ono-nee · 3 years
I really dislike Kawaii Future Bass or whatever this genre is called so I made it sound shitty with a bunch of random samples.
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ono-nee · 3 years
everytime i hear about this goddamn book(?) the premises are extremely different from the last wtf is homestuck about
Fellas, if your game has:
A Simple Style
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An Emphasis on Building
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Esoteric Crafting Recipes
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A Leveling/Enchanting System
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Traveling Through Different Dimensions
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A Meta Narrative
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And Frog Breeding
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Then that's not your game, that's Homestuck
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ono-nee · 3 years
my unnecessary two cents on mr beast, famous and extremely wealthy youtuber, legitimately attempting to “recreate” the squid games irl – whatever that entails exactly because i doubt he’s embracing first degree murder quite so readily – is that it’s just absurd that a young american millionaire looked at a show that - yes has become a global phenomenon in its own right, but is still fundamentally a critical lens of the pervasive effects of capitalism + rampant classism in south korea, and decided he wanted to remake it. yes it’s a fictional show yes the premise is objectively ‘interesting’ and yes i understand mr beast’s entire schtick is blowing insane amounts of money on huge stunts. but when i see him begging fans to buy his merch to “support” this multiple million dollar project - a project that intrinsically makes light of a narrative in which hundreds of people unable to escape the cycle of poverty put their lives on the line for the entertainment of the 1% …… it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. and reminds me a lot of this image
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ono-nee · 3 years
"spam liking will get you blocked" spam liking will get you a kiss on the mouth
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ono-nee · 3 years
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ono-nee · 3 years
October can’t come soon enough
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ono-nee · 3 years
October can’t come soon enough
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ono-nee · 3 years
October can’t come soon enough
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ono-nee · 3 years
October can’t come soon enough
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ono-nee · 3 years
October can’t come soon enough
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ono-nee · 3 years
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The kid will cherish this for their whole life. If they remember it.
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ono-nee · 3 years
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ono-nee · 3 years
there is no benefit of including cishets in queer spaces. thr nuance you sre looking for is allyship the same way cishet feminists ally with queer groups without being considered queer themselves
The benefit of including these cishets in queer spaces is because of what asexuality, aromanticism, and being gay have in common: we are not what cishet society wants
Yes, even these cishets are looked down upon by the others. How can it even be denied that ace and aro people are looked down upon when, in the very least American society, has a huge focus on "get married and have kids or you'll never be happy"?
All the time people feel pressured to have sex when they're not comfortable with it to try to feel normal. To try to fit in. From the moment we're born, we're told that if we don't find romantic love, that we'll never be happy. That it's the end goal, the ideal outcome. And as you probably know.....when people have a certain norm they stick to..... people get very very judgy, to say the least
Aces and aros are not considered normal by non ace/aro cishets. They're weird abnormalities to them as we are. This is all on the basis of being ACE. Of being ARO. Not of being cishet. So why not include aces and aros? Being such does not make them an oppressor. It does not turn one cishet. Not all cishets are aro or ace. It's not about including cishets. It's about people who too are shunned by the American ideal
The benefit to the inclusion is understanding. The benefit is embracing differences. The benefit is telling people that just because they're expected to do or like something, it doesn't mean they have to. That it's okay to be different. No one should feel pressured to enter a relationship or feel like they're failing their family name by not having kids.
And the benefit is of the "already lgbt" aces and aros. The people who not only experience attraction differently than the heteronorm in terms of gender, but now whether or not they're interested in sex or romance. Why refuse them support just for the sake of excluding cishets? Why encourage them to not be proud of who they are, just to own cishets? Is alienating your own community really worth it to you?
If it is...well....it shouldn't be
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ono-nee · 3 years
you guys, please try this it's heavenly!!
Handmade soap and Exfoliating Soap Bag for sale!
