onwardevan · 29 days
My bsf’s Manager (Alex x y/n)
Warnings: uhhhhh grinding? Slight smut, smut lead up, idk if there’s anything else.
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I sat at my house, watching tv like I always do. Well I was more interested in the FaceTime with my bsf. She was telling me all the drama at her new Job. I dont know what it’s called I just know it’s this random porn store?
“Yeah, my manager, whose name is Alex, I think he’s your type?” She said.
“Whats he look like?” I asked.
“Uhm I don’t… I have a picture of me and him! Let me send it hold up!” She said.
I waited for it to send until I finally got it. He was pretty attractive?
“Yeah, he’s also got a nice voice that I think you’ll also like.” She teased.
“Okay okay, y’all are gonna have to come over some time so I can at least know him a little bit?” I laughed.
“Oh you’ll get to know him. You’ll get to know him well…” she smirked.
“Okay. Well I’m gonna go cause I gotta shower, I’ll call you later though okay?” I said.
“Awwww, bye girl, hope you like the pic I sent.” She said and winked before I hung up.
I smiled before I got up and went to go shower. While I was in there Amy kept blowing up my phone, I didn’t know until I got out though. When I got out I saw messages on messages about her manager.
WHAT. I start d freaking out looking for something to wear. I needed something that was gonna make me look sexy, but not like I was trying.
I landed on a satin pajama set.
I then sat in my bed and did alllll my skin care. I didn’t wanna seem Ashy infront of my man?
After I did all that skin care I sat in my bed and waited for the ‘I’m here’ text. I waited 5 fucking minutes.
“Heyy!” I opened the door. I wanted to scream when I saw him in real life. He looked like an Angel.
“Hey!” Amy winked at me after seeing what I was wearing.
“Hi!” Her manager smiled and looked me up and down before going to my living room.
I sat and we started talking about our lifes. I was bored, really bored. But then Amy (being a good friend) got up.
“Oh yeah, I’m gonna go get my jacket I left here hold on. You said it was in your room right?” Amy asked. At first I didn’t get it, but then I did.
“W- yeah, it should be by the foot of my bed.” I said.
“Great!” Amy smiled and went to my room.
“So uh… how are you?” I asked.
“I’ve been doing good? What about you?” He asked.
“I’ve been alright? Did you like the cookies I made, cause you have some on your face..” I laughed.
“Wait really, where?” He asked as he frantically wiped his face. I took this as my opportunity.
“Right here.” I got up and acted like I was wiping a crumb off his face. We were inches apart.
“Uhm…” he said.
“Fuck it.” I said before I kissed him.
His wasted no time in kissing back. I crawled forward and into his lap so that I was more comfortable. Then I placed my hands on the back of his neck as he placed his on my waist.
We continued to make out for about 2 minutes. I felt his very obvious bulge and slowly ran my hands down his body until I reached it. His breath hitched as I started to rub his bulge. He breathed out heavily and pulled away, looking down at my hand.
“F-fuck…” he sighed and squeezed my waist.
It seemed he had completely forgotten about Amy. And thank god cause she had left around 1 minute into our make out.
He threw his head back against the couch, his eyes shut tightly as his jaw went slack. I wasn’t paying attention to that though, I was paying more attention to his adams apple as it bobbed with every moan he let out.
He let out a loud moan and instantly sat up, grabbing my wrist making me stop.
“What? Did I do something wrong?” I panicked.
“No,not at all! But what about Amy… isn’t she in your room…” he said.
“Oh. No, she left a while ago.” I said.
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onwardevan · 4 months
Found your keys
Warnings: handjob,p in v, dick riding,dirty talk (kinda?)
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“Yeah I’m almost to his house so I gotta go.” I said into my phone,my bsf being on the other end.
“Damn,you really gonna ditch me for your coworker? Okay,bye!” She laughed before hanging up.
I jokingly made a shocked face and placed my phone in my pocket as I continued walking to Alex’s house.
Alex was my best friend,I’ve been friends with him since high school type of best friend. Our entire friendship I was making bets on who would get a job first. He did,but he got what he what would take him since he wanted to win that bet, he’s working at a porn store. And when I told him I coy for finding a job…he offered me one. That I took.
Anyways,I approached his front door,just going inside since I always do that? Normally whenever I come over he’s in his couch watching cartoons and shit,but this time he wasn’t? I thought he was either in the bathroom or smth before I heard his footsteps coming closer to where I stood.
“Y/n?” He asked when he saw me.
“Alex.” I said in the same tone.
“Wanna go get some food?” He asked.
“Sure? I thought we were gonna watch movies today though?” I reminded him since that WAS the plan we made on the phone?
