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All outputs (written works and performance tasks) for the Second Semester are below:
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All outputs (written works and performance tasks) for the Second Semester are below:
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All outputs (written works and performance tasks) for the Second Semester are below:
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All outputs (written works and performance tasks) for the Second Semester are below:
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All outputs (written works and performance tasks) for the Second Semester are below:
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All outputs (written works and performance tasks) for the Second Semester are below:
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All outputs (written works and performance tasks) for the Second Semester are below:
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All outputs (written works and performance tasks) for the Second Semester are below:
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All outputs (written works and performance tasks) for the Second Semester are below:
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All outputs (written works and performance tasks) for the Second Semester are below:
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Choose one of the five things you have listed you think is the highest priority and demands immediate action of change.
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We listed five things that we think can be vital in order to make our school/community to be better. The first one is the LGBTQ+ wherein we want the people not only inside of our community to have an open mind but to the other places as well. Its goal is to educate the people that gender is not only male and female but there are others as well. Climate change focuses on the awareness of other people to the things that are happening to the planet and how it affects us. The teenage pregnancy to let people know that safer sex should always be in mind if we aren't ready to have a family and improper waste disposal to help the community to always look clean and to let the people inside the community have a safe environment. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 awareness focuses on informing the citizens of the situation and how we can be safe during this virus.
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Although all of these issues are important, the awareness of the COVID-19 during these times should be the priority. People must be well-aware of the situation the world is facing today and how everybody can provide help.
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Due to the continuous rising of the COVID active cases in the country and the lack of materials to help the citizens of the country such as test kits and medical assistance to the Filipinos and the incompetence of the government, the awareness of the virus is the top priority in order to let people know how can they be a part of the solution in making the country somehow safe from this virus.
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All of these issues that were tackled bring great betterment for the community, it all has different things to fulfill but has the same agenda. Focusing on the COVID pandemic right now doesn’t mean that we disregard the others, we should also prioritize the other ones as well but not forget the main point that should be prioritized as of now.
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Reference for photos:
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What are the things that your group think could be better in your school or community? Live down five things.
LGBTQ (rights and equality)
Climate Change (awareness raising)
Teenage pregnancy (awareness raising)
Improper Waste Disposal (awareness raising)
Covid-19 Crisis Pandemic (awareness raising)
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Dull it or Sprinkle it?
What would you if you have a friend that belongs to LGBTQ?
Will you choose to throw them in the shades of life or would you sprinkle them into everyone's lives?
Not all LGBTQ are welcome to live their life freely without judgment, so as a fellow human what would you choose to do. No matter how different people can be from each other the only thing that could matter is how you let them be themselves as they enjoy life as how you do it. Give them happiness through the form of acceptance.
The White House has declared June as LGBT Pride Month. During this month many organizations are focused on raising awareness about issues and will celebrate the progress made towards increasing equal rights for those who identify themselves with the LGBT community. 
For so many people, race, gender, or religion doesn’t allow them to flip their visibility on and off like a light switch. Some identity markers are always visible and invite judgment. So, if I choose not to wear my bracelet because I am worried about what others will think, I cannot confidently call myself an ally in their fight for nondiscrimination. It is much easier to hide, to retreat back into the metaphorical closet. But now more than ever we must be proud and visible. Not only do I need to continue to wear my rainbow, but I need to shout my queerness from the rooftops—let everyone know that I am gay and proud because if those who seek to silence our voices succeed, we cannot continue the progress we have come to take for granted. - Charlie Kolodziej
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The Earth has been in existence for billions of years yet a constant problem that has only been discovered in recent decades is how climate change is slowly destroying our planet. One of the main causes of climate change is humanity’s continuous usage of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas to generate electricity, run cars and other forms of transport, and power manufacturing and industry, and deforestation – because living trees absorb and store carbon dioxide. We, humans, should combat this problem by raising our voices and because bring awareness to others, as well as consciously making an effort to change our ways to take care of our one and only planet.
“One thing leads to the other. Deforestation leads to climate change, which leads to ecosystem losses, which negatively impacts our livelihoods – it’s a vicious cycle.”
