oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
Reasons why I relate to Dorian Gray
Is not heterosexual 
Is fascinated and extremely mildly aroused by Lord Henry Wotton 
Doesn’t even try to hide it ^ 
Enjoys collecting antiquities, like old books, soft clothes and expensive, yet useless, trinkets so he’s basically a hoarder
Is obsessed with one book and reads it over and over 
Has murderous tendencies 
Is enthralled and intrigued by religious faith and would join the Roman Catholic Church just for the Aesthetic
Lives a sinful life and ignores good advice 
Is kind of a Drama Queen
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
At age 23, Tina Fey was working at a YMCA. At age 23, Oprah was fired from her first reporting job.  At age 24, Stephen King was working as a janitor and living in a trailer. 
At age 27, Vincent Van Gogh failed as a missionary and decided to go to art school.   At age 28, J.K. Rowling was a suicidal single parent living on welfare.
At age 28, Wayne Coyne ( from The Flaming Lips) was a fry cook. At age 30, Harrison Ford was a carpenter.  At age 30, Martha Stewart was a stockbroker.  At age 37, Ang Lee was a stay-at-home-dad working odd jobs. Julia Child released her first cookbook at age 39, and got her own cooking show at age 51. Vera Wang failed to make the Olympic figure skating team, didn’t get the Editor-in-Chief position at Vogue, and designed her first dress at age 40. Stan Lee didn’t release his first big comic book until he was 40. Alan Rickman gave up his graphic design career and landed his first movie role at age 42. Samuel L. Jackson didn’t get his first major movie role until he was 46.
Morgan Freeman landed his first major movie role at age 52. Kathryn Bigelow won the Academy Award for Best Director when she made The Hurt Locker at age 57. Grandma Moses didn’t begin her painting career until age 76. Louise Bourgeois didn’t become a famous artist until she was 78. Whatever your dream is, it is not too late to achieve it. You aren’t a failure because you haven’t found fame and fortune by the age of 21. Hell, it’s okay if you don’t even know what your dream is yet. Even if you’re flipping burgers, waiting tables or answering phones today, you never know where you’ll end up tomorrow. Never tell yourself you’re too old to make it. 
Never tell yourself you missed your chance. 
Never tell yourself that you aren’t good enough. 
You can do it. Whatever it is. 
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
Bane Chronicles snippet
“How have you been keeping? You know, since the last time you summoned me,“ said Elyaas, the demon.
“What?” Magnus asked.
“You don’t remember me?” said the tentacle demon.
“I summon a lot of demons,” Magnus said weakly.
There was a long pause. Magnus stared into the bottom of his coffee cup and desperately willed more coffee to appear. This was something a lot of mundanes did too, but Magnus had one up on those suckers. His mug did slowly fill again, until it was brimming with rich dark liquid. He sipped and looked at Elyaas, who was shifting uncomfortably from tentacle to tentacle.
“Well,” said Elyaas. “This is awkward.”
“It’s nothing personal,” said Magnus.
“Maybe if I jogged your memory,” Elyaas suggested helpfully. “You summoned me when you were searching for a demon who cursed a Shadowhunter? Bill Herondale?”
“Will Herondale,” said Magnus.
Elyaas snapped his tentacles as if they were fingers. “I knew it was something like that.”
“You know,” Magnus said, enlightened, “I think I do remember. I’m sorry about that. I realized right away that you weren’t the demon I was looking for. You looked kind of blue in one of the drawings, but obviously you are not blue, and I was wasting your time. You were pretty understanding about it.”
“Think nothing of it.” Elyaas waved a tentacle. “These things happen. And I can look blue. You know, in the right light.”
“Lighting’s important, it’s true,” said Magnus.
“So whatever happened with Bill Herondale and that curse a blue demon put on him?” The cecaelia demon’s interest seemed genuine.
“Will Herondale,” Magnus said again. “It’s actually rather a long story.”
“You know, sometimes we demons pretend we’re cursing people and we don’t really do it,” said Elyaas chattily. “Like, just for kicks? It’s kind of a thing with us. Did you know that?”
“You could have mentioned it a century or two ago,” Magnus observed frostily.
Elyaas shook his head, smiling a slime-bedecked smile. “The old pretend-to-curse. It’s a classic. Very funny.” He appeared to notice Magnus’s unimpressed expression for the first time. “Not from your perspective, of course.”
“It wasn’t funny for Bill Herondale!” said Magnus. “Oh, damn it. Now you’ve got me doing it.”
— from What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything
*We just got news on an awesome audio narrator for this one - I think you guys will be pleased!
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
One of my favourite feelings is when I wake up and remember that I’m reading a really amazing book and I feel so motivated to get on with the day so I can get back into that world
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
“A book can’t hurt your feelings”
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
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sm team when they were announcing which concept goes to which nct unit
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
Character development is when you slowly start falling in love with the rest of the group and you can no longer remember who your bias is.
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
Favourite deaths
Authors often kill their characters. I’ve always wondered why but when I started to work on my own stories i realised that the cruel ability to kill someone with no consequences is and odly satisfying. The process of figuring out how certain character could die is very creative itself and - since it’s a book - the number of plots is LIMITLESS.
These days though, killing a character is not very original and it’s rarely unexpected. What i want to say it’s just canon right now: to wrote a book when the nicest character dies just to make readers feel the pain. Writing a good death scene is an art that’s why i made list (note it’s REALLY short) of my fave (or the most shocking) deaths in books.
