oohmytian-blog · 8 years
Week 8: GP
Arjorwiggins // Content analysis
Content analysis is a method for summarizing any form of content by counting various aspects of the content. so the main reason for also doing content analysis is to be able to make links between causes and effect. and also analyzing the relationship between concepts in human communication.
since 1761, More communication and less engage to technology.  Creative paper with the properties of colour, surface, texture, weight. However, the world has been improving themselves with digital world. and this has cause less communication and more engage to technology.
For A&AD project, i have to combine it with either facebook, sony music or instagram. so facebook is a good platform to let others have a better  communication. instead of lowering the rates of less technology I will put paper work hand in hand with technology. 
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oohmytian-blog · 8 years
Week 6 (f): User Testing
For User Testing
-thinking out loud voice out
-eye tracking tracking down the location when user looking at the visual
so how to run and user test - right target audience - define goals - pilot test ( someone who is unfamiliar with your product to point out the mistakes) pros - improve usability - reduce cost
cons to satisfy consumer needs understand and achieve
Interactive Design testing analyzing and refining interact with human
application of interactive design - refine and make it better - it must be constant. - evaluated by a focus group ( unbiased group) - repeated until user issues have been reduced to an acceptable level.
iterative evaluation accountability prove learning
wikipedia common law interactive design ( interfaces and apps) learning experience and system Produce design
business example: e.g. swim interaction they increase on consultation to have a better understanding.
e.g. hero2 and hero3 (go pro) they study and improve the produce and create an updated version of camera.
pros - an algorithm to be simplify - less unnecessary steps - give room to refine and improve
cons - fail to look at the big picture - too focus on day to day - lose sight of end goal - costly system on the issue may arise problems
conclusion is important design methodology see the significance changes better outcome
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oohmytian-blog · 8 years
Week 5 (E): Qualitative Research
Qualitative method is to interview focus group and gather information to find out what people think. and it is mostly about open ended question.
qualitative research -understanding -dive deeper into the problem -sample size ( selected to fulfil a given quota)
quantitative research - the emphasis is on measurement - used to quantity a number of numerical data to solve problem. - depends on various views and opinions.
pros - issues and object can be evaluated - fewer restrictions or assumptions - revised quickly - based on human experience
cons - time consuming - expensive - data overload - having certain issue to interview
conclusion it's good because it can understand more about the produce or service when they interview the focus group unlike if i ask a unfamiliar for research for a better improvement.
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oohmytian-blog · 8 years
Week 4 (D): Avatar (movie week)
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There are three (3) types of data collection methods in Field Studies. Intensive Interviewing, Group Interviewing and Observations.
1) In Intensive Interviewing, the person giving the information is called an
‘informant’. Name the ‘informant’ in the movie and explain how he/she shares information with the researcher.
Jake sully is the informant. He was there to replace his brother who was a scientist to begin with.
Jake was replacing his brother because he had the same DNA as his brother because they were twins, so he could use Tommy’s avatar. The Na’vi hybrids of avatar.  In order to move freely or do anything in Pandora, it must link to human minds because the planets environment is poisonous.
When the avatar sleeps, the link is broken and Jake himself awakens.As he falls asleep, human Jake is revived. and then the Human Jake’s reports on his experiences via the videolog he dictates after every day’s activity.
In Field Studies, there are four (4) types of researchers. Overt Participant Observer, Overt Non-Participant Observer, Covert Participant Observer and Covert Non- Participant Observer.
2) The researchers in the movie are overt observers. Name the character that is a
participant observer and the one that is a non-participant observer. Describe how both of them collect information.
Field Studies is a combination of emic and etic research.
Participant observation is one type of data collection method typically used in qualitative research. It is a widely used methodology in many disciplines, particularly cultural anthropology and ethnology.
So Jake sully is a Participant observation.
Non-participant observation A research technique whereby the researcher watches the subjects of his or her study, with their knowledge, but without taking an active part in the situation under scrutiny. The researchers normally observe a number of similar situations, over a period of time and video recorders can now be used in non-participant observation.
And Parker Selfridge is the Non-participant observation As his position was the passive-aggressive head administrator of the RDA on Pandora.
3) In the movie, describe the kind of information gathered that can be constituted
as emic/etic data
The emic method is used to research topics that don’t have too much theory attached to them. Researchers disregard theories and concepts and focus on the actual data from participants and pay attention to the themes or patterns that appear. It is impossible for researchers to be completely emic, because they all have preconceived perspectives and ideas.
The humans were reminded they are “not in Kansas any more,” and he tells them about Pandora’s indigenous population, the Na'vi that they are “hard to kill” and practically everything “out there” will try to kill you. but in fact in the end a select few Earth people, such as Norm and Dr. Patel, are invited to stay on Pandora.
The etic methodology, comparison between contexts and populations is possible, and it aids in the development of cross-cultural concepts. Researchers focus on an existing theory and try to apply it to a new setting or population to see if the theory fits. Relying heavily on the etic approach means discarding new or cutting-edge concepts.
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oohmytian-blog · 8 years
Week 3 (C): Visual Anthropology Ethnology.
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As technology is taking over place, many commuters are using their phone in Singapore SMRT. And There is a high percentage of statistic commuters using phone during the journey. Hence, LTA is putting efforts to leverage on technology to bring greater convenience to commuters through new and convenient ways to pay for travel.
However, a certain subset of the population using the new technology. for instant “ Apple users ” will be left out of the new EZ-link service.
So as my point of view, i think they should promote more on the new system of ez link service and really know who is the most target audience. As they are losing most of the potential customers.