Gisele Bundchen, Supermodel & UN Goodwill Ambassador
“One can see from space how the human race has changed the Earth. Nearly all of the available land has been cleared of forest and is now used for agriculture or urban development. The polar ice caps are shrinking and the desert areas are increasing. At night, the Earth is no longer dark, but large areas are lit up. All of this is evidence that human exploitation of the planet is reaching a critical limit. But human demands and expectations are ever-increasing. We cannot continue to pollute the atmosphere, poison the ocean, and exhaust the land. There isn’t any more available.” – Stephen Hawking, Physicist & Author
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The pregnancy of females under the age of twenty is known as teen pregnancy. Teenagers are between the ages of thirteen and twenty, and although they aren't quite teens, they aren't quite adults either, putting them at greater risk during this period of uncertainty. The reason why those women getting pregnant due to the broken family, bad influence of friends, alcohol consumption, or using drugs. According to Thobejane (2015) that the most reason is having a broken family which is not good for their children and can lead them down to the wrong path way.
Raising awareness about teenage pregnancy not only to the girls but also to the boys is crucial. We believe that boys must have equal responsibility towards this issue since they’re the ones who can impregnate young women. Girls always take the blame regarding this issue when in fact, it is a shared responsibility of both parties. All must be aware and educated enough about this particular issue.
"You should have sex when you're ready emotionally and should be aware of all of the consequences that come along with your actions" – Natasha 15
References: Tsoaledi Daniel Thobejane (2015) Factors Contributing to Teenage Pregnancy in South Africa: The Case of Matjitjileng Village, Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 6:2, 273-277, DOI: 10.1080/09766634.2015.11885667
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Proper waste disposal is more likely waste segregation, before throwing out all your garbages, you will need to sort out some things that can still be useful and recycled. The benefits of proper waste disposal are first, we can lessen the manufacturing by recycling and reusing some old things, second, it also protects the environment because it gets rid of contamination that can cause a lot of damage. With waste being properly disposed of, our environment is cleaner, meaning there are fewer health risks and hazards around to affect us.
“There is no such thing as ‘away. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.” – Annie Leonard, Proponent of Sustainability
“When you put the whole picture together, recycling is the right thing to do.” – Pam Shoemaker, Author
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In our school community, we propose to have better information and knowledge to the awareness of the COVID-19 Crisis Pandemic. We should give importance and substantial perception on how to deal with the pandemic, especially in students. How dangerous and harmful in our health to dealing with the pandemic in our society. So as a student in the institution we need knowledgable information to protect and maintain our body healthy. In the future of pandemic, consciousness and always prepared in the activity and some news about COVID-19 to ensure to have a better lifestyle during a pandemic.
Physical distancing helps limit the spread of COVID-19 – this means we keep a distance of at least 1m from each other and avoid spending time in crowded places or in groups. Protect yourself and others.​ Break the chain of transmission. - WHO, Western Pacific Region
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❏ Recent storms in the Philippines' history gave birth to the People finder database powered by Google. During Typhoon Yolanda, the people finder was a vital tool for people across the globe to track the situation of their relatives. This proved to be successful and is now adopted by more organizations to help people track relatives during calamities.
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What is your take on the role of social media in the campaign of President Rodrigo Duterte against drug abuse?
❏ Boon or a bane” basically means “good or bad” “beneficial or harmful”. Boon means “a thing that is beneficial or helpful” and bane is something that causes distress or annoyance.
❏ Change.org is dubbed as the “World’s platform for change” where anyone from the online community can create a petition and ask others to sign it.
❏ Change.org gives access to more people by allowing the online community to affix their digital signatures on a petition.
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❏ During the past times, petitions are only done through signing a paper, usually done by a group asking for signatures via travel.
❏ Their mission is to help people from around the world create the change they want to see.
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❏ In the Philippines, the petition to have death row convict Mary Jane Veloso released was the fastest ever-growing petition from the Philippines with over 250,000 signatories from over 125 countries.
❏ Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso is a Filipino woman who was arrested and sentenced to death for smuggling heroin into Indonesia. Her case, among others, sparked international attention towards Indonesia's capital punishment and drug prohibition laws.
1. Visit Change.org
2. Change.org works this way. If this is your first time using Change.org, click Sign up or Log in with Facebook.
3. You can start your own petition, but for now, click on any petition you want under trending petitions.
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4. Read the petition description to see if this petition matters to you. If it is, signs the petition by filling up the information on the right side of the screen.
