operationbootstrap · 3 months
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Cigars are used in ceremonies as a way to communicate with the Orishas, or deities.
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operationbootstrap · 5 months
LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!! also, they look so content in these pictures 😊 so happy
i know this isn't the point of the exercise, but it's hard to ignore they look so much more beautiful glowing from the inside
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operationbootstrap · 6 months
Women have so internalized the male gaze that they have now become their own worst critics. When they go shopping for clothes or look in a mirror, they dissect themselves piece by piece. Whatever the problem, and there is always a problem—the breasts are too small, the thighs not toned enough, the butt too flat or too round, the stomach too large—the result is a deep sense of self-disgust and loathing. The body becomes our enemy, threatening to erupt into fatness at any time, so we need to be hypervigilant. What we end up with is what Gill calls a “self-policing narcissistic gaze,” a gaze that is so internalized that we no longer need external further forces to control the way we think or act.
—Gail Dines, Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality
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operationbootstrap · 6 months
An unadorned face became the honorable new look of feminism in the early 1970s, and no one was happier with the freedom not to wear makeup than I, yet it could hardly escape my attention that more women supported the Equal Rights Amendment and legal abortion than could walk out of the house without their eye shadow. Did I think of them as somewhat pitiable? Yes I did. Did they bitterly resent the righteous pressure put on them to look, in their terms, less attractive? Yes they did. A more complete breakdown and confusion of aims, goals and values could not have occurred, and of all the movement rifts I have witnessed, this one remains for me the most poignant and the most difficult to resolve.
If women's faces are supposed to benefit from cosmetics, the underside of the equation is that the wearer of makeup dislikes her face without it, believing she is wan, colorless, uninteresting, flat, an insignificant blob of blemished skin with eyes that are too small, a nose that is too broad, cheekbones that are nonexistent and a mouth that fails of its own accord to whisper of sexual desire. This is the central contradiction of makeup, and the one I find most appalling. Cosmetics have been seen historically as proof of feminine vanity, yet they are proof, if anything, of feminine insecurity, an abiding belief that the face underneath is insufficient unto itself.
As it happens, some women look good in makeup—in societal terms I will even say that they look better in makeup; I'll grant them that, for who among us has not been trained to discern beauty in women in terms of professional, expensive glamour—the actress, the model, the President's wife? When my cosmetically adept friends complete their conjurer's art of creating their faces, I marvel at the finished picture, the makeover, the transformation: an even, glowing skin, a widened eye, a richly defined and luscious mouth. In short, a face that has responded to the age-old injunction of man to woman: Smile. A made-up woman does not need to be inwardly happy to give the impression of ecstatic pleasure, nor does she require expressive, mobile features to project the illusion of vibrant, animated life.
-Susan Brownmiller, Femininity
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operationbootstrap · 7 months
Sure, AI can churn out random or even creative (!) scenes from an amalgam of prompts, and some will happily indulge in the results, but other people will still revel in the enjoyment and enlightenment found in the act of doing. Artists will still be artists. We have never really been paid well (if at all), but that still won’t stop me. AI still can’t be me, the same way my fellow humans can’t be me. It will take me more time than AI to actually make what I want to communicate, too, but I will enjoy the process because I am human. I will share with those around me so that they know it came from me. Maybe the globalized grid wasn’t such a good idea, or maybe the capitalist ruling class wasn’t such a good idea. Either way, we persist. I really want to try to brainstorm how to continue rather than nosedive into defeatist thoughts of doom. Posting on the internet will continue to feed AI ideas it can try to regurgitate though I do not and will not willingly agree to share, so this is me logging off for now. On to passing around zines and tapes! Peace and love.
We're fucked. It's over.
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
“Getting a Pap test can be an uncomfortable experience. For people who have undergone sexual trauma or experienced discrimination in a doctor's office, putting their feet into stirrups for a pelvic exam is likely even worse. Some relief could be coming as Canada moves away from Pap smears for cervical cancer screening in favour of testing for the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes the vast majority of cervical cancers. The HPV test has been shown to be safe and effective — plus, people can do the swab test at home. It's a small but mighty change that experts say will help Canada meet its goal to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040.” "Screening with Pap testing misses almost half of existing abnormalities on the cervix," Alexander told Dr. Brian Goldman, host of CBC's The Dose.” “The swab being used in B.C. looks like a long Q-Tip, said Ogilvie. You insert it into your vagina and turn it for 15 to 20 seconds to get a good sample.  "It's not aiming anywhere in particular. It's not like you have to touch the cervix or anything. It just has to get a good vaginal sample," said Ogilvie.”