NOTE NO. 3 keep on mind that the best deaths are the most haertbreaking and hated at the same time
1. William Herondale (The Infernal Devices)
Again - you won’t understand if you don’t read. But to clarify that a bit I’ll try to explain. Will is that kind of character everyone loves and adores but no one believes he would stay alive for long because he’s dumb and goes around biting vampires just because. Like really this is the character everyone loves but no one thinks about possibility of his death because his parabatai is dying. So you’re huring but because he’s hurt and not because he’s dead. The whole trilogy is drama and when it finally comes to the last chapter and no one dies, everyone is happy go lucky and you turn the page to start reading epilogue but you see THE Caption “130 years later” and you burst out in tears. Because you know Will’s beloved wife and his beloved parabatai are immortals and he’s not. And he’s dead. And half of the epilogue is about death of the most amazing man who blessed the whole world with his existence. And you feel your heart is breaking when you read with blurry eyes and hiccup how amazing and funny his life was and how he passed away when his hair were white on the temples and wrinkles present on his face but his eyes were still that piercing as they used to be in the past and the smile as astonishing as always.
2. Jem Finch
He’s my favourite character in “To Kill a Mockingbird” and actually one of the reasons i was so into the book. Watching him maturing and starting to understand that life is not easy nor coloured reminded my that one learns the whole life and that one’s never smart enough to judge. Wise men observe knowing they have no right to judge.
But also his affection toward Scout was really something. He was thinking about her constantly. Like when he was jumping of the roof and asked “But if I’ll die what happens to you?”
I was so excited about “Go set a Watchmen” but when I read “When Jem died…” I died to. First I though it was a bad joke but no. I closed the book and never opened it again.
3.Rudy Stainer (and the rest of Himmelstrasse)
Even if author warns you “Hey dude, i know he’s adorable but he’s gonna die so do yourself a favour and don’t fall in love with him, okay?” it’s no use. Rudy is dedicated, cheerful, silly and pure and it’s not okay for him to die. So i haven’t believed especially when i was reading the last chapters and nothing was happening and everything was okay. BUT THEN SUDDENLY THAT FRICKing BOMB APPEARED AND RUINED MY HAPPY ENDING. The conclusion is to never trust the duck author.
BUT I must say I’m impressed with Marcus Zusack. Because he actually warned that they all are gonna die. He’s been mentioning it constantly yet still we were hurting.
These are three the most memorable. I’m probably gonna add more later on but for now that’s all
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
Chanyeol thinks he’s smart and thinks onions are the only food that makes you cry. So I threw a coconut at his face.
Kyungsoo, probably
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
Favourite bromances
1. Gansey & Ronan ("The Raven Cycle")
Their relationship is pure and sincere. Gansay is ready to use his influences (something he hates) just to help Ronan. They love each other even though they don't know it. Their connection is enjoyable to follow: they're ready to fight someone for each other but at the same time they constantly pisses each other off.
2. Raskolnikow & Razumikhin ("Crime and Punishment")
These two are such a good friends... Actually Razumikhin is meanwhile Rodia is jerk. Dmitry sacrifices himself for his friend, like that one time he was ready to give him his own work or when he took his time to buy new clothes for him so Raskolnikow would look properly. And that tension in the moment when their face's were so vlose to each other...He was taking care of his family and that has nothing to do with that crush he had on Rodia's sis. Raskolnikow is a moron he shold have get married with Razumikhin before Avdotya did.
3. Will & Jem ("The Infernal Devices")
Indescribable. The most pure and devoted friendship I've ever heard about. Only those who read books will understand
4. Kenji & Warner ("Shatter me")
THIS EXISTS. FIGHT ME IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE. Even though there's no much scenes when these two are together they talk about each other often, I'm 99% sure that when Kenji goes to bed he cames up with new nicknames for Warner for next day to tease him. But we know from snippets that Kenji is gonna give Warner a new haircut and (keeping in mind that we're talking about The Great Arron Warner and his obsession over his look) that technically means they're married. And we all know not only Juliette is weak for Warner working out in shorts.
5. Tyrion & Bronn ("The Song of Ice and Fire")
The word that describes them is RESPCET. They don't judge each other for being dwarf neither mercenary. They just accept each other with their flaws constantly teasing not only among themselves but mostly making fun of others. Whenever they meet they help each other if one of them needs it, no matter what the circumstances are. That's their priority of their goofy friendship.
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
Mark: Jeno, what are you doing?
Jeno: Looking for my one only true prized possession that must be cherished by every cell in my body and feel all the love in the w–
Jaemin: *walks in*
Jeno: There it is.
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
stanning nct is like driving on an interstate w over 20 lanes but there’s a bunch of sheep in the road so ur just swerving lanes left nd right at 10000 mph
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
NCT Dream when the power goes out
chenle: is in the shower. screams for mark to get him
mark: fell down the stairs trying to get to chenle
haechan: already has a flashlight in hand. uses it to mess with people by shining it it their eyes
jeno: got frustrated. was in the middle of making toasts
jaemin: tries to make a toast using a blowtorch
renjun: decides to sleep instead
jisung: was somehow the cause of the power outage
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
*Marks cellphone rings*
Mark: Hello?
Lucas: Let me be apart of NCT Dream pleas-
*Mark hangs up and opens his window for fresh air*
Lucas: *hanging from Mark’s balcony* LET ME BE APART OF NCT DREAM PLEASE.
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
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oonewhoreadsallday · 6 years
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Welcome to the club
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