onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
Touch my muse. Be descriptive or simple, tender or violent, fond or hateful - anything goes.
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
Kiss my muse!
It can be as simple as sending in “*kisses*” or you can write something longer or detailed, whatever you like! If you’re having trouble with muse and can’t write much but still have something specific in mind, add context in OOC brackets after the kiss! 
Example: “*kisses* [ maybe kissing in the rain while saying goodbye? ]”
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
"Why did you leave me, Irene?" James was a figure of despair. ''I thought that you loved me? Was I too only a game?''
Pretend to give them bad news, pretend to break up with them, pretend to make an upsetting confession - as long as it hurts, it’s fair game.
{ @ofthebravc​ || James }
A nightmare. It must be a nightmare. And yet, she knows that she is awake. Knows that, despite her injuries, surely she is not so bad as to hallucinate.
And yet, what other explanation is there for James––
James who had welcomed her back with open arms, no matter that they had been separated by decades, over a century, in fact.
James who had forgiven her for what she had done with that same boundless love and compassion he has always seemed to possess.
Her James.
––to be standing in his (their?) room, looking at her with such utter heartbreak? What other explanation could there be for those despairing words he utters, words that cut like knives into her very soul.
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“James, you were never a game to me! You––”
How could she put into words what he was and is to her? How could she make him see? To understand?
How selfish it seems to her, were she to ramble on about how she had suffered. About how it had almost killed her to leave him, especially in such a state as he had been when she had taken her leave. When she had run away. All of the reasonings she had told herself for years seemed to pale and turn to dust to be swept away by the wind in the face of his agony.
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What right had she to speak of her own suffering after what she had done to him? After how she had abandoned him exactly when he may well have needed her most. After how she had allowed him to think her dead, to leave him alone for so, so many years…
None. She has no right.
Tears falling, she looks to him, her own pain clear on her face, in the way that her entire being seems to turn dim and dull, darkened by the weight of her guilt and her sorrow for what she had done to this man. To her love.
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“You were  n e v e r  a game to me. You were and are and always will be– my heart, my soul, my everything!  I cannot ever explain– how sorry I am to have– to have hurt you and I could never atone– for what I did. I could spend the rest of– of eternity– apologizing and it would never– never  be enough.”
Bringing her hands to cover her face, she curls in on herself, sobs soon wracking her tiny frame, managing to say no more than one small, fractured confession.
“Ni aron– umlan maech, … edrach– draemith……”
No other have I loved. No other do I love. No other will I ever love, My Dear Soul…
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
"Druitt, what the fuck have you done?!" Now their unpleasant, shape-shifting tormentor had taken the form of Declan, white-faced and cold-eyed. "You've killed him, Druitt! Watson ain't breathing, his throat's cut, the way you do it! I've already told Helen -- she can't forgive you, not for this, not this time! She said she knew you would, in the end. She knew you would, because all you do is hurt everyone around you! And now you have. He's dead. You killed him.''
Pretend to give them bad news, pretend to break up with them, pretend to make an upsetting confession - as long as it hurts, it’s fair game.
{ @ofthebravc​ || Declan & James }
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“I– I didn’t! I would have known if––!”
Would he? Would he have known? What if he had lost control again? Had he blacked out recently? He can’t remember. He can't––
And then there is rage even as tears fill his eyes.
“No………… NO! YOU’RE LYING!“ 
Forcing himself to his feet, he stumbles forward, clumsily reaching for the speaker of such terrible words only for them to dart out of the way. ”I WOULD NEVER––!“
A lunge this time that sends him crashing into a mirror, shattering it, shards flying everywhere, biting into skin. Blood, he can smell it. Feel the creature within rumbling and clawing to be free.
He does not care. He shoves it back down, smothers it with as much ferocity as he throws an unfortunate vase at the form retreating out his bedroom door.
It can’t… He can’t have…
He has to know.
