operation-hbd · 4 years
Ok, so years after Hawkmoth has been defeated the class moves on. Marinette achieves her dreams of becoming a fashion designer, and her headquarters is in the US.
Lila is still lying. She has ruined so many people, relationships, and companies. She has an extravagant lifestyle by using others. She goes to high class men and tells their wives that their husbands are cheating on them. She rips families apart. Her latest lie is that the Y/JL men are hopelessly in love with her, and they are fighting each other for her hand.
The class still follow Lila’s word. They and Marinette are no longer friends.
One day Marinette is approached by the Justice League. They need her to help stop Lila. They believe Lila has information on some terroristic threats that they have recently gotten. Marinette agrees, but they have to do it her way. Batman was not please with the condition. In fact the only people who were into it was the YJL. They can’t believe their mentors have to take orders from this pixie,sunshine child.
Turns out Marinette has a fashion show coming up. She will invite her old classmates to the show. The fashion line is superhero’s. She has an out fit for each hero to where. The mentors would be the models. The sidekicks would be the security.
At the end of the show Marinette called Lila up on stage, and revealed everything she had done. Then the Justice Leaguers came out and arrested her.
Alya knew Marinette is MDC and prewrote an article detailing how aweful her new fashion line is. Basically she defamed MDC and her business. This article is set to be released at midnight, the night of the show. Alya couldn’t change a thing. This made her loose her job and credibility.
Adrien snuck backstage after the show and cornered Marinette. “How could you do that Marinette? What happened to taking the high road?”
“Adrien I was asked to help put her in jail and I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
“My father wanted me to propose to her tonight! What am I supposed to tell him!” Adrien yelled.
“That’s not my problem. How about you grow a spine and stand up to him.”
Adrien was about to grab her arm, but her was yanked back by (Roy/Jason/angry gremlin Damian/Conner/Wally/ take your pick). And Adrien is then verbally ripped apart.
Marinette starts dating the boy who helped her. The class tried to get back into Marinette’s good graces but is turned away. They throw a fit saying “but we’re her friends” then they are kicked out.
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operation-hbd · 4 years
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I came across this very odd pond in a forest
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operation-hbd · 5 years
Always With You
Of Ladybugs Past and Present
@frostymoon11​ would you hate me if i suggested a change in the naming scheme to be [Flower] and [Alliteration] ?
Ex. Lilies and Liars, Violets and Vengeance (or Violets and Vows), Daisies and Deception (Daisies and Deception) ((i’m clearly still hung up on the last episode)), etc
1. Marigolds and Memories
Discussions of past LBs with Fu? Discussions of how the Miraculous were made?  ???
The earrings get hit / Tikki gets hit
Akuma: maybe not an akuma, more figuring out what's going on here?
AWY: Mari learns some history about the ladybugs there, first four have arrived, fifth appears at end of chapter. Ladybugs mess with Lila and the others. They tell her she can change her outfit. One mentions that magic out of suit isn't that hard, Mari wants to learn some.
Perspective: Marinette, maybe Fu, maybe tikki, a past ladybug, one of Maris classmates.
Akuma: maybe a small one, soemthing with plants maybe? I really want an excuse to draw an outfit okay.
AWY: Mari learns more about the history, learns about magic, another ladybug appears, the ladybugs realize others are noticing them but not seeing them yet. (like out of the corner of their eye) they start to get worried about what this means. They suggest talking to fu. Fu offers the fox but it doesn't have a good enough match available so won't work well enough for something this major.
Perspective: the akuma victim, a past ladybug, Fu, Plagg briefly so he's not forgotten, marinette.
Akuma: no akuma, first minions pop up and cause trouble, Mari is now stuck with some of the minions. One posseses someone, maybe Lila, they fight them.
AWY: ladybugs appear (all up to hipolyta have appeared by end of chapter). More history, they have to deal with minions, tikki hates them, the ladybugs rally and help Mari redesign her outfit. The minions begin to cause problems, ladybugs fight with them.
