Manual for Teachers: Do You Believe in Magic Thoughts?
Manual for Teachers: Do You Believe in Magic Thoughts?
Do You Believe in Magic?
A Course in Miracles talks about magic a lot.  As is always the case, what the Course means by magic isn’t what most of us think of.  “Magic is the mindless or the miscreative use of mind.” It is the miscreations of the ego thought system trying to convince us that it is in charge and has everything under control. “1 All magic is an attempt at reconciling the…
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The End of Sacrifice: Retrained to Know I Already Have it All
The End of Sacrifice: Retrained to Know I Already Have it All
I already have it all
Part of the benefit of listening to A Course in Miracles while I drive is that it is mind-retraining.  I notice the flaws in my own thinking, most of which stem from the “one problem” of thinking that I am separate from God.  In the awareness of connection, the blocks to my awareness of love’s presence disappear and life feels different.  I am swaddled in love.  Once fear is…
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I’m Done with Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places
I’m Done with Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places
All the Wrong Places
“Trying to study darkness to get to the light doesn’t make any sense.” –Lisa Natoli
“It must be pointless to attempt to solve a problem where the answer cannot be.”  The answer is never in the world, for the answer is always God.  As remembering this slowly morphs into my default position, I realize I have spent my lifetime looking for love in all the wrong places.  Not…
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Enlightenment: Are You Ready to Lift the Veil?
Enlightenment: Are You Ready to Lift the Veil?
Ready to Lift the Veil
“Those who seek the light are merely covering their eyes. The light is in them now. Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all.”  I always thought that enlightenment would be like having the light within turned on and then never having it turn off again.  But I am beginning to think that is wrong.  Maybe all it takes is being ready to lift the veil.  Yet, I am…
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Standing Naked, Loving the Messy
Standing Naked, Loving the Messy
Seek for Love
Life is messy.  Imperfect.  Chocked full of things that don’t match my personal preference. But what I am coming to realize is that if I hope to “be love,” if I hope to release my judgments and fully embrace “I do not know what anything is for”then I must learn to love the messiness of it all.  I must stand naked – no preconceived ideas, no judgments, no assessments. Naked.  It’s…
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Be Only Love: Letting Go of Fear
Be Only Love: Letting Go of Fear
Be Only Love
  What would it be like to be only love?  “Love holds no grievances,” A Course in Miracles tells us and even though intellectually I “know” this, I still find myself having opinions, by which I mean, thinking that things should be different.  It’s not that I am trying to preserve my bitching rights, even though, truth be told, I sort of am.  There isa part of my mind that is like,…
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Be the Change You Want to See
Be the Change You Want to See
Be the Change
Sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem is to stop being part of it.  You can’t fight for peace – you must “be the change you want to see in the world,” (as Gandhi said).  I say this, in part, because it helps when I remember that complaining about things (what A Course in Miraclesrefers to as grievances) is NOT the path to changing them.  Like most humans, I sometimes act as…
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Lead Me Not into Temptation
Lead Me Not into Temptation
It’s a decision.  Happiness. Anger.  Heaven.  Hell.  There are all decisions.  This morning, my husband snapped at me when I asked him a question and it hurt.  I had done nothing to warrant such a response.  I had asked a simple question.  And although my “policy” is never to take anything personally, I was tempted.  I don’t like it when he is harsh.  I don’t enjoy being snapped at for…
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When More isn’t More Anymore
When More isn’t More Anymore
When More Isn’t More
Like most Americans, I like more.  There is something luscious about “more.”  In the movie One True Thing, there is a line where Meryl Streep, whose character is dying of cancer, says, “You dad always says ‘less is more.’  To me, more is more.” And I get it.  I do.  I like more – lavish excess.  Fullness.  Choice.  We like choice.  I like choice. More is more.  Right???
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Manual for Teachers and How Should the Teacher of God Day Spend His Day?
Manual for Teachers and How Should the Teacher of God Day Spend His Day?
How Should the Teacher of God Spend his Day?
Feeling somewhat uninspired but still yearning to do some writing about A Course in Miracles, I decided today would be the perfect day for returning to the Manual for Teachers and seeing where I left off.  It’s almost like God is having a good laugh at my expense, for when I checked to see what the next section was I discovered I was here: 16. HOW…
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Taking Out the Garbage
Taking Out the Garbage
Your Will
This is a discussion about willingness.  A Course in Miracles talks a lot about willingness and personally, whenever I am praying about something one of the things I do a self-check on is my will.  Is it aligned with God’s?  Here’s the thing: it absolutely always it, (“The lesson is that your will and God’s cannot be out of accord because they are one“) but I (as in the real me, my…
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Living in the Mystery: Contemplating Illusion and the Author of Fear
Living in the Mystery: Contemplating Illusion and the Author of Fear
Living in the Mystery
What if, instead of thinking you know what should be happening or how things are supposed to be, what if you just lived in the mystery?  I ask myself this sometimes, often actually when I find myself resisting rather than enjoying.  I am not thinking with the mind of God when I am resisting, in fact, I am not really thinking as all because what is not a thought of God is…
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No Longer Loveless: Finding my Way Past Guilt to Where Nothing has Changed
No Longer Loveless: Finding my Way Past Guilt to Where Nothing has Changed
Guilt is the natural result of being loveless.  Since love is who we are, anytime we behave unlovingly, we can’t help but feel guilty because we are denying the truth of who we know we are.  The Course says, “ It is impossible to use one relationship at the expense of another and not to suffer guilt.”  This includes our relationships with our God, our family, our work, and ourselves. …
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In Search of Miracles: Nothing Changes but Me
In Search of Miracles: Nothing Changes but Me
“1 A miracle is a correction. It does not create, nor really change at all. It merely looks on devastation, and reminds the mind that what it sees is false. It undoes error, but does not attempt to go beyond perception, nor exceed the function of forgiveness. Thus it stays within time’s limits. Yet it paves the way for the return of timelessness and love’s awakening, for fear must slip…
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Perfect Trust: A Better Way
Perfect Trust: A Better Way
A Better Way
Being human so often feels like a Ping-Pong match. Sometimes I know exactly who I am and that God is my Source and that there is nothing to fret over.  More and more, I find myself praying on my “problems” only to turn around and discover that they have magically taken care of themselves without any further effort on my part.  This is awesome!  This should be confirmation that…
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Be Quiet: Final Judgment and the Manual for Teachers
Be Quiet: Final Judgment and the Manual for Teachers
In the Stillness
Lately, it’s all about learning to be quiet and let go of thinking that I know anything.  Returning to the Manual for Teachers, Section 15 poses the question: 15. IS EACH ONE TO BE JUDGED IN THE END?  The answer is that when we all finally live in a judgment-free zone (I do not know what anything is for), then we will be judged. When we know who we are and we show it, then yes,…
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Walk Away and Quit Making the Error Real
Walk Away and Quit Making the Error Real
Error Real
I had an epiphany today.  As a person with a history of sacrificing myself for others, this hasn’t been the easiest one to see.  Although I have given up caring whether or not people like me (usually they do, but whatever), I still sometimes find that I want to help people that I can’t help.  I often repeat the line from the Course, “The sole responsibility of the miracle worker is to…
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