ookyspookybooky-blog · 7 years
      Wait, what ? Spirits ? Otherworldly entity ? She did not sign up for this, none at all. She consented to nothing of that sort && fine, it’s starting to creep her out at the thought something might be haunting her. Now she’s starting to have her life flashing in front of her eyes, wondering if she did something to anger the spirits around her.
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 Aren’t they supposed
 to haunt like, people who, take their lands ? Or property ? “ Was the first thing that popped up in her mind, because as far as she remember, she didn’t do anything like that. At all && she wouldn’t have the guts to do it as well.
      ❝ && I did not do anything. Zero. Totally zero. “ Another affirmation ( && with effort of trying to sound confident;; albeit working just slightly ).  ❝ Are you like
 uh, what was it
 a medium for them to communicate or something ? “ That, she needed to know.
Ah, it certainly seemed as though that the girl in front of Ohgi was another of the masses with the standard horror movie knowledge of ghosts and the like.
Not that he minded-- there was a certain joy in educating the masses.
“That’s not always true.  You see, sometimes spirits just attach themselves to you or follow you around because they want company ☆” His smile growing as he spoke, “A lot of times they just want to talk or be noticed by people-- though, I suppose some are a bit vengeful and stick with you with bad intentions...”
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“You could say that!”  Finally standing back up straight and giving the girl some personal space again, “I’ve been able to see spirits since I was a kid, and they all just seem to be attracted to me-- probably because I can acknowledge them.  Some of them have been nice, while others were more like poltergeists and give me a hard time.” 
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ookyspookybooky-blog · 7 years
     Oh no, the inevitable eye contact that was bound to happen ( even if the hair was blocking his eyes ) just made her even more startled than before. It really did manage to creep her out, a little just for a moment before she began to shake her head furiously;; it was just an accident ! An accident that led her to this.
     Though she was kind of curious of his concern– was she so surprised to the point her reaction was over the top ? No, she was pretty sure she reacted pretty normally after seeing someone like him;; she’s definitely sure about that.
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     ❝ Uh, yeah ? I’m fine;; you uh, don’t really need to be worried that much. Unless if there’s something on my face. Or something. “ Which she was sure there was none on her looks earlier before she went out to get something to eat.
Oh jeez.  The girl’s reaction to Ohgi’s reaction, to her reaction...to... Wait, what?  Trying to shake his muddled thoughts out, without physically shaking his head and possibly causing another domino-like effect, at his core, Ohgi knew what he had to do.
“I certainly don’t see anything on your face that doesn’t belong,” leaning down once more before straightening back up and gesturing around and past the girl, “but, have you recently felt like an outside force was making you act strangely? Something you can’t see, but you know it’s there?”
Moving to stand maybe a bit too close to her, he continued, “Perhaps some kind of spirit or otherworldly entity?”
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ookyspookybooky-blog · 7 years
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      ❝ W-Woah !! “
     Jeez, this guy startled her good ! && it wasn’t because he was way too tall ( since she knows taller people than him ) but his looks spooked the crap out of her. && maybe she should have shut her mouth earlier instead of bursting out loud– appearance wise, this guy does not look like he’s going to give her a good time. Crap.
@ookyspookybooky ❀ for a starter !
Out on his fourth walk of the afternoon (yes, he was counting and there was an end goal total he was aiming for), the best, worst possible outcome had finally happened.  
Yes.  Ohgi had accidentally startled someone.  Was it his appearance?  Or did some spirit near him spook her?  Oh the thought alone of the latter happening worried him more than anything else.
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“Oh goodness!  Are you alright?” Moving close to the girl, bending his knees slightly to match her eye level to get a better examination.
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ookyspookybooky-blog · 7 years
Bitsy Smooches!!!
Bitsy Smooches:  What kind of things would your muse have in their grocery cart?  Are they the type to fight for the last of something on the shelf at Cereal Market?
He’s not the type to fight for the last item.  In fact, if he needs something and it’s the last on the shelf, even if no one is around, he won’t take it out of concern that someone else will come by and need it but can’t get it because of him.
In his cart tends to be a rather... unique array of items.  Varieties of herbs and spices, mixing bowls and glasses if he can find them-- just in case something happens to the ones he currently owns.  Does Cereal Market sell candles and potted plants?  If so, some of those in there too.  Sandwich bags for snacks, instant noodles for fast meals, some actual cereal for breakfast and snack.  Too bad he’s not an extreme couponer...
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ookyspookybooky-blog · 7 years
☆ Important Sheep Meme ☆
Who are all these sheep??? Well, of course, the important sheep who roam Stella City! Check out this bleat two-part ask meme set ♐ sagittarius mod made! Spread it around and have fun!
Akidra Kadoe:  Is your muse the type to run to the doctor over every little ailment, or do they believe in just rubbing on dirt in it and walking it off?  Do they have any vivid experiences with doctors of any sorts (medical, dentist, etc) Bitsy Smooches:  What kind of things would your muse have in their grocery cart?  Are they the type to fight for the last of something on the shelf at Cereal Market? Cuddlesheep:  How does your muse show affection/interest in things they like?  Are they the clingy/openly-into type or perhaps a more cool and distance type? Howard Bleats:  What’s your muse’s, realistic and fantasy, dream job(s)?  Are they still actively trying to pursue either in Stella City? Meep: How does your muse like to spend their birthday?  How about their friends’ birthdays? Mia Fewe:  Does your muse have something or someone they would go to any lengths to protect/defend?  Is there a backstory as to why? Nancy Ewe: Is your muse nosy? What kind of rumours have been said about them in the past, or would be made up about them in Stella City? Officer Woolsley:  How does your muse feel about the law?  Have they ever had any run-ins with the police in the past, or perhaps look up to any law enforcers? Woolston Payne:  Is there something that could be best described as your muse’s guilty pleasure?  Is it a good thing or something they should probably try to not enjoy as much as they do? Shrek:  What’s your muse’s daily routine before leaving the house?  Are they the type to spend a lot of time on appearances, or do they wake up like this? Aries:  Does your muse consider themselves to be responsible?  Do they keep things organized and clean, or do they live in a state of “organized chaos”? Stella:  What does your muse do for fun?  Do they have any habits or quirks that could be considered “impulsive”?
For more information about these sheep, check out our Important Sheep page!
Tag your answers as #steci answers for others to see! And don’t forget to tag your reblogs and answers with #steci memeing for easy tracking and blacklisting, to accommodate those who may not meme as hard as others ☆
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ookyspookybooky-blog · 7 years
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Is 170 all that tall?  No body knows.
hi it's me im apping an oc but don't wanna process it myself so I'm gonna post the inbox is cleared when it's not bc i don't wanna process another one of my apps tHANKS I LOVE YOU
Why’s Ohgi so tall??? Can he send me a postcard, we miss him all the way up there. Well, he’s tall to me at least.
You’ll be staying in Moonpie Motel Room #4. I hope you like the number 4, it was the first open spot.
♎ libra
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