onnatantei · 5 years
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Exact same energy (and proof Detective Conan is a shoujo in disguise)
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onnatantei · 5 years
That’s not  justice
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onnatantei · 5 years
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onnatantei · 5 years
Found some forgotten memes I made awhile ago then decided to make new ones…
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onnatantei · 5 years
For anyone who wants a free pose-able human reference for drawing
The other day I came across this awesome program by accident (I don’t even remember what I was actually searching for, but on the several times I’ve looked for a program like this I’ve had no luck). It’s cool enough that I wanted to share it.
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It’s called DesignDoll (website here) and it’s a program that lets you shape and pose a human figure pretty much however you want.
There’s a trial version with no expiration date that can be downloaded for free, as well as the “pro license” version priced at $79. I’ve only had the free version for two days so far, so I’m not an expert and I haven’t figured out all of the features yet, but I’ve got the basics down. The website’s tutorials are actually pretty helpful for the basics, as well. 
Here’s the page for download, which has a list of the features available in both versions.
There are three features the free version doesn’t have:
Can’t save OBJ files for export
Can’t download models and poses from Doll Atelier (a sharing site for users; note that the site is in Japanese, though)
It can’t load saved files
The third one means that if you make a pose, save it, and close the program, you can’t load that pose/modified model later. You have to start with the default model. I found that out when I tried to load a file from the day before (this is why reading is important…). Whether saving your modifications (and downloading models and poses) is worth $80 is up to you. 
But, the default model is pretty nice and honestly if all you’re looking for is a basic pose reference it should work fairly well as it is. Here’s what it looks like:
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There’s a pose tag that lets you drag each joint into place and rotate body parts. The torso and waist can be twisted separately, and it seems like everything pretty much follows the range of movement it would have on an actual human.
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Even the entire shoulder area is actually movable along with the joint! See, like how the scapular area of the back raises with the arm:
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The morphing tag is one of the coolest features, in my opinion. It lets you pick and choose from a library of pre-set forms for the head, chest, arms, legs, etc. It has some more realistic body shapes in addition to more anime-like ones. Don’t like the options there? Mix a few to get what you want! Each option has a slider that lets you blend as much or as little as you want into the design. 
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So you, too, can create beautiful things like kawaii Muscle-chan!!
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The scale tag lets you mess with the proportions and connection points of different joints. This feature combined with the morphing feature not only allows more body shape variations, but it also means that you can do things like make a more digitigrade model if you want. (The feet only have an ankle joint, but for regular human poses that’s all that you really need, so whatever.)
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Or you can make a weird chubby alien-like thing with giant hands and balloon tiddies if that’s more your thing.
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The ability to pose hands to the extent it allows is far more than I could have hoped for from a free program. Seriously, you can change the position of each finger joint individually, as well as how spread out the fingers are from each other. Each crease on the diagram below is a point of movement, and the circles are for spread between fingers. 
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And to make it a bit more convenient, there’s a library of pre-set hand poses you can pick from as well, and then change the pose from that if you like. 
In both versions, you can also import OBJ files from other places for the model to hold, like if you wanted to have them hold a sword or something.
Basically, this program is awesome and free and you should totally check it out if you want a good program for creating pose references.
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onnatantei · 5 years
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a total of two people actually care about this but i’m going to release it into the wild anyway
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onnatantei · 5 years
Hattori: Hey Kudo, are you a night owl or an early bird?
Shinichi: Both.
Hattori: .... what does that even mean?
Shinichi: It means I stay up until five in the morning reading case files, then wake up at seven to read even more before going to school.
Hattori: But... doesn’t that only leave you with two hours of sleep?
Shinichi: *sips extra large cup of coffee* Yep.
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onnatantei · 5 years
Angels weren't supposed to sympathize with demons. The separation between the two powerful entities lied in the way they approached humanity, their source of livelihood and pleasure. Angels guided humans to be the best version of themselves, silently supporting them from behind; giving a push whenever their human needed; cautioning them against things and people who could potentially harm them. Sixth sense was what the humans called it. Angels screeching at the top of their lungs was what their kind preferred.
Demons on the other hand enjoyed seeing their humans suffer. They thrived on sadism as far as angels were concerned. Murder, thievery, assault, every depraved action was encouraged, every foul thought met with acceptance.
Angels and demons could never get along. Their lifestyle, their thinking, they could never match. So when God assigned Ran and Shinichi Kudou, an infamous demon, to one single human, Ran knew that the human's life was going to be a big mess, what she didn't know right then was how the demon she was supposed to be working with her would change her whole perspective on the angels and demons species discourse.
