Only imagine being a sweet soul in this crazy, crazy world. Taylor can relate. @taylorswift @taylornation
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This cute cookie! I’m still so happy you got to hug Taylor, you deserve all good things, angel ❤ @taylorswift​ thank you for picking Yuki for a Secret Session, you made our hearts grow in joy! @taylornation​
Los Angeles Lover
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It’s been exactly one month since the night everything changed. Had to celebrate with a Lover photoshoot around town with my new fave tee. 💗
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Many people have asked me what my favourite part of the secret session was. After thinking about this for many nights, because there are a wealth of moments from that night that I will cherish forever, I finally settled on the moment when I had the chance to tell her that I’d been a fan for 11 years. I thanked her for being so generous and trusting us to be there, because it meant the world. Hearing that, she sort of did a quick side shuffle and on her face was this fleeting look of being overcome by emotion. Without saying anything, she threw out her hands and took me in another embrace. That small moment gave me a glimpse of what she meant, all those times in interviews and during shows and on videos, when she told the world how much her fans mean to her. She knows she means so much to us too.
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@taylorswift @taylornation
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NOTHING WILL EVER TOP THIS @taylorswift​ @taylornation​
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Love Letter to Taylor - Mood Note
Dear Taylor,
Winter is almost over here in Brazil and I am moody. Yesterday I fell asleep thinking of all things fall. Today I already cried three times over the fact spring is coming and along with it what seems to be an infinite of hot, steamy, unpleasant days.
I cried when I put on my favorite sweater (it’s actually my fiancé’s which makes me extra emo and even more in love with it) cause soon I’ll have to put it away for the longest time.
I cried when listening to a “fall mood” playlist.
I cried when drinking a hot cup of coffee and looking out the window at the incredibly beautiful forest close to home.
I cried over the thought nature is just so perfect and I am glad I’m alive today, I’m grateful to be watching the trees dance with the wind while my fall-colored cat is quietly sleeping on my lap.
Today I cried mostly because life is good. This is a rare feeling for me so I decided to share it with you.
I love fall as much as I love you.
Tonight I’m gonna fall asleep thinking of fall.
With love,
@taylorswift​ @taylornation​
Ps: Oh, and the girl in the photo is Jerianie, her photos are a fall dream. Look her up on Instagram and feel all warm inside.
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Taylor please add concert dates in Latin America three times cause we waited our whole lives for this @taylorswift @taylornation
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We do cry a lot, but it’s nice to have a friend (wink wink). I LOVE THESE GIRLS! @taylorswift​ @taylornation​
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Hi Taylor. This is super special post to thank you for changing my life in all the ways possible. Thanks to you I met all this beautiful, amazing, strong and inspiring women. And now we don't feel alone anymore cause we got each others backs. We laugh and we cry (a lot) together. It is amazing to have friends to share our passion for you and your music. We could not be more grateful to you and the Lover era. We love each other and we love you. Oh and btw we will always stay!
It's nice to have a friend so here's a toast to my real friends! (Including you)
@thalovestay @soitgoes23 @areweoutofthewoodss @me-taylor-swift @onlyoneofali @onlyloveletterstotaylor @out-of-13-woods @speaknowni @hityoulikebangx @wearetayfoxes
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Thanks Mari for making it possible you are an angel! @soitgoes23 
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Love Letter to Taylor #3 : About A Real Letter To You
This is the letter I sent to you through a friend that’s meeting you soon. I hope you’ll get it! Love you always, G. 
Dear Taylor,
My name is Giuliana, I’m 26 and I’m from Brazil. I’ve been listening to your songs since I was 13 back in 2006, so this can only mean it’s been 13 years since we’ve started this great love story!
Back then I didn’t have many friends or people I could count on, or a brother or sister I could learn from.. but I had you and your songs and speeches. You inspired me to be a good person, taught me how to fight for my rights and dreams, to keep my head held high when people try to diminish or humiliate me, even if I was dying on the inside. You taught me so much! I’m not kidding when I say you helped me shape who I am now and I couldn’t have chosen a better role model to follow!