Perspective: One of the minions, marientte, tikki, a past ladybug, random citizen suffering cause of minions.
Akuma: generals show up, the one with Mari is trying to manipulate her. The one with hawkmoth is amused by the failure, the one with chat is a bit nervous of plagg
AWY: no new ladybugs, the current ones are more tense, protective of mari. Teach her some history, general guy keeps interrupting to suggest older history, Mari has to go to school and is dYiNg.
Perspective: marientte, each of the generals briefly, both tikki and Plagg.
Akuma: chat and ladybug compare notes, almost all the ladybugs are there, only the first two are missing. The general with ladybug keeps interrupting their conversation. A general appears with Fu.
AWY: hippolyta shows up, she learns some new history, how they learned the combined powers effects. (Oh and at some point a previous ladybug reveals they know how to read the book). Mari learns some new moves, the last heroes are fierce and ready to fight, they don't like chat but feel bad for him, that general seems rude and the spirits can see each other.
Perspective: Fu, the ladybug general, Marinette, Adrien, hippolyta.
Akuma: trouble with a capital t, the one with hawkmoth tricks him into making the spirit into an akuma... Hawkmoth didn't know he could do that. It's a hard fight, the other generals keep getting in the heroes way. They manage to win but now really really need to get the spirits back
AWY: using new moves, the general is working against her, past ladybugs fight, the Egyptian one appears. (bigger gaps in appearance now) ladybug is kick butt in her new outfit.
Perspective: the akumatized general, the ladybug general, marinette, Joanne?
Akuma: N/A big bad shows up
Yuan shows up
The Past LBs fade back (in a way that they can come back as apparitions later? open-ended)
Perspective: tikki, Plagg, Marinette, a past ladybug?
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operation-hbd · 5 years
Always With You
Of Ladybugs, Past and Present
Section 1: Akumatization
Catrina lost her parents only a few months prior and is now staying with aunt and grandma
Elena was ready to go off on the little brat. Nothing she did was good enough for Catrina. Taking her in and pretending like she was ready to be a mom just so Trina would stay with family? ‘I don’t want you – I want my parents!’ Getting a more expensive, family-friendly apartment in Paris? ‘I miss Guadalajara – I hate this place!’ Making fresh soup for dinner despite being fucking exhausted after work? ‘I don’t want it – I only like the way Mami makes it.’ She took it all in stride. It was fine, Catrina’s just a kid being how kids are, she’d tell herself. But not today. No, today she’d come home to find glass on the floor. That snot-nosed little monster had broken all the picture frames she kept at the entrance. The pictures were left lying around carelessly. She remembered Catrina calling them ‘tacky’ before, but this was Elena’s house and, goddamnit, if she wanted to have a wall full of family photos then she was going to have her damn wall with family photos and no six-year-old would change that. Elena marched to her niece’s preferred hiding spot and shoved the coat closet’s sliding door aside, ready to take out all her pent-up frustrations on the girl. She glared down at the usually hostile child but her fury died out as she looked into those big brown eyes. Her sister’s eyes. She looked so... small. Huddled in the corner of the closet, eyes brimming with tears, and a scrunched photograph held tightly to her chest. Elena’s heart shattered at the sight; she knew that photograph. I was of Monica and Fernando back when they’d first announced their engagement. Fernando hugged Moca tightly to him with a big stupid grin spread over his face; her smile was adorned by a blush as she held up her left hand to display an elegant diamond ring. In the corner sat Orejas, Fernando’s shaggy mutt with ears too long, too wide, and too floppy to have any right to be on a dog. Elena wasn’t sure what hurt more, the picture of Monica or the way Catrina clutched it like a lifeline.
“Trina?” At that, the little one’s tears finally broke free. “Shhh, shhhh,” she murmured as she dropped to pull Catrina into her arms, “no llores, amor. You just need to give it a little bit more time. You’ll see. The wounds will heal, you just–”
“Stop it! You know that’s not true!”
“What’s not true?” Elena asked the small girl in front of her.