This is amazing news about some fantastic strides being made in women’s medicine!
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
See but fuck this. This right here is the perfect example of why I do hate the concept of the Christian/Abrahamic God (as a male) bc if anything Woman would be the Creator and holder of the chestnut. Woman simply is the Creator (real, look into it) and that is her egg.
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Revelations of Divine Love (1670) - Julian of Norwich / The Book of Salt (2003) - Monique Truong
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
Nah let me answer my own fucking question and declare nothing to be fucking sacred on the internet. I cherish connecting w ppl thru it but having a massive case of competing interests rn
Wondering if instagram might be safe from crawlers if I put my account on private? Anyone know?
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
Socialized femininity bothers me sm. Not to say it again n again or anything but I need to let it out like this is huge ok it’s every time I look in a fucking mirror or talk to anyone alr? I don’t want to be a man just bc I don’t want to play dress up. It’s to the point where purchasing femininity is conflated w biology and honestly it’s so hard for me to just be myself. In terms of being heterosexual too I always question where everything within me is coming from. Am I just rebelling out of anger? Do I just want to fit in? Is it neither of those fucking things? Like can it just be genuinely about me for a second? Thankfully I’ve made peace w knowing fs and fully opting out of 90% of the pomp and circumstance and I’m just down to like I think accepting I do just honestly hate having long hair even if I’m not used to seeing female faces without it and get dysphoria bc of that and the fact ppl tend to misgender or make assumptions ab or become intimidated by me. Either fucking way I’m a woman. This is a woman’s face. Can’t believe this all gets to this point. I love being a woman .. for what that’s worth. I hate how men (mainly obv but also women at times) treat women but that will never stop me from being ok w being a woman bc I’m not the fucking problem. It lit comes down to biology anyway and why tf would I even have an opinion on that? I just spawned like this and that’s kind of where it ends for me. I mean women biologically are powerful n cool af (thx menstruation cycling w the moon and also thx Rosalind miles) and have had to be very strong for so long and aren’t as sick in the gd head so that’s awesome but like yeah that’s about it. See ya
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
Wondering if instagram might be safe from crawlers if I put my account on private? Anyone know?
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
Transitioning to getting offline but just want to say before I go that I’m not surprised Playboi Carti hits his pregnant girlfriends and no one (no man) cares
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
“Muscular but austere spinsterhood”
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
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by starparkdesigns
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
Guys, if you read on AO3 please try to create an account. So many of us writers are going to be forced to lock down our fics to registered users out of necessity to help keep AI away, and it kills us because we don’t want to stop any of you from reading.
AO3 is invite only. So if you know an AO3 user, ask if they have an invitation to give you (we’re given invite codes to share with others who want to join) because that’s an easy way to get in. If you don’t know someone you can ask, this is AO3’s instructions for requesting one from them…
I know this seems like an extra step and maybe you don’t think you need it and can just read from people who haven’t locked their fics. But this isn’t just about you as the reader. If you enjoy fics and you want to keep them coming, this is how you support your favorite writers! If our stats and comments plummet, I guarantee writing is going to start going down as well. Nobody wants that! So please consider making an account and signal boosting this as well! 🙏🏻
**NOTE: AO3 indicates (as of today) there’s 48k some people in the queue for invites and they’re sending out about 5k per day. That’s not a bad wait at all!!**
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
Why do I feel like the only damn person in my daily life who is against AI. And people treat ME like I’m crazy for it. Is everyone truly this brain dead? This all literally feels a nightmare where there’s a tornado out the window and no one will look or believe you
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous 😥😥😥🥵🥵🥵🥵🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶💕💕💕💕💕🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🌬️🌬️🌬️🌬️🌬️🌬️🌬️✨✨ FUCK
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operationbootstrap · 8 months
Things get way too real on niche livestreams. Like I’ve spent my time there ….. and so have they (the streamer) ….. and all the many others watching. And if ur chronic w it ….. bro I’ve seen it. People have fucking seen you. Your life
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