onlysmagic · 3 years
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onlysmagic · 3 years
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onlysmagic · 3 years
✹  *     ˚    ✧          featuring          eunjae.
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               he was bricking it, really and truly. the entire situation with sunghee was enough to make his head spin -- one of his oldest friends was expected to now be his wife? jianyu wasn’t sure how to handle all the information as soon as it happened, but there was one silver lining waiting on the other side of wedded bliss: he could finally be with his family again. of course, that was contingent on a few things -- one of which included him getting along with her family. the baks’ reputation proceeded them and one of the most forboding-looking people that slight, thin jianyu had ever seen in his life was eunjae, who honestly looked like he was a few news stories away from having his own action figure. when the pair agreed to meet up ( well, jianyu offered and eunjae didn’t exactly tell him that he’d have his head on a plate ) jianyu figured that everything could be okay. the snowscape in the background was enchantingly peaceful, and maybe some of that peaceful, easy feeling could be used to his advantage. he sure hoped so, because here came eunjae now. he raised a hand up in a wave, giving the other man a small ( read: queasy ) smile. “hey, eunjae. how have you been? it’s good to see you again.” he begins, slowly but calmly ( which might not be a feeling that will last ) “h-how has your family been?”
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onlysmagic · 3 years
✹  *     ˚    ✧          featuring          sunghee.
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A folder was given to her upon getting onto the car that would be driving her to the hotel, this wasn’t something she was expected to deal with, let alone this soon, but her father might have had a plan ‘b’ since day one. As she opened the folder she was surprised to see a familiar face, not exactly because she knew who it was but, because she would assume that in his case it was probably a bigger surprise — she couldn’t help but think he had little to no say on it considering the way things happened the last time they talked. Upon her arrival to the hotel she asked for the front desk to give the other a call and ask for them to let him know she’d be waiting on the café, where it seemed was had an special hot chocolate station that — considering the weather — she was basically drawn to. A few minutes had passed and she kept looking around, hoping the other would appear quickly since she didn’t like the pity looks she was getting by sitting on her own. A small smile appeared when she finally saw the other arrive, she raised a hand to signal where she was sitting. “Sure it’s been a while,” she commented as he got closer before slightly bowing at him. “Didn’t think this would be the way we made amendments.”
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             ever since he’d received the news -- in the form of a fax from his father, so very typical of the man to not even bother calling his own son -- jianyu had been floating above the world, walking on the clouds. the last few years were, in his consideration, a total loss. what good was life without your family in it, anyway? jianyu hated longing for the days when he was at home and the huangs were together as a unit . . . but, with this, maybe that wouldn’t be the case anymore. maybe this was his shot to not being the odd one out, the one from the outside looking in. of course, when it became apparent that by doing so, he’d have to marry sunghee -- another key player in his fondest memories -- it was a little awkward, especially given the way their friendship fizzled out all those years ago. he’d been up for half the night before, tossing and turning and pondering over what he’d say to her. when he gets a glimpse of her, he’s mesmerized. sunghee had always been one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen in his life, but the years gone by had been good to her. he sweats a little, realizing that he was completely underdressed -- and these were his best dress pants, too! -- but still pressing forward. jianyu approaches her with a timid smile; it’s been a while, but he can remember how things used to be before the storm. “hey, it’s good to see you. you look great, by the way.” jianyu compliments, the smile on his face brightening. when she mentions amendments is what wipes the grin off his face and he gives sunghee a solemn look. “yeah, about that. can i just say how sorry i am? i know it’s the oldest excuse in the book to say that i was a stupid kid back then, but i really was. i had no clue what you were going through at the time -- still don’t, if i’m being honest, but i just wanted to let you know that it’s eaten me up ever since i just blew up at you. i hope we can start again? if not, i understand.”
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onlysmagic · 3 years
✹  *     ˚    ✧          featuring          taesoo.