“Time! You say time will make it stop hurting, but the more time that passes the more I miss them. And when I think about all the time that’s still left– all the years I’ll go through without them... I just- I really miss them,” she rubbed at the tears spilling down her cheeks, “and time won’t make it better because it won’t bring them back. It won’t let me be with them.” Her small shoulders started to shake as her lungs filled with sobs. “I j-just –– w-wa-nn-nt –– t-t-to b-be –– w-i-thh th-them!”
“Oh honey, but you are! They’re always with–”
“Th-at-t’s –– n-not ––  wh-at-t I –– m-meant!”
 She sighed; of course that’s not what she’d meant. Elena had known what she meant because she wanted it too. Because she missed her big sister too and no amount of time would change that. She missed Monica and her stupid jokes and her stupid nagging and even her stupid husband, who could always bring out Monica’s stupid smile after her and Elena had gotten in some stupid argument. But what the hell else was she supposed to say? ‘You’re right, kid, time won’t bring them back and nothing will ever get better. You’ll be filled with grief for the rest of your life because my sister is a rotting corpse underneath some dirt back in Mexico and all she left you with was me.’ Psh, yea right. She doubted Monica would approve of that response. Elena groaned, rubbing her temples as she tried to think of some way to comfort her crying niece. She wasn’t ready to take care of a kid. She wasn’t ready for any of this. But she had to at least try.
“Listen–  shhh, Trina, just–  just listen for a sec, okay?” she pleaded with the child, stroking her hair until she’d calmed down a bit. 
Catrina, who is taking all of Elena’s words very seriously, says the graves are in Mexico and how will they possibly know to come here
Elena, happy that Trina finally stopped sobbing and taking victory in the small amount of hope sparkling in her eyes, tells her they’ll just need to put up a whole bunch of marigolds because those are what guides the spirits when they cross over.
Happy for a few weeks, Trina is excited about setting up the ofrenda with her aunt and wants to make it the best one ever. 
Elena begins to suspect this whole thing may be going a bit too far and finally realizes Catrina thinks they’ll really appear when she mentions being excited for her dad’s big squishy hugs again and her mom’s gentle singing when she put her to bed... but Elena can’t bring herself to tell Trina that it’s all just symbolic when the little one is finally happy.
Elena puts it off too long and it’s November 2nd and no parents have appeared.
Catrina refuses to accept that she’s really never seeing them again after having built up so much hope; instead she convinces herself it’s because they could only get pot marigolds instead of the big Mexican marigolds.
Catrina runs away, getting into random metro before Elena can get to her; it’s night and the trains are more sparse so she ends up alone and scared and very very sad. 
Cue: Hawk Moth. 
Her tears are marigold petals; when the tears fall any ghosts that have been summoned get glowy orange eyes and do her bidding.
THE GHOSTS ARE MORE LIKE MEMORIES THAN SOULS THOUGH BECAUSE "it would take a lot more than Hawk Moth to bring back the dead, even if it were just temporary” so THEY ARE EMOTIONALLY NUMBED - WHICH IS WHY THEY’D ALL ACTED AS CEMPASÚCHIL’S MINIONS.
The ladybugs will be present in full because they’re brought about when Tikki is hit & Tikki is a deity that had fused with their souls before (+ Kwagatama stuff)
Tikki’s POV: Mari’s out coming back from doing some more designs for Kitty Section. Tikki scolds her for being out so late because it’s dangerous and she’s gonna miss her curfew. Mari is trying to shove stuff into her purse, while holding other stuff, while trying to keep the stuff inside the purse from falling out (while tikki floats and judges but like loving judgment). She’s walking back when Cempasúchil sends a wave of glowing petals her way. Marinette jumps out of the way and manages to dodge it all but her stuff falls. When Cempasúchil is out of sight Mari hurries back to the pile of petals, which are no longer glowing, covering her purse / papers / notes / TIKKI / pencils / phone. Tikki says she’s fine but has a bit of a headache. They hurry after Cempasúchil. Tikki starts to get brief flashes of memories of her past Bugs, but tried to ignore it. When they find Cempasúchil, Mari asks if Tikki’s sure she’s ready to transform. Tikki says yes. “Alright then, Spots On!” Last comment is Tikki getting flooded with the presence of her past Ladybugs, feeling all of their memories from all their lifetimes in a single moment as Marinette transforms. Once inside the earrings, Tikki blacks out ... too much “interference” for her to be consciously present during the fight despite her growing bond with Mari; though she has been fusing much more harmoniously with Marinette recently, this time it feels like she’s being pulled in too many different directions and can’t focus on Marinette. 
