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Online Quran Classes USA | Major Sins in Islam
Online Quran classes USA: For Muslims, religion Islam is just not a belief; it is a way of living. However, to practice the religion Islam in their lives, one must learn about it from a young age. Therefore, when a kid is in his/her early stage of development, they absorb more knowledge and impressionable. Moreover, learning is a process throughout the life of man, from birth to death.  To fulfill the obligations of Islam, the Holy Quran is the ultimate source of guidance for everyone and everything.
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What is the best way of learning the Quran? There are various ways through which one can learn Quran, but one must be aware of the facts for what they are choosing to learn the Quran. As one must consider the best and most reliable source for learning purposes. Further, the most famous way these days is to learn Quran online. How to learn Quran online? Several learning websites for kids and adults are available which facilitate online Quran classes USA, UK, Europe, etc, and almost all counties of the world. Live Quran for Kids, is one of the best institutes that offers the best professional online Quran teacher to learn Quran online.
Major sins in Islam Learn through online Quran teacher
Religion Islam do places emphasizes living a life according to Allah almighty. The major discussion for today's blog is the concept of “Sin”. Every Muslim strongly believes that committing sin will result in a violation of Allah’s commandments. That will result in a negative account of this life as well as of life after death. Furthermore, online Quran teacher, through their class sessions, will also teach about other significant aspects of life as well.
Concept of sin through Learn Quran online
There are major seven sins in Islam that are considered primary sins according to the verses of the Holy Quran and Hadiths. These are the best source for learning about sins. However, one may also learn about these important subjects through online Quran classes USA, UK, Europe, etc. Learn Quran online, proves to be the best mode of learning for every Muslim, especially for overseas Muslims. Hence, Allah almighty is merciful and gives forgiveness if someone truly seeks repentance for his or her sins. The following are the consider the most deadly sins in the religion of Islam
•Shirk (relates a partner with Allah almighty)
•Stealing and robbery
•Adultery & fornication
•Falsehood & lying (dishonesty)
•Slander or backbiting
Are online Quran classes reliable? One of the major features of learn Quran online, it is easily reachable to every Muslim in the world with just one click. Online Quran classes USA, UK, UAE, Europe, etc are conveniently available to every region without any restrictions for timings, language, etc. It is the most trustworthy source; hence, online Quran teacher is well trained and experienced to teach online Quran.
What is shirk? Learn via online Quran teacher
It is regarded as the most severe sin in Islam, it is about associating someone with Allah almighty. It is unforgivable; however, if someone repents of his sin before his death, with true intentions, Allah might forgive him. All Muslims have a stronger belief in the existence of one and only Allah and that there is no one comparable to Him. Believing in one Allah is known as “Tawhid” which is the first basic pillar of the Islamic belief system.
Killing someone is strictly prohibited in Islam. Human life is considered sacred, therefore, killing someone without any reason considers a severe sin. There are strict rules for murderers according to Shariah instructions of Islam. One may explore more about these aspects by taking help from their online Quran teacher.
Adultery & Fornication
If someone is engaged in sexual acts outside marriage, according to Islam, it is considered a major sin. There is a severe punishment for those women and men for extramarital affairs. There are strict sayings in verses of the Quran for this sin, which you can learn through online Quran classes for Kids.
Robbery & stealing
It is also considered as one of the most severe sins in Islam. Whoever commits this sin, must get punished according to the rules mentioned in the Holy Quran or one can learn through Hadiths for more explanation.
Speaking behind others also comes within the boundaries of doing sins. It is strictly prohibited in Islam to talk on others' backs. It may harm someone's respect and reputation as well. Hence, through online Quran classes, one may also learn about the ethics of Islam for developing a strong moral character.
Allah Almighty commands Muslims to do charity to help the needy. However, being miserly and not giving others in need, will also consider as major sin in Islam. Furthermore, Islam is a true religion that guides humanity in all perspectives of life. One must learn it through Quran learning online.
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