Shiho Miyano was their assigned human. And the moment she was born, Shinichi Kudou already had a tight hold on her. He was cocky about it too. Letting the girl go through the worst kind of pain when she lost her parents at a tender age, but Ran had decided to save her elder sister, Akemi and years later, Shinichi Kudou has struck again, which resulted in Akemi's death.
Ran was pissed. She just wanted Shiho to be happy. And that demon, Shinichi Kudou was ruining the poor girl's life. And so a visit was due. Angels and demons never interacted with each other. Even when both of them were assigned to the same human, they had never met each other. They preferred to work separately. As far as both of them were concerned, the farther they stayed away, the better it was. But Ran was willing to compromise and meet the foul demon so that she could spare poor Shiho.
The moment she stepped in hell's realm, she regretted her decision. Her pure white wings were on full display, proudly declaring to everyone around her that she was an angel but the way these hell creatures stared at her, it made her feel unsteady. They were leering at her and their gazes were full of hostility.
Ran squared her shoulders and shook their gazes off. She was on a mission and so, she marched straight up to Shinichi Kudou's house.
To say that she was surprised when she saw his house would be an understatement. It looked like a human's. Ran snorted. This guy was surely made fun of. Demons looked down on anything human related. They wanted humans to perish. So a blatant symbolism of what humans associated with warmth and familiarity would definitely be ridiculed. Maybe this guy wasn't as smart as she was led to believe.
While she was busy staring at the house, Shinichi had sensed that an angel was out there. He sighed to himself, knowing that she could be the only one who would be brave enough to enter Hell and walked towards the door.
After all, he did know his wife from their human lives would definitely, definitely be stupid enough to come to a place she should not have.
He opened the door and there she stood. It had been a millenia since he had seen her. And he had to jump through every kind of loophole to have her assigned to the human he was working on.
She was so beautiful, with her dark blue eyes and luscious, long hair and-
"Shinichi Kudou?" Ran asked angrily.
And her memory loss.
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onnatantei · 5 years
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Gdi Kaito
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onnatantei · 5 years
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onnatantei · 5 years
While rereading the case with heijis Mom I realized I need some Shinichi/Shizuka interaction! Grown Shinichi visiting Osaka and Heishin being the bros they always are with Shizuka giving Shinichi some motherly love since his mother is overseas.
Am I the only one? Literally found no fanfiction. If anybody got something please share!
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onnatantei · 5 years
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Damn Ran, get him 👀
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onnatantei · 5 years
When Ran and Shinichi go out to have a good time but find a dead body instead
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onnatantei · 5 years
Fake Fic Summaries, 23/? the Ultimate Rival edition (2019-10-08)
Ultimate Rival
One day, Hero’s going to be the greatest soccer player in Japan. But right now, there’s someone standing in his way.
Imagine a sports manga protagonist–just your stereotypical shounen hero who’s clumsy but big hearted and wants his high school soccer team to be the best in Tokyo/Japan/the world. He has some kind of catch phrase involving hard work or friendship or believing or something like that and, even though he’s not very good at soccer now, he’s got potential.
Do you have it?
Now, imagine Hero’s high school gets matched up against Teitan High School. Why does sound familiar? We’ll get to it. Hero’s high school–let’s call them, hm, Underdog High–is looking forward to this match. Maybe it’s a practice match. They’re not arrogant, but they’re feeling pretty good, because Teitan’s at their level and it’ll be a good learning game. Sure, there’s a new player (or an old player who’s returned? Some guy who was gone for a while and missed a lot of practices, so he probably won’t even be in the match) but Underdog thinks they have a fair shot.
Except then they get there. They play. And they lose. Majorly.
You know how in sports manga, the abilities kind of feel like super powers? Well, imagine Hero up against an opponent who has Perfect Accuracy in their kicks and Prediction/Deduction who knows what and when and where not only their own teammates will go/do but also Underdog’s players.
Imagine a normal shounen sports manga protagonist up against Kudou Shinichi.
And imagine that Hero then claims Kudou Shinichi as his Rival–in the way that all shounen sports manga protagonists do when faced with the first “powered” opponent they ever play.
Kudou Shinichi. Who has recently returned from being a child again and taking down the Black Org–a criminal organization spanning the entire nation (/world?). Kudou Shinichi. Who has been shot. Who has a lot of other people who would claim themselves as his Rival. Kudou Shinichi, for whom soccer is The Least Stakes Activity he has in his life.
Can you imagine this? And, like, Kudou Shinichi doesn’t mean to be dismissive of Hero’s claim of rivalry. It’s just. What? Kudou Shinichi is rivals with Hattori Heiji, the Great Detective of the West. Kudou Shinichi is rivals with internationally acclaimed phantom thief Kaitou KID. He has an eight year old biochemist and an inventing professor on stand by. He has literal spy gadgets. Kudou Shinichi has worked with the FBI. He’s been shot!