Section 2: Akuma Fight
Marinette feels the transformation is different. She can’t feel Tikki’s familiar presence but she can feel power. Her head starts hurting too when she tries to mentally reach out to Tikki so she stops trying. Lucky Charm still works though and she’s stronger/has more energy. 
It’s not a long fight. Though that’s entirely because of Mari. Chat seems distracted... he moves slowly. She has to pull him out of the way a few times and he apologizes for being in a daze. After he basically reaches out for the glowing petals and she has to lasso him back with a yoyo, she snaps and asks if he wants to get hit or something. He admits that he’s tempted... Says he just needs to know... Ladybug asks what it is he needs to know but he won’t meet her eyes.
*** hitch, switch, or ditch? He admits he needs to know if his mo- if someone important to him is dead or not. Ladybug tells him that she can’t have him even more distracted and that if the person did appear it would only be a shadow of them, not the real them. He’d just end up even more emotionally compromised. Also, if the person did die does he really want to learn about it like this?? He basically just stays in the spot for the rest of the fight, looking at the petals with longing. Without needing to be watching out for him, LB finished off the akuma pretty fast cuz she has enhanced energy. 
*** hitch, switch, or ditch? When she casts the cure the ladybugs seem to linger near her, as if confused. They don’t try to fix her cuz she didnt get hurt, but they’re clearly trying to fix something. They keep bumping into each other as they circle about and then finally one lands on her hand and fades into pink light. The others fly off to take care of all the damage from Cempasúchil.
*** hitch, switch, or ditch? For some reason her earrings aren’t beeping after summoning Lucky Charm or after casting the cure? Chat points it out and says that they can hang out for once. Since he didn’t have to use cataclysm and her powers didn’t start the countdown for whatever reason. This just puts Mari on edge cuz she remembers Tikki got hit and is worried something is wrong. 
She hurries back so she can detransform, to Chat’s displeasure cuz “you’re not even out of time though!”, and check on Tikki. 
When she asks Tikki what was up the little kwami shrugs. “It was weird... I got a flash of memories and then I think I slept through the fight? I feel fine now though!” 
*** hitch, switch, or ditch? When Mari tells Tikki about the weird way the ladybugs acted, Tikki says her head doesn’t hurt anymore so maybe that’s what the ladybugs were doing. Clearly the cure must have worked - but she’s still starving.
Marinette laughs and hands her a cookie, giving Tikki a kiss on the forehead and promising her an entire box of macarons when they get back home.
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5:
Section 6: Closing* the Portal
Written in: 3, 4, 5, or 6 parts because @frostymoon11 and I have a lot of thoughts... also depends on whether @ozmav still wants to write for this and, if so, how much. Otherwise it’s how much Frosty and I can undertake on our own. Sectioning it into 6 above but we can combine sections if we wanna have less parts.
Part Titles (with alliteration)
Liars and Lessons // Liars and Legends // Liars and Loopholes
Marigolds and Memories // Mourning and Memories
Partings and Promises // Payback and Promises // Promises and Perseverance // Punishments and Promises // Bonds and Balance 
Revenge and Revelations
Spirits and Stories
Vengeance and Vows
Feel free to edit this post directly.
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operation-hbd · 5 years
Always With You
Part 1: Marigolds and Memories
à la Nony
Placeholder name for the full story is Always With You TIL we decide on something else, placeholder name for the chapter is Marigolds and Memories because I like ~alliteration~. I can update both if we decide to go with something else. But I’d really like the three chapters to have some kind of ~alliteration~ in a ___ & ___ format if possible....
