onlynear · 4 years
@wirelies​     ♡‘d     for chell & ellis.
her silence has always been her greatest asset.    the wailing carried by the wind makes chell hold up a hand,    however reluctant she is to interrupt his story.    quiet never did mean saftey    --    only insolence and determination.    background noise is always nicer.    ‘    other way.    ’    anything to make life easier.
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onlynear · 4 years
like this for a starter after my online assessment tomorrow!! if you dont specify you’re getting chell
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onlynear · 5 years
like this for a starter after my online assessment tomorrow!! if you dont specify you’re getting chell
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onlynear · 5 years
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onlynear · 5 years
levi who am i forcing you to write her with
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onlynear · 5 years
*makes a jerking off motion every time someone with authority talks*
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onlynear · 5 years
*blows a kiss to any character that fights w a bow and arrow*
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onlynear · 5 years
starters from the soundtrack of ‘anna and the apocalypse’ ONLY. feel free to change prounouns/details etc!
‘i’m ready to turn my life around.’
‘it’s a brand new day.’
‘i’m miles away.’
‘i feel lighter.’
‘there’s nothing left to fear.’
‘for a new world i am bound.’
‘everybody’s dying to tell me how to live.’
‘i got so much more to give.’
‘i feel chained and bound to this hopeless town.’
‘there’s a world out there.’
‘why does no one care?’
‘i’ve been fooling myself.’
‘i’ve been hiding away.’
‘i don’t wanna live that way.’
‘sooner or later, it ends in goodbye.’
‘why should they listen to what i have to say?’
‘am i just another nobody?’
‘i’ve gotta find my own way.’
‘i dream of my escape.’
‘how much longer must i wait?’
‘if i still had some faith, i’d pray.’
‘there’s no such thing as a hollywood ending.’
‘things don’t work out that way.’
‘if this was a movie, maybe she’d want to share my world.’
‘sometimes the nice guys don’t always get the girl.’
‘life’s not like the books, or the films, or the songs.’
‘let them all talk, i don’t give a shit.’
‘we’ve been living a lie for far too long.’
‘i’ve got the one i want right next to me.’
‘i hope to god it works out perfectly.’
‘what if this was all just meant to be?’
‘i want a love neverending.’
‘ladies, why don’t you get behind me?’
‘mate, pass me that bat.’
‘the streets are chaos, and the outlook is dire.’
‘we’re close to extinction.’
‘this is my moment, and i’ll fight with distinction.’
‘rule one: stay focussed, keep your concentration.’
‘rule two: have fun, and use your imagination.’
‘no time for weakness when the undead are waiting.’
‘tool up, get out there.’
‘when it comes to killing zombies, i’m the top of my class.’
‘while you’ve been hiding i’ve been kicking some ass.’
‘i know the best form of defence is attack.’
‘i know what i’m fighting for.’
‘once it’s over, you’re done for.’
‘i’m setting my aim for the maximum high score.’
‘stick with me and i’ll show you just how the game’s played.’
‘saving humanity is no laughing matter.’
‘when there’s a job to do, i don’t fuck around.’
‘i will fight for you.’
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onlynear · 5 years
all the following sentences are taken from the column by topaz winters. you can read all of topaz’s works and buy her books here. feel free to change pronouns, etc as desired !
“ i am not a person who gets angry often. ”
“ no matter which way you looked at him, he always lit up the dark. ”
“ if love is a transformative force, does it matter if destruction comes with the deal? ”
“ i couldn’t help but believe in it while it lasted. ”
“ i lost the love, but not the playlist. ”
“ did I do that right? i’ve never kissed anyone before. ”
“ how easy it is to be deafened by love. ”
“ perhaps we both knew it was going too quickly. ”
“ listen to this, it reminds me of you. ”
“ i knew it was coming before it happened. ”
“ i think we should just be friends. ”
“ sometimes the echoes are so much louder than the memory itself. ”
“ i don’t know how to have the conversation we need to have. ”
“ i understand if you’re still angry with me, and if you wish this had never happened between us. ”
“ we don’t have to do this. and i could back away now. and it could be so easy. ”
“ i resented it until i did not have it, and then i ached for it. ”
“ it’s difficult to fathom all of the methods of falling for a person. ”
“ the dark is only dark if light exists somewhere else. ”
“ they say the silence is part of the music. ”
“ we all settle for something, don’t we? ”
“ in my defense, there were so many gardens in her laugh. ”
“ no matter what happens i’ll be with you in the end. ”
“ i wasn’t looking for a person to call my own. ”
“  today I imagined what it would be like to wake up next to you, and i’m going to let that thought sustain me for the day. ”
“ how long will this go on before we admit we’re in love with each other? ”
“ it wasn’t love at first sight, it wasn’t all okay the moment i saw her face, but in my defense, it was something close. ”
“ love turns us into drunken golden fools. ”
“ i know this. do you think i don’t know this? ”
“ i kissed her and meant it, maybe more than i’d ever meant anything else. ”
“ one of you leaves first, and you both know who it’s going to be. ”
“ is aloneness not its own kind of intimacy? ”
“ do you ever think what might’ve happened if we hadn’t met when we did? ”
“ there’s so much there to want, so much that sometimes it’s easier not to respond. ”
“ sometimes the silence is a truth in itself. ”
“ i tell her i love her, and it is the first truth my mouth has ever tasted. ”
“ i want to spool the words back into my throat as soon as i’ve said them, and this is how i know it is real. ”
“ i’m the one who loves louder, who needs more. “ 
“ i fell hopelessly in love with you and haven’t slept for the past month. ”
“ it wasn’t fair, what you did. it wasn’t fair, how i felt. ”
“ maybe we could start over. ”
“ you had a good thing and now look what you’ve done to it. look what you’ve turned it into. ”
“ i’m quieter than most but never as quiet as i should be. ”
“ the universe and the human body are mostly made up of empty space. ”
“ this is something you learn early on if you wish to stay alive, so naturally, it’s something i was never particularly interested in learning. ”
“ can’t it end there? do we have to include the next part? ”
“ love is the only way i know how to turn waiting into something noble. ”
“ i want every day to be easy as the start. ”
“ i would’ve loved to hate her, but mostly i just missed her. ”
“ maybe it shouldn’t matter, but it does. it does. ”
“ there are places on the earth the sun never touches, but the deepest, tenderest part of me wants to believe they find other sources of light. ”
“  you know I still think about that summer. ”
“ we really could’ve been something, couldn’t we? ”
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onlynear · 5 years
thinking abt... mike crew
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onlynear · 5 years
tim being aligned w the slaugh- *sniper gunshot sound*
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onlynear · 5 years
all logic: tim is marked by the eye bc he works at the institute me: hm... what if he wasnt though
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onlynear · 5 years
me: me: me: me: mike crew was a CHILD
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onlynear · 5 years
jon knows trying is not enough.      knows it with a certainty far beyond what the beholding has ever given him with its slivers of information      —      bone - deep,      that knowledge,      that voice that tells him nothing he does will ever be enough and everyone around him will fall prey to the fears and there is nothing,      nothing,      nothing he can do about it.      no way to save them.      he is doing his best to ignore that last part,      but it’s difficult when every step seems to be in the wrong direction,      every choice leading further down a path he does not want to be on.