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              the resort felt like something out of a winter wonderland and, if so, then cordelia wanted to be the princess. was it an odd sentiment? sure, but she couldn’t bring herself to care much. no, she was more focused on one thing and one thing only: that ice skating rink that she’d heard so much about. no sooner than she got into her room was she leaving it, having thrown on a puffy coat and making her way down to the rink. she was like a moth to flame; cordelia hadn’t been skating since she was a young girl, but it was like riding a bike, wasn’t it? as soon as she got back on the ice, she’d be okay?
               no. not at all, but she could at least keep herself on the ice. she hadn’t fallen yet and, as she watched a pair skate circles around her, she frowned. recognizing taesoo on the other side of the rink, she hastily ( but sloppily ) made her way over to him. “hey -- woah!” she quite nearly fell backwards before keeping herself upright. “do you see those two? what show-offs, am i right?” she pointed to the couple, who looked like they were olympic gold medalists based on the grace with which they were floating on the ice. “do you think they want a skate off, or should we have a skate off? unless you’re too scared, that is.”  
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onlysmagic · 3 years
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mark’s 2021 countdown live: ig filters 
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onlysmagic · 3 years
“I hurled myself into my grief like a dove, like snow on the dead. Angels don’t know whether they’re moving among the living or the dead.”
— Deluge; ‘Deluge’ by Leila Chatti (via decreation)
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onlysmagic · 3 years
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onlysmagic · 3 years
✹  *     ˚    ✧          featuring          ziggy.
       𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐒𝐀𝐘  ziggy had come to this getaway prepared . and, when saying that, he meant that he’d brought a very special jenga set to livin’ up the stay on this vacation that the bak’s had generously paid for. though, TONIGHT was the night that boy was finally being able to put it to good use. the wooden blocks stacked in their tower as various drinks and shots were sat at the sidelines for when him or cordy had to face their punishments in a game of drunk jenga. sitting together by the fire place, it was a grin he shot cordelia’s way. finally finished placing the final pieces together.   ❝  so,   ❞ he began.   ❝  you prepared to get annihilated , brah ?? how should we decide who goes first ?? rock, paper, scissors ?? nose-goes ??   ❞ 
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              cordelia was surprisingly excited about this little excursion -- perhaps, most of all, because she didn’t have to pay for it. cordelia wanted to see the world, of course, but that tended to require money that she didn’t have. spending time with her friends on the isle was wonderful in and of itself, but especiallu since it was coming out of the bak family’s pockets. now, she wasn’t exactly excited to hit the slopes or anything of that sort. no, she was most excited to spend time goofing off with her friends -- namely, ziggy. “how many times do i have to tell you to stop calling me brah, zigilicious?” it’s only right that she calls him something equally as obnoxious. “rock, paper, scissors wouldn’t be fair, because i know that you always put out scissors. why don’t we both think of a number and whichever number is higher has to go first?” 
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onlysmagic · 3 years
✹  *     ˚    ✧          featuring          minhyuk.
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            to be fair, jianyu was a little surprised to see that he’d been selected to share a room with minhyuk on this excursion. it was probably for the best, given that he’d have to be on his absolute best behavior all during the trip. the baks scared the daylights out of him and he had a hunch that anything that got through them could find its way to parents and god, did he not want that. as he was admiring the room and beginning to unpack, jianyu noticed that he might have brought too many clothes ( alright, he certainly brought too many clothes. ) “hey, how much space do you think you’ll need in the closet and in the drawers?” he asked of minhyuk, trying to see if he could gauge how much or how little ( hopefully how little ) the other had brought along. “i might have gone a little, heh, overboard.” he continued, doing his best to make small talk. frowning a little, jianyu blurted something out that, after it was in the open, caused him to hope for the ground to swallow him whole. “you don’t talk much, do you?”