Cempasúchil // Derived from the Nahuatl “cempoalxóchitl”, which is the name for the American marigold. The American marigolds are bigger and imo prettier than the French ones. They were placed on graves during Día de los Muertos as part of the ofrendas because the bright colors were supposed to guide the dead souls back to the land of the living.
Cempasúchil Concept Sketch:
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Pot Marigolds:
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Mexican Marigolds:
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Open to changing the character specifics but I’d like the kid to be a little girl named Catrina who gets akumatized into Cempasúchil because she thinks the small French marigolds didn’t were too drab and THAT is why her parents didn’t show up. She’d be dressed like a Calavera Catrina but the color scheme and ornamentation and so on would be marigold themed.
Section 1
Section 2
Kid blames themselves for doing something wrong with respect to the ofrenda and is convinced that’s why their parents didn’t show up
Also extremely upset / bawling because they miss their parents and thought they’d get to see them and it HURTS even though their aunt tries to explain it’s supposed to be taken figuratively, not literally
Hawk Moth is back on his bullshit, akumatizing a small 5-6 year old who is grieving the death of their parents.
Imma just describe the rest as if the akumatization were Catrina —> Cempasúchil for sure. As Cempasúchil she’s small and quiet and her eye makeup is marigolds. When tears fall down her cheeks they turn into tiny gold petals. Her power is to attract the lost loved ones of anyone who gets struck(?). Her motive is wanting to see her parents again. Like other akumatized little kids she sorta follows HM but mostly does her own thing.
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
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operation-hbd · 5 years
Past heroes lore
okay, starting from beginning to end @ozmav
The earrings are made by a chinese wizard who entrusts the earrings to a trusted person (hey @anonymouse-thoughts can this person be their daughter? i want... im adding a few points that we left blank cause we didn’t think of all the transitions so correct anything you don’t like)
so this is the first hero, they have no name right now but we can figure that out later.
the earrings then go to a few less important wielders and tikki is not ready to connect with them after losing her first wielder. so they’re unimportant
then the earrings end up in Egypt following the salt trading route. this is when Khepri appears. lets say that the guardians lost them along the trading route, this will become a pattern.
Khepri is actually a side of ra, is represents by a scarab (a beetle) and is a god in egyptian mythology
in this, the scarab is actually a ladybug, khepri and ra in general, is the holder of the ladybug miraculous, guided by tikki, the goddess of creation.
she is fierce and uses it to bring many great things to egypt, she is proud and calm and wise, but was betrayed in the myths by Isis the goddess of magic. perhaps a magician fought her and defeated her. the earrings are lost for a time.
lets say the guardians grabbed it again and set it with, hipolyta.
hipolyta used it to raise herself and her fellow village women up and take over their village. They took over land and built themselves an empire. She does not like men, they are untrustworthy and try to keep women weak.
the holder of the black cat at the time is hercules, in the myths he steals her belt, in this he also steals her earrings. he then uses them to have the ultimate power, and makes himself immortal. according to the myths he was too strong to die and the gods brought him up to the heavens with him. lets say that by becoming an immortal he became like a kwami, couldn’t be seen by anyone without a link to the world.
the two miraculous were lost for a thousand years or so. The kwamis slept, they were too weak from the power of them combined to do anything. maybe at the end a spartan found them, or someone else, and they got back to the guardians.
the guardians hand it out again almost immediately because hercules messed with the balance and the miraculous need to be active to fix it. so it goes to jeanne.
shes of course a fierce advisor, never killed anyone but was still a terror in disabling opponents. she was wise and strong and no one was able to out think her in battle. the black cat is wherever, they didn’t want risk stuff again.
so when she dies some spaniard gets her earrings off her corpse (rude) and goes off to america. her luck is why they make it across the ocean in a storm and the natives get their hands on the miraculous without realizing the significance. This is Micazoyolin. they are great and defend their land and are overall dangerous. The cat ends up with them with a girl who helps out a bunch. The two are fierce and great. and then he dies in battle and the spaniards get the earrings again, briefly.
