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Dr. Sean Freeman is the best surgeon to go to for ethnic rhinoplasty in Charlotte, NC. He has been certified by two different surgery boards, the American Board of Otolaryngology
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Dr. Sean Freeman is considered as best facelift specialist in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is famous for using a safe and modern approach to accomplish the goal. He is certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
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Know Everything About Rhinoplasty | Onlyfaces
It’s good to see that you are here to know about Rhinoplasty. Well, we will not disappoint you as we have tried to share all information about Rhinoplasty, so you don’t have to go anywhere. Let’s begin with the definition.
Rhinoplasty is usually called "nose surgery." It is a surgical procedure to change the shape of your nose by changing the bone or cartilage. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of plastic surgery.
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Reasons for Rhinoplasty
People undergo a Rhinoplasty to repair their nose after an injury, to correct breathing problems or a congenital anomaly, or because they are not satisfied with the appearance of their nose.
The changes Rhinoplasty surgeon can make to your nose with Rhinoplasty are as follows:
·       A change in size
·       A change of angle
·       Bridge rectification
·       Remodeling of the tip
·       Narrowing of the nostrils
If your Rhinoplasty is made to improve your appearance rather than your health, you must wait until your nasal bone is fully developed. For girls, this is the age of 15 years. The boys could still grow up until they are a little older. However, if you undergo surgery because of breathing difficulties, Rhinoplasty can be performed at an earlier age.
Risks of Rhinoplasty
All surgeries involve risks, including infection, bleeding or poor response to anesthesia. Rhinoplasty can also increase your risk of:
·       Breathing difficulties
·       Nosebleeds
·       A numb nose
·       An asymmetrical nose
·       The scars
Sometimes patients are not happy with their surgery. If you want to undergo a second surgery, you must wait until your nose is fully healed before you can operate again. It can take a year.
Prepare for Rhinoplasty
You must first meet your Rhinoplasty surgeon to find out if you are a good candidate for Rhinoplasty. You will talk about why you want surgery and what you hope to accomplish in the front.
Your surgeon will review your medical history and ask you questions about current medications and conditions. If you have hemophilia, a condition that causes excessive bleeding, your Rhinoplasty surgeon will probably recommend you for any elective surgery.
Your surgeon will perform a physical examination and look closely at the skin inside and outside of your nose to determine what types of changes can be made. Your Rhinoplasty surgeon may prescribe blood tests or other laboratory tests.
Your Rhinoplasty surgeon will also determine if additional surgery should be performed at the same time. For example, some people also experience a chin increase, a procedure to better define your chin, along with Rhinoplasty.
This consultation also includes photographing your nose from different angles. These injections will be used to evaluate the long-term results of the surgery and may be consulted during surgery.
It is important for you to understand the actual or average cost of your surgery. If your Rhinoplasty has aesthetic reasons, it is much less likely to be covered by insurance.
If you are taking any painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen then it is recommended to avoid them before and after two weeks before the surgery. These medications slow down the process of blood clotting and can make you bleed more. Inform your Rhinoplasty surgeon of the medications and supplements you are taking so that he can advise you on the continuation of your treatment.
Smokers have a harder time curing Rhinoplasty because smoking slows the healing process. Nicotine contracts your blood vessels, reducing oxygen and blood reaching the healing tissues. Quitting before and after surgery can help the healing process.
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Rhinoplasty Procedure
Rhinoplasty can be performed in a hospital, doctor's office or outpatient surgery center. Your doctor will use local or general anesthesia. If the procedure is simple, you will receive local anesthesia on the nose, which will also numb your face. You can also get an intravenous drug that makes you lose your head, but you will still be awake.
Under general anesthesia, you will inhale a drug or take an intravenous drug that will make you unconscious. Children usually receive general anesthesia.
Once you are numb or unconscious, your Rhinoplasty surgeon will make cuts between or in your nostrils. They will separate your skin from your cartilage or bones, and then start remodeling. If your new nose requires a small amount of extra cartilage, your doctor may remove it from your ear or deep in your nose. If you need more, you may have an implant or bone graft. A bone graft is an extra bone added to the bone of your nose.
The procedure usually takes between one and two hours. If the surgery is complex, it may take longer.
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Dr. Freeman is certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery). He is Charlotte Facial Plastic Surgeon, and most experienced Rhinoplasty Surgeon. Visit here
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Looking for a surgeon with a collection of before and after photos of patients of different ages and testimonies from other patients. OnlyFaces in Charlotte offers best services in Teen Nose Job Planning and Recovery with their top surgeons. Visit us!!
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Dr. Freeman has trained plastic surgeons throughout the US and overseas.  If you want to trust your face and looks to someone, Dr. Freeman is the facial plastic surgeon to trust. Visit here
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Feeling confident and attractive sometimes centers around a beautifully shaped nose. Dr. Freeman has concentrated on facial plastic surgery since 1988. His extensive education, experience and specialization make it an easy decision to decide to have your Nose Job with our practice. He is the most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon in the Charlotte area.
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If you’re considering a facelift and you’re particularly dissatisfied with the look of your mouth, your facial plastic surgeon might recommend a lower facelift. Visit at onlyfaces.com to get satisfied with our services.
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