‘      i’m not recording.      i      —      i swear,      ’            and jon’s turning out his pockets,      proof positive that there are no recorders on him,      because god knows tim won’t believe him otherwise.      he’d made certain he hadn’t accidentally grabbed one on his way down here,      and if one follows him anyway and pops up mid - conversation he can hardly be blamed for that,      can he?      curious little bastards.            ‘      they      —      they follow me,      sometimes,      just show up,      but i.      i told them not to.   …            it sounds incredibly stupid when i say it aloud like that,      but      —      if anything in there is listening,      hopefully they’ll listen to that and leave us alone.      ’            it’d felt wrong,      not bringing one.      he doesn’t say that.      doesn’t need to,      really,      the way his hands fidget and he listens for the comfort of tape static,      but      …      tim wouldn’t have trusted him.      he wants tim to trust him.      same reason he’s carefully avoiding phrasing anything as a question,      just in case static unspools from his tongue instead of words.      (      saying      :      this is not the archivist.      this is jonathan sims,      reaching out.      is anyone receiving?      )
‘      right,      of      —      of course.      ’            some hopeful bit of him grabs hold of the fact that tim’d said we’re on the same side as elias,      like the two of them were some kind of unit,      opposed      (      at least      )      to that.      probably doesn’t mean that much.      probably he’s looking for meaning where there isn’t any,      grasping for straws.            ‘      i just want      —      ’            and how goddamn honest does jon want to be,      here?           (      i want us to be friends again.      i want to know what i can say to make you believe i’m not suddenly some evil monstrosity.      i want you to stop hating me.      i want sasha back just as badly as you do.      i want to save everyone.      i want to apologize in a way that you’ll believe.      is any of that so much to ask?      )            ‘      i know that there is nothing i can say to fix any of this.      i know that.      but i will do whatever i can to keep things from getting worse      —      i don’t want you,      or martin,      or melanie,      or,      or anyone getting hurt because of me.      trying isn’t enough,      i know,      but it’s all i’ve got,      right now.      and i am trying.      ’
tim lights up like a torch,    but it’s mean and false and yes,    a little uncanny.    his eyes lie when they ignite,    when his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline.    he sits back into his hip,    bares his teeth.    ‘    oh!    ’    a cruel little hiss.    ‘    you told them!    well,    that must mean    --    ’    even now,    he knows when he needs to shut up.    holding his tongue had been a lesson hard-learned but learned all the same and he always feels a little stab of pride when he keeps himself contained.    it’s ill-placed now.    makes him feel a little bit sick,    if he’s honest.    he huffs and shoves his fists in his pockets just for something to do with the damn things.
jon’s never been so open with him.    he feels bad    --    really,    he does.    when had everything become so hard to believe?    he wants to trust jon.    he wants to stop carrying this molten ball of hatred and fear around with him,    put it down somewhere it won’t burn and take comfort in his friends again,    but he can’t.    he has to stay where he’s certain,    and all of this heat had always been so familiar.    guilt.    it always comes back to guilt,    to wanting things to be different but knowing he isn’t a big enough person to make them so.    he’s afraid.    always has been,    always will be.    ‘    don’t do anything stupid.    ’
he surprises himself.    it’s readable on his face before he resets his jaw and fixes his snarl.    ‘    ridiculous thing to ask, i know,    what with talking to you,    and all.    but even so.    not to mention i don’t know if you can actually...    y’know.    ’    it’s only partly selfish.    he doesn’t want jon to die.    not his jon,    who always thought he looked more sullen than he did,    who could be hilarious when he wanted and even more so when he didn’t.    tim misses him but can’t find him in the man in front of him and it makes his head pound.    ‘    i just know you’ve got a penchant for going missing when the road gets rocky.    ’
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onlynear · 5 years
(the archives group chat) tim: *sends this video* tim: this is sasha doing research elias: no it isnt??? sasha: yes it is
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onlynear · 5 years
arcvist replied to your post: the archive staff use memes to terrorise elias....
one of them prints out the “i am Looking” meme and tapes it to elias’ office door
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onlynear · 5 years
tim and martin in unison: jon can have little a statement as a treat elias (furiously mumbling): you didnt tell me about THIS one what on earth is THIS one
the archive staff use memes to terrorise elias. discuss
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