5. Share the petition on Facebook to promote it.
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❏ Alternatively, you can check out petitions of your friends on Facebook, then click on those petitions to read about them and sign them.
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Bringing about action and mobilize change in population, society, or culture.
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❏ Since the advancement of technology from the 1960s, its rapid growth and use have been uncontrollable. Changes in the way people communicate are intertwined with the hardware component or the gadget itself: from the simple desktop computer to the mobile devices that we have right now, from the simple dedicated program to programs that offer to multitask.
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❏ Social media has also been used to increase awareness of social and political issues and organize demonstrations. Frequently cited disadvantages of social media include a decrease in real-world, personal connections and the possibilities of cyberbullying, stalking, hacking, and other privacy concerns.
❏ Refers to the utilization of information technology (IT) in order to engage in society, politics, and government.
Respect the rights of others to participate and have an opinion
Ask before tagging other people or posting photos
Report offensive or illegal content
Stand up and speak out about cyberbullying — protect your friends
Don't respond to hurtful or nasty comments — block and report cyberbullying
Speak to your parents or trusted adult about upsetting online experiences
Report threats of violence to the police (collect the evidence to show them)
Learn how new skills will help you explore the online world
Recognize online risks and how to manage them
Look out for suspicious emails and scams
Stand up and speak out about cyberbullying — protect your friends
Keep passwords secret, strong and unique
Know how to report bullying behavior on social media sites
Choose privacy and security settings carefully and check them regularly
Choose friends wisely online — not everybody online is who they claim to be, regularly review your connections and remove people
If you have made a mistake apologize and take down offensive material as soon as possible
Ask for permission before uploading pictures of your friends
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❏ It is a process of supporting and enabling people to: express their views and concerns, access information and services, defend and promote their rights and responsibilities.
❏ Advocacy in democracy is about getting what you want out of the government, in democracy, which is a collection of voices, it is everyone’s job to use their voice to remind the government about what people want.
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❏ The revolution lasted from 1983 to 1986. During a radio broadcast of Radyo Veritas.
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❏ Cardinal Sin encouraged the Filipinos to help end the regime of President Ferdinand Marcos. A major protest took place along EDSA from February 22 to 25, 1986 involving two million Filipinos from different sectors. These included civilians, political parties, the military, and religious groups. The radio broadcast helped change the course of history. Without it, Filipinos would not have been moved in action.
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[ 🎓 ] EDSA DOS
❏ This is also known as the 2001 EDSA Revolution, which happened from January 17 to 21, 2001. It was fuelled after 11 prosecutors of President Joseph Estrada walked out of the impeachment trial. As a result, the crowd in EDSA grew over the course of a few days through text brigades. Like the first People Power Revolution, EDSA Dos would not have been successful without the text brigades.
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❏ This is a series of protests that mainly took the place in Luneta Park from August 11 to 26, 2013. There were also several demonstrations that happened around key cities in the Philippines and some locations overseas. It was to condemn the misuse of the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF). Though dubbed as the Million People March, the number of total attendees only around 400,000. Despite that, it was still considered a success and clearly demonstrated how powerful social media campaigns are. The organizers and promoters of the Million People March used Facebook and Change.org as their mediums.
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❏ Online survey forms and tests that automatically display the results when finished. (e.g., Online IQ, and Personality Tests)
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❏ Online courses that stimulate the classroom online (e.g., E-Learning Courses using a Learning Management System)
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❏ An episodic series of audio or text files streamed online (e.g., Stuff You Should Know, TED talks, The Starters, Ear Biscuit)
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❏ An episodic series of video streamed online (e.g., Youtube) series/shows like (Video Game High School, Good Mythical Morning)
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❏ Multimedia is the use of a computer to present and combine text, graphics, audio, and video with links and tools that let the user navigate, interact, create, and communicate. You must have a computer to coordinate what you see and hear and to interact with. Links and navigational tools allow you to traverse the web of connected information. The use of multimedia helps you to gather, process, and communicate your own information and ideas. An important goal of this course is to enable you to become a creator, not just a consumer, of multimedia on the internet.
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❏ Multimedia devices have an almost innumerous variety of applications. They are used in home entertainment systems and used as educational tools aside from their primary purpose - data processing and storage.