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onlysmagic · 3 years
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it’s honey ( again ) and -- he’s here! esteemed try-hard and self-proclaimed prince charming ( don’t ask, he’s dumb dumb dumb ) jianyu is here! he’s a relatively new muse, but that doesn’t mean i’m anything less than SO pumped to bring him to life. give this post a heart and let’s get plotting!
jianyu's stats 🌊 jianyu's wanted connections 🌊 jianyu's pinboard
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           HUANG JIANYU was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. his parents had both clawed their way to the top of the business world in their respective industries ( his father was a public relations juggernaut while his mother was heavily involved in all the best mass media campaigns. ) it was only natural that, upon falling in like with one another, the pair would get married. they were from well-off families and, well, people like them ( people with power, prestige, wealth, people who were too busy for silly feelings ) didn’t marry for love, anyway.
          or, at least that was what jianyu was told from a young age. as far back as he could remember, feelings and the mess they caused were the weakest and worst part of human nature. his parents told him to conceal everything to the point where he felt nothing. feelings only caused headaches and heartaches and huangs needed to be strong, with their heads held high and anything that lesser people had to say wasn’t important. it would never be important because it was coming from people who, as far as his family were concerned, had the importance of an ant. they were there to be squashed.
          feelings were off limits, but the problem that eventually reared its ugly head was that jianyu had nothing but feelings. further, having a quirk that allowed him to gauge both the thoughts and feelings of others through the one thing that the 71% of the entire freaking planet was covered in: water. when he was younger and didn’t know much about hydromancy, jianyu just thought that he had an aversion to water. some kids are afraid of the dark, others of heights or bugs or animals, jianyu didn’t like water. it wasn’t until his brothers -- as a vicious prank -- pushed him into the family pool at the ripe age of six, that he realized why he didn’t like water. the second he fell into the pool, his entire body screamed and he quite nearly took in too, too much water. however, he also felt a funny sort of feeling. he’d felt like he’d been there before. behind his eyelids, jianyu watched as the day before’s events -- his brothers splashing about in the pool, his mother’s legs draped over the side and his father cajoling the young jianyu to come for a dip -- flashed before him. what was that?
           after his rescue, jianyu was changed. his life was turned upside down because, beforehand, he felt as though he could avoid feelings, look the other way and not have to deal with them. now, he knew better. sure, he was young, but the boy wasn’t dumb. he understood what this meant. all of his family members had powerful, volatile, important quirks. what good were stupid feelings anyway?
           jianyu knew, from that day on, he’d always be an outsider in his own family. he’d never belong with those who shared his blood, and that absolutely broke him. so he tried to compensate it by being kind to everyone else -- perhaps a little too overly kind. ‘ tryhard ‘ would almost be too tame a word to describe him, always buzzing about and trying his best to keep everyone happy like it was his life’s goal. the people who he especially tries hard to please are his family, who cannot help but show disdain for him every chance they get. it’s almost as though his mere existence is an inconvenience, but boy -- he keeps trying and he will try anything in order to be back in their good graces.
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          HAVING lived on hosu isle for as long as he can remember, jianyu likens himself to something of a person who everyone likes. no, he’s no social butterfly, but he hopes that, in the court of public opinion, he is highly regarded. being cut off from his family was rather traumatizing for him, so he’s all but desperate to get back in their good graces . . . but he’s not too ready to admit that to the world ( just yet. )
          if you are ever in a pinch, need a friend or just a helping hand, jianyu is the one you call. however, more and more lately, he’s been wondering if he’s running a fool’s errand, trying to obtain things that were never really his in the first place. the boy has a lot on his mind and is looking for answers ( answers that he is, unfortunately, unable to find through his quirk ) so anyone who might understand and know the way back to his family’s good graces would be appreciated . . . any time now . . . hello?
          also! if you’ve got questions about your future or just want answers about whether or not your relationship is heading in the right direction, give him a call! his current side project is starting a makeshift fortune telling company. he’s not the best at explaining anything, but the water doesn’t lie. huh. not the absolute best tagline, but it’s all he’s got for right now -- but the boy is determined to do better. he will do better.
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POSITIVE : loyal, sprightly, autonomous, clever and dedicated.
NEGATIVE : ditzy, unambitious, obnoxious, surly and quarrelsome.