Leaving his room, he stumbles through the halls, nothing but sheer desperation keeping one foot moving in front of the other.
He wouldn’t have… It would never go so far as that… He’ll show him. He didn’t. He could never had done that.
Dear God, please don’t let him have…  
Only a moment more and he staggers into the familiar office space. Blood running in rivulets down his left arm, a new gash on his face, and yet still perhaps most concerning is the agonized expression on his face as his gaze settles on James––
James. Sitting at his desk, teasing Tesla, seemingly without a care in the world.
James. His neck completely unmarred.
James. Alive.
––and he cannot stop the sob of relief that escapes him at that welcome sight.
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
"Nik, I can't be your friend anymore. You've twisted yourself into somethin' i don't recognise, and you don't deserve me anymore.'' It couldn't be Nigel, alive, /alive/, but yet, there he was. There he was after fifty years, but the love in his eyes was replaced by cold disappointment and terrible sorrow. An Abnormal was haunting the Sanctuary; taking the form of those loved most.
Pretend to give them bad news, pretend to break up with them, pretend to make an upsetting confession - as long as it hurts, it’s fair game.
{ @ofthebravc || Nigel }
He couldn’t believe his eyes at first. When he had looked up from his half empty third––or fourth, or fifth––bottle of wine, there had been Nigel. 
Standing in the middle of the room. Standing there as though he had every right to be. As though he hadn’t been dead and buried for decades.
And yet, as soon as that strange yet all too familiar shade had begun to speak, Nikola wished he had never appeared at all.
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“You… You don’t mean that,” he says, his voice far too quiet to be that of Nikola Tesla. with his penchant for being loud and snarky and indifferent as to what anyone thinks of him. Anyone except this man standing before him. 
“Nigel, I…” Scrambling to his feet, he takes a step forward, only for Nigel to step back, and is that disgust in his eyes? The very thought is enough to shatter the already broken remains of Nikola’s heart and he swallows hard, blinking to clear his suddenly misty vision.
“You have to understand, Nigel, please. I wasn’t the same after you… after you left. Everything was wrong and I was by myself and I––” And yet, how weak can he be? Sniffling before this man who would return only to judge him, as the others do. How dare he! How dare he treat him so coldly, to treat him with such derision, when this is his fault! 
“And––And I was by myself again! After you  s w o r e  to me you would never leave me again and you did! You left and all of the others hated me and I was alone and––and…”
Yet, just as quickly as his anger has swelled, it ebbs, then falls away entirely, leaving slender shoulders slumped, leaving the normally upbeat vampire looking completely and utterly defeated, hopeless. 
Gaze dropping to the floor, he eases himself down once more, long, skinny limbs fold in on themselves as he draws them close, as though by doing so he might protect himself from the condemnation of his once-friend.
“You left me after you promised… you  p r o m i s e d …”
Only the sound of retreating footsteps fill the room. After all, some pain can only be expressed through the utter despair found in the most lonely of silences…
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
Send my muse anons pretending to be someone they care about. The twist: make these anons as heartbreaking, disappointing, or anger-inducing as possible.
Pretend to give them bad news, pretend to break up with them, pretend to make an upsetting confession - as long as it hurts, it’s fair game.
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
✶Anonymously critique my writing✶
I want to improve. This isn’t a call for compliments nor sugarcoated words. I would like some honest opinions on how I could improve my writing and portrayal. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
Drop your Muse’s name in my inbox and I’ll reveal my Muse’s opinion of them...
Most admirable quality: Most attractive physical feature: Most annoying habit: Something they would like to do with them:
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
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Every fan every time
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
Well, you know how much I adore you. How much I honestly think you bring every character to life so brilliantly and I just couldn't be without you now, both as RP partner and friend. Love you
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Look at all my smiley babies. Basically me right now. :’)
Likewise, you know how much I respect and adore you. Honestly, I don’t even know what I would do without you. You are one of the most incredible people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and you are, without doubt or question, one of my best friends. 