What does one big-hearted shounen sports manga protagonist have? Soccer is literally how Shinichi relaxes. Not only does he not use his literal spy gadgets during games (because that would be cheating) he doesn’t even think of his Perfect Accuracy and Prediction/Deduction as an awe-inspiring ability. They’re human level capabilities. His childhood friend can break concrete wth her bare hands! Soccer is a hobby! Hero is not even on his level.
I just. The idea of a normal teenage boy who really loves soccer trying to claim Shinichi as his Ultimate Rival is just so hilarious to me.
And also, Shinichi’s Actual Rivals passive aggressively bullying Hero because they’re his REAL Rivals.
It’s such a dumb, amusing idea. I hope someone else enjoys it.
A/N: I’ve been binge-reading Detective Conan Magic Kaito fic, specifically of the KaiShin variety, and had a delightfully amusing thought for a fic which I don’t think I’ll ever get to but it’s made me literally laugh out loud multiple times on multiple days so that’s what happened.
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onnatantei · 5 years
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The only info in this spin-off that's worth my time.
Kogoro 👏 my 👏 dude 👏 look 👏 at 👏 him 👏 go
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(Info from the Red Thread FB page)
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onnatantei · 5 years
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Edogawa Conan from Detective Conan 🔍
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onnatantei · 5 years
This is for you @tineyysblog! Hope it brings you tremendous pain like you asked for!
Whumptober 04/10: Human Shield
For some reason, Shinichi mused as he circled Ran’s shoulders so that she could burrow herself into him, Ran holding on to him always made him feel good. He distinctly remembered the first time she had used his shoulders to cry on. The way he felt when she clung to him made him feel warm and at the time, he thought it would pass. But it never did. Rather, it escalated and snowballed into something he couldn’t have stopped even if he tried, nor did he want to if he was being honest with himself. Falling in love with Ran was probably the easiest and hardest thing he had done. 
Footsteps echoed around them and Shinichi turned so that he could shield Ran from anyone coming through the door. This small room was their only way to prolong their lives by few minutes because he was sure that they were going to get caught. And he didn’t want to leave Ran into Gin’s merciless hands.
As shoes clicked outside the room, he stopped breathing altogether. He was in no condition to fight them off, his body weakened by plethora of drugs they had pumped into his system, by the punches he had taken but he wasn’t going to give up, not until Ran was safe.
He held on to Ran tighter as the door swung open, just staring at Ran’s closed eyes, not willing to even look at who had come for them. He heard footsteps reaching towards them and cursed his weakened body. He could have done at least something other than hold Ran against her inevitable death. 
Haibara! It was Haibara! She could help them. She could help figure out get him and Ran out of here!
He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. His brows furrowed in concentration, trying his hardest to speak up. 
Haibara’s hand landed on his shoulder and squeezed. Shinichi was confused. Why was she trying to comfort him when they needed to get out of this hell hole as quickly as possible? Comfort could come later. He had to get Ran out.
He saw Haibara’s eyes quickly glance behind him, where Ran was and she swallowed, tears springing into her eyes. “Kudo-kun, we have to go, you can’t stay here.” 
Well, at least they were on the same page now. He quickly nodded and turned to face Ran, whose eyes were still closed, her lips parted and saw that she was in no condition to walk. “We have to-” his voice croaked, his vocal cords aching, “we have to help Ran. She’s hurt.” 
Haibara gave him a brittle smile, her eyes full of unshed tears now, “Of course, Kudo-kun, we’ll help her. C’mon now, get up.” 
He nodded and stood up shakily with Ran in his arms. For some reason, she felt heavier and his heart started racing. His breath came in shallow gasps as he came to a startling realization. 
“Kudo-kun, please. We have to go.” 
“Ran’s dead, isn’t she?”
There was no sound except for his harsh breathing before Haibara whispered, “Yes,” she swallowed thickly, “I’m sorry, Kudo-kun.”
He looked at Ran’s face, how serene it was, her unmoving chest and asked, “For how long?”
He clenched his jaw as his eyes burned, refusing to look away from Ran’s closed eyelids, “How long, Haibara?”
“It’s been days, Kudo-kun.” She continued after a moment of silence, “You haven’t paid any attention to anyone around you since… since Ran-san was brought to you like this. You haven’t moved from that spot since she was brought to you.”
“Haibara,” his voice cracked, “did she… die she come for me while I was with them?”
She knew where this was going and she knew it would break him again but she also knew that if she lied to spare him, he would never be able to piece himself back together, so she cut to the chase. 
“She died for you, Kudo-kun.”
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