Even when I didn’t understand the lyrics right away because I’d never gone through something similar, I could see your emotions and thoughts on the subject and that guided me through the same situation when it eventually presented itself in my life. I was (and still kind of am) a very shy person, and people used that against me, they teased me and called me names for most part of my childhood and teen years, so in order to deal with it I created this whole scenario in my mind where I’d be safe and sound, where I could be my truest and most honest self, and you helped me built this happy, happy place! It’s a shame nobody knew this side of me, this dreamy, fairy tale lover, romantic-to-the-bone, persistent girl. I was Speak Now in human form hahaha.
But then, life happened, bad relationships took over and that world kind of fell apart. I was lost. Those few friends I had stabbed me in the back and left. But not before they paint me as the bad guy. So I was totally alone again. And in that dark period of time I found true love and a light suddenly light up. This was at the same time as reputation was out and I’d never related to a whole album and situation as that time. My reputation was in flames, just like yours and we both found true love and freedom at the same time. reputation saved my life. And now, after all those dark days, I’m searching for my old self again and I’m feeling all colorful inside again. Magic is finally returning!
reputation and Lover are the definition of the most crazy, important, defiant and beautiful moments of my life and I’m so glad we’re both experiencing this crazy roller coaster that is finding and being true to ourselves at the same time!
Thank you for always inspiring me to be the best version of myself and for holding my hand when everything was dark and cold and lonely. This is to my real friend! Happy 13th years of YOU! I’m so so so proud of you and will always stand by you. I love you so much Taylor! I hope, one day, I can say it all to you in person and give you the biggest, warmest hug. You deserve the best in the world, Tay.
With love,
Oh and if you’re feeling like the room is on fire and you need something to calm you down, look for me on social medias! I always write to you the sweetest letters. I’m @onlyloveletterstotaylor on tumblr and @onlyloveletters on twitter.
@taylorswift @taylornation
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Love Letter to Taylor #3 : About A Real Letter To You
This is the letter I sent to you through a friend that’s meeting you soon. I hope you’ll get it! Love you always, G. 
Dear Taylor,
My name is Giuliana, I’m 26 and I’m from Brazil. I’ve been listening to your songs since I was 13 back in 2006, so this can only mean it’s been 13 years since we’ve started this great love story!
Back then I didn’t have many friends or people I could count on, or a brother or sister I could learn from.. but I had you and your songs and speeches. You inspired me to be a good person, taught me how to fight for my rights and dreams, to keep my head held high when people try to diminish or humiliate me, even if I was dying on the inside. You taught me so much! I’m not kidding when I say you helped me shape who I am now and I couldn’t have chosen a better role model to follow!
Even when I didn’t understand the lyrics right away because I’d never gone through something similar, I could see your emotions and thoughts on the subject and that guided me through the same situation when it eventually presented itself in my life. I was (and still kind of am) a very shy person, and people used that against me, they teased me and called me names for most part of my childhood and teen years, so in order to deal with it I created this whole scenario in my mind where I’d be safe and sound, where I could be my truest and most honest self, and you helped me built this happy, happy place! It’s a shame nobody knew this side of me, this dreamy, fairy tale lover, romantic-to-the-bone, persistent girl. I was Speak Now in human form hahaha.
But then, life happened, bad relationships took over and that world kind of fell apart. I was lost. Those few friends I had stabbed me in the back and left. But not before they paint me as the bad guy. So I was totally alone again. And in that dark period of time I found true love and a light suddenly light up. This was at the same time as reputation was out and I’d never related to a whole album and situation as that time. My reputation was in flames, just like yours and we both found true love and freedom at the same time. reputation saved my life. And now, after all those dark days, I’m searching for my old self again and I’m feeling all colorful inside again. Magic is finally returning!
reputation and Lover are the definition of the most crazy, important, defiant and beautiful moments of my life and I’m so glad we’re both experiencing this crazy roller coaster that is finding and being true to ourselves at the same time!
Thank you for always inspiring me to be the best version of myself and for holding my hand when everything was dark and cold and lonely. This is to my real friend! Happy 13th years of YOU! I’m so so so proud of you and will always stand by you. I love you so much Taylor! I hope, one day, I can say it all to you in person and give you the biggest, warmest hug. You deserve the best in the world, Tay.