“Oh right,yeah we can do that when we get back?” He shrugged.
I nodded and let him walk behind me so he could open the door. He walked out before me.J followed him to his car and saw him struggle to open the door.
“Shit, I forgot my keys. Y/n can you go get them?” he asked.
“Why can’t you? Theyre YOUR keys?” I said,annoyed.
“Yeah but you’re closer?” He said.
“Fine. But I get to choose the song!” I said before turning around and walking into his house.
I saw him roll his eyes before I turned around,fucking bitch.
I ran inside and started looking for his keys. I looked in his living room,kitchen,dining room,basement,literally everywhere before u even thought of his room.
I made my way up his stupid ass stairs,finally making it to the top.
I started searching his room too to bottom. I didn’t find his keys,but I found this notebook that was nothing but plain black spiral notebook. So why not open it?
Page one.
I made a friend today. Her name is y/n and damn is she hot! She was wearing this crop top with some jean shorts that were tight at her waist.I had to ask to go to the bathroom to jerk off in the middle of class omg. Can’t wait to see what she wears tomorrow.”
Page two.
Today she wore another crop top and some leggings.She also wore a push up bra.I could tell because that was the only area I was looking the entire time we talked. When she was leaning over to write stuff I saw her tits squish against the desk.
God damn I wish I could see what’s under those tight clothes. If I ever got the chance to I would fuck her brains out,maybe vice versa too.”
“Y/n?? Did you find my keys?” Alex yelled from downstairs.
I was too intrigued in this little diary to hear him. Well it was pretty obvious that he was a tits man.
“Y/n did you- SHIT!” He said once he saw me.
He immediately ran to take the notebook from my hands.
“ the ENTIRE time we talked?? Is that why you never made eye contact w me?” I asked.
“Just- leave it alone okay? I was young!” He said.
“No it’s fine? I have some story’s like that abt you too.” I winked before walking past him.
He just stood there with a blush as I walked back downstairs.I looked on the little table by his door and saw his keys.
“Found your keys!” I yelled
We sat in his car now. In the back parking lot of a Zaxbys eating our food while my phone was on his dashboard playing some random movie that happened to be bombarded with sex scenes. Just randomly?
Alex was obviously getting nervous since he stopped eating his food after like 1 piece. I in the other hand,was enjoying this.
“You okay Alex?” I asked.
“Hm- yeah? Let’s just uh… watch a different movie?” He suggested.
“Or just do something else?” He added.
“Something else huh? Is there anything you have in mind?” I asked while leaning closer.
“Uhh- I don’t- you can pick what we do..” he sighed.
“You sure?” I asked.
“Y-yeah.” He said.
I shrugged and leaned in to kiss him.He instantly kissed back.I placed my hand on his neck to pull him closer,he put his hand on my waist. He got a blast of confidence and started kissing me with urgency and need. He moved his hands to my ass since I was leaning over the console. I pulled away for a second to breathe before I went right back in.
I felt his tongue swipe across my bottom lip,asking for entree. I allowed his tongue to explore my mouth. He moved from where he was sitting so he can get impossibly closer to me. He removed one of his hands from my ass and led it to his forming boner. He left my hand there and placed his hand back on my ass.
I got the memo and pulled away from the kids so I could see what I was doing. I pulled down his sweats and started palming him through his boxers. His grip tightened on my ass as I did this.
“Mmmm~ shit.” He breathed out and his hands fell from my ass as he looked down at my hand.
“Are you a virgin?” I asked as I slipped my hand out his pants.
“Hm- uh…yeah..” he sighed.
“Huh? Well that’s gotta change.” I said and pulled his boxers down, revealing his rock hard dick.
I started to properly jerk him off. My hand going up and down his shaft as his face contorted in pleasure. He was vocal, very vocal. His hands gripped the seat as my hand tightened around his shaft.
“F-fuck!” He yelled and threw his head against the window.
With his head thrown back,rhat gave me access to his neck. So I instantly attached my lips to his neck while jerking him off. He was in heaven.
His hands moved from clutching the seat and to my waist. So I pulled away.
“No no, not yet.” I applied that rule before I dove back down to his neck,my hand tightening around his shaft again.
“Shit I’m gonna- fuck!” He yelled out.
I removed my hand.
“No- no why’d you stop?” He asked,panicked.
I didn’t say anything. I just crawled over the console and into his lap. I then pulled my pants down to my knees and moved my panties to the side. Then I slid him in.
“SHIT-“ he moaned.
I immediately started moving,up and down, front and back. And he was enjoying it all.
“Ohh~ “ he moaned as he brought his eyes to mine.
I smiled at him before purposefully tightening around him and moving faster.
“AGH- FUCK!” He moaned as I felt a warm liquid fill me.