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Rose Soap: 15$
• Goat's milk
• Jojoba oil
• Vitamin E oil
• Argan oil
• Naturally scented with dried flowers
Lava Soap: 13$
• Goat's milk
• Jojoba oil
• Vitamin E
• Argan oil
• Activated Charcoal
Exfoliating Soap Bag: 5$ (color is customizable for +3$)
• 100% Cotton
Rose Soap + Exfoliating bag bundle: $18
Lava Soap + Exfoliating bag bundle: $16
(+ shipping and handling)
I'd appreciate a follow or a reblog as I'm a small business just starting out; however, I can guarantee professional, yet ecofriendly quality every time. The packaging is 100% recyclable or biodegradable (including the cellophane the soap is wrapped inl!) I pride myself on reducing my carbon footprint and doing my part to save mother nature. Thus, I provide guilt-free shipping for your patronage. Thanks for your support!
You can contact me here, or on my Instagram @/nanodragonfly ♡
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ono-nee · 4 years
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I’m so sorry it’s disorganised but this is the best I can do before they take away our WiFi
Edit: Alright so slight connection and update. The military’s gonna be in power for one year now? And I don’t know that’s just disgusting honestly. Also by the way the pictures I have posted in this post are from Twitter written by someone not me. By disorganised I meant I didn’t have the time to arrange the pictures in order because my WiFi got taken away. Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the account who wrote this as I was in a hurry to post this so yes 😔
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ono-nee · 4 years
even if you only reblog, that’s enough
i was debating on whether or not i should post this on tumblr but seeing as there haven’t been posts about this yet, here it is. i’m exposing my real location and nationality but it doesn’t matter.
if you have been active on twitter, you may already know #savemyanmar is trending. long story short, there has been a military coup. several nations have released statements but i want to share insight on what’s happening in the country.
memes about a coup have been circulating around for a couple days and when i slept at 2 am last night, we were still under the rule of the National League for Democracy (NLD). while they are not technically democratic, they are the closest we’ve got. when my mother woke up at 6 this morning, she was notified that the country was now under the rule of the military.
banks services are no longer available. wifi was cut at around 7-8. some people got wifi again earlier but many got it barely thirty minutes ago. this is bad for businesses especially ones that require international communications. additionally, international students like myself are experiencing anxiety; how do we pay for and attend classes if we’re not sure wifi is a given?
myanmar has a long, complicated history with military governments. the last time the military went into rule was in 1962 and only stopped in 2011, following the 2010 elections. there was a huge protest in 1988 lead by students that resulted in lots of death. during the military junta, resources like rice, water, oil, were scarce. the gist is military rule is bad for us.
all of my followers are not myanmar citizens, i’m sure but as part of the international community, please help us. here is a petition that you can sign (although i’m not sure if that can do much). there may be protests in front of myanmar embassies so look out for those. most of all, please help spread awareness. 
the people here are coping with dark humor, primarily in the form of memes but we don’t know how long this rule will last, even though the official statement said only a year. here’s something that pretty much sums up our coping mechanism:
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again, even a reblog helps
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ono-nee · 4 years
Amidst discussion about wealth inequality and race issues, I really wanna hammer into younger Gen Zers minds about how awful Ronald Reagan was I feel like we all got propaganda’d in school on how great he was just because of basic charisma and for the fact that he made some dopey speech at the berlin wall, but looking back he was just pure fucking evil: He caused so many problems that we’re all dealing with today- and problems that made Zoomers become “Doomers”:
He made explicit pleas to segregationists and klansmen when talking about states rights, endangering the lives of POC in the process
he KILLED unions, working class people lost bargaining power against the rich and lost livable wages, starting the end of the middle class, we never recovered
His trickle down economics killed any chance of real progressive tax on the rich & ensured that trillions would go to the rich for *generations*
He demonized the shit out of black people, he literally never saw them as human, especially those that were homeless and struggling with addictions (a problem he made much, much worse)
He *knew* about the AIDS crisis and for the longest time, did *nothing*, he sat by and intentionally let so many black and queer people die horrible deaths, with no remorse. The community is still grappling with the effect of that to this very day
All of us are angry about how Rich people are putting down poor people during this Gamestop-Robinhood fiasco, it’s good to remember when that started to get real popular…when people say “Ronald Reagan was the devil”, they’re not fucking around.
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