Thank you so much for being the amazing person that you are and for putting up with all of my craziness and fangirling. Though you only have yourself to blame for Sanctuary hahaha
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
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so i want to try something, an ‘experiment’ that will actually help people rather than hurt them. i want to see how far this post can get and how much positivity it can spread. HERE’S THE CHALLENGE: if you see this, contact a few people and let them know how important they are to you, say something nice about them, wish them a good day, etc. you don’t have to include any reference to this post, just send them a nice message. and if you feel comfortable doing so, reblog this so other people will see it and send others positive messages. the ‘experiment’ part of this little project is in seeing how far these messages can get. i’m in a relatively small fandom, so i want to see how many fandoms this can get to, how many people this can reach with the intention of spreading happiness. because we need good, helpful things, not negative ——and i hope this post may actually do some good.
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
Frank Sinatra Sentence Meme
“But it wouldn’t be make believe if you believed in me.”
“Forget your troubles and just get happy.”
“I don’t know why I love you like I do.”
“I get along without you very well, of course I do.”
“I thought at last I’d found you but other loves surround you and I don’t stand a ghost of a chance with you.”
“I’m sorry I made you cry. Won’t you forget, won’t you forgive?”
“It breaks my heart to hear you sigh.”
“It must be fun, lots of fun, to be sure when day is done that the hour is coming when you’ll be kissed and then you’ll be kissed again.”
“Lately, I find myself gazing at stars, hearing guitars like someone in love.”
“Look at yourself, if you had a sense of humor you would laugh to beat the band.”
“Should I reveal exactly how I feel?”
“Sometimes the things I do astound me, mostly whenever you’re around me.”
“The only time you hold me is when we’re dancing.”
“When skies are cloudy and gray, they’re only gray for a day So wrap your troubles in dreams and dream your troubles away.”
“When we met, I felt my life begin.”
“When you’re alone, who cares for starlit skies?”
“Whenever skies look gray to me and trouble begins to brew, whenever the winter winds become too strong, I concentrate on you.”
“Why shouldn’t I take a chance when romance passes by? Why shouldn’t I know of love?”
“Yes, I met my ideal thing when I met you.”
“Your looks are laughable, unphotographable, yet youre my favourite work of art.”
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
Cinderella (2015) starters pt. 2
“I said I’d have courage, but I don’t. Not anymore.”
“Who am I? I should think you’d have worked that one out.”
“I’m your hairy dogfather. I mean, your godmother.”
“Let me slip into something more comfortable.”
“You’re making me nervous actually.”
“You see the trick is… Actually I’ve forgotten what the trick is.”
“If I may, that is, it would give me the greatest pleasure if you would do me the honor of letting me lead you through this dance.”
“They’re all looking at you.”
“Look, please forgive me.”
“I mistook you for a good, honest, country girl.”
“No one’s ever painted my portrait.”
“Won’t they miss you at the ball?”
“Let’s not go back just yet.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m expected to marry for advantage.”
“Well, surely you have a right to your own heart.”
“I’ve never shown this place to anyone.”
“Won’t you tell me who you really are?”
“I don’t understand. Can you at least tell me your name?”
“Wait! Where are you going?”
“You’ve been awfully nice. Thank you for a wonderful evening. I loved it. Every second.”
“You had to go choose that one, didn’t you?”
“You must not marry for advantage. You must marry for love.”
“Nothing is ever given, for everything we must pay.”
“Why are you so cruel? I don’t understand it.”
“No one deserves to be treated as you have treated me.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Careful, my foot’s a bit swollen.”
“Is who I am, who I really am, enough?”
“Will you take me as I am?”
“We must have a portrait of you painted.”
“I’m ready for anything, so long as it’s with you.”
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
Monstrous Headcanons:
Because we can’t all just put brains in jars to see how they tick.
