onlyherefordaporn · 1 month
Još želim da ti poklonim
Listove divljeg kestena
Još jednom da te zaštitim
Dok te magla zaklanja
Sa druge strane jastuka
Sa Druge Strane Jastuka-Bajaga i instruktori
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onlyherefordaporn · 3 months
You can be addicted to a certain kind of sadness
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onlyherefordaporn · 3 months
“I cannot understand it … It was but the other day that we were such dear friends! … and now it seems that we are quite estranged;—nay, worse than estranged; that I am as it were, under some ban.”
— Anthony Trollope, from Can You Forgive Her?
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
" i've got my mind on you "
Say Yes To Heaven
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
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There is too much blood in a poet's ink.
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
Idk call me old but AI is unsettling and I feel like we are watching the start of something not good. We don’t need this and I’m honestly kinda scared of how it could progress. And on a human side: when we let AI make our art, our books, and sing our songs? What is left. Why take away our ability to create art? Aside from the most obvious scary aspects of AI, I just find it sad that we want to give away our ability to create and connect with each other.
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
Nemojte meni o slomljenim srcima i neuzvraćenim ljubavima, pošto je moje bilo slomljeno mnogo pre što sam i saznala za ljubav.
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
Najteže mi je bilo kada sam morala da prihvatim to da ti ne trebam ja, već da ti samo treba neko.
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
Moje razočarenje će proći, ali za tvoju sramotu nisam sigurna.
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
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Mihajlo Vasiljević Ogoljen
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
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“i have loved you. i have had to deal with that.”
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
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wefelicia via instagram 
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
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onlyherefordaporn · 1 year
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