then it ends up in Mexico, i think, and Mariquita is there. a spaniard decided to assault a local and the kid that results is mariquita. they are great and anon can have more details for them... we didn’t think of much for them right then.
so the guardians finally get the miraculous back and they decide to take it to that nice secluded island where nothing dangerous happens. then ninjas show up and they lose the miraculous, and probably the fox too with how big foxes are there. imma say the snake ended up in norway for a time.
this is tentomushi, tikki and her get along on the basis that shes creating new ways to kill people, tikki’s a goddess, her morals are skewed.
the dutch end up getting the miraculous when guns get the japan, one of them use it for a little while i guess and then it ends up with the french cause they’re buddies.
coccinelle the musketeer gets them next. she’s a rebel who likes a sword, her a tikki have a strange start but they get along in the end.
the guardians dump the cat there again to try and keep the miraculous together, there balance.
so whoever kills coccinelle, who is a fierce rebel who will throw down with those that insult women, gets their hands on the earrings and head off to africa. The locals end up getting the earrings.
This is mudekudeku who tikki decides to help cause theyre having trouble. they defend the land for a while and deku is fierce and strong and bows to no one. does not like invaders.
the guardians finally find the miraculous again and take it through the ocean and immediately lose it in Vietnam. they suck at their jobs. Now they’re sick of losing the miraculous so decide to collect the miraculous all together. They find out that Bo rua is a sweetheart, literally the gentle heart, and decide to just have someone keep an eye on her and turn to focus on collecting the rest.
she’s an angle but like all nice people, is scary when angry. She dies at some point and the miraculous is taken back to china. It is left with Piao, the descendant of the first ladybug and the niece of a member of the guardians. She does stuff, gets work done, is awesome. they kick butt and when she dies the miraculous is kept in the box for a while.
then fu screws up, which isn’t surprising given the guardians track record. and that’s how the miraculous ends up with Marinette. really fu’s done a good job so far with only two lost ones, that’s way better then the past guardians.
Fu is actually one of the best guardians cause he hasn’t lost the ladybug yet. It is a requirement for when the past ones meet him that at least one comments on him holding the record for time without losing the ladybug miraculous.
so this is the history.
Then when the past heroes show up they start with piao, she shows up as marinette detransforms. they don’t notice yet. they notice when the second, Bo Rua, shows up when marinette gets to her room. they decide to go see fu the next day and in the night Mudekdudeku, coccinelle, tentomushi, Mariquita, and Micazzoyolin show up. they all go to see fu in the morning with antics of the past heroes trying to hide from people when they’re forced to follow the miraculous. while they talk to fu, the heroes give the best theory of the cure not affected the ladybugs except to heal, it doesn’t banish them, as the reason they’re there. it’ll require actual focus from marinette to send them back.
the go to school and Jeanne shows up on the way. the heroes DO NOT LIKE how everyone is treated marinette cause of ladybug, queue plotting time. Hippolyta shows up part way through and votes death, they have to hold her back.
the next day khepri has appeared and they’re trying to figure out how to deal with them and how to send them back. in the process they teach tricks and magic and stuff and how to change the outfit. when they’re sending them back, piao is starting to fade, the first ladybug appears. tikki is basically crying but is so happy. The heroes fade in the order they appeared but the first ladybug collects their kwagamata and fuses them with marinettes and says its an ancor. she’s the last to fade and tells marinette how proud she is and tells tikki goodbye, she never got to before she died becasue hse died in the suit so she kisses tikki’s head and wishes them well.
and that’s what we came up with in a sudden session of ranting.
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operation-hbd · 5 years
@ozmav @frostymoon11 @anonymouse-thoughts
Color Coding
Edit the post directly but use diff colors for your additions.
Oz (pick a color)
Trilogy Names
But we need name ideas for this story we're doing.