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oohmytian-blog · 8 years
Week 2 (B): Competitive Research
Marketing competitor analysis
- marketing analysis of the competitors film - to analyst the strengths and weakness ws of the rivals - to provide opportunity for them - or prevent threats as well  
ways to do competitor analysis
1. look at them from a customer's point of view. - done by SWOT Analysis.
- think like them and put yourself in their shoes and wonder why.
2. look at them from their point of view
- look at their assets and explore how can you play with it in marketing field.
- find their weakness and see how can you compensate for them.
Pros - determine strategic decision - cost reduction - increase in sales and profit - risk minimisation
Cons - time consuming - might make a poor decisions when completing. - too much focus on competitors resultant lack of unique identity in the market.
I think it is useful research method as you can improve what other company can't. however it might lost your unique identity when consumer will take it as a plagiarism.
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oohmytian-blog · 8 years
Week 1 (A): Summative and Formative  research
Summative research - the formal and legal process - primary research for secondary performance. - focuses on outcomes - evaluates a process > purpose > when to apply (learning & teaching> collect data & improve the process> through all the process, parallel & simultaneous>
pros - provides information -provide information to plan for development
Cons - broad and general - can create tension -can be one sided
Formative research -heart of developmental supervision - ongoing process - authentic research - values> judges> purpose (process & product > learning process &not the person > value a final product, demonstrate final achievement & accomplish learning objective)
Pros - effects growth - provides documentation for summative research - give feedback that can impact practices immediately - supports a collaboration relationship
Cons - trust - time
For grad - project
I am going to do Amazon Fresh so summative and formative research could be a benefit for this project. As I need to know the customer behavior and what is the convenience for them. Hence, summative can guide us with the costumer’s needs before processing the project. Then Formative research helps by increase growth by providing documentation and feedback that can impact practices immediately.
Image from google.
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oohmytian-blog · 8 years
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Week 4: Avatar 
There are three (3) types of data collection methods in Field Studies. Intensive Interviewing, Group Interviewing and Observations.
1) In Intensive Interviewing, the person giving the information is called an
‘informant’. Name the ‘informant’ in the movie and explain how he/she shares information with the researcher.
Jake sully is the informant. He was there to replace his brother who was a scientist to begin with.
Jake was replacing his brother because he had the same DNA as his brother because they were twins, so he could use Tommy's avatar. The Na’vi hybrids of avatar.  In order to move freely or do anything in Pandora, it must link to human minds because the planets environment is poisonous.
When the avatar sleeps, the link is broken and Jake himself awakens.As he falls asleep, human Jake is revived. and then the Human Jake's reports on his experiences via the videolog he dictates after every day's activity.
In Field Studies, there are four (4) types of researchers. Overt Participant Observer, Overt Non-Participant Observer, Covert Participant Observer and Covert Non- Participant Observer.
2) The researchers in the movie are overt observers. Name the character that is a
participant observer and the one that is a non-participant observer. Describe how both of them collect information.
Field Studies is a combination of emic and etic research.
Participant observation is one type of data collection method typically used in qualitative research. It is a widely used methodology in many disciplines, particularly cultural anthropology and ethnology.
So Jake sully is a Participant observation.
Non-participant observation A research technique whereby the researcher watches the subjects of his or her study, with their knowledge, but without taking an active part in the situation under scrutiny. The researchers normally observe a number of similar situations, over a period of time and video recorders can now be used in non-participant observation.
And Parker Selfridge is the Non-participant observation As his position was the passive-aggressive head administrator of the RDA on Pandora.
3) In the movie, describe the kind of information gathered that can be constituted
as emic/etic data
The emic method is used to research topics that don't have too much theory attached to them. Researchers disregard theories and concepts and focus on the actual data from participants and pay attention to the themes or patterns that appear. It is impossible for researchers to be completely emic, because they all have preconceived perspectives and ideas.
The humans were reminded they are "not in Kansas any more," and he tells them about Pandora's indigenous population, the Na'vi that they are "hard to kill" and practically everything "out there" will try to kill you. but in fact in the end a select few Earth people, such as Norm and Dr. Patel, are invited to stay on Pandora.
The etic methodology, comparison between contexts and populations is possible, and it aids in the development of cross-cultural concepts. Researchers focus on an existing theory and try to apply it to a new setting or population to see if the theory fits. Relying heavily on the etic approach means discarding new or cutting-edge concepts.
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oohmytian-blog · 8 years
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As technology is taking over place, many commuters are using their phone in Singapore SMRT. And There is a high percentage of statistic commuters using phone during the journey. Hence, LTA is putting efforts to leverage on technology to bring greater convenience to commuters through new and convenient ways to pay for travel.
However, a certain subset of the population using the new technology. for instant “ Apple users ” will be left out of the new EZ-link service.
So as my point of view, i think they should promote more on the new system of ez link service and really know who is the most target audience. As they are losing most of the potential customers.
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oohmytian-blog · 8 years
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Formative and Summative Research
.Summative research - the formal and legal process - primary research for secondary performance. - focuses on outcomes - evaluates a process > purpose > when to apply (learning & teaching> collect data & improve the process> through all the process, parallel & simultaneous>
pros - provides information -provide information to plan for development
Cons - broad and general - can create tension -can be one sided
Formative research -heart of developmental supervision - ongoing process - authentic research - values> judges> purpose (process & product > learning process &not the person > value a final product, demonstrate final achievement & accomplish learning objective)
Pros - effects growth - provides documentation for summative research - give feedback that can impact practices immediately - supports a collaboration relationship
Cons - trust - time
For grad - project
I am going to do Amazon Fresh so summative and formative research could be a benefit for this project. As I need to know the customer behavior and what is the convenience for them. Hence, summative can guide us with the costumer's needs before processing the project. Then Formative research helps by increase growth by providing documentation and feedback that can impact practices immediately. 
Image from google.
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