❏ The goal of using the multimedia edutainment approach is to entertain the user while being unaware that he or she is learning in the process.
❏ Multimedia multiplies the degree of effectiveness in promoting a product or service, at the same time adds a hint of entertainment.
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❏ Educators for example have been combining some of the exciting elements of the video game applications with selected features of educational materials. The concept of edutainment was created by merging the concept of education with entertainment.
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❏ Multimedia also offers critical services in the business world. The quality of business communication is enhanced by multimedia. Product promotion, consumer information, and communication to the employee can be done with multimedia.
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❏ The availability of multimedia applications allowed the public access to information either online or offline. Tourist information systems, hospital information systems, navigational systems, and electronic publishing are some examples of uses of multimedia for information dissemination.
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❏ Multimedia also brought advances in the field of entertainment. Multimedia developers use sound, animation, and graphics of multimedia to create games that can be realistic in setting and engaging for the audience.
❏ Most websites you see today have embedded YouTube videos on them. To remedy the problem that not everyone has a fast internet connection, these YouTube videos can be set to be played "on-demand" rather than having them played automatically by everyone. With today's internet connection, everyone can enjoy much better-looking websites, which are also rich in media content.
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[ 🍂 ] VIDEOS
❏ Through video hosting sites, you can take a video and show it to the world (e.g., YouTube)
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❏ If videos are too much for you, you can always record sounds. You can now share your sound bites with the entire world. (e.g., Soundcloud)
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❏ Online developers now create what is called “browser-based games.” You do not need to install these on your computer as they run in most updated web browsers. (e.g., Adventure Quest, Farmville, Candy Crush)
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❏ These are the technologies that are grouped to be used as a base upon which other applications processes or technologies are developed
❏ It is a specially developed platform using Internet technology for the design and development of teaching and learning purposes.
❏ To be able to create a good online presentation, webpage, and content, you should know the principle and techniques of design using online creation tool, platform and application to develop ICT content
❏ The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.
❏ Cloud Computing - It means storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of your computer’s hard drive.
❏ Examples are: Google Drive, Evernote, Dropbox
No need to install
Saves hard disk space
Easy access to your files
Saves money
No need to update
Minimum system requirements
Back-up and data recovery are relatively easier
Can be hammered down by slow internet speed
May require compatible software
You do not own the software
Security risks
More prone to hacking
Limited control over the infrastructure
1. Social Media Platforms
❏ Websites like Facebook allow you to create not only personal accounts but also pages and groups where you can share content.
❏ Social Media - A website and application that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. Examples are: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
2. Blogging Platforms
❏ It typically looks like a newsletter where you are given options to change the design to your liking. Though you can manipulate the design, the social media platform’s popularity is still unrivaled.
❏ Websites like WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger focus on content and design diary-style text entries ("posts"). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.
❏ The difference between the two platforms: on social media platforms, you can only post a status about a topic or a headline only but on blogging platforms is where you can explain the topic more in-depth than on the social media platforms.
3. Content Management System (CSM)
❏ It is a computer application (sometimes online or browser-based) that allows you to publish, edit and manipulate, organize and delete web content. CMS is used in blogs, news websites, and shopping.
[ 🐬 ] WIX.COM
❏ Wix.com Ltd is an Israeli software company, providing cloud-based web development services.
❏ An application used to build and customize a website for your business and community for free.
❏ Design and build your own high-quality websites through Wix.com.
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❏ Squarespace, Inc. is a private American company, based in new york city, that provides software as a service for website building and hosting.
❏ It is also the all-in-one solution for anyone looking to create a beautiful website with an award-winning template.
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❏ WordPress is a free and open-source content management system.
❏ It is a content publishing platform that appeals to site developers because of its customizability and plug-ins.
❏ Create a free website or build a blog with ease on WordPress.com
❏ There are dozens of free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes available.
❏ It is actually two platforms: WordPress.com (fully hosted by WordPress) and WordPress.org (a freely downloadable self-hosted version).
❏ One common idea of people is that WordPress cannot be used for commercial or professional purposes. We commonly think that WordPress is only for blogging, but actually, www.sonymobile.com and https://mercedez-benz .com/en are both powered by WordPress.
❏ It is considered a serious platform for serious websites. From the creation of personal blogs to e-commerce sites, your skills and imagination are the only limits to what you can make yourself.
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