-heroes are never forgotten
-memories of the past
-for the first bit Memories Manifested
-for the second bit Of Heroes Past
-rise on the wings of a butterfly
-rise again
-✓though the rise thing feels hawkmothy
-that was the idea, hawkmoth is the reason they appeared again, it was sorta mocking sorta sweet cause nooroo is bringing back those lost, guiding them here
-step forward, through the veil
- modify to just Through the Veil
-Always With You
- ✓ ✓ ✓ cute!!!
-Blast from the Past
-Thanks for the Memories
-Past Lives
-Forget Me Not
Writing Style
(for consistency)
First Person Limited
Third Person Limited
- ✓ ✓ ✓ internal monologues in italics
Third Person Omniscient
- ✓ get it all in there
Random Notes
-Chronology of LBs
Bo rua
- appear backwards w Paio first and First ™ last
- First ™ does not talk and only barely appears
-suggestions for regular names for the first
-mei- red stone ✓
-lifen- clever, fragrant like flowers
-Hong- red, good luck
-huiqing- liberal good luck ✓
-jiaying- good and clever
-Zhu- vermillion, red
-Yuan- original ✓ ✓ ✓
- Kwagamatas fused to all for future meetings
- Paio and First ™ are Mari’s ancestors ✓
0 notes
operation-hbd · 5 years
I like it. I like it a lot. So do I do part 2 or 3?
Thought 1
Part 1 - so, we start with the akuma, akuma is decided by @anonymouse-thoughts so they've got that handled. At the end shes in her room and says something to tikki or something and tikki just stared behind her and tada, there's the first spirit, the others appear as well. (The blast the akuma sends hits Marinettes had cause she almost dodges)
Part 2 - opens to Marinette heading to fu's and the spirits trying to hide from the people. They talk and Fu gives his best guess, the spirits roll their eyes and tell him what they think, tikki agrees with them. Marinette rushes to school, the spirits hiding... Until Lila does something then Joan is ready to throw down and the others have to hold her back. They make suggestions to take Lila down, they get mad at Adrien for telling her to stand down, says he's stupid. They make a plot, Lila gets beat a bit. They decide to teach marientte about the Miraculous
Part 3 - the spirits are teaching her, they need to figure out how to close the path but right now they want to teach, they teach all kinds of tricks and magic bits, how to get wings, how to make shields, how to use some powers without transforming, how to change your outfit. They give her the basics of how tracking Miraculous works. How to make potions, ancient secrets, ect. In the end they begin to fade back, they're spirits and can't stay for huge amounts of time, it starts with the most recent hero and slowly goes back. The first hero is the last one there, Marinette is encouraged to be herself and not let anyone hold her down and the first hero leaves her with a present that remains because of her power.
@ozmav thoughts?
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operation-hbd · 5 years
Thought 1
Part 1 - so, we start with the akuma, akuma is decided by @anonymouse-thoughts so they've got that handled. At the end shes in her room and says something to tikki or something and tikki just stared behind her and tada, there's the first spirit, the others appear as well. (The blast the akuma sends hits Marinettes had cause she almost dodges)
Part 2 - opens to Marinette heading to fu's and the spirits trying to hide from the people. They talk and Fu gives his best guess, the spirits roll their eyes and tell him what they think, tikki agrees with them. Marinette rushes to school, the spirits hiding... Until Lila does something then Joan is ready to throw down and the others have to hold her back. They make suggestions to take Lila down, they get mad at Adrien for telling her to stand down, says he's stupid. They make a plot, Lila gets beat a bit. They decide to teach marientte about the Miraculous
Part 3 - the spirits are teaching her, they need to figure out how to close the path but right now they want to teach, they teach all kinds of tricks and magic bits, how to get wings, how to make shields, how to use some powers without transforming, how to change your outfit. They give her the basics of how tracking Miraculous works. How to make potions, ancient secrets, ect. In the end they begin to fade back, they're spirits and can't stay for huge amounts of time, it starts with the most recent hero and slowly goes back. The first hero is the last one there, Marinette is encouraged to be herself and not let anyone hold her down and the first hero leaves her with a present that remains because of her power.