LABEL : the devoted . . . to know him is to love him, and he'll always look out for those who he loves.
EASTERN ZODIAC SIGN : THE DOG . . . loyal and honest, amiable and kind, cautious and prudent, but not good at communication.
WESTERN ZODIAC SIGN : PISCES / THE FISH . . . a water sign. a psychic, empathetic, and compassionate creature of the astrological wheel. with such immense sensitivity, pisces can easily become swallowed by emotions and must remember to stay grounded in the material realm.
PERSONALITY TYPE : ISTP / THE CRAFTSMAN . . . excels at analyzing situations to reach the heart of a problem.
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coming soon! but basically he needs friends, people who take advantage of him ( he’s a dumbass tryhard ), people who did business w/ his family or who are trying to move up in the world by knowing the huangs socially, A SQUAD, exes, childhood crushes, fwbs, people who frequent his fortune telling business and people he sees at the internet cafe all the time.
pls love him i love all of u
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onlysmagic · 3 years
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onlysmagic · 3 years
big fan of walking in the rain. hate the concept of wet clothes. i am tired of life and its obscure sufferings
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onlysmagic · 3 years
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aries sun + aquarius moon + cancer rising
( anon )
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onlysmagic · 3 years
I have thoughts but I think I will keep them to myself <3 they’re MINE
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onlysmagic · 3 years
✹  *     ˚    ✧          featuring          saint.
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         cordelia knew that she was quite lucky to have found a friend, a fellow old soul in saint. behind that ( or, at least how she had perceived him to be before they got close ) cool-as-ice exterior there was someone who was so sweet and always had a smile for her. when cordelia had first arrived on the island, she felt like she couldn’t get any lower in her life. it wasn’t possible. she felt like she’d never see the sun or the stars again, but making friends with saint proved that it could and would get better. never having been good with words, she decides it best to try her best to let the boy know how much he meant to her. as they’re sitting in a restaurant, laughing loudly at something sweet yet silly his grandmami had said the night before, cordelia comes out with it. “this might be weird or out of place to say, but i just wanted to thank you.” the girl began, blowing some hair out of her eyes so that she could really see him as she said all this. “when i first came here, i thought there would be no cool people on the island, but there you were. i just wanted to say thank you for making everything here feel so special.” the girl had a hunch that she’d made the mood a little odd and frowned. “i just made everything weird, didn’t i?”
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onlysmagic · 3 years
✹  *     ˚    ✧          featuring          jangmi.
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❅ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴀɴɢᴍɪ: whose mouth are you calling pretty? ❅ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴀɴɢᴍɪ: if anything whenever he speaks everything else gets ruined ❅ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴀɴɢᴍɪ: why would anyone root for something like that???????? ❅ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴀɴɢᴍɪ: do they think we live in a movie??  ❅ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴀɴɢᴍɪ:  of course I can do better! chaos or seojun????? ME?!?! ❅ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴀɴɢᴍɪ: thank you, you’re the real mvp ❅ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴀɴɢᴍɪ: you can call up chaos for money, he owes me at least some bail money ❅ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴀɴɢᴍɪ: i’d even tell you to call up sungjae for money, but if i kill him then he cannot give money to bail me out ❅ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴀɴɢᴍɪ: should i just plan a heist before his murder so we get the bail money?
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☄ delia : ,,,,,,,,,, seojun's 😔 yes go ahead clown me ☄ delia : i deserve it for having no taste and losing my mind over any boy with a good jawline 😔😔😔😔😔 i am but a girl of basic taste ☄ delia : tbh if we lived in a movie, they could just hire you to play yourself. you've got that actress / main character aura. ☄ delia : couldn't agree more!! too many scrubby guys around this isle. i think we need a new one. ☄ delia : isle i mean. ☄ delia : OOH! A HEIST SOUNDS FUN!!! ORRRR WE COULD FRAME SUNGJAE FOR SEOJUN'S MURDER TOO! ☄ delia : come on,,, our minds? ☄ delia : we have the minds of masterminds 😔
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