After making sure he was completely finished,I crawled off of him and pulled my pants back up,then I crawled back into the passenger seat and continued eating my food.
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onwardevan · 6 months
Double cheat
Warnings:cheating,high fuck,weed,smut,grinding, sub Evan,Dom y/n,idk if there's any others?
Since it's Christmas I decided y/ns mom will have a family gathering and yeah.Y/n gets overwhelmed and thank god Evan smoked weed?
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"Okay,these are my relatives so please don't pull anything." I grin towards my bf.
we had just arrived at my moms house for a family gathering since it's Christmas. Everyone has a +1 invite so I decided to bring my bf with me.
"I promise." Erin smirks and pulls his pinky out.
We walk to the door and I ring the doorbell,holding Erin's hand nervously since I haven't seen my relatives since like...never.
"Y/NNNN!HEYY!" My sister greeted and opened her arms for a hug.
Thank god she was the one to answer the door.She was the only one that I have actually had a good relationship with since I went in the mental hospital at fucking 12.
"Heyyy!" I said and hugged her back.
I walked in the house to be met with my other sister Miah."Hey y/n...and Erin.." she said,giving Erin a weird look?
"Who's he?" I asked,pointing towards this man next to my sister.He was decent height,brown curls,a nice beard and dark brown eyes.
"Oh- this is Evan!" She said and hugged his arm."my boyfriend,soon to be fiancé!" She smiled.
"That's good!" I said and walked Erin towards the couch everyone was sitting at.
For some reason Erin wanted to sit next to Miah and Evan??I don't think much of it and think it's just them wanting to get along?
"Yeah- and that one time y/n FACE PLANTED the concrete while riding a bike!" My dad laughed.
"DAD?!" I covered my face as i awkwardly laughed."I'll be back." I said,still slightly laughing.
I walked down the halls and to the bathroom,closing the door but not locking it.This house is so full it's overwhelming.I can't go anywhere without someone being in the room.the living room had me panicking!I thought I could come to the bathroom for some peace before I heard a knock.
"Oh my god..." I sigh.
"What?" I say.
"You alright?" He asks through the door,Evan's voice?
"Yeah I'm good it's just- it's overwhelming with how full this house is!" I say and plant my head into my hands while leaning onto the counter.
"Oh.. I can help calm you down? that's actually the reason I came here." I heard him laugh.What....did he mean?!?
"What??" I asked.
"Weed, I have weed."
We were sitting in the dry bathtub. Our legs hanging off the edge of the tub as we passed the joint back and forth. I had texted my mom earlier telling her I had to go, making Erin stay here by himself.
I grabbed the joint and put it to my lips, taking a puff and that's when Evan told me something u thought I would never fucking hear...
"Erin's cheating." He calmly said as he turned his head to look at me.
"What?!" I said,coughing up all the smoke and almost dropping the joint.
"Yeah. I went through Miahs phone this morning and found out they were planning to have sex today. In this very room." He said.
"No- Erin wouldn't do that? What are you talking about??" I said and sat up.
"But he would." Evan said and went on his phone,showing me a screenshot of text messages.
"She finally said yes." -Erin
"Omg about time?!" -Miah
"Yeah. but what about Evan? Isnt he gonna be suspicious of you just leaving like that?" -Erin.
"He probably won't Evan notice, we'll be fine.Be ready 😉" -Miah...
"Oh my god..." I said as I read more.
"Yeah." Evan said and put his phone away.
An instant wave of jealousy and revenge rushed over me.I remembered my family went out earlier to the movies,but Erin and Miah stayed...
"I have an idea." I said.
I climbed on top of Evan, straddling him. His eyes went wide when he realized what I meant. He quickly put the joint out in the edge of the tub and placed his hands on my waist.
"O-okay.." he said.
I started to grind down on him as I felt him slowly harden. When he was fully hard I stopped grinding on him but he stopped me.
"No...d-don't stop...please." He sighed.
"I can make you feel even better if you let me.." I whispered to him.
"Mmmmm.." he groaned as he let go of my hips.
"Please." He whimpered. Trying to make me hurry.
I quickly pulled his shorts and boxers down, setting his cock free. I moved my shorts and panties down to my anklesI was gonna go slow before Evan grabbed my waist and slammed me down
"Ohhh~" I moaned at the pain of the suden stretch, enjoying everything bit of him in me
"Mmm!Shit!" He moaned, throwing his head back and moving his hands to my thighs
"Ohhh fuck!" I moaned.
"WHAT ARE YALL DOING?!" Erin banged on the bathroom door
"Y-YEAH ONE SECOND IM ALMOST THERE!" He moaned out and laid me down in the tub so he could thrust faster.