♦ - HOARD - something that is precious to them ✿ - DECAY - an old memory, from childhood perhaps ⚔ - DUEL - a meeting or relationship that was important to them ♥ - STAKED - a jarring event, something that changed their life/outlook ∇ - TOMBSTONE - who they are versus who they appear to be ☼ - DAYSTAR - a secret they don’t want coming to light ☂ - THUNDERSTORM - a difficult or miserable time in their life ⚖ - SCALES - how well they balance their good and bad impulses ϟ - LIGHTNING - something they thought they’d left in the past, returned ☢ - BIOHAZARD - the most dangerous thing about them to others ♬ - DIRGE - a habit, hobby, or obsession they can’t seem to shake ■ - LAIR - where they live, work, or spend most of their time ☠ - DEATH - the closest it’s come to touching their life
Ask on-anon or off!
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
The Emperor’s New Groove starters pt. 2
“Why did I risk my life for a selfish brat like you?”
“I was always taught that there was some good in everyone, but you prove me wrong.”
“That makes you ugly and stupid.”
“What are we gonna do? We’re gonna die!”
“We’re gonna have to work together to get out of this, so follow my lead.”
“Don’t look down!”
“You’re just gonna have to trust me.”
“It’s a good thing you’re not a big fat guy or this would be very difficult.”
“I snatched you right out of the air.”
“You… Just saved my life.”
“Four days is a long time. Who knows, maybe you’ll change your mind.”
“What are the chances of you carrying me?”
“I hate this jungle.”
“Just one more for exotic bird bingo.”
“Are you talking to that squirrel?”
“I was a junior chipmunk, and I had to be versed in all the woodland creatures.”
“Now ask him which way the talking llama went!”
“Uh, squeakity-squeak, squeakin’.”
“As soon as we get something to eat, you’re walking the rest of the way.”
“Oh, whatever you say pumpkin, you know what I like.”
“When will you learn that all my ideas are good ones?”
“Anything sounds bad when you say it with that attitude.”
“Please. With this disguise, I’m invisible.”
“We’ve been walking around in circles for who knows how long.”
“That is the last time we take directions from a squirrel.”
“You really gotta stop beating yourself up about that.”
“Look, all I know is the food looked iffy.”
“Is there or is there not anything edible on this menu?”
“Hey, I didn’t ask him about dessert yet!”
“I get it. You don’t want to take me back to the palace, you want to keep me stranded here forever.”
“There’ll be no more diversions until we track that llama down and kill him!”
“They saw the whole thing, they know what happened.”
“So… You tired of being a llama?”
“Remind me again how you’re related to ___?”
“Go. I’ll stall them long enough for you to get a head start.”
“Ok, I’ll admit it. Maybe I wasn’t as nice as I should have been.”
“It’s called cruel irony.”
“Then I bet you weren’t expecting this!”
“Hey, you’re not backing down now, are you?”
“Why did I think you could do this?”
“And do you want to know something else? I’ve never really liked your spinach puffs.”
“Give me that vial!”
“Hey, I’ve been turned into a cow. Can I go home?”
“We’ve gotta change you back.”
“This’ll change you back to a human.”
“Is that my voice?!”
“I’m going to drink it!”
“Once I turn back into my beautiful self, I’m going to kill you!”
“For the last time, we did not order a giant trampoline.”
“You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?”
“What are the odds of that trap door leading me out here?”
“Oh, it’s not the first time I was thrown out a window. And it won’t be the last.”
“What can I say? I’m a rebel.”
“I’ll be building my summer home on a more magical hill.”
“A perfect world begins and ends with us.”
“My acorn is missing.”
“Did you eat the acorn?”
“You owe me a new acorn.”
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
Your muse has been injured! Send 🤕 to have my muse see them.
If your muse is hurt in a specific way, please specify how.
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onlyxthexchosen-a · 7 years
1-800-how’s my portrayal?
This mun is now accepting feedback! 
Please remember there’s a difference between hate, constructive criticism, and giving praise because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
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