only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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Blaze needs to stop being sexy.
Artist: reina-wolf
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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Every fuckin' time I try to type Esipo I type Ezio. Damnit Sega.
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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Part of me wishes shadow had been a rat character, so he could've matched with Rouge the Bat. It would've been cute and you know it!
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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One of the things that irks me about silver is his species. It's like, come on SEGA! You have so many animals that you could use, and all you give us is another hedgehog? Being a different species wouldn't help me get over silver's overall flaws, but it would really freaking help.
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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Shadow can be an unforgivable dickbag at times, and the "I'm edgy and I have a bad past" excuse is getting old. A good example of this is his only un-roboticized appearance in the "Worlds Collide" comic arc.
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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Sorry but Antoine was so freaking bad ass in ''Countdown to Chaos'' I did a fangirl scream when he showed his spin dash. People in the train looked at me weird but I regret nothing :)
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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I like everything about the Sonic franchise, while I hate the older comics I now like reading the new ones. What I don''t like is how the majority of Sonic fans dont even read the comics and hate it for reasons such as ''Knuckles isn't with Rouge''. I love to debate and criticize the comic on Deviantart but it always ends with, the comic is bad because'' SonAmy isn't a paring,'' Good Grief don't people realize that's pretty pathetic? Sonic isn't even a romance story!
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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The thing I like about Relic the most is that she wears glasses. I know it's kinda silly but as a Sonic fangirl with glasses I have been dying to see a glass-wearing character like me in the series that isn't an old person nerdy guy or enemy
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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It irks me that many people misquote the jail scene from SA2 just to make Amy look bad.
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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Sally has a heavy ass head
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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I like the Fleetway comics much better than the Archie ones.
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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I don't see why people would dislike the new archie characters, they look great! Not to mention they still give attention to old Sega characters( Bean Big ect) something Sega doesn't do
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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I find a blue hedgehog more attractive then guys at my school and I'm 14
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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It kinda amuses me how so far in the Boom trailers the dialog of the characters resemble the dialog of Ian's writing in the comics.I get the feeling that the Boom creators looked more at the current comics then the game in cut scenes.
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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While I am a Amy fangirl who prefers the games I do admit she is better written in the comics then in the games. It seems after Heroes,Sonic Team decided to just let her play a cheerleader for Sonic or either a friend that hardly joins in the battle. In the comic books she is almost always present in the battles and she manages to do hero stuff without waiting for Sonic!
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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Can we stop with the Sally Slap issue already? The artist didn't like drawing it, Karl said it was to make Sally look bad on purpose, it was out of character even Penders said it was badly written. Its been over a decade Sally has even said it was bad moment. She has done so many good things now time to forgive her
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only-sonic-confessions 10 years
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Bunnie should've stayed un-roboticized
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