"OH FUCK-" I moaned at the way his speed fastened.
"I'm so close!fuck I'm so close!" Evan moaned and pressed his lips to mine as he slammed into me,Again,and again,until I finally orgasmed.Tightening around Evan.
"SHIT-augh...." he moaned as he spilled his white release into me.
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onwardevan · 6 months
Out of spite (Evan peters x y/n)
TW:smut,alcohol,vomit,grinding,p in v,aftercare,mention of y/n being cheated on,idk if there's anymore??
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"Come on!you're not filming anymore,You don't have any other jobs,You just got cheated on,come to this party!!!" My bsf,Ellie,tried to convince me to go to a party happening like two blocks down.
"Im not in the mood right now.Go away!" I said,muffled because of the pillow I was crying in.
Ellie sighed and grabbed my ankles,pulling me out and bed and making me hit my hard wood floors.
"DAMN?!" I laughed.
We were at the party,standing on the sidewalk.
"So basically,I find some random man and convince him to kiss me so I can made Tristan jealous?" I said,making sure I had everything correct.
"Yes.NOW COME ON!!" Ellie dragged me into the party,almost making me trip up the steps.
Everything sounded muffled,too loud for me to hear correctly?The smell of weed,beer,and sweat filling my nose.As me and Ellie walked threw the crowd of people a obviously drunk woman collapsed on me.
"I n-need togopiss!" She said,slurring her words.
"Please don't do it now!" I said and helped her stand.
"You're very pretty!" She said when she saw me.
Some blonde haired guy came up and grabbed her,this one was sober.He saw me and started apologizing.
"Im so sorry!I told her to go lay down but I guess she came here instead?" He picked the girl up bridal style.
"She's very pretty,right Evan?" The girl said.
"Yes,she's very pretty,now let's get you to the couch." The man,who's name I'm guessing is Evan, took the girl somewhere.
I turn around to look for Ellie,scared cause I lost her. Oh my fucking god...how could she just leave me here?!What kind of friend is she? I completely forgot abt the plan for a sec before I saw Tristan walk in with that bitch he cheated on me with.
I looked around quickly,looking for someone to at least kiss,but not being able to find people who aren't drunk,cheating,or passed out.So had one option...I wanted to scream when I realized.It had to be that Evan guy...
He did say I was pretty?but what if that was to shut that one girl up?fuck it I had to...
On my way towards the drink table,if I'm gonna do this I don't wanna remember it.I get like two cups of random drinks at the table when I go to turn around,instantly bumping into Evan....
"Woah,you alright?" He said as he pointed at my two solo cups.
"Hm?yeah uhm..." I said.I looked behind him and at the drunk girl who's passed out,getting an idea.
"You sure" he said.
"Yeah I just gotta...I gotta-" I ran to the bathroom, my mouth filled with vomite.
"WOAH-" Evan said and helped.
Once we got to a feee bathroom I instantly threw up.Evan pulling my hair back into a ponytail.God why was he the one helping me and not Ellie?Where even is Ellie?!
"That's enough for you,come on." He said and helped me walk to the couch.
The other girls bsf came and took her away while me and Evan were gone.leaving us alone...on the couch...at a party.
"I'm gonna get you some water,stay here." He said.
"Nooooo,I don't wanna be alone?" I tried my best to put up a drink girl act,at least that will make this slightly less embarrassing??
"I will just be over there it's okay?" He said.
"Mmmmm fine." I mumbled and let go of his sweater.
He got up and went to the table.Pouring me a cup of water while he talks to someone at the table.What if I meet him in the future and he remembers this,I'm sure he's sober right now?
He walks back to the couch and hands me the water.
"Drink." He said.
I took a sip of the water then placed the cup on the floor,Evan watching my every move.How do I continue this??What if nothing happens and I just look stupid??
Wait....I have an idea.
Since Evan's staring at me,I decide to stare back.Memorizing every detail abt him.
His dark brown eyes,his shark jawline,his little beauty mark on the tip of his nose,the way he started looking at me when he realized I was staring at him... He looked confused?
"You're realllllly pretty,y'know that?" I mumbled with a smile.
"Thanks,you're pretty too?" He said.for a 2nd time.
He did the same thing I did to him,eyeing my features then netting my eyes.How can I get closer? I was thinking how I could get closer to him when Ellie FINALLY showed up.making me scoot closer to Evan till our arms were touching.(it's a rlly small couch 😭)
"HEYYYY?!Whos that?" She said.
"That's Evan"
"He's reallllly hot!" I whispered to her.
Ellie laughed,finally realizing that I was going through with our plan.
