oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
"I'm starving". No, you're not. You are addicted. Your re-wired brain is tricking you into getting your next quick fix of fattening foods. Minutes after the last snack. You have packed on so much weight, you could live on tap water alone for three months straight - and still be a class III obesity case.
You're not hungry. You're greedy. You are not enjoying your food. You are mindlessly shoveling. But you know what? I won't do anything about it. And you can't.
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
I want to make you fat and have it be all my fault.
Your friends and family would whisper their doubts about me, saying that you’ve gained so much weight since you met me as they watch me from across the room handing you yet another plate of food.
Your coworkers would stare at you in disbelief and gossip as they watch you walk in even fatter than last week, with your clothes fitting you less and less appropriately as you take out another donut to eat from the bag I sent you off with.
The staff at your favorite fast food places would start to recognize you and listen in shock as I add even more food onto your order than last time, running off to snicker to their coworkers about how that one customer looks even fatter every time they see you in the drive through.
I want to watch you struggle one day to pull your jeans over your fattening ass and thighs and then try again and again in vain to button them, and then look up at me with a face that says, “look what you did to me 🥺” And I wouldn’t be able to keep a smile from spreading across my face. You don’t know just how much I love that I’ve done this to you.
I would make you gain so much weight that everyone would know it was me who was making you so fat. And it would be All. My. Fault. 🤤
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
"Am I really this fat?" you think as you check the size guide when ordering clothes. XL is your size, it says. This is new for you. You grab a handful of your belly in amazement.
"Am I really this fat?" The thought flashes through your exhausted brain as you struggle, walking uphill. This used to be easy, and now, you feel sweaty and hot. "Fuck, fuck," you grunt, finally making it to the destination. You plop on a bench heavily. Maybe it's better to cut down on walks...
"Am I really this fat?" you wonder as you grab a newly formed fat roll above your belly. It's a weird sensation, your flesh folding in on itself. Lately, you've been feeling it more and more often.
"Am I really this fat??" you exclaim when your XL pants don't button.
"Am I really this fat??" When you can't reach your shoes.
"Am I really this fat???" When your belly starts hanging lower and lower.
"Am I really this fat??" When a single flight of stairs makes you wheeze.
Yes, honey. You really are this fat. And you're only getting fatter, so get used to it.
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
I finally got my fitness assessment with a personal trainer and the results were... even worse than I was expecting. 😳 He measured my weight and used a device to calculate my BMI and body fat percentage. Both were very high. I guess it's true what they say- you are what you eat. And a shocking percentage of my body is useless, jiggly fat!
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
reblog for something t4t to happen to you this summer.
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
Fat girls are hot.
You agree. Reblog.
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
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When were you all gonna tell me that I got fat??
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
Holy shit you look chubby. Athlete? Lol, get real. Let's see you attempt some sit-ups and then come back and tell us how athletic you feel
it's SO hot to think that even though in many ways I still feel like I could easily go back to being fit and in shape, just the *thought* of having to do a workout makes me want to just gorge myself on the couch instead of doing any physical exertion
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
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so I may have gone a bit overboard with the sweets this holiday season... I'm outgrowing even my stretchy sets now😬😬
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
Seems like someone has been growing *poke poke*
(I want to tease but I don't want to be rude, lol)
YOURE SO CUTTTE, but if you aren't careful, you may get pretty big, girlie!
omg that was literally the *perfect* combination of praising and teasing 😍
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
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Newand4you is getting so fat and soft! Studying hard and eating even bigger 🐷
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
The anon asking about the thrills of gaining again. I find it a hot situation when such a big strong guy gets embarrassed about other people's comments on his weight. I would really like to be there when that happens!
Oh well then come and hang out with me!
You can hear my friends talk about how "if I get any bigger I could be a wrestler" or when drinking with another he just straight up said "I've never seen you so big before".
I do my best to hide a red face.
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
Don't even worry about the pounds you've put on sweetheart, you're an adult and a working woman now, there's no need to hold on to the strict weight ideals of former years. You have no team to play for, no coach to impress, no gym class tests, and no more bitchy schoolmates who would bully you for getting chubby. Not anymore, thats all behind you.
You're independent, you get what you want when you want it, a hot girl in her 20's with her whole life ahead of her. So do what everyone else does, get home from work and relax, order in. Going to the gym after a long day of work just sounds so foolish. You need to lay back and stuff yourself every day. Do the same on weekends, eat what tastes good, get drunk. You've earned it.
Don't mind the way you've gotten softer. Don't worry about your clothes not fitting, those were clothes for the old you and its time to size up for a new life. If you ever get worried about your weight increasing just look around you, it's the same way for everyone else. Most people are overweight, its just a fact. Almost anywhere you look you'll see wide hips, a muffin top, a fat ass, a potbelly, everyone has packed it on before you, so now you're really just starting to fit in.
Fit, skinny people are the outlier, the oddball in any group. Don't you feel bad for them? They're sweating through the same grueling, repetitive workout day by day while you're relaxed, trying new treats, and looking curvier than ever before.
So perk up that softening chin, let the gut hang out, and sway your chubby hips with each heavier step you take- you've got it. You deserve it, and you have it all.
the thought of all of us just inevitably getting fatter so like why fight it... it's just so hot
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
Obesity will win.
People spend too much time living in fear and trying to stave it off, but the obesity epidemic will win. There's no stopping it. Sooner or later, you and everyone you know will be plumped up fat, with soft curvy bodies and beautifully big bellies.
Don't be afraid, it'll only stress you out. Just embrace it. It's no so bad- in fact it's good. It's ideal. You'll love getting fat. You'll love eating everything you want, and you'll adore that warm feeling you get when your belly is full. You'll find yourself addicted to that feeling, and the newfound sense of accomplishment you get with every new pound and inch of flab. You'll look forward to comparing your body's growth to your friends', seeing how their body has fattened up compared to yours, because nobody's bodies fatten up in the same way.
And when you start to get turned on, comparing your plumped up form to your friends', embrace that too. Because no matter how hard society and pop culture have tried to brainwash you, there's nothing more beautiful or erotic than a beautifully plumped, obese body. Embrace it, worship it, fuck it. Eat more, fuck more, and live the natural life that we all want, deep down.
No matter how hard we try to fight it, deep down everyone wants to eat and everyone wants to fuck. So they should give up on fighting it and give in to gluttony and lust. Grow fatter and fatter, and fuck your friends. You know you want to.
The obesity epidemic is going to win, and it's going to win because you want it to. No matter what you say.
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
honestly the idea of domestic weight gain just does something to me. the thought of being able to take care of your s/o and having them start getting plump as a result is go good. always cooking for them and making sure they’re well fed and not missing any meals. watching the way their belly and thighs begin to fill out from all the food you’re offering them and how their jeans begin to become snug around their cute fat belly and start to dig into their plush sides. being able to grab their now soft belly or rest your head on their rounded thighs and squishing their chubby body all over. telling them how cute they look rounded out like they and worshiping their body.
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oopsbrokethescale · 4 months
eat until your jeans are restraining you.
eat until your breath becomes heavier.
eat until your stomach pushes against the table in front of you.
eat until your buttons pop off your clothes.
eat until you’re twice your size.
eat until you can’t eat anymore and then eat some more.
eat until your limits give in.
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