
It’s almost like society demonizes women’s sexuality and sexual choices while absolving men of all sexual responsibility and judgement.
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onewonderswhy · 11 years
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onewonderswhy · 11 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
If we're going to personify them we have to ship them. That's how this works right? Uranus and Neptune and maybe Mars and Saturn for shits and gigs. Also Io is amazing.
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The planets of the solar system imagined as human (and canine) characters
The manga Hetalia personifies nations as a group of constantly bickering characters. Artist Irene Flores has done something similar for the solar system, minus the bickering, with cheerful characters based on the eight planets, plus Pluto.
Flores has been creating these original characters for an unnamed project. Perhaps a children’s book or a comic? I love how she’s translated each celestial body into a distinct character — elegant Saturn, Jupiter and his large family of moons, fleet-footed Mercury. Pluto, as the dwarf planet, gets to be the solar system’s dog (although perhaps it’s just a play on the Disney character). She also has an additional illustration below, with the Earth and two unnamed characters, whom I suspect are Earth’s moon and the sun.
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[Irene Flores via The Uniblogger]
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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onewonderswhy · 12 years
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