"Okay well uh,Daniel is probably looking for me so uhm...I'm gonna leave yall!" Ellie said then went to go look for this Daniel dude.
"You think I'm hot?" Evan said.
I turned around quickly,just now did I realize how close we were.
"Huh?" I said.
"I heard you.And I think you're pretty hot too.." he said.
All the noise around us stopped.everything stopped.
I look at Evan's eyes and see them shift slightly down as he licked his lips.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.
"Not anymore..." I said,looking at his lips,I wasn't supposed to actually fall in love,but now I am?
"Good." Was all he said before smashing his lips onto mine.I kissed back,the kiss quickly turning desperate as I moved to sit on his lap.
"You're not really drunk are you?" He whispered mid kiss.
"No.." I sighed.
"Good." He said and connected our lips again.He swiped his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entry,that I allowed.With his tongue roaming my mouth and his hands on my waist,I start to rock my hips on his lap.
"Mmmm.." he moaned lightly into my mouth,his hands moving my hips with more force.
"Fuck.." he moved his head into the crook of my neck.continuing to help me grind on him.
"No- not here.." he abruptly said.
He picked me up and started walking somewhere.
The way he was holding me gave me access to his neck and I instantly attached my lips to it.making him almost fall.He took us to his car,setting me in the passenger seat and him in the driver.
He started driving away from the party,speeding to wherever we were going.
I took advantage of this time and placed my hand on his boner.making his breath stutter and his eyes twitch.he looked down for a second and then at me,then back at the road.
We hit a stop light so I started palming him through his pants.
"Mhmmm..." he said and closed his eyes.
He opened his mouth in a silent moan until I stopped,letting him know the light is green.
It was like that the entire way to wherever we were going.Every red light I would palm him and then stop at the green lights.
Once we reach the area I see that it's a house.He viscously picked me up and carried me inside,not Evan making it to the living room before I was pinned against the wall with his lips glued to mine.
He was breathing heavily on the way to the couch. Throwing me in the couch before he took his sweater off.climbing on top of me and grinding into the space between my legs.
"Uhh.." he moaned.He buried his face into the crook of my neck and started leaving light kisses on them. He shortly reached his hands down to pull my shorts down.rubbing the fabric over my heat,making me throw my head back against the arm of his couch.I bucked my hips into his hands.
"You sound so beautiful damn.." he whispered in a heavy breath.
I could only moan at his words.
I reached my hands down to unbutton his pants.they only made it to his ankles by the time his thumb was under the waistband of my panties.
My mind was foggy.Was this really happening?Does Ellie know?What time is it?What if that girl is his girlfriend?!Is this wrong..?
My thoughts were cut off when I felt his fingers enter me.Pushing so far up and curling.
"F-fuck oh shit!" I moaned.Mh hands soon found his hair when he pushed his fingers back in and started a rhythm.
He must've known I was close cause he suddenly stopped?!
"No!why did you stop?" I said.
He didn't say anything,he just kissed me roughly. His hands going down to his boxers and pulling them down.Stroking his length before pushing inside me.
We both moaned at the same time.He almost collapsed on top of me,being squeezed so perfectly it almost made him come right then and there.
"Mmmnmm.." he whined in my ear.
I started moving my hips motioning him to start moving.
He retracted his hips before slamming into me.
He kept his head in the crook of my neck,and thank god cause now I can hear his moans in my ear.
He retraced his hips again and started a thrusting rhythm.breathing heavily and grunting in my ear.
"You- fuck- you feel so damn good- oh my fucking god!" He moaned into my ear.
"Faster- please faster.." I breathed.
He didn't need to be told twice,instantly pushing into me inhumanly fast.
"OH FUCK!" He moaned and gripped my waist will his nail marks were left behind.
I wrapped my legs around his waist as my hands went to his hair.his soft hair..
"Fuck I'm so- I'm so c-close..." he moaned and brought his hand down to rub circles on my clit.
"FUCK THATS IT- MMMMMMN!" I moaned and gripped his hair tighter as my orgasm came.
He moaned roughly at how I tightened around him before I felt something warm start to fill me.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" He moaned and started kissing my neck.
He pulled out,panting and helped me up,bringing me to the bathroom for a shower.
Afterwards,he sat me down on his bed and put something on the tv across from his bed.
"Im gonna order us some food,you alright with that?" He asked.
"Yeah.." I smiled.
I got my phone out of the jscket I was wearing earlier and looked through my messages.
"10 messages from 'Ellie Spaghetti' "
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onwardevan · 6 months
The best fight (Tate Langdon x y/n)
TW:handjob,overstimulated,unprotected,mention of blood,mention of drugs I think that's it??
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"He definitely whimpers?" My friend,Miah,laughed as we looked at this one boy from across the hallway.