With love,
Oh and if you’re feeling like the room is on fire and you need something to calm you down, look for me on social medias! I always write to you the sweetest letters. I’m @onlyloveletterstotaylor on tumblr and @onlyloveletters on twitter.
@taylorswift @taylornation
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This album means SO MUCH, it’s so light and full of love and it’s Taylor’s first album she actually owns, all my social medias are bursting with love and Taylor has a letter with my name on it and all of my friends are happy and loving and dancing and CRYING. I LOVE YOU ALL. I LOVE LOVER. I LOVE TAYLOR. I LOVE LOVING IT ALL. @taylorswift @taylornation
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It’s gonna take me ages to process the Lover mv in all its depths and meanings but one thing is for sure: they covered every single aspect of living with your Lover. How much fun and cozy it is, and like when sometimes you fight and are apart and then how you always come back because it’s right. They were at the attic where we usually keep photos and home videos, our memories bring us closer together and don’t let us leave. AAAA I AM TOO EMOTIONAL RIGHT NOW IT’S JUST BRILLIANT  @taylorswift @taylornation
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@taylorswift @taylornation
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They are both happy and playful even though they’re underwater. It’s not scary or lonely anymore, it doesn’t feel like dying cause they are TOGETHER. They are together, in love, underwater. Which means “even though life can get tough and normally we would feel blue and not getting any air, we’re together, it’s fine, it’s ok. we will get through this TOGETHER” UGH I LOVE IT SO MUCH IT’S THE SAME FEELING I GET WITH MY FIANCÉ I WILL SOB TILL THE END OF TIMES @taylorswift @taylornation
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They are both happy and playful even though they’re underwater. It’s not scary or lonely anymore, it doesn’t feel like dying cause they are TOGETHER. They are together, in love, underwater. Which means “even though life can get tough and normally we would feel blue and not getting any air, we’re together, it’s fine, it’s ok. we will get through this TOGETHER” UGH I LOVE IT SO MUCH IT’S THE SAME FEELING I GET WITH MY FIANCÉ I WILL SOB TILL THE END OF TIMES @taylorswift @taylornation
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Yuki is the purest creature alive and I’m so glad I met her through this wonderful project of hers. I LOVE YOU GIRL! So proud of you! @taylorswift​ @taylornation​
Delicate dancing around the world 🗺👗
In honor of it being the official last day of the reputation era, I present to you: stills from the Delicate music video, taken around the world during the last 2 years of my travels 💙
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Love Letter to Taylor #3 : About A Real Letter To You
This is the letter I sent to you through a friend that’s meeting you soon. I hope you’ll get it! Love you always, G. 
Dear Taylor,
My name is Giuliana, I’m 26 and I’m from Brazil. I’ve been listening to your songs since I was 13 back in 2006, so this can only mean it’s been 13 years since we’ve started this great love story!
Back then I didn’t have many friends or people I could count on, or a brother or sister I could learn from.. but I had you and your songs and speeches. You inspired me to be a good person, taught me how to fight for my rights and dreams, to keep my head held high when people try to diminish or humiliate me, even if I was dying on the inside. You taught me so much! I’m not kidding when I say you helped me shape who I am now and I couldn’t have chosen a better role model to follow!
Even when I didn’t understand the lyrics right away because I’d never gone through something similar, I could see your emotions and thoughts on the subject and that guided me through the same situation when it eventually presented itself in my life. I was (and still kind of am) a very shy person, and people used that against me, they teased me and called me names for most part of my childhood and teen years, so in order to deal with it I created this whole scenario in my mind where I’d be safe and sound, where I could be my truest and most honest self, and you helped me built this happy, happy place! It’s a shame nobody knew this side of me, this dreamy, fairy tale lover, romantic-to-the-bone, persistent girl. I was Speak Now in human form hahaha.