@ozmav thoughts?
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operation-hbd · 5 years
Frosty’s got the basis of the plot down, Oz & Nony here for help with building details and the occasional storyline modification
Lulu’s Original Request shown in previous post. Frosty seems to have a good plot bunny hopping around into a cohesive story. Oz and Nony are here for suggestions, occasional modifications, and worldbuilding details during Outline Phase. For each drabble of the ficlet there’ll be one main writer and the other two will beta to try to keep *semi-consistent* styles. The story will be broken into three ( 3 ) chunks. These can be semi-standalone in that:
 Pt1 can be read solo and make sense alone as it’s the introduction that puts everything into context, from the initial akuma to the appearance of past LBs, but it has a cliffhanger bc basically nothing gets resolved.
Pt2 can have the background pieced together from context clues and will develop more of the previously introduced conflict or expand on the effects of said conflicts but lacks a definite ending sooo cliffhanger again.
Pt3 needs a bit of unquestioned acceptance if read without context bc of the presence of past LBs while there’s no details of the origins or set up from before... but it wraps everything up nicely and ties it with a bow.
Part Assignments:
Part X - Writer
Part 1 - ???
Part 2 - ???
Part 3 - ???
Overall Plot, Story Outline, & Event Chronology: 
(*broken into the different Parts later)
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operation-hbd · 5 years
Past Ladybugs
A List w details (Pictures in Same Order)
Jeanne d’Arc
The Martyr
Robert de Baudricourt granted Joan an escort to visit Chinon after news from Orleans confirmed her assertion of the defeat. She made the journey through hostile Burgundian territory disguised as a male soldier, a fact which would later lead to charges of "cross-dressing" against her, although her escort viewed it as a normal precaution. Two of the members of her escort said they and the people of Vaucouleurs provided her with this clothing, and had suggested it to her.
After years of one humiliating defeat after another, both the military and civil leadership of France were demoralized and discredited. When the Dauphin Charles granted Joan's urgent request to be equipped for war and placed at the head of his army, his decision must have been based in large part on the knowledge that every orthodox, every rational option had been tried and had failed. Only a regime in the final straits of desperation would pay any heed to an illiterate farm girl who claimed that the voice of God was instructing her to take charge of her country's army and lead it to victory.
However, his decision to exclude her did not prevent her presence at most councils and battles.The extent of her actual military participation and leadership is a subject of debate among historians. On the one hand, Joan stated that she carried her banner in battle and had never killed anyone, preferring her banner "forty times" better than a sword; and the army was always directly commanded by a nobleman, such as the Duke of Alençon for example. On the other hand, many of these same noblemen stated that Joan had a profound effect on their decisions since they often accepted the advice she gave them, believing her advice was divinely inspired.
Ancient French Ladybug
The Warrior
circa 1325-1521
Ancient Aztec Ladybug* (only male so far)
The Voice of Nature
earliest is like 1500? the himba people are still around
Ancient OmuHimba Ladybug
La Mariquita
The Stength????
circa 1533-1821
Ancient Mexican (Meztiza) Ladybug
La Coccinelle
The Vigilante
circa 1600-1800
Ancient French (Musketeer) Ladybug
Oracle of Khepri
The Goddess
c. early 1300 BC because fought King Tut
Ancient Egyptian Ladybug
Bọ rùa
The Gentle Heart
Described as "nice and a bit shy."
The hat showed up in the 1200s and rose in fashion c1960-1980
Ancient Vietnamese Ladybug
Piáo Chóng
The Justice????
tbh her outfit looks 1930s
Ancient Chinese Ladybug
The Assassin
1400-1600s for proper ninja, earlier for predecessors 
Ancient Japanese Ladybug
The Queen
somewhere from 420 BC to 20 AD
Ancient Greek (Amazonian) Ladybug
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operation-hbd · 5 years
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Welcome to operation:
~~~ Make Lulu a ~~~
Happy Birthday Thing ™
( Prompt shown in images above. )
A fun, no-deadline collaboration to show Lulu some love ^~^
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