"Not even,bet he can't even get bitches on his dick?" Aliya laughed.
"Right?he's so fucked..." Miah said.
The bell rang and we all went to class,I had a class with that boy and he was quiet?always sitting in the back of the room,never doing his work but instead he was focused on something else?Was that...was he doing drugs IN SCHOOL?!I know life if hard and all but doing lines in class is actually next level...
So I go sit next to him.
"Hey,Tate right?" I ask.
"...yeah..?" He said,sounding unsure.
Besides all the drugs thing,he seemed like a pretty cool dude?And...even kinda cute?
"You okay?" He snapped me out of my thought.
"Hm- oh yeah I'm okay it's just...I need help with this assignment and was wondering if you could help me..?" All I needed was the start a convo with someone and I'll be alright.
"Yeah...Totally so you basically..."
months pass and we continued to talk to each other soon reaching that "friendship" phase and leaving the classmates phase.
He was constantly a fix to everything?
I'm sad?Call Tate.
I'm mad?Call Tate.
I'm hungry?Call Tate.
But I kinda feel bad.He helps me but no one helps him?
But today was to rough on the poor boy.
I was in my room,listening to music and cleaning my room,like always whenever I see one spec of dirt on my floor,when my phone dinged.
'From:Tater tot
Can you let me in please?'
I immediately ran downstairs and to my front door,opening it to a crying boy with a bloody nose and basically bloody everything.
He nodded as I led him towards my bathroom,I wish my mom was home rn so she could tell me what to do.
"I don't know what I'm doing but I'm trying." I said,looking around our medicine cabinet.
Soon enough I found hydrogen peroxide.I made a 'ssssss...' sound and showed Tate the bottle.
"God please no..." he said.
"Tate you are COVERED in blood.im sorry but you have to?" I said.
"Fine..." he agreed.
I sat myself on his lap after getting some cotton balls to help apply the hydrogen peroxide.I dabbed the wet cotton ball on a wound and felt his hand grip my thigh.
"SsSss..." he made the same noise I made.
"Get used to it buddy,you have many other wounds.." I said and pointed at his entire face.
He sighed and rested against the chair,I had to lean forward a bit to not completely fall I top of him.But while leaning forward,I accidentally put my hand very close to his crotch.I didn't realize until his heart rate quickened and the breathing hitched with every touch.
"Y'know what would really make me feel better?" Tate smirked as he moved my hands from his face and downwards to HIM.
"Tate." I new exactly what he wanted.
"Cmon please,just once!" He started to slowly grind his hips into my own"please..." he sighed.GOD THOSE NOISES!!
"Fine." I sigh and lean towards him to kiss him.
He closes the gab between us and kisses back in much more energy than he's ever had probably.his tongue asking for entry,that I allowed.While his tongue was exploring my mouth I brought my hand down to cup his growling bulge.
"Mmm" he moaned into the kiss and bucked his hips into my hand.
I trailed my kisses from his lips to his jaw,then his neck.While his head rolls back and he sighs,I slowly slip my hand under his pants,and start rubbing him through his boxers.
"Ohhh sshit!" He gasped.I continued to rub him through his boxers till he couldn't take it no more.
"Please fuck!please no teasing..." he whimpered.
"Whatever you say..." I whisper,before I take my hands and slip them under his boxers now,immediately being able to find it due to how fucking hot it is.I grab the base with no warning.
"Fuck mhmmm!" he said and bucked his hips into my hand.
I started to slowly move my hand up and down him.When I had an idea...His head thrown back,I attach my lips to his neck again as I press my thumb into his head.
"Does that feel good?" I asked,moving my thumb around his tip.
"YES IT FEELS SO FU- AGH FUCK PLEASEEE MMMMNN!!" He moaned as my other hand came down to stroke his length.
"I NEED TO- IM GONNA FUCKIN- AHHHH SSSHITTT!" He moaned out.Clawing at my thighs.
"PLEASE I NEED TO CUM SO FUCKING BAD!AGH!SHIT SHIT SHIT PLEASE!" He begged even harder once my hand gave him a gentle squeeze.
"No,I think you can hold it,can't you?" I said.
I removed my hand and threw him onto the floor.He breathed out a few times before the air got knocked out his lungs again.
"Ohhh shit oh my fucking god!" She moaned as I sat on it.
"Please...go s-slow.." he panted.
"You get what you get?" I said.
And I JUMPED on that bitch.
"AHHH SHIT FUCK IM SORRY AHH-" he said as I felt his warm release coat the inside of my walls.
I continued to jump on him despite the overstimulation,he just sounded so damn good...
"I'm sorry,do you want it to end?" I asked,slowly moving back and forth with him still in me.