But then, life happened, bad relationships took over and that world kind of fell apart. I was lost. Those few friends I had stabbed me in the back and left. But not before they paint me as the bad guy. So I was totally alone again. And in that dark period of time I found true love and a light suddenly light up. This was at the same time as reputation was out and I’d never related to a whole album and situation as that time. My reputation was in flames, just like yours and we both found true love and freedom at the same time. reputation saved my life. And now, after all those dark days, I’m searching for my old self again and I’m feeling all colorful inside again. Magic is finally returning!
reputation and Lover are the definition of the most crazy, important, defiant and beautiful moments of my life and I’m so glad we’re both experiencing this crazy roller coaster that is finding and being true to ourselves at the same time!
Thank you for always inspiring me to be the best version of myself and for holding my hand when everything was dark and cold and lonely. This is to my real friend! Happy 13th years of YOU! I’m so so so proud of you and will always stand by you. I love you so much Taylor! I hope, one day, I can say it all to you in person and give you the biggest, warmest hug. You deserve the best in the world, Tay.
With love,
Oh and if you’re feeling like the room is on fire and you need something to calm you down, look for me on social medias! I always write to you the sweetest letters. I’m @onlyloveletterstotaylor on tumblr and @onlyloveletters on twitter.
@taylorswift @taylornation
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That was some good tea. I LOVE LWYMMD, it’s that bitch of a song. 
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god tea
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@taylorswift @taylornation
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Love Letter to Taylor #2 : All Things Lover 
Dear Taylor, 
I’ve been awake for 3 hours and this is how long Lover has been playing. The instruments, the lyrics, your soft voice… it’s bringing me all the feels. I can’t believe we’re finally at this point in life where you get to say I DO to the love of your life, to someone who treats you better, someone who’s been with you through your ups and downs, your rebounds and earthquakes. Someone who really knows you and loves you for who you are. This is honestly what we all have been waiting for and now that he’s finally here WE ARE THRIVING!
Lover is such a calm, cozy song. It’s like being in the arms of your lover. It’s about that one thing you’ll never want to let go of. Relationships are hard work, it can drive us crazy sometimes, you have to be willing to change some aspects of your life and character, to let someone else in. And most of the time, even when we are in love, we don’t wanna do that. We don’t feel like we should compromise our life and plans to make it work. Or even worse, the other person doesn’t want to do all that for us. It hurts and makes us bleed. It becomes a hurricane, a big storm and we drown. We get so tired of trying, of giving, of trying to breathe, of counting our footsteps every time we’re around that person. We often think about giving it all up. 
Until the real thing appears. And when it does, it’s all so simple, so easy. It’s still hard work, but we do it with a smile on our faces and peace in our hearts, with the certainty of doing the right thing, because they are the right people for us. It just feels right. It feels like you don’t really have a choice on leaving or staying, you stay cause you finally found the missing piece of your soul. 
I get this feeling with Lover. Even if sometimes the rain comes, we know soon after the sun will come up again cause we won’t leave. This time we will stay and we will work things out. We will talk. We will hug it out. We will stay with the love that’s really something. And the magic thing is: they will also stay. 
I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally witness your love story! It’s been 13 years full of broken hearts, difficult relationships and scary and lonely moments… but all led up to this moment in life when you’re happy. All those bad things taught you and showed you what you really wanted in life, and what kind of relationship you want. You worked your way up till this moment. You finally wake up and know what to do. You love everything about it. The sound they make when they wake up next to you or when they’re coming home after working all day. You love those cozy nights when you decided to stay home and do nothing together. You also love going out together cause you don’t feel pressured or desperate or lonely anymore. You go out together and have the best time cause now you don’t have to prove yourself, you just have to have fun in the most foolish way possible with your lover. And when the night is over, you know you’ll go home with him by your side. And you know it doesn’t really matter anymore what life throws your way: you know you can make it through cause you got all the support in the world in the person sitting right beside you. And that’s where they will stay. Forever. 
I wish you the very best Tay, I hope we can all be part of your happiness! And I hope you know your experiences taught me a lot about what I wanted in life and how I dealt with relationships and how it all brought me my own Lover… more about it later though! 
I love you so much! 
Best wishes,
@taylorswift @taylornation
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