"Haaaaah...y-y you can't do that!tha-thats not fair!" He cried and bucked his hips.
"That doesn't answer my question." I say as my hand runs around his body.
"I-no but please be-FUCK AHHH!" He screamed as I continued.
I wanted to hear him scream louder though...so I purposely tightened around him.
I kept being thought on him,bouncing harder.
"Please what?" I said keeping tight around him.
"You're so- I fucking love you oh my..But i th-think I'm done.please.." he begged.
"Let's just finish this round okay?" I said.
"Wait no I- FUCKKKK OHH!" He yelled out.
Soon enough I was the one cumming I tightened around him one last time.And that did it for him.he held me close and came...EVERYWHERE.
I quickly got off him and let him pass out on my bathroom floor.
"I fuckin... damn." He panted.
"Did that ease your pain?" I asked.
"Definitely.i should get in fights more often?"
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onwardevan · 7 months
Late nights
Warning!!:smut,p in v,overstimulation,oral (f receiving),fingering,I think that's it???
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It's the middle of the night. Evan is fast asleep, and I am laying here staring at the blank ceiling. I can't sleep. My mind is racing, and I don't even know what about. I just can't stop thinking.
"Baby..?" Evan whimpers beside me. "Yes, my love?" I look over to see a sleepy Evan, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Why are you still awake, baby?" He yawns mid sentence. "I don't know.. I just can't sleep."I turn over to look toward him. He smiles. He sits up a little and lays his head up on his hand. "You want me to give you a reason to put that pretty mind to sleep?.." He smirks teasingly. I smile. "Mmm. What do you have in mind?" I knew what he had planned.
"This..." He whispered while getting on top of me and wrapping my legs around his hips. He slowly kissed my neck while grinding slowly into the space between my thighs. His right hand held my leg up by my thigh, and his other hand sat on my waist. He is hard.
"I had a little dream before I woke up.." He spoke into my neck. "What was your 'little dream' about?" I asked him while breathing heavily.
"Well... how about I just show you instead...?" He suggested. I nodded my head yes. He slid my panties down my legs while continuing to kiss my neck. He slid his arm under my back and held my waist, pulling himself away from my neck and looked me in the eyes. I looked down and could see his dick showing through his sweatpants. "It must have been an amazing dream." I said while smiling. "Yes, it was."
I slide my hand down his abs and to the rim of his boxers. I trace the veins that lead to his special place, causing him to buck his hips into me. "Fuck baby.. you know how much that rials me up.." He breaths heavily from the impact. "Why do you think I did it?" I asked teasingly.
Evan picks me up and sits me on his lap. He guides my hips while I slowly grind on to him. "Mm right there baby.." He groans softly. I grind a little faster, rubbing my clit in the process. Evan wraps his arms around my waist and lays me on the bed before pulling his boxers off. "I am going to fuck you so good." He whispers in my ear. He kissed down my neck, to my chest, down my stomach, and eventually planted a soft kiss on my bud. "Dont tease." I whispered under my breath. "Yes ma'am."
He kitty licked my clit before sucking and kissing it. Every few seconds he would look up at me to see the faces I was making. My chest continued to rise and fall quickly while I grinding my hips closer to his lips. "Shhh baby... you dont have to do any work. I got you.." He whispers. I stopped moving and just let him do the work. "You taste so good, baby." He spoke into me, his middle finger teasing entrance.
He slid his finger in slowly and began pumping in and out, curling every few seconds. "What a good girl.." He whispered. I began to whimper in pleasure, whimpers became moans, moans became screams. Before I knew it, I had finished, and he was licking my juices from his fingers.
He moved his veiny hands along my body, kissing and sucking my neck, leaving hickeys down to my collarbone. He lined himself with my entrance. My legs wrapped around his hips, and they were out of the way, my hands tangled in his hair. He slowly slide himself inside of me, being cautious of any wrong moves. We both moaned in pleasure from the feeling of him inside me.
He slide himself in and out of me carefully. "Faster please.." He sped up his movements and eventually was ramming into me. The room was hot and moans echoed off the walls. "Fuck Evan!" I screamed. I grew closer and closer to my climax with every move he made. "B- baby, I'm cl-close.." He moaned. "M-me too.. keep going please.." He rammed faster and harder into me. I thighted around him before finishing around him, he finished right after..."Fuck baby.." He moaned.
He kept sliding in and out. "Baby I'm sensitive!" I moaned. "I'll be careful darling." He whispered. He slowly moved in and out. The pleasure consumed the two of us. I could feel the veins inside me, he twitched every few seconds. He hit my g- spot with every thrust. I could feel an orgasm approaching once again.
"Evan I'm gonna cum!" I moaned. He thrusted faster. I felt him twitch inside me one last time before we both came. Out breathing was in sink with one another. Our hearts raced and out bodies were soar.
"God I love you." He picked me up and sat me on his lap. "I love you more Evan.." I smiled lovingly. "Let's get you cleaned up. I will go run a bath for us." He said before kissing me softly and got up to go run a bath.
God I love him.
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onwardevan · 8 months
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onwardevan · 8 months
Happy Halloween
Warnings: 18+,Dom reader,Sub Tate,p in v,no aftercare
Summary:You and Tate had matching costumes for Halloween,yall were planning on spending the day stuffing your mouths with candy.But Tate couldn't help but love your costume in a different way...
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You looked at your tight costume.Your tits being squished by the corset and tight dress.
He looked down at you.Your hair slightly messy,Your face looking focused,Your short dress,The way the corset made your body look?God...
He was so focused on you that that hadn't noticed to growing bulge in his pants.But when you got up is when he noticed.He had little time to cover it before you saw.But you did.
"Oh,You like this?" You smirked and stood up,doing a twirl.The twirl made your skirt rise up a bit,not too much,not to little.Just the right amount to where Tate could see your ass.
"Uhm- y- yeah I love it?" he stuttered.
"Yeah,I know you do.." You said.You went back to your makeup desk to finish off the makeup for your costume.
"Shit..You gotta help me.Please?I- I promise I won't make you do anything else just- mmm just please?" Tate begged.
"Huh..." You said and looked at the time,4:35 PM.You turned back to Tate.
"I don't know...I really wanna go trick or treating though?" You sighed.
"W- we can go after just please?I need this..." Tate begged again.
"Well,how much can you handle?Cause you know me.." You smirked watching his breath hitch.
"Anything just- just fucking touch me!" He demanded now.
"Ask politely." You said and started walking towards the bed Tate was sat on.
"Please- please I need it." He begged as he started reaching his hand towards his bulge.Yoh grabbed his hand and pinned him down onto the bed,crawling on top of him.His breath hitched again,this time accommodated with a slight groan.
"We got a little time before Halloween." You said and started to slowly rock your hips back and forth onto his.
"Oh f-fuck.." he sighed and bucked his hips up into yours.You continued to do this until Tate had enough.He grabbed your hips with a tight grip and flipped the two of you over.Him not on top of you.
His mouth instantly went to your neck as his lef hand held him up,and his right when to undo his belt.He attempted to take off your corset but failed,so his hands went down to the bottom of your dress instead.
He saw how you had nothing under your dress but your panties,seeing your arousal through them.He groaned and bucked his hips into the bed.You brought him back up to your face so you could continue kissing him.
His hand went down under your skirt and to your soaked panties,rubbing small circles over your clothes clit.You moaned softly and started to take his pants off,you now silently begging.
Once his pants were off,he let out a relieved sigh,but instantly caught his breath as your hand went inside his boxers.
"Oh- shit-" he moaned as you flipped yall over AGAIN,you now on top of him.
"Don't- please don't- stop.." he begged.But you needed more,you needed him to be inside you.So you stopped."What?Why did you st-" he was about to speak before yoh shushed him.
You pulled down your panties till they were somewhere in the room,and undid your corset.
"It- it hurts please!" Tate begged as you slowly took off your dress.Once completely bare,Tate grabbed your hips and slammed you down onto him like and animal.
"OH SHIT-" he moaned.Not even giving you a second before thrusting up into you,his head falling back into the pillows as your put your hand on his hips,trying to slow him down.
"T-Tate please slow- slow down?!" You gasped.
"Sorry...I'm so fucking sorry!" He said,INCREASING HIS SPEED!
"TATE OH SHIT-" you gasped.
His hard and fast thrust,making you see stars.You loved the way he pounded you.Even though it hurt at some points,And it would leave you fucked up,you couldn't help but want it even more everyday.
"OH S-SHIT IM GONNA- GOD DAMN!" Tate moaned.His thrust becoming sloppy and losing their rhythm.
"Tate- oh fuck..." You moaned.Tates hand went straight to your clit,rubbing circled over it.He wanted you to finish before him."TATE OH-" you moaned and threw your head back.Instantly tightening around Tate.
"Fuck fuck fuck-" Tate moaned as he continued his hard thrust,so close to cumming.
But like always,you finished first.Tate finishing right after.You both panted as Tate collapsed on top of you,wrapping his arms tight around you.Not moving a single muscle.He soon fell asleep like a child.
You brushed your fingers through his blonde curls,smiling down at him.Soon hearing your doorbell ring and a muffled "trick or treat